Faith Opportunities Demonstrating Gospel Action
Community Outreach:
Students at St. AndréBessette School will give
witness to Catholic Social teachings by promoting
peace and justice while reaching out to others less
fortunate. Examples may include Food Drives,
supporting the less fortunate (e.g. Knights of
Columbus), Share Life.
Catholic Education Week: May 4 to May 9
Faith Related Activities
 Faith Ambassador gatherings, masses, retreats, Seder
meal & celebrations for staff
 Advent Preparation
 Staff Liturgies/ Reflections
 Classrooms participate in prayer at the beginning of the
day, at lunch and dismissal
 Cross and Faith symbols on display around the school
 Continued implementation of the Virtues program
 Monthly Virtues Celebrations
 Classrooms have a prayer table/corner for individual
prayer opportunities/focus for class celebrations
 Daily religious/family life education, formal instruction
 Informal living and teaching of our faith occurs
throughout our day in out treatment and respect of
 Father visits to celebrate school masses
 Grades 5 to 8 “I Can Make a Difference” campaign
 Grade 8 Confirmation Service Projects
 Staff focus on faith life of the school at monthly staff
 Divisions are responsible to plan Liturgies and Masses students are involved throughout the process
 Fr. Papais classroom visits
 Parish Representative on School Council
 O.A.P.C.E. Representative on School Council
“How Beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good
(Romans 10:15)
Serving in the Love of Christ
Monday: Serve with faithfulness
Tuesday: Serve with humility
Wednesday: Serve with compassion
Thursday: Serve with justice
Friday: Serve with joy
St. André Bessette Catholic
Elementary School
“the gifts we have
we are given to share”
(1 Cor 12: 4-7)
St. Patrick’s Church
11873 The Gore Road,
Brampton, ON L6P 0B2
(905) 794-0486
Fax: 905 794-1659
Father Vitaliano Papais
2013-2014 School Liturgical Celebrations
Opening School Mass
Friday, October 18th, 9:30 am
Advent Mass
Tuesday, December 17th, 9:30 am
St. Andre Bessette Feast Day Para-liturgy
Tuesday, January 7th, 9:30 am
Ash Wednesday Para-liturgy
Wednesday, March 5th, 9:30 am
The staff of St. Andre Bessette Catholic Elementary School strives to provide a safe, caring, inclusive environment which inspires academic excellence, continued personal faith
development and respect for all living things.
Each individual is challenged to use his/her
unique talents to contribute positively to the
school community.
Parents, teachers, Father Papais and students
will work together to promote the Gospel
Values and be living examples of God’s message of love. Through our shared efforts and
commitment, we encourage our children to
develop spiritually, intellectually, morally and
socially in the image of Christ.
Sacramental Preparation and Celebration
Teachers will prepare students for the sacraments both
as part of the religion program as well as specific
sacramental preparation to guide them through their
faith journey.
Parent Information Meetings with Fr. Papais:
First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion
January 30th at 7:00 pm
February 25th at 7:00 pm
At St. Patrick Church
Easter Mass
Wednesday, April 30th, 9:30 am
Confirmation Enrolment Rites
During St. Andre Bessette Feast Day celebration
January 7th at 1:00 pm
At the school
Year End Mass
Monday, June 23rd, 9:30 am
First Reconciliation
March 17th and 18th 7:00 pm
At St. Patrick Church
Graduation Celebration
Wednesday, June 25th, 7:00 pm
Confirmation Retreat – TBA
First Holy Communion Retreat –TBA
Confirmation Practice – TBA
We are...
St. André Bessette Catholic
Elementary School
First Holy Communion
Saturday, April 26th
11:30am & 2:30 pm
May 21st & 22nd, 7:00 pm
We embrace St. André Bessette as our
Patron Saint and 'porter to learning'
through faith. Through his lived example of
prayer, humility, faith and service, 'learning'
in the 21st century will be realized 'for all'
who enter our doors.