– 6.0 America in History Mr. Hammer The Stormy Sixties -1963-1973

America in History – 6.0
Mr. Hammer
The Stormy Sixties -1963-1973
Chapter 37 The Stormy Sixties
Objectives for class discussion…
- Describe the political Background of LBJ
-Cite the provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
-Describe the goals of the Great Society
The LBJ Brand on the Presidency
1) What plan and program did LBJ support as a young Congressman from Texas?
2) How did LBJ use the “Johnson Treatment” to get support for bills on Congress?
3) What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 accomplish?
4.) How did affirmative action programs attempt to end discrimination?
5.) What did the Great Society entail?
Johnson Battles Goldwater in 1964
6.) What programs did Goldwater attack in the campaign?
7.) What three items prompted voters to vote for LBJ?
8.) What area of the country did Goldwater win and why?
The Great Society Congress
9.) How was the Office of Economic Opportunity expanded?
10.) What two new cabinet departments did LBJ prod Congress into creating?
11.) Identify the Big Four legislative achievements of LBJ’s Great Society programs?
12.) What was the long term impact of entitlement programs such as Medicare?
13) I/E- The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.
14) What was the view of the Great Society by Conservatives?
Battling for Black Rights
Objectives - Describe Freedom Summer
- Explain the provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965
- Identify the catalysts and key figures of the Black Power Movement
15) Identify- Freedom Summer
16.) Identify –Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
17.) What actions in Selma prompted LBJ to push for the Voting Right Act?
18.) Identify the Voting Rights Act of 1965
19.) What were the causes of the Watts riots in Los Angeles in 1965?
20.) Identify –Malcolm X
21.) Identify- Black Panthers
22.) What were the origins and the outcomes of the black power movement?
23.) What the reaction to the assassination of Dr. MLK in April 1968?
Vietnam Vexations
Objectives: - Explain the military situation in Vietnam
- Describe the battle field results of US escalation in Vietnam
- Describe the reactions and protests of US Citizens to the conflict
24.) What events in Vietnam forced a step by step escalation by LBJ?
25) Why was the US losing in the field in Vietnam?
26.) What was the world reaction to US escalation and involvement in the conflict?
27.) Identify/Explain: The Six-Day War
28) What actions did US citizens take to show their displeasure with the ongoing conflict?
29.) Identify –Hawks vs Doves
30.) Identify- The Creditability Gap
31.) How was the CIA and FBI used by LBJ during the war?
Vietnam Topples LBJ
32) Identify & Explain: The Tet Offensive
33) Identify Eugene McCarthy
34) What two political developments forced LBJ out of the race in March 1968?
The Presidential Sweepstakes of 1968
Objectives: -Identify the candidates in the 1968 race for President
- Describe the events of the DNC convention of 1968
- Explain the origins and the results of the Cultural Upheaval of the 1960s
35.) Identify: Hubert H. Humphrey
36) Why was RFK assassinated during his campaign in June 1968?
37) Why did conflict erupt between Chicago PD and anti-war protestors?
38.) Why was Nixon an attractive candidate for Republicans in 1968?
39.) Identify: George Wallace
40.) What did Nixon owe his 1968 electoral victory to?
Cultural Upheaval of the 1960s
41) Where did skepticism regarding authority bloom during the 1950’s?
42) Identify- The Free Speech Movement
43) How did the counterculture oppose traditional American ways?
44) Who were Rock’ n’ Roll global artists of the 1960’s?
45) Identify & Explain: The Stonewall Riot
46.) Identify: Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
47.) Describe the three “P’s” that spurred the upheavals and the counterculture of the 1960’s.
Nixon “Vietnamizes” the War
Objectives:- Describe Nixon’s Vietnamization of the war
- Identify the Silent Majority
-Explain the unfair draft policies of the Vietnam War
48) Identify: Vietnamization
49.) Identify- Nixon Doctrine
50.) What Americans made up Nixon’s Silent Majority?
51.) Why were the draft policies in the early stages of the war unfair?
52.) Identify: My Lai
Cambodianizing the Vietnam War
53) Why did Nixon order US Forces into neutral Cambodia?
54) What happened at Kent State?
55) Identify: The 26th Amendment
56) What did the Pentagon Papers reveal?
Nixon’s Détente, Homefront & Supreme Court Changes
Objective…- Describe the Nixon diplomatic initiative of Detente
- Cite examples of judicial activism of the Warren Court
60) What were the results of détente?
61) Why did Nixon go to China?
62) What agreements were reached between the US & USSR?
63) How did the Warren Court protect the right to privacy? Rights of the accused?
Seperation of church and state?
64.) Identify: Roe v Wade
Nixon’s Homefront & Landslide of 1972
65.) What social welfare programs did Nixon expand?
66.) Identify:The Philadelphia Plan
67.) What did Nixon do to improve the natural environment?
68) What were some key elements to Nixon’s 1972 landslide over McGovern?
69) Identify: The War Powers Act
The Arab Oil Embargo and the Energy Crisis
70) What was US involvement in the Yom Kippur War of October 1973?
71.) What was Arab state (OPEC) reaction to US involvement in the war?