Mission *

Father Michael Goetz Secondary School
Learning Plan
Mission *
In our Mission, we reflect our values and beliefs, our commitments, and express our role. As members of the Goetz community, we:
Commit ourselves to the ideals of Jesus by promoting in our students respect for all members of the school community, self-worth as persons created
in the image of God, respect for learning toward the betterment of the world, moral values and conduct based on the Gospel.
Strive to nurture each student's spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional and social growth, with the goal of students becoming responsible adults.
Value the contribution of our students, parents, staff and the community at large, and encourage all to live by our school motto:
"Take a risk, Get involved, Be committed".
"Take a Risk, Get Involved, Be Committed”(Ed King).
Catholic Focus
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Father Michael Goetz Secondary School
Learning Plan
Our Catholic Secondary School exists by the virtue of its subscription to the Catholic faith and an active participation in its beliefs. In a Catholic school, all
students and staff are obligated to share actively in this basic belief. It is the intent of Fr. Michael Goetz Secondary School to provide a community where
Catholic values are promoted in theory and in practice.
The environment of the school will be one in which students and staff experience the benefits of living in a genuine Christian community wherein love, faith
and equality are practised. The basic philosophy is reinforced at a practical level through the application and administration of the Catholic School Graduate
Expectations and our Catholic Code of Conduct.
It recognizes and encourages the parents/guardians as the principal role models for the student and as a consequence the provider of discipline. The school
will complement the parents/guardians in their role by providing all possible assistance through dialogue and discussion to ensure that together, both the
parents/guardians and the school personnel will lead each student to acquire the values congruent with the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Our code of behaviour is a reflection of the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board Code of Conduct and the expectations of our school community.
Founded on the principle of self worth, it focuses on the values of self discipline and respect. The Code is a vehicle for creating a safe learning environment
where courtesy and kindness prevail, and where there is respect for the difference in other people, customs and cultures. The following 'Guidelines to
Success' provide students with a focus for their energies in the context of our school motto.
Being present to students is a responsibility taken on by all staff members of Fr. Michael Goetz. We each have students with whom we naturally develop a
relationship and we consider it our duty as Christians to make sure that students can turn to us when they feel they cannot go to their friends or family.
Being present to students and staff members in times of need, spiritual or personal crisis is the responsibility of the Chaplaincy Leader. The Chaplaincy
Leader also plays a vital role in on-going spiritual direction to students and staff. All staff members are also encouraged to minister to their colleagues in
companionship and presence.
As a community we come together in prayer in many different ways throughout our school year; daily Morning Prayer at 8:00 a.m. in the Chapel, at the
beginning of the school day during morning exercises, at the beginning of each class, at meetings and in co-curricular activities.
Every Grade 9 homeroom during the first Semester will gather in the School Chapel to be made aware of the prayer space, the presence of the Blessed
Sacrament and to gather for a liturgy. As one community of faith we celebrate the Eucharist together at our School Parish, Cristo Rei.
Fr. Carlos Macatangga, Pastor at Cristo Rei Parish will also be available at the Parish throughout the school year for students and staff wishing to approach
the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Each extra-curricular group, club and school athletic team begins their year with a liturgy of the word celebration in the school Chapel to allow each group to
reflect on the importance that prayer plays in every event and activity that takes place at our school. All that we do is for the glory of God. These liturgies are
led by the Chaplaincy Leader.
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Father Michael Goetz Secondary School
Learning Plan
Core Principles
Five core principles and their corresponding goals were identified for the board’s 2013-2016 strategic plan and they are as follows:
o Model gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centred programs and services;
o Celebrate and nourish the distinctive Catholic nature of our school communities.
o Ensuring the safety and inclusivity of all students in the school
Learning Environment
o Support the needs of all learners;
o Support and provide opportunities for life-long learning;
o Commit to continuous improvement in student achievement and well-being for all learners
o Promote collaborative learning in all areas of student learning
o Using high yield assessment techniques in promoting "Learning for All"
2014-2015 EQAO scores (Grade 9 Mathematics)
Gr9 Applied
Math 61% of students in grade 9 applied mathematics were successful.
Gr9 Academic Math 88% of students in grade 9 academic math were successful.
OSSLT Spring 2015
FTE 83% of first time eligible students were successful.
PES 59% of previously eligible students were successfu.
Community Engagement
o Ensure that Catholic School Councils reflect the diverse Catholic community;
o Support and advocate that Catholic School Councils receive resources required to fulfill their role;
o Build and sustain community partnerships and collaborative (e.g., collaborative relationships, Success By 6 Peel);
o Continue to enhance and use technology to communicate and connect with our partners in support of student needs.
o Affirm that the local parish is an essential part of the Catholic school community;
o Promote active participation of home and parish as a fundamental component of student success.
o Celebrating whole school masses at the Parish
o Mass in the school Chapel once a month for homeroom classes
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Father Michael Goetz Secondary School
Learning Plan
Physical Environment
o Model and promote good stewardship of resources;
o Be financially responsible;
o Respond to the emerging needs and trends within our diverse community.
o Gold Certification for Eco Schools
o Recycling of batteries and toner cartridges
o Partnership with the City of Mississauga, Million Trees Campaign
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Father Michael Goetz Secondary School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.1 An increase in the proportion of students who have demonstrated improvement on the learning skill and work habit of initiative
Action Plans
CCCC-High Yield Strategies
Guided Reading
Numeracy-3 Part Lesson Planning
1.2 A decrease in the proportion of students reporting that they have felt not accepted at school, as demonstrated by the CCCC School Climate Survey results
Action Plans
Bullying Prevention
CCCC-Action Team
CCCC-Leadership and Citizenship Skills
CCCC-Positive School-Community Engagement
CCCC-Social Justice Projects
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.1 An increase in the proportion of students who have demonstrated improvement on the learning skill and work habit of collaboration
Action Plans
Increase inquiry based student led activities in the classroom
2.2 An increase in the proportion of educators who intend to apply knowledge gained through professional learning opportunities as demonstrated by the
Catholic Board Learning Plan professional learning feedback
Action Plans
CCCC-High Yield Strategies
School wide focus on the Collaborative Inquiry Model for Educators
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Father Michael Goetz Secondary School
Learning Plan
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3 The implementation of the Individual Planning (IPP) transitional planning tool at Father Michael Goetz
Action Plans
Implementation of the Individual Pathway Planning Tool (IPP)
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4 An increase in the proportion of educators who increase their understanding of assessment for and as learning, as a result of professional learning
opportunities as demonstrated by the Catholic Board Learning Plan professional feedback
Action Plans
CCCC-High Yield Strategies
School wide focus on the implementation of Learning Goals and Success Criteria
Responding through Effective Instruction
5 An increase in the proportion of students achieving a Level 3 or 4 on the EQAO assessments and/or successfully completing the OSSLT
Action Plans
Increase inquiry based student led activities in the classroom
Literacy Initiatives will be implemented to support all students
Numeracy-3 Part Lesson Planning
School wide focus on the Collaborative Inquiry Model for Educators
School wide focus on the implementation of Learning Goals and Success Criteria
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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