Frankenstein The Characteristics of a Tragic Hero A classic tragedy follows a specific format in terms of plot and character. The plot is a series of complicated events that leads to catastrophe (disaster) for the hero, where a reversal of fate occurs. The hero in a classic tragedy is called a tragic hero; throughout the novel he goes through specific stages. Using the chart below, trace Frankenstein’s journey as a tragic hero using evidence (quotations and examples) from the novel to support each stage he goes through. Also, consider the creature’s role in his journey. Characteristic A tragic hero is an exceptional, honourable person. He is of noble stature and birth. A tragic hero is good, but not perfect. His downfall is a result of an act of injustice. A tragic hero possesses a character flaw (tragic flaw) that is the cause of his unjust action, and becomes fatal to him and others. The punishment the hero receives far exceeds what he deserves. The tragic hero suffers and dies, but not before gaining self-knowledge. At the end of the novel, the tragic hero is an example of how not to behave. Evidence from Novel