– 6.0 America in History Mr. Hammer – 1952

America in History – 6.0
Mr. Hammer
The Cold War Begins, 1945 – 1952
Objectives for class discussion…
- Describe how the relationship between the Soviet Union and US changed after WW II ended.
- Explain how the deteriorating diplomatic relationship between the Soviet Union and the US
affected the post war World
- Explain the reasons for the global insecurities following WW II.
Yalta: Bargain or Betrayal
1) How was the fate of post war Germany decided at Yalta?
2) What agreements were reached in regards to Eastern Europe?
3) What agreements were reached in regard to Asia?
4.) In your opinion which of the Allies most furthered their own interests at the conference?
The US and USSR
5.) Cite three reasons for mistrust between the US and USSR during WWII
6.) What was Stalin most pressing concern following the war?
7.) How did the US view the Post-War world?
Shaping the Post War World
8.) What was established at the Bretton Woods Conference?
9) Identify- UN- General Assembly
UN- Security Council
10) What limited the United Nations and where was it most successful?
Objectives - Explain the overall goal of the Containment Policy
- Identify and explain the individual components of the Containment Policy
- Evaluate the success of Truman’s enforcement of the Containment Policy
The Problem of Germany
11) Identify & Explain: The Nuremberg Trials
12.) Identify & Explain: The Iron Curtain
The Berlin Crisis
13.) Why did Stalin cut off supplies lines to West Berlin?
14) I & E: The Berlin Airlift
The Cold War Deepends
15) I & E: The Truman Doctrine
16) Identify: George Kennan… Explain his views on dealing with the Soviet Union
17) I & E: The Marshall Plan
18.) What do you think motivated Truman to recognize the new nation of Israel in 1948?
America Rearms
19.)What did the National Security Act establish?
20) I & E: N.A.T.O
Reconstruction and Revolution in Asia
21) Identify: General Douglas MacArthur
22) What was the main goal of reconstruction in Japan?
23) What reforms did the interim government bring to Japan?
24) Explain the origins of the conflict that developed in China after World War II.
25) Identify: Chaing-Kai-Shek
Mao Zedong
26) How did the US try to outpace the Soviets after they developed an atomic bomb?
The Korean Volcano Erupts
Objective…- Identify the effect of the Korean War on American foreign policy.
- Evaluate the legacy of the Korean War.
The Korean War
27) I & E: NSC-68
28) What caused the Korean War?
29) Describe the US response to the Korean War?
The Military Seesaw
30) Describe how the earliest actions of the war went and how things changed as MacArthur
proceeded with the war.
31) Why did Truman dismiss MacArthur?
32) Why did Truman refer to US involvement in Korea as a “police action?”
33) What were the end results of the Korean War?
34) What was the legacy of the Korean War?
Objectives… - Describe how the US government fought the Cold War in the America.
- Describe events of the Red Scare.
National Security State
35) I & E : Executive Order 9835
36) I & E : Internal Security (McCarran) Act (1950)
37) Describe how the Red Scare affected Hollywood.
Spy Cases
38) I & E: The Alger Hiss Case
39) I & E: Julius & Ethel Rosenberg
40) I & E: McCarthyism?
41) Who were McCarthy’s targets and how well did he succeed in his efforts?
42) What individuals and organizations supported McCarthy?
43) Why did McCarthy lose his popularity?
44.) How did organized religion and educational institutions respond to the Cold War?
45.) I& E; Executive Order 9981
Post War Economic Anxieties
Objectives… - Explain why the Post WWII era was an “age of anxiety.”
- Describe how American society reacted to the “age of anxiety.”
46) What fears were associated with the Post War Economy?
47.) I& E: the Taft Hartley Act
48.) I& E: Operation Dixie
49.) I& E; The GI Bill
Democratic Divisions in 1948
Objective- Evaluate how Truman handles the domestic challenges of the post World War
II era.
- Describe the factors that most influenced the outcome of the 1948 election?
- Identify the policies of the Fair Deal and evaluate the success of the Fair Deal.
The 1948 Election
50) How did Henry Wallace and th “Dixiecrats” divided the Democratic Party?
51) What were the factors that most influenced the outcome of the 1948 Presidential election?
The Fair Deal
52) I & E: Truman’s Fair Deal
53) What measures of the Fair Deal were successful? …Unsuccessful?
The Long Economic Boom
54) What were the benefits of the post war economy?
55) What defined the middle class ?
56) How did women reap the rewards of the post war economy?
The Roots of Post War Prosperity
57) What propelled the economic explosion?
58) Identify Agribusiness
The Smiling Sunbelt
59.) Why did Americans migrate to the Sunbelt?
The Rush to the Suburbs
60.) I& E Levittown
61.) How did the FHA contribute to “White Flight”?
62.) I & E the baby boom and its’ impact