Luther and the Reformation 1517- 1525 Peasant Revolt


Luther and the


1517- 1525

Peasant Revolt

The Perfect Storm for Reform!!!!

 Charles V

 Humanism

 Corruption in Roman Catholic


 Gutenberg’s Printing Press

Renaissance literature supports

Luther’s ideas

 Elements in common – satire; anti-clerical; education

 More- (Eng) Utopia “a good place which is no place”

 Rabalais- (Fr) Gargantua

 Erasmus- (Neth) Praise of Folly: simple faith; vernacular Bible; ind. faith; no priest middleman; less formal worship

Reasons for dissatisfaction with RCC

 Pluralism

 Absenteeism

 Excessive wealth

 Simony

 Inappropriate behavior of Popes

 Lack of education of lower clergy

AND ….





Tetzel“As soon as coin in coffer rings, a soul from purgatory springs!”

To pay off Rome’s debts & debt from simony (Fugger Loan)

Justified indulgences as:

God is merciful

Treasury of merits

Church grants spiritual benefits for merits

Luther- 95 Thesis

 Undermines power of the Pope by questioning use of penance

 Rejected salvation through good works –

Salvation by FAITH ALONE (says


 If personal relationship with God is possible- no need for clergy

 Person interprets Bible himself



 Church is defined by Luther as

“priesthood of believers

 2 sacramentsbecause supported by scripture baptism, Eucharist

 Transubstantiation vs consubstantiation

 All vocations have merit- not monks as highest

 Authority rests in Bible with individual

Founding of Lutheranism

 New religion was never Luther’s intention

 Called protestant as Luther protested against the ills of the RCC

 Results in excommunication

 Summoned to Diet of Worms (Charles V)

 Refused to recant

 While in hiding after Worms, translated

Bible into German

Social Impact

 City governments did not like privilege of clergy ( paid no taxes)

 Immorality of clergy

 Peasants associated with Luther’s ideas

“Equality of Believers before God”

Luther – On Christian Liberty

 “ A Christian man is the most free lord of all and subject to none.”

 This quote becomes foundation for peasant Revolt in 1525

Why Luther is successful….

 Support of Frederick of Saxony ( what are his motives for protecting Luther???)

 Language skills

 Printing press

 Geography

 Inexperience of Charles V (at Worms)

 What was Luther’s position on women???

Political Impact

 Support from Germanic princes/ looking for disintegration of Papal

Authority (curia)

 coveted wealth of church

 League of Schmalkalden-

Protestant princes united against

Charles V

Economic Impact

 HRE Princes looking to control tithe/church wealth

 Indulgences


 Each principality began to choose what religion – mostly by geographic grounds

North versus South

 Results in Peace of Augsburg- 1555

Each prince/duke /Elector in HRE decides religion for his territory

ONLY 2 Choices- Catholic or Lutheran

 Cuius regio, eius religio!!
