Pastoral Plan Development PASTORAL PLAN School Name:

Pastoral Plan Development
School Name: John Cabot Catholic Secondary School
September 2015 – June 2016
School Motto or Mission Statement:
“Faith, Hope and Charity”
The mission of John Cabot Catholic Secondary School is to provide a safe, nurturing and motivating
environment for students and staff, and to grow and to develop their potential to the fullest. This
will be achieved through the formation and modeling of Christian values based on the spirituality of
the Gospels, enacted out in the daily life of the school. This will lead to the appropriate social, selfadvocacy and intellectual skills that will develop and sustain a deep sense of self-esteem and study
skills, which promote and sustain life-long learning.
The John Cabot Catholic Secondary School Pastoral Plan is based on these tenets:
1. Jesus is our Lord and Saviour.
2. Jesus is revealed through the Scriptures.
3. Jesus is at the heart of our school community.
4. Jesus is in the sacraments of the Church.
5. Jesus calls us to service.
6. The spiritual dimension of the person is an essential factor in Catholic Education.
7. The partnership of family, church and school is essential to Catholic Education.
Theme for the Year: Catholic Education: Opening Doors of Mercy
The 2015-2016 pastoral theme of John Cabot Catholic Secondary School is rooted in Matthew 5:7
“Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.” Last year’s Attitude of the Beatitude
Conference focused on the beatitude of mercy in preparation for the upcoming year focused on the
Catholic Education Week theme, “Opening Doors of Mercy.” As we prepare to embark on this new
school year, let us also celebrate a year of charity so that through temporal acts of charity, staff and
students will have opportunities to express their love, mercy and compassion towards others. We
will continue to witness to our theological virtues of faith, hope and charity. Two years ago, we
celebrated the year of faith and last year we celebrated the year of hope. May we be a community
of FAITH, always willing to follow the example of Jesus in all that we do. May we be a people of
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HOPE, always trusting in God’s loving presence in our lives. May we be a people of CHARITY, always
willing to give ourselves to better the lives of others. At John Cabot Catholic Secondary School, we
are a community of faith, anchored in hope and charity.
Pastoral Plan for John Cabot Catholic Secondary School Year 2015-2016
This Pastoral Plan is an outline only of plans for the school year. In-depth planning is done from
month to month to meet the ongoing needs of the school faith community, as the Chaplaincy
Leader, Theology Department Head, Chaplaincy Team and School Faith Ambassador collaborate to
plan themes and details for liturgies, pastoral initiatives and Eucharistic celebrations.
In his recent article entitled “Christian Meditation Integrates Faith into Daily Life”, John B. Kostoff
writes, “Catholic educators have a daily responsibility to live out the mandates of our faith and
demonstrate how faith can be integrated into the daily living experience of students” (Catholic
Register, May 2015). At Vatican II, the Church shifted its emphasis from institution to community. Its
Declaration on Education said a “Catholic school is distinguished by an attempt to build community,
permeated by the Gospel spirit of freedom and love” (Vatican II). As a Catholic school, John Cabot
Catholic Secondary School will continue to “educate the whole child, recognize the spiritual
dimension of individuals, support community, be a place of reconciliation and discipline, support
life-long learning and academic achievement, and a center of Gospel living that leads to social justice
and civic engagement” (Catholic Register, May 2014). This concept of faith community must
embrace the parish, the school and the family. By illustrating this partnership to students, teachers
and parishioners, we can find concrete ways this relationship can be enriching for all. The Pastoral
Plan for 2015-2016 is organized using the instrumental partnerships: School-Church; Church-Home;
and Home-School.
Grade 9: This year in Grade 9 we explore the specific focus on identity and self-concept, with
a special prayer focus on Catholic identity and how we are the Body of Christ. God has given
each of us the freedom and responsibility to shape our own relationships. All our relationships
must be rooted in the love of God and our neighbor. Water will be a key symbol throughout the
retreat day, such as the waters of baptism that welcomes one into the Catholic family; the water
of renewal that comes with reconciliation, and how water is used in Scripture as a metaphor for
faith. The Scripture story of Peter attempting to walk towards Jesus on water will be used to
frame the concluding liturgy of the retreat day. “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to
come to you on the water.” (Matthew 14:28) The Grade 9 retreats will be held at St. Patrick’s
Church and hall. The grade nine students will also reflect on their own unique spiritual gifts and
then a collage will be created for the Grade 9 students to their classroom to commemorate the
day. The Grade 9 students will also be given a memento at the conclusion of the class liturgy as a
remembrance of their day of retreat.
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Grade 10: In Grade 10, the theme for the retreat will be rooted in the Grade 10 religion
curriculum. The retreat theme will focus on how we are created in the image and likeness of
God. The retreat will center on how we are called to be witnesses to Christ’s message. This
retreat will explore the “Christ in Culture” unit 5 theme: “Relating to the Other – the Voice of the
Other in Me” in some depth. There will be a variety of interactive activities where the emphasis
will be on building community. Through personal witness testimonies, students will have time to
reflect personally and in small groups on friendship, intimacy, sexuality and love. Small group
dramatizations will be used to further explore these topics so that students can explore how
Gospel values need to guide moral decisions. This retreat will be held on the grounds of St.
Maximilian Kolbe Church. In the afternoon, there will be time to pray the Chaplet of Divine
Mercy at the niche of Our Lady. Students will also be invited to go on a faith walk as they
contemplate the outdoor Stations of the Cross.
Grade 11: In grade 11 the retreats follow the Golden Rule model established by Scarboro
Foreign Missions. Retreat facilitators from Scarboro Foreign Missions share their insights about
various World Religions. This retreat celebrates our society’s religious diversity in an effort to
discover the rich ways in which the same foundational truth of God’s communication is found in
various religions. This retreat also invites students to engage in interfaith dialogue. The Grade
11 retreats will be held at the Queen of the Apostles Retreat Centre. In the afternoon, students
will share their ideas about how their own faith development, and the Catholic experience can
benefit from the multi-faith dialogue to enrich the spiritual movement of ecumenism. Students
will also be engaged in small group community building activities. During the retreat, students
will experience different forms of prayer including guided meditation and a faith walk reflection.
The retreat will conclude with a liturgy of the Word in the chapel at Queen of the Apostles
Renewal Centre.
Grade 12: The Grade 12 retreat theme is centered on finding a voice to witness in
community. This retreat is centered in acts of service. The Chaplaincy Leader will begin the day
with a Liturgy of the Word in the chapel to begin this day of service. The religion teacher and the
Chaplaincy Leader will accompany the students to Good Shepherd Ministries in Toronto. The
Grade 12 students will be engaged in various acts of service at the Good Shepherd Mission and
they will volunteer their time helping out in the soup kitchen, clothing room, and laundry room
during the retreat. The students will also make the sixty-six beds for the ‘out of the cold’
program. The Grade 12 students will have an opportunity for prayer and reflection during a
liturgy at the end of the retreat day in our school chapel. The senior students will reflect on this
experience and how they are called to be the hands of Christ to others. The Grade 12 students
will be given a sacred memento as a remembrance of this day of service.
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Planning for Independence Retreat: The Planning for Independence Retreat will take
place at the St. Bernardette’s Family Resource Centre during the month of May. The retreat day
will begin with a celebration of the Liturgy of the Word in the chapel and it will conclude with a
recessional hymn to be sung at the Peace Garden. The Planning for Independence students and
their Best Buddies will have an opportunity to pray about one of God’s gifts that they are
thankful for in their lives. The theme of the day is “You are the light of the world.” This retreat
will provide students with exceptionalities an opportunity to grow spiritually, socially and
emotionally through dance, song, drama, music and art. The students will visit the St. Jude’s
Academy of the Arts for spiritual reflection, and they will have the time to reflect on the
importance of building a personal relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Salesian Catholic Leadership Retreats: Our school will participate in the Salesian
Catholic Leadership Retreats again this year. Twelve Grade 11 students will participate in the
program, six in the fall and six in the spring. The John Cabot CSS Salesian Retreat weekends will
take place on December 2-4, 2015 and March 2-4, 2016. Having been trained in ways that they
can lead by example in our faith community, these students will take a more active role as peer
leaders in our school. Four students who have experienced the retreat the year before will be
trained as the Young Team so that they can help to facilitate the retreat this year. These
students can also serve as peer leaders on the Grade 9 retreats.
Activities of a Religious Nature
o Each school must identify activities of a religious nature with a substantial
component of ritual and prayer (Eucharistic and Non-Eucharistic)
o Examples could include, but not limited to; school Masses, Sacrament of
Reconciliation, Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Devotions etc.
 Other Pastoral/Outreach Activities
o These activities could include but are limited to: Remembrance Day, Earth Day,
Safe School Assemblies, Thanksgiving, Charity, social justice work, including
Share Life etc.
Activities of a Religious Nature
with a substantial component of ritual
and prayer
Opening Eucharistic Celebration scheduled for
September 24th, 2015
Rosary & Devotion scheduled for October 13,
Pastoral Activities
Thanksgiving Liturgy scheduled for October 9,
Remembrance Day scheduled November 11,
Me To We Assemblies (dates to be determined)
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November 17, December 10, 2015 & February 11,
March 8, April 12, May 5th, 2016.
Sacrament of Reconciliation Scheduled for
December 1, 2015 and March 9, 2016
Advent Eucharistic Celebration scheduled for
December 9, 2015 at St. Maximilian Kolbe Church
Ash Wednesday Liturgy scheduled for February
10, 2016.
Holy Thursday Liturgy scheduled for March 24,
All school Clubs and Teams are encouraged to
spend time in prayer in the chapel before every
event or game.
Our school motto is “Faith, Hope and Charity”.
Implicit in our school’s culture is Padre’s Pot.
Every Friday, we collect spare change through
homeroom classes. The fundraising is directed to
various charities in both the local and global
communities, such as ShareLife, Good Shepherd
Mission, Chalice International, Fatima House,
Covenant House, Sick Kids Hospital, Nepal
Humanitarian Relief, Ebola Prevention Programs,
Live Free, Operation Smile, Birth Right.
Cabot Youth Faith Ambassadors are
representatives from each homeroom class who
serve as the liaison or communication link
between the Chaplaincy Office and the various
grade-level homeroom classes. The Youth Faith
Ambassadors serve to inform their peers about
various upcoming events on the pastoral
Classes offer assistance at Dr. Simone’s
warehouse for Canadian Food for Children. Once
a month, a teacher accompanies a small class to
Canadian Food for Children where students are
involved in sorting and packing clothing and
loading non-perishable food on cargo containers.
Students are also involved in letter writing
campaigns for Dr. Simone’s warehouse. This year
our days of service are: September 25, December
4th, 2015 & January 8th, February 12th, & March
4th 2016.
Rosary & Crowning of Our Lady scheduled for
May 5, 2016.
The “On the Go” Breakfast Club reaches out to
our students each morning to ensure that all our
students are welcomed to school and that they
are well nourished.
Graduation Eucharistic Celebration scheduled for
June 1, 2016 at St. Patrick Church.
The Cabot Cares social justice group meets
weekly to plan fundraising initiatives. Cabot Cares
focuses primarily on the ‘Free the Children: We
Create Change’ initiatives. Cabot Cares will
continue to raise awareness about various social
justice topics.
The Youth Faith Ambassadors take responsibility
Year-End Eucharistic Celebration scheduled for
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June 8th will be celebrated by Fr. John Facey.
for planning community outreach, prayer
services, liturgies and programs including
outreach to local Senior’s residence, Canadian
Development and Peace projects, ThinkFast, food
and shoe drives, Christmas baskets, and many
other social outreach projects.
The ThinkFast will be held on April 15th, 2016.
This is an opportunity for fasting and almsgiving
during Lent. ThinkFast is a way to fundraise for
the Canadian Catholic Organization for
Development and Peace during Share Lent.
During ThinkFast, students participate in
community building activities and they raise
awareness about various social justice issues.
Students make sandwiches and go on an innercity walk and serve others by distributing
sandwiches. We also tour the Scott Mission. A
Eucharistic Celebration is held in our school
chapel in the evening for all students
participating in the fast. All of the proceeds from
this fundraising initiative are forwarded to
Canadian Development and Peace and ShareLife.
For the past two years, John Cabot has
participated in Autism Awareness in April. This is
a student-led awareness project. John Cabot has
been recognized for its fundraising efforts and
has received a certificate of appreciation from
Autism Ontario.
Salesian participants meet to pray, and to
organize events revolving around faith formation
and social justice.
The grade 11 Hospitality classes invite the
residents from Westminster Court Seniors Home
to our school for a dinner a few times during the
year. Students in dance program showcase their
talents to the Senior residents. This type of
hospitality serves to build partnerships within our
community. In the fall, our students earn
community service hours by assisting with the
Christmas Bazaar. Our students also host a singalong and social at the Westminster Court
Seniors Home the week before Christmas.
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SCHOOL-CHURCH: John Cabot CSS - St. Patrick’s Church
The Eucharistic celebrations and Liturgies of the Word held during key times of the liturgical year
provide us with an opportunity to gather as a faith community for Eucharist, praise and worship. During
this year, staff and students are called to celebrate the Eucharist “full of grace and truth” so that the
school faith community can renew their relationship with Christ and his Church. When students and
staff come together for pastoral meetings, the important premise will underscore the planning of all
school liturgies and celebrations such as Graduation.
Each morning, the Chaplaincy Leader will lead the school into prayer and reflection taking into
consideration feast days and the Scripture readings of the day. There will also be a special emphasis on
the virtues celebrated each month: faith, empathy, conscience, hope, self-control, respect, kindness,
love, acceptance, and fairness. The reflections will also be attuned to the various pastoral needs and
intentions of the school. Morning reflections will focus on various liturgical themes such as, the concerns
of youth, God’s infinite love and mercy, the Church’s preferential option for the poor, and the teaching
of Gospel values. An effort is made to note the important holy days of other faith traditions, especially
those represented in our school community. With guidance and spiritual direction from the Chaplaincy
Leader, Cabot Youth Faith Ambassadors and the Students of the Voice of Cabot will also lead the school
faith community into morning prayer and reflection from time to time.
Every class throughout the day is started with reflection and prayer, led by the classroom teacher.
Teachers have been provided with a resource entitled Prayers Before the Bell: Inviting Christ into the
Classroom that can be prayed with the students through the school year and liturgical calendar.
The details of the scheduled religious and pastoral activities listed in the chart above are as follows:
• Our school-wide Eucharistic Celebration is held on September 24th, 2015. The opening school mass
will be liturgically themed “Year of Love and Mercy”. This Eucharistic celebration will be presided by
Father Brian Clough, assistant pastor of St. Patrick’s Parish. Our school-wide Eucharistic celebrations are
planned collaboratively with the presiding priest, Chaplaincy Leader, students, and the Chaplaincy Team.
These Eucharistic celebrations will include music and may include liturgical dance and/or drama.
• Many students from a variety of grade levels are invited as often as possible to serve as leaders in food
and clothing drives, Eucharistic celebrations liturgies, altar servers, lectors, retreat leaders and other
special events.
• Students and staff are invited to personal and communal prayer in the chapel by using the daily mass
readings in Living With Christ.
• All school Clubs and Teams are encouraged to spend time in prayer in the chapel before every event or
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• The Chaplaincy Leader will begin all school Staff Meetings, Heads Meetings and Parent Council
meetings with a prayer. Department Meetings and Committee Meetings also begin with a prayer to start
the agenda.
• During the months of October, students will also be invited to pray the Rosary every Friday in the
chapel during their lunch periods.
• On October 9th, 2015, we will celebrate Thanksgiving by gathering together for a Liturgy of the Word.
The Thanksgiving Food Mountain created by the generous donations from our community is a focal
point of the blessings we come to celebrate.
• During the month of November, a Book of Remembrance will be left in the chapel for students and
staff to place their intentions for the loved ones that have died.
• We will have a school wide prayer service for both All Saints (November 1) and All Souls (November 2)
• On November 11th, the Chaplaincy Team in collaboration with the Canadian and World Studies
Department prayer service will organize a Remembrance Day assembly. Cabot Youth Faith Ambassadors
will proclaim scripture related to the liturgical theme. Students who are involved in the air or army
cadets will be involved in the ceremony.
• Students and staff may receive mercy and grace through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which will
be celebrated in the chapel during Advent and Lent. Two priests will be invited to celebrate this
sacrament with our staff and students. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be held on December 1st,
2015, the week before the Advent Mass. In keeping with this year’s pastoral theme: “Opening the Doors
to Mercy”, our faith community will seek God’s mercy and compassion for our transgressions.
• The liturgical season of Advent is celebrated in collaboration with students, staff, and the Chaplaincy
Leader. Each class will have their own Advent wreath in the sacred space in their classroom. The Advent
wreaths will be distributed the first Monday of Advent. There is a school-wide candle lighting ceremony
every Monday of Advent, as part of our morning prayers and reflections.
• The Advent school mass be celebrated on December 9th, 2015 at Saint Maximilian Kolbe Church. The
celebrant will be Fr. John Facey.
• Ash Wednesday is February 10th, 2016. Students and staff are invited to a liturgy in the cafeteria. In
keeping with the pastoral theme for this year, the school’s faith community will be invited to receive the
sign of faith with mercy and love.
• Our Lenten observance will bring awareness to Lent as a time for spiritual centeredness in preparation
for Easter. Our Lenten activities will include ways in which we can use the three pillars of Prayer, Fasting
and Almsgiving to refocus our interior lives towards “an authentic and renewed conversion to the Lord,
the One Savior of the world” (Porta Fidei 6). Students will participate in a school-wide Lenten sacrifice
and they will also exercise almsgiving in their donations through Padre’s Pot.
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• On March 9th, 2015, the staff and students will be invited to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation
in the chapel. Two priests will be invited to our school to listen to confessions during the season of Lent.
• On March 24, 2016, the Stations of the Cross will be presented in co-operation with the Drama
• On May 5th, 2016, we will have a Crowning Ceremony for Our Lady. Students in grade nine who have
been praying the rosary monthly with the Rosary Apostolate will be invited to this celebration. The
students in the Planning for Independence program will be invited to participate in the Crowning of
Mary. The Planning for Independence students will also be involved in maintaining and creating the
sacred space of our school Peace Garden.
• The March for Life excursion in May raises awareness about the sanctity and sacredness of human life.
This pro-life pastoral initiative is made available to students from grades 9-12. Students also have the
opportunity to visit the final resting place and relics of St. Kateri Tekakwitha just outside of Montreal. On
this excursion, students also tour St. Joseph’s Oratory and we pray together in the sanctuary of St. Andre
Bassett. We also participate in the March for Life in Ottawa.
• On June 1st, 2016, the Graduation Mass for the Class of 2016 will be celebrated at St. Patrick’s Church.
The celebrant will be Fr. John Facey. The Graduation Mass Committee, led by the Chaplaincy Leader, is
comprised of grade 12 students who will work together to plan this special celebration for our
graduates. The grade 12 students will serve at the mass by proclaiming the Word, altar serving or
participating in music ministry.
• On June 8th, we will celebrate our Year-End Mass in our school gymnasium. The liturgical theme of the
mass will focus on the Year of Mercy. Fr. John Facey will be the celebrant at this Eucharistic Celebration.
Catholic Education Week
May 1st- May 6th, 2016 is Catholic Education Week.
Each day will focus on a particular nuance of Catholic Education Week theme, “Opening Doors
of Mercy”. Each day there will be a prayer service over the PA to celebrate the subthemes of
each day of the week. The Catholic Education Week song will also be played.
During Catholic Education Week, students will participate in our Family of Schools celebration
of the Eucharist organized by our student trustees to encourage dialogue and Christian
Monday May 2: Mercy that Welcomes (Jesus and the Woman at the Well : John 4:1-42)
Tuesday May 3: Mercy that Loves (The Good Samaritan :Luke 10:25-37)
Wednesday May 4: Mercy that Forgives (The Prodigal Son : Luke 15: 11-32)
Thursday May 5: Mercy that Lives the Gospel (Zacchaeus : Luke 19:1-10)
Friday May 6: Mercy that Rejoices (Healing of the Paralytic : Luke 5 : 17:26)
We will also be celebrating the Crowning of Mary during Catholic Education Week. This will
take place in the chapel and in the Peace Garden on Thursday May 5th, 2016.
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Catholicity across the curriculum In collaboration with each department head, departmental
activities and/or events that infuse Catholic teaching, faith formation, and Catholic culture into the
curriculum and the classrooms are highlighted. The content within the CGE Faith Planner may be used to
support this portion of the Pastoral Plan.
Canadian World Studies
Modern Languages
Dramatic Arts
English as a Second Language
Visual Arts
Departmental Activities and/or Events
Assist with the supervision for the Salesian Retreats
Promotion of Earth Day
Provide hospitality with the grade 11 students for the graduates
and their families following the Grad Mass
“Me to We” initiatives such as “We Scare Hunger”; “Mini-We
Campaign” and “We are Silent”
The Grade 12 Students write memoirs based on a series of
interviews with seniors from Westminster Court Seniors Home.
A “Thank you Tea” at the Westminster Court Seniors Home is
organized in the spring.
Students in Grade 9 create an anti-bullying campaign in
conjunction with the study of the novel Egghead.
Poetry Slam at the school and board level provides students with
a voice through poetry.
The John Cabot Talent show is held during Catholic Education
Week to showcase the gifts and talents of the students and staff.
Terry Fox Walk for Cancer; Remembrance Day Assembly; Black
History Month; Eco Club; United Nations Club; Student Vote.
The students from our Parenting classes write children’s books
and make connections with students in the primary level at St.
Vincent de Paul Elementary School.
Praying the Hail Mary in different languages as part of morning
prayer and reflection in the month of May
Drama performances at the Thanksgiving Liturgies; Black History
Month Assembly; Remembrance Day Assembly; Eco Assembly;
Holy Thursday Assembly.
Cultural Diversity Club at Cabot runs every Monday during both
lunch periods. The ESL teacher and School Settlement Worker
welcome, share and guide conversations with newcomer
students. The focus of this club is diversity, inclusivity, and
education newcomer students about community resources,
programs and opportunities for youth to be productive citizens
to their new community.
In-depth study of the Annunciation, Nativity, Last Supper,
Lamentation Pieta as well as other stories in Scripture through
various artworks in art history.
Participation in the DPCDSB Images Art Show at the Mississauga
Civic Centre.
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Academic Resource
Annual participation and submission of poster designs to
DPCDSB anti-bullying campaign. Many designs from John Cabot
CSS have been selected in the past and they have been
published and used in schools across our board.
Designing and painting the mural project in conjunction with the
City of Mississauga. This includes the project for the Pan Am and
Para Pan Athletes at the Hershey Centre.
The Yearbook also includes a comprehensive coverage of all
masses, liturgies and pastoral initiatives of John Cabot CSS.
The GLE classes volunteer at Dr. Simone’s warehouse.
The GLE classes have also participated in team building activities
at Silver Creek Conservation Area.
The Planning for Independence students served to plant bulbs in
the chapel as part of an activity related to new life and
resurrection. These students then planted the new plants in the
Peace Garden in preparation for the Crowning of Our Lady in
Departmental Scripture Passages
In collaboration with each department head, the Chaplaincy Leader has selected Scripture passages for
each department in the school. These Scripture passages will be noted at the top of every course outline
for the departments. In future, this Scripture passage will also be a focal point in the hallway outside of
each department area. This pastoral initiative serves to emphasize how God’s Word is at the heart of all
of our teaching and learning at John Cabot Catholic Secondary School.
Canadian World Studies
Academic Resource
English as a Second Language
Scripture Passage
“And now faith, hope and charity abide, these three; and the
greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13
“All things are possible through Christ” Philippians 4:13
“In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.” John 1:1
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for
they will be filled.” Matthew 5:6
“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of
us.” Romans 12:6
“…when we came up out of the water, we entered in the
country of grace – a new life in a new land!” Romans 6:2
“Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp!
Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings
and pipe! Praise him with clanging cymbals; praise him with loud
clashing cymbals!” Psalm 150
“All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak
in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.” Acts 2:4
“God gave knowledge and skill in every aspect of literature and
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Business & Technology
Cooperative Education
Physical Education
wisdom.” Daniel 1:17
“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will
succeed.” Proverbs 16:3
“and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free”
John 8:32
“Yet, O Lord, you are our Father; we are clay, and you re our
potter; we are the work of your hand.” Isaiah 64:8
“How much better to get wisdom than gold! To get
understanding is to be chosen rather than silver.” Proverbs
“So I saw that there is nothing better than that all should enjoy
their work, for that is their lot; who can bring them to see what
will be after them?” Ecclesiastes 3:22
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your
own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make
straight your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6
“Do you not know that in a race the runners all compete, but
only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win
it.” 1 Corinthians 9:24
School Environment reflective of our Catholic Faith
These religious icons, symbols and visible expressions of our Catholic identity are present in the school
The first reflection of faith in our school environment is the regular use of our John Cabot Catholic
Secondary School Prayer:
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Gracious and Holy Father,
Please give me:
Intellect to understand you,
Reason to discern you,
Diligence to seek you,
Wisdom to find you,
A spirit to know you,
A heart to meditate upon you,
Ears to hear you,
Eyes to see you,
A tongue to proclaim you,
A way of life pleasing to you,
Patience to wait for you
And perseverance to look for you.
Grant me a perfect end,
Your holy presence,
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A blessed resurrection
And a life everlasting.
Amen. +
St. Kateri Tekakwitha, Lily of the Mohawks, pray for us.
-St. Benedict of Nursia prayer
We are continuing to work on creating more visible signs of Catholicity around our school. Two years
ago, through the fundraising efforts of Parent Council, two statues were purchased for the chapel,
Our Lady of Grace and St. Joseph and the Child Jesus. A statue of Our Lady was also added in the
library so that it can be seen from the front of the school. A statue of the Risen Lord was added to the
front foyer welcoming all visitors to the school. The two display cabinets at the front of the school
serve to celebrate the virtue of the month and any upcoming pastoral events. A mural of St. Kateri
Tekakwitha was painted in the stairwell of our school to celebrate the canonization of our patroness.
We plan on painting a mural of Our Lady in the second main stairwell of our school. Also in the main
foyer of our school, we mounted a special large plaque with our school name, motto and logo. Next
year, we plan on permanently mounting and framing more Catholic Scriptural passages around each
department area of the school. This year we plaqued and mounted a Witness of Faith Persona on the
wall outside of each school department. Each Department Head had an opportunity to select a figure
that is closely related to their subject area or curriculum, and a role model of Gospel values for that
area of study.
Next year, we also plan on mounting our school prayer and the Catholic Graduate Expectations in
every classroom throughout the school.
In order to create a more uplifting sacred space in the chapel, we have refurbished the Stations of the
Cross, created new altar linens and liturgical banners, ordered a new holy water font, and received a
new Pastoral Candle. This year we also erected a new “Faith, Hope and Charity” sign above the
entrance of the chapel. We will continue to maintain and take care of this beautiful sacred space.
This past year, our school received a new large cross that was blessed at our Advent Eucharistic
celebration. This new large cross is prominent for all of our Eucharistic celebrations, Graduation
Commencement ceremonies, and all other school assemblies. This large cross is displayed
prominently at the front entrance to the school.
This year each classroom will be encouraged to maintain its own sacred space. Each classroom has
been provided with a prayer table. Each class was given a prayer tablecloth with “Faith, hope and
Charity” our school motto embroidered on the cloth. The prayer tablecloth is reversible in green and
purple so that our school community will be more cognizant of the liturgical colours of the liturgical
times of the year. Every prayer table was provided with a Bible. Last year, to symbolize our year of
hope, each classroom prayer table was provided with a crucifix. Next year our wood- working
students may make some stands for the crucifix and a Bible stand for each classroom prayer table.
Next year, each classroom prayer table will be provided with a heart to symbolize the theme of love
and mercy. Staff and students will be encouraged to use this sacred space when leading their daily
prayer and reflections before each class.
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In the front foyer of the school, there are display cabinets that celebrate the pastoral theme for this
school year, the year of mercy and charity. Last year, as we celebrated the year of hope, the symbol of
the anchor was used to demonstrate how we are rooted in hope. Several photos of staff and students
celebrated the hopeful highlights of the school year.
Next year, we will use the symbol of the heart to symbolize the year of charity and mercy. We plan on
celebrating the pastoral theme of our school community by making a collage of photos in the shape of
a heart. The other display in the school depicts the virtue of the month with appropriate Scripture
passages related to each virtue.
In order to create a more welcoming lower level entrance to the school, we will make an effort to add
more Catholic icons and symbols by this entrance of the school.
The Chaplaincy Bulletin board features information on Vocations, parish bulletins and important
youth events in the Archdiocese of Toronto. In the cafeteria, there is another Chaplaincy Bulletin
board featuring upcoming pastoral events and initiatives in the school to encourage involvement of
the students in these initiatives.
Collaborative School Culture
These activities are organized by the School Catholic Community Culture and Caring Action
• Collaboration between the Home and School and the faith life of John Cabot CSS is strengthened
and supported by the parents of our students. There are many pastoral initiatives that are supported
through the generous support of parents.
• In September, there will be an Open House Night to welcome parents and students to our school
community. This is an opportunity for our school staff to showcase our school.
• Cabot Youth Faith Ambassadors, representatives from each homeroom class, will be called upon
from time to time to relay information to homerooms about upcoming school-wide social outreach
initiatives and to help with the preparation of school liturgies.
• Parent Council provides an important link in the Home-School dynamic because through monthly
meetings pastoral initiatives are shared and discussed. The Chaplaincy Leader reviews the events on
the pastoral calendar for each of the monthly meetings.
• The Thanksgiving Food Drive (September 28th- October 9th) culminates in the creation of the
Thanksgiving Food Mountain. The Youth Faith Ambassadors are instrumental in reminding their peers
to donate non-perishable food items. The Youth Faith Ambassadors help to organize and pack the
non-perishable food items, which will be donated to the Knights Table in Peel and Canadian Food for
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• Following the week of Halloween, we will have a collection of hard candy for Canadian Food for
Children/Dr. Simone’s Warehouse. As in previous years, this collection of hard candy is also promoted
in our feeder school, St. Vincent de Paul, through the Youth Faith Ambassadors. The candy is collected
from both schools and donated to Dr. Simone’s Warehouse.
• Parent Council holds a fundraising event during Advent. The proceeds raised through the
fundraising efforts of our parents support a worthy cause within our school community. We are
considering looking into using this fundraising effort to subsidize the cost of stained glass windows in
our school chapel.
• During Advent, we will create Christmas Food baskets for families in need in co-operation with the
Society of St. Vincent de Paul of St. Patrick’s Parish. The Knights of Columbus can be instrumental in
helping to deliver the Christmas Food baskets. The Christmas Basket Drive is from November 30thDecember 17th, 2015.
• Our Lenten observance will bring awareness to Lent as a time for spiritual centeredness in
preparation for Easter. Our Lenten activities will include ways in which we can use the three pillars of
Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving to refocus our interior lives towards “an authentic and renewed
conversion to the Lord, the One Savior of the world” (Porta Fidei 6)
• Our school-wide Lenten sacrifice will focus on a clothing drive. Students will be invited to donate
gently used clothing and Youth Faith Ambassadors will collect it each morning outside the chapel.
Youth Faith Ambassadors will be involved in packing and shipping the clothing to Canadian Food for
Children through Dr. Simone’s warehouse. The Lenten Clothing Drive “Giving LOVE” will take place
from February 29th-March 24th, 2016.
• CAST (Cabot Actors Serving Together) provides dramatic performances throughout the school year
to inspire and stir the spirit in many school assemblies throughout the school year including the
Thanksgiving liturgy; Remembrance Day; Mini We Day; Holy Thursday liturgy; Eco Assembly and the
Attitude of the Beatitudes Conference.
• Cabot Cares is an extracurricular team that serves to promote awareness for various social justice
issues. “We Scare Hunger” campaign serves to collect non-perishable food items for the Mississauga
Food Bank. The Bake Sale at our Open House evening raised funds for Good Shepherd Ministries. The
White Ribbon Campaign served to raise awareness and funds for Interim Place. Civvies Days helped to
raise awareness for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. The Vow of Silence serves to raise
awareness for those in our society who are marginalized and cannot advocate for themselves. Cabot
Cares serves to promote a caring Catholic community culture and it helps to effectively promote
social justice advocacy.
• The Mini We Day at Cabot served to bring awareness to international social justice issues. Last year
we focused on fundraising initiatives to purchase livestock for developing countries. This school-wide
venture also involved the coordinated efforts of the SHSM students in partnership with the Cabot
Cares Team. The CAST developed a cheer to raise awareness for this relief fund. This is a new tradition
and we will to see it continue in the future.
• The Eco Team continues to work diligently to make John Cabot a more environmentally friendly
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school. The Eco Team proudly supported two mascots this year to raise awareness in the school about
the importance of recycling and reusing materials. St. Kateri Tekakwitha, our school patron saint, is
known for her care for nature and the environment so our patron is a prominent role model for this
collaborative school initiative.
• Students will have the opportunity to attend the Development and Peace Conference in the spring.
• The Autism Awareness campaign was spearheaded by a senior student this year and supported by
the Grade 12 International Business class. By selling t-shirts to students at Cabot and within our
family of schools, this campaign raised funds and considerable awareness for Autism.
• The Family of Schools Diversity Conference hosted by John Cabot students serves to promote a
message of inclusion and acceptance to elementary students within our family of schools. John Cabot
students who are involved in variety of extracurricular clubs including: Cabot Cares; the Black History
Month Committee; Best Buddies, GSA, Newcomers Club and the Cultural Awareness Team gave the
invited elementary school guests an insight into the secondary school experience so that they can
better appreciate our inclusive opportunities in their transition to secondary school.
• In order to continue to promote inclusivity and diversity in our school community, John Cabot will
host its second annual Pink Day next year. This is in keeping with the board’s Anti-Bullying initiatives.
Staff and students are encouraged to wear pink for the day. This past year, a banner was created in
the front foyer of the school and students made their thumb print in pink paint on the banner to
symbolize their unique mark in the school community.
• This year John Cabot became involved in corporate and social responsibility by getting involved in
the Bed Race for Mental Health in partnership with Scotiabank and Trillium Health partners. This
student-led initiative was first introduced at the Attitude of the Beatitudes Conference, and it led to
the involvement of more students within our family of schools. The International Business class
supported this collaborative school initiative and students from various grade levels fundraised for
Mental Health by getting involved in the Bed Race. It is our intention that we keep this tradition alive
in the school community.
• At the end of every school year, the Yearbook Committee encourages the Graduating class to
donate a non-perishable food item when the baby photos are collected. All of the non-perishable
food items are donated to the Knights’ Table.
• Our School Trustees, Anna Abbruscatto (Ward 4) and Mario Pascucci (Wards 1 and 3), will be invited
to attend our Open House, our monthly Parent Council meetings, our Graduation Mass and the
Commencement Ceremony.
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Parish Connections
Planned and existing initiatives that maintain and enhance positive relationships with the local parish
The parish connection between school and the members of our parish communities are very strong.
The students of our school and their families attend St. Patrick’s Church, St. Maximilian Kolbe Church,
Sts. Peter and Paul Church and St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Church. The ties between Parish-Home
are strengthened through the following pastoral initiatives. “The pastor should be invited to address
the faculty at one of the first faculty meetings.” (Kostoff, Catholic Register, August 2012)
Many students are involved in their Parish Youth Groups at St. Patrick’s Church, Sts. Peter and Paul
Church, Maximilian Kolbe Church and St. Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church. Early in the school year, the
Chaplaincy Leader will make contact with students who are active in these youth groups. We will also
continue to maintain contact with the Youth Group Leader of St. Patrick’s Church. All Youth Group
Parish events will be advertised on the Chaplaincy bulletin board. Whenever possible, the parish
youth minister can work with the Chaplaincy Leader on events and ministry. In addition,
announcements will be made over the PA to remind students about Youth Group events taking place
at the parishes.
The “Parent Council has a Parish Representative to facilitate two-way communication thereby
keeping the pastor informed on school initiatives and the school informed on parish issues.” (Kostoff,
Catholic Register, August 2012)
“The parish bulletin should provide space each month for information about what is occurring in
schools from a religious perspective, and the school newsletter should provide space for the pastor to
provide information about the liturgical cycle, upcoming feast days, prayers etc.” (Kostoff, Catholic
Register, August 2012) The events and pastoral initiatives of the St. Patrick’s Youth Group are posted
on the Chaplaincy bulletin board. Special youth masses are also mentioned during morning
On October 24th, the 32nd Annual Father Fogarty Awards Dinner will be held recognizing the
outstanding contribution of Catholic Student. The Catholic Education Foundation of Ontario
recognizes the achievements of one student in each Catholic Secondary School across Ontario. This
student will also be recognized at the John Cabot Awards Ceremony in the fall.
In order to further nourish the prayer life provided at home, students will be invited to learn to pray
the rosary at school. The Rosary Apostolate will be invited to teach Grade 9 students to pray the
rosary in the chapel. There will be a particular emphasis on the Luminous Mysteries. Each month,
Grade 9 Religion classes will pray the rosary in the chapel and they will learn about the life of a saint
related to the virtue of the month. The Rosary Apostolate will be invited to lead the praying of the
rosary in our school on October 13, November 17, December 10, 2015 & February 11, March 8, April
12, May 5th, 2016.
Our parish connections are also strengthened through our grade 9 Retreat program. Grade 9 Retreats
are held at St. Patrick’s Church, and they are facilitated in coordination with Maria Raissa Espinoza, St.
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Patrick’s Youth Minister.
The Grade 10 Retreat program is held on the grounds of St Maximilian Kolbe Church. We pray the
Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Rosary at the niche of Our Lady and we mediate on the Stations of the
In partnership with the St. Patrick’s Youth Minister, every Tuesday there will be an Alpha Youth
meeting for 12 weeks during each semester designed to engage high school students in some of life’s
biggest questions such as how does God guide us; who is Jesus; why and how do I pray.
John Cabot Catholic students participate in the Mississauga East Faith Ambassadors Mass where
students from the secondary level celebrate, collaborate, and model Gospel values to the students
from the elementary level.
The Christmas Basket Drive is coordinated through the St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Patrick’s
Church. Youth Faith Ambassadors from each homeroom class take leadership in organizing the nonperishable food donations and gift donations for each basket. Last year, the school prepared 58
Christmas Baskets. Volunteers from the St. Vincent de Paul Society assist in the delivery of the
Christmas Baskets to needy families in the community.
Along with the pastor and staff of our home parish, St. Patrick’s, we also thank all the priests and staff
at the St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish for their guidance and generous use of their facilities to helps us to
create a sacramental life for our school community. We also thank the priests and staff of Sts. Peter
and Paul and St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Church for their support of the Sacrament of Reconciliation
and youth group activities.
Staff Faith Development
Catechesis and faith formation among our staff:
On September 3rd, there will be a Liturgy of the Word in the chapel for all staff. This is a time to come
together for worship and fellowship. The school’s pastoral theme, Opening Doors of Mercy, will be
introduced and celebrated at this time.
The Chaplaincy Team meets monthly to discuss upcoming pastoral initiatives. The Chaplaincy Team
consists of staff members from each department. We gather to pray, review the monthly pastoral
calendar and share ideas about school social justice projects.
In an effort to continue to nourish community building, staff will be invited to attend a Liturgy of the
Word to start each staff meeting. There will be special emphasis placed on the liturgical times of the
year: Ordinary time, Advent, Lent and Easter.
Teachers and administration play an active role in promoting Catholic activities and practice in the
school. Our Pastoral Plan is developed by a cross section of staff to ensure that the whole community
works with towards our pastoral theme.
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A John Cabot CSS Alumni has recently been called to the priesthood. Fr. Danny Santos is now the
associate pastor of St. Michael’s Church in Leamington. We look forward to inviting Fr. Danny to
celebrate mass with our staff in our school chapel.
The Staff of John Cabot CSS will be provided with pastoral resources throughout the school year for
their personal growth and adult faith enrichment. This year a resource centre of theological
references, pastoral guides and prayer books has been established in the staff room. Staff members
can sign out the resources and use them to further meet the Catholic Graduate expectations for the
different areas of study.
On September 18th, there will be a PA Day focusing on Faith Development. This will be an
instrumental time to nourish the faith of the staff.
In each semester, there will be a Heads Retreat at Queen of the Apostles Renewal Centre for our
Family of Schools. This is a time for the department heads of the schools within our family to gather
together to share teaching practices about Catholic curriculum. There is also time for reflection and
The Staff of John Cabot CSS is encouraged to attend the annual When Faith Meets Pedagogy
Conference in October. This is an opportunity both for adult faith formation and to share best
practices with other Catholic educators around the province. This year the conference is held from
October 22-24th, 2015.
In the spring, one staff representative will attend the Canadian Forum on Theology and Education will
be held on April 1-2, 2016. This conference gives secondary teachers opportunities to dialogue with
other Theology teachers. Educators attend workshops on issues specifically geared to the instruction
of theology in secondary school. In this way, educators can also share information and best practices
to bring back to the local setting.
Adult Faith Ambassadors encourage and promote faith formation for our staff in cooperation with
board-wide initiatives for adult faith development.
During Holy week, the Staff Faith Ambassadors for our Family of Schools organize the Stations of the
Cross at St. Dominic’s Church in Mississauga. This is an opportunity for staff to participate in liturgy,
praise and worship and fellowship.
Our staff will come together to celebrate the Liturgy of the Word on June 30th
in the chapel. This is a time to reflect and pray on the blessings and graces of the school year.
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Students supported in the area of Transitioning from Grade 8 to Grade 9, from Grade 12 to Post
Secondary as well as from one grade to another:
The Cabot Youth Faith Ambassadors play a key role in welcoming our new grade 8 students. In the
spring, each of our feeder schools is invited to attend a liturgy, orientation tour and luncheon at our
school. The Youth Faith Ambassadors proclaim the Word at the liturgy, address and welcome the new
students to Cabot, and they provide a tour of the school. During the Grade 8 Orientation Visits, the
students are invited to attend a morning liturgy led by the Chaplaincy Leader. These new John Cabot
students learn about the many ways to become involved in the Catholicity of our school through
social justice initiatives and volunteer outreach programs.
The “Get Ready” Program in late August is a great way for grade 8 students to become better
acquainted with school policy and procedures. Senior students take leadership in assisting with this
community building activities. The “Get Ready” program serves to help grade 8 with their transition to
the secondary school setting.
On September 2nd, there will be an iFun Newcomer Orientation held at John Cabot CSS for all
newcomer students to our family of schools who attend Cabot, Philip Pocock, St. Paul and St. Martin.
The iFun Orientation Program gives newcomer youth a head start in their new school by familiarizing
them with the new school community as well as the culture of the Ontario educational system. The
iFun program activities include: group discussions on strategies for success in a Catholic school;
dramatic presentations by peer leaders; a simulated timetable exercise and discussions about Catholic
graduations requirements and support systems in the school. The Chaplaincy Leader will provide a
witness talk for these students in our school chapel. There will also be hospitality and orientation in
the John Cabot CSS Chapel where the Chaplaincy leader will speak to the newcomer student about
mass etiquette and community service opportunities.
The Chaplaincy Leader will invite all the Grade 9 period 2 classes to come to the chapel for a morning
liturgy on September 14, 15, 17th, 2015. The Chaplaincy Leader will welcome the new grade 9
students to the chapel and explain the significance of the sacred space. During the visit to the chapel,
the Chaplaincy Leader will inform the Grade 9 students about the pastoral counseling and
sacramental life offered at John Cabot Catholic Secondary School.
The Grade 9 Retreat program also serves to help students ease their transition to secondary school.
While on retreat, students will explore certain issues that include friendships, peer groups and,
involvement in the extracurricular life of the school.
Teachers of Grade 9 and 10 mathematics plan to continue to work collaboratively with Program
Consultants and colleagues who teach Gr. 6 to 8 mathematics at our elementary feeder schools. In
particular, as a continuation of the work done throughout the 2014/2015 school year, staff will
investigate and document connections in our pedagogical practices related to cross-panel curriculum
content. With a focus on student-centered instruction, student voice, and open, rich mathematical
tasks, we plan to co-create a second cross-panel continuum of student work based on a mathematical
strand. As we work together in this manner, students will have further opportunity to demonstrate
their ability to be Collaborative Contributors and Lifelong Learners, while developing mathematical
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proficiency, a human right as fundamental and necessary as literacy.
The Math Team at John Cabot C.S.S. has also planned a Fall Gr. 9 Mathematics Evening Event for
parents and students, in collaboration with the Administration and Staff at our neighbouring
secondary school, Philip Pocock C.S.S. The purpose of this event will be to highlight effective
strategies for parents/guardians to support their children as these students learn mathematics in
secondary school. Shared strategies will include information on open, rich mathematics tasks
connected to prior math learning, current Gr. 9 mathematics curriculum, and demonstrations of the
online Homework Help environment. As parents and youth work together, they will have further
opportunity to be caring family members as they share learning and support one another.
The Cross Panel Transitions Meeting at the beginning of second semester provides an opportunity for
John Cabot Staff to meet with the feeder school admin teams in an effort to share information from
the Chaplaincy Team, Student Services, Academic Resource Department and ESL Department, Student
Success Team in matters of transition. Students Council also provides student voice at this Cross Panel
Transition meeting by providing an overview of the many extracurricular teams and clubs available at
John Cabot CSS. During the carousel sessions, elementary school teachers consult with the grade nine
teachers and review curriculum strands in the areas of Science, Math and English. There is an
emphasis on Catholic Graduate Expectations in these curriculum-based sessions. This collaborative
effort provides teachers at the transition grades an opportunity to dialogue about ways to facilitate
the transition to John Cabot Catholic Secondary School.
The Chaplaincy Office makes a concerted effort to assist the Graduating class with their transition to
post secondary life by providing resources to the senior students concerning campus ministry at each
university/college. This is instrumental in helping students make decisions about their university and
college choices.
In the fall and in the spring our students participate in Student Voice where ideas are shared with
other school representatives board wide about faith-based student-initiated activities.
“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” At once they left their nets and
followed him. (Matthew 4:19-20)
Vocations to religious life and pastoral ministries promoted through:
Our school will be hosting two Vocations Days on November 25th, 2015 and April 22nd, 2016. Religious
orders will be invited to come to our school through the Toronto Archdiocese Vocations Office. Fr.
Frank Portelli from the Office of Catholic Youth will also be invited to attend. Since we are still
celebrating the Year of Consecrated Life, this is a wonderful opportunity for our students to listen to
the witness talks of the priests and sisters. On the Vocations Days, the Youth Faith Ambassadors will
assist the visiting religious to set up displays in the cafeteria so that all students can ask questions
during the lunch periods. On April 22nd, Fr. Danny Santos, graduate of John Cabot CSS, would like to
celebrate Vocations Day with our school by starting the day with a Eucharistic Celebration in our
school gymnasium.
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The Serra Ordinandi Luncheon will take place on March 1, 2016. Students are invited to listen to the
witness talks of the young men and women who will soon be ordained. This provides students an
opportunity to consider religious vocations. There are bulletin boards with information set up in the
cafeteria concerning Consecrated Life.
During this Year of Consecrated Life there has been a special emphasis to pray for vocations.
The Chaplaincy Office strengthens programs of formation and training for the laity through the
promotion of programs for the Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist.
The Chaplaincy Leader promotes lay pastoral ministry roles within our school and neighboring
Students who are discerning for the priesthood are encouraged to attend a special retreat in the
month of April. The Chaplaincy Leader is in contact with Fr. Chris Lemieux at the Office of Catholic
Additional information about various religious orders are also made available in the chapel.
Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Direction
Pastoral counseling and spiritual direction is available to students and staff through the Chaplaincy
Administrators and teachers actively refer students to this service. Students often refer themselves
and other students to pastoral counseling.
Pastoral counseling is provided including individual counseling, crisis intervention, hospital visits and
funeral home visits. The Chaplaincy Leader often invites students to pray in the chapel and to seek the
compassion and loving care of Christ.
In coordination with the Child and Youth Worker, Krista Mann, the Chaplaincy Leader will provide
Bereavement and Grief counseling and support to students who have recently lost an immediate
family member.
The Chaplaincy Leader meets with the CYW, Krista Mann, about once a week to follow up on students
who have sought counseling due to anxiety issues, spiritual crises or other personal issues. The
Chaplaincy Leader continues to provide on-going pastoral counseling and spiritual direction for
students. In order to further assist students and families with loss and bereavement, referrals may be
made to agencies outside the school such as the Bereaved Families of Ontario of Halton and Peel. The
support group of the Bereaved Families of Ontario meets in our school once a week for 6 weeks every
The one-on-one pastoral counseling usually results in further follow-ups and/or referrals to the Child
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Youth Worker, Social Worker, Academic Resource, Guidance Counselors, Administration, and School
Psychologist. As a team, our school staff works together to provide care for students who are in crisis
or at risk. A Crisis Response Team meets to discuss various strategies for at risk situations.
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Signature Page
Pastor – Fr. John Facey _____________________________________________
Chaplaincy Leader – Carolyn Esvelt ___________________________________
Faith Ambassador – Daryl Brady_____________________________________
Faith Ambassador – Kathy O’Neill ____________________________________
Department Head of Theology – Radouan Abou-Faysal ___________________
Chair of Catholic School Council – Dr. Valerie Kubazky ____________________
Vice Principal – Alexis Galvao - _______________________________________
Vice Principal – Jennifer Varnam -_____________________________________
Principal – Shawn Clarkin - ___________________________________________
Superintendent – Tim Lariviere - ______________________________________
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