ST. JOHN BOSCO SCHOOL 1025 North Park Drive Brampton, Ontario Phone (905) 792-0890 Newsletter #5 A PRAYER FOR THE NEW YEAR O Lord, as the years change, may we find rest in your eternal changelessness. Help us to meet this new year bravely, in the faith that, while life changes all around us, you are always the same, guiding us with your wisdom and protecting us with your love, through our Savior Jesus Christ.” (prayer by William Temple, 1881-1944) HAPPY NEW YEAR! Happy New Year and welcome back to school! We hope that you have enjoyed a very restful and peaceful Christmas break with family and friends. As we enter into the next part of this school year, we look forward to our continued partnership with you in the spiritual, academic and social development of your children. On behalf of our staff, we wish to thank you for your ongoing support with the various activities here at St. John Bosco School . Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2016! FAX (905) 792-1299 January 2016 Principal C. Young Secretary M. Barbe ~ Superintendent D. Oude-Reimerink (905) 890-1221 Trustee S. Zaxiour Parish Priest Fr. Robert Mignella (905) 792-7497 Visit our School Website: Twitter God has given us the ability to choose. We are able to control how we react to what happens around us. Through prayer and concentration, we can get better at controlling our reactions. We can get better at showing self-control. Self-control helps us to resist the temptation to do something that we will regret. P.A. DAY MONDAY, JANUARY 18TH This day is dedicated to evaluation of pupil progress and report card preparation. There will be no classes for students on this day. ogs Newsletter #5 Page 2 REPORTING - INTERVIEWS The Student-Parent-Teacher Interview is designed to complement the Ontario Report Card by enabling parents to communicate with teachers, to offer useful information, and to ask relevant questions about their child’s progress in order to support their child’s learning. A formal written report will be sent home on Tuesday, February 2, 2016. Interviews will be held during the evening on Thursday, February 4th and during the day of Friday, February 5th, or at other times by mutual agreement. You will receive a form in the near future that will allow you to indicate your preference for interview day and time. REMINDER: PD DAY—FEBRUARY 5th, 2016 Friday, February 5th is a P.A. Day designated for interviews. There is no school for students on this day. Volunteering on School Trips/School Events The D.P.C.D.S.B. policy is that volunteers working in the school and supervising any school trips MUST have a valid Criminal Background Check. The original must be brought to the main office for verification and photocopying by office staff. A copy will be kept on file at the school and the original returned to you. Application forms for Criminal Background Checks can be obtained through the school office. Volunteers must complete the application and take to the police station for processing. January 2016 STAYING IN FOR RECESS In the colder weather we receive numerous requests to allow children to remain indoors when students have a cold, flu, etc. We cannot comply, as we neither have the facilities nor the staff to supervise these students. Moreover, Health Officials indicate that fresh air is good for children ... not harmful, as long as students are dressed appropriately. On extremely cold days, particularly when the wind chill factor lowers temperatures considerably, we will limit the amount of time students spend outdoors, or hold recess indoors. With the exception of these occasions, we expect all children will go outdoors for recess and during their lunch break. Full Day Kindergarten Registration Registration for Full-Day Kindergarten for the 2016-17 school year, will take place at St. John Bosco on the following days: January 25, 2016 7p.m.- 9 p.m.* January 26, 2016 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. January 27, 2016 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. January 28, 2016 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. *Snow Date: January 26 (7pm—9pm) Sun 3 Mon 4 Tue 5 Wed 6 Thu 7 Fri Sat 1 2 8 9 Pizza Day Return to School 10 11 12 13 14 Extend- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 P.D. Day—No School School Council Meeting 6:30PM Pizza Day 25HPV/HEP 26 27 28 29 30 Kindergarten Registration Kindergarten Registration Kindergarten Registration Kindergarten Registration 9:00am— 3:00pm 9:00am— 3:00pm 9:00am— 3:00pm 9:00am— 3:00pm 24 B Vaccinations Kindergarten Registration 7:00-9:00 pm ed French Meeting— Brebeauf at 7:00pm Upcoming Events January 4 Return to School January 25 Hep B/HPV Vaccinations January 18 PA Day (no school) January 14 Extended French Meeting January 25 Kindergarten Registration February 2 Reports sent home February 4 Interview Evening February 5 P.D. Day—Interview Day (no school for students) February 10 Ash Wednesday February 11 Grad Photos February 15 Family Day The Virtue for January is Self-Control Newsletter #5 Page 6 When Buses are Cancelled KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS When buses are cancelled and your child is a bus student, there is no need to call the school to report the absence. If your child is not a bus student and will not be attending school on a “no bus day”, please call the school office to report your child’s absence. On Thursday, January 12, the Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School Board’s Special Education and Support Services Department will host a Kindergarten entry planning information session. This meeting is for parents and guardians of children with differing abilities which affect their learning, such as vision, hearing, speech, autism, physical/medical and/or developmental delays in the cognitive and/or motor areas, who are entering Kindergarten in September 2016. The meeting will be held at the Catholic Education Centre from 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. For more information about this session, call 905‐890‐0708 ext. 24011. ELECTRONIC SCHOOL COMMUNICATIONS—Canada Back in September there was a form sent home, “Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation Consent Form” (CASL), which provided the school with your e-mail address and permission to send communications to you electronically. If you completed the CASL form you should be receiving school communications electronically. If you did not complete this form, you will continue to receive hard copies. If you are continuing to receive hard copies and would like to change to electronic communications, please call the school for a form to be sent home. You may withdraw your consent at any time by notifying the school Principal, or by unsubscribing to any further commercial electronic messages you receive from the board/school. If your e-mail address has changed, please inform the school so you continue to receive communications. Newsletter #5 Page 3 Extended French Grade 4 parents/guardians who wish to en- WHAT: Parent Evening to Support the Transition of Students with Differing Abilities into Kindergarten WHEN: Thursday, January 12, 2016 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. . roll their child in a Grade 5 Extended French class for September, 2016 are invited to attend an information meeting at St. Jean Brébeuf located at 63 Glenforest Road, Brampton, on Thursday, January 14, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. 40 Matheson Boulevard West, Mississauga (Hurontario & Matheson) For more information, parents/guardians should contact their local Catholic school, visit the board website at, or call the Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School Board at 905‐890‐1221. On behalf of St. John Bosco Staff and the families we were able to share our many Safety and Security in the School The safety and security of all children in our care is one of our prime concerns. In order to ensure safety and security, we are asking all visitors to the school, including parents, to report to the office through the front door when you arrive. No parents should be accessing the school through any other doors. blessings with this Christmas, we would like to thank our St. John Bosco Community for once again doing an amazing job at spreading joy and hope to others. Our St. John Bosco Community was able to collect many donations and raised over $1000.00 toward helping those in our community in need. All the generous donations to help **Snow Date: January 13, 2016 WHERE: Catholic Education Centre THANK YOU! Late Arrival support our Helping Hands and Share Life this year allowed us to provide families We are concerned about students who are consistently late for school. All students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8 should be at school on time. This prevents interruption of classes and loss of learning time for students. Please encourage and assist your children to recognize the responsibility of punctuality, which all students need to develop. with gifts and food for Christmas and others throughout the year. Also, thank you to all the St. John Bosco Staff and students who generously volunteered their time and contributed items to make this a Merry Christmas for the families. Thank you for your continued support and generosity. Page 4 Newsletter #5 Page 5 Newsletter #5 Bus Cancellations WINTER SAFETY REMINDERS PLAYING SAFELY In order to ensure the safety of all students, St. John Bosco has a strict rule of not throwing snowballs or kicking snow at others. These activities therefore are not permitted in the schoolyard. Every student has been made aware of the importance of this rule. CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL Meeting—January 21st at 7:00PM Our St. John Bosco Catholic School Council will be meeting on Wednesday, January 21st at 6:30 PM. All parents/guardians are welcome to attend. Please be advised that during the winter months inclement weather may cause disruption of bus transportation and regular school operations. A decision to cancel school transportation and/or to close schools is usually made by 6:00 a.m. and will be announced on the radio and television stations identified below. CBC 99.1 CFNY FM 102.1/AM 640 CHIN FM 100.7/AM 1540 CHFI FM 98.1 CHUM AM 1050 CITY PULSE CFRB 1010 CJBC (FR) AM 860 A snowball, which hits another student can result in a serious injury. Students have been informed about this rule and are reminded consistently through our school announcements. In an active schoolyard, sliding and tunnelling in the snow can be fun; however, a child could still get hurt. Therefore, we are asking students to refrain from sliding on ice patches. Please assist us by reviewing with your child the dangers of throwing snowballs and the importance of preventing injury to other children. This will help to make our school yard safe for everyone. CJCL AM 590 CFTR AM 680 CTV EZ ROCK FM 97.3 FM 93.1 FM Q107 Family Day—February 15th FM Z103.5 GLOBAL NEWS VIRGIN RADIO FM 99.9 Family Day is on February 15th, 2016. There will be no school on this day. Enjoy this day with your family and friends. Grade Eight Grade Photos February 5, 2015 Grade Eight Graduation photos will take place on February 11, 2016. “THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD AND THE PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUS-ES ARE CANCELLED.” This means that: ALL Transportation services provided by the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and The Peel District School Board, including buses, vans and taxis have been cancelled for the entire day. “THE SCHOOLS AND OFFICES OF BOTH THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD AND THE PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD ARE CLOSED.” This means that: ALL Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board ad Peel District School Board schools and offices are closed to all students and staff. Information regarding school bus delays and cancellations is also available at If buses are cancelled and parents or guardians bring their children to school, they are also responsible for picking them up at the end of the day.