SCHOOL PARISH INFORMATION GUARDIAN ANGELS PARISH Rev. Fr. Jan Gogolewski Phone: 905-970-9175 Fax: 905-970-1054 E mail: Masses are held at St. Edmund Campion Secondary School, 275 Brisdale Drive, Brampton Masses: Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am, 10:30 am and 12:00 pm STAFF FAITH FORMATION Staff Faith Ambassadors promote Adult Faith Development within our school while planning staff liturgies and reflection during Advent and Lent as well as preparing for Family of Schools Seder Meal and Twilight Retreat Staff focus on faith life of the school at monthly staff meetings Prayer and scripture are embedded into faculty memos, weekly bulletins and meetings COMMUNITY FAITH FORMATION Parish Representative on School Council School Council prepares prayers for meetings School Council members connect financial commitments to faith commitments (ex. organizing celebrations and faith-based gifts for students in Sacramental years) Council members are encouraged to attend faith related workshops and experiences that are offered COMMUNITY OUTREACH ST. BONAVENTURE CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PASTORAL PLAN 2014 -2015 Knight’s Table Heart and Stroke Foundation (Jump Rope for Heart) Daffodils for the Cancer Society Share Life Food Drives/Cram the Cruiser Operation Christmas Child Mitten Tree Knights of Columbus Food Bank United Way Terry Fox Foundation Sick Kid’s Hospital A SCHOOL PRAYER Lord God, protector of our school, I am thankful for this day. Thank you for my life and my friends. Help everyone love and care for each other. Please keep us safe today and help us to do well in school. We thank you for what we do in every unique way. I know that your greatness will always prevail and You won’t let darkness overcome the light. St. Bonaventure STUDENT FAITH FORMATION CATHOLIC CURRICULUM Catholic schools have the unique educational purpose of presenting a Catholic worldview to our students. Catholic teaching is infused throughout the content presented by teachers in each subject area and all students work towards the Catholic Graduate Expectations. The integration of our Catholic faith into all aspects of our curriculum demonstrates the oneness of ourselves, our world and God’s vision for us. FAITH ACTIVITIES Safe School Ambassador activities Student retreats Social justice activities Environmental activities Informal living and teaching of our faith occurs throughout the day in our treatment and respect of others Classrooms participate in prayer at the beginning of the day, at lunch and dismissal Visual reminders of our faith in the foyer Classrooms have a prayer table/corner for individual prayer opportunities/focus for class celebrations Daily Religious/Family Life education Divisions are responsible to plan and organize Liturgies and Masses Virtues formation Safe Schools Committee Divisions organize Lent and Advent activities Morning prayers and reflection over the P.A. system SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION AND CELEBRATIONS SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION INFORMATION MEETING DATES FOR PARENTS/GUARDIANS: For parents of students making their First Holy Communion: Information meeting November 30 2014 following the 12:00 pm Mass at St. Edmund Campion Secondary School. For parents of students receiving Confirmation: Information meeting December 7 2014 following the 12:00 pm Mass at St. Edmund Campion Secondary School. DATES FOR RECEPTION OF THE SACRAMENTS: First Reconciliation – Thursday April 9th 2015 at 1:00 pm at St. Bonaventure School Confirmation – Saturday May 2nd 2015 at the 5:00 pm Mass at St. Edmund Campion First Holy Communion - Sunday April 12th 2015 at 3:00 pm at Our Lady of Fatima Church on Malta Avenue LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS Thanksgiving Mass -October 8th Remembrance Day Liturgy -November 11th Advent Mass -December 4th Advent Liturgies (2) TBA Confessions -November 28th (School wide) Ash Wednesday Liturgy -February 18th Lenten Mass -March 4th Lenten Liturgies (4) TBA Holy Thursday –April 2nd (Stations Of The Cross) Easter Mass -April 10th Confessions -May 1st(For students being Confirmed) Year End Mass -June 26th