What do you see?

What do you see?
Describe these images – who
are they? What is happening?
Image 1
Image 2
Challenge yourself to look past
the surface…
What is Race?
• Race – a categorization of people based
on shared biological traits such as skin color,
hair texture, and eye shape
• Refers to one of three groups
(scientists believed INCORRECTLY that 3
“races” existed (Black, White, Asian)
*Carolus Linnaeus – classification of plants
and animals and also “races” of people,
DNA evidence proved this to be wrong, our differences
are only superficial, race is a social construct (made up
by us, not found in nature)
• The belief that certain races of people are
superior to others, discrimination based on
• STEREOTYPE – used to categorize a group of
people, a belief that “everyone” in the group has a
particular behavior or trait – stems from limited contact
with the group
• What examples of stereotypes and/or racism
can we point to in our history or even in our
world today?
• Do you think you know what it feels like to face
discrimination or race hatred?
Kinds of racism
– DE JURE – Practices of racism that are illegal
• Slavery, segregation (separating people based on
race), denying voting rights, denying someone a
job or firing them because of race…
– DE FACTO – Acts of racism that are wrong,
but not currently illegal
• Hate groups, racism web sites, racist words or
publications by hate groups…
Effects of Discrimination
• How do you think racism and discrimination could
effect a person long term?
• Why do you think racism/discrimination continues?
• How did the brown eyed group feel?
• How did the blue eyed group feel?
• How could this effect your self–esteem, your school
work, your drive to succeed?!
• Anything else you now know that you didn’t before this
Class Divided
• http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/s
• So what does it all come down to?
– Superiority = privilege = power
– Ignorance (lack of information about others)
• Best thing to do moving forward =
Reflection #2 (After video)
• What stuck out to you?
• What surprised you?
• How is this experiment related to the Sioux
prayer – “Help me not judge a person until
I have walked in his shoes” ?
• What did you learn?
• What questions do you still have?
Yes or No
Privilege – What does it look like?
1. I can arrange to be in the company of people of my race most of the time.
2. No matter where I live, I can be pretty well assured that my neighbors will be
neutral or pleasant to me.
3. I can go shopping in a high end store and be pretty well assured that I will not be
followed or harassed.
4. I can turn on the TV/open a magazine/surf the web and see people of my race
widely represented.
5. When I am told about our national heritage I am shown that people of my race
made it what it is.
6. I can go into a supermarket and find staple foods that fit with my cultural
traditions, I can go to a hairdresser’s shop and find someone who can cut my hair.
7. I can speak proper English without being called “articulate” and I can do well in
school without being called a credit to my race.
8. I am never asked to speak for my whole race.
9. I can be pretty sure if I have to talk to the “person in charge” I will be facing a
person of my race.
10. I can easily buy posters, postcards, picture books, dolls, toys, etc.. featuring
people of my race.
11. I can choose a bandage in flesh color and have it more or less match my skin.
Human Family
Poem by Dr. Maya Angelou
I note the obvious differences
in the human family.
Some of us are serious,
some thrive on comedy.
Some declare their lives are lived
as true profundity,
and others claim they really live
the real reality.
The variety of our skin tones
can confuse, bemuse, delight,
brown and pink and beige and purple,
tan and blue and white.
I've sailed upon the seven seas
and stopped in every land.
I've seen the wonders of the world,
not yet one common man.
I know ten thousand women
called Jane and Mary Jane,
but I've not seen any two
who really were the same.
Mirror twins are different
although their features jibe,
and lovers think quite different
while lying side by side.
We love and lose in China,
we weep on England's moors,
and laugh and moan in Guinea,
and thrive on Spanish shores.
We seek success in Finland,
are born and die in Maine.
In minor ways we differ,
in major we're the same.
I note the obvious differences
between each sort and type,
but we are more alike, my friends
than we are unalike.
We are more alike, my friends,
than we are unalike.
How can you work
to be
• https://www.splcenter.org/
• How is racism and discrimination contrary
to the ideals in which our nation was
*Looking for ideals in the Declaration of
Make a list based on the document, add to it
based on what you know/think