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© Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved


• Scroll through the presentation and enter the answers (which are really the questions) and the questions (which are really the answers).

• Enter in the categories on the main game boards.

• As you play the game, click on the TEXT DOLLAR AMOUNT that the contestant calls, not the surrounding box.

• When they have given a question, click again anywhere on the screen to see the correct question. Keep track of which questions have already been picked by printing out the game board screen and checking off as you go.

• Click on the “Game” box to return to the main scoreboard.

• Enter the score into the black box on each players podium.

• Continue until all clues are given.

• When finished, DO NOT save the game. This will overwrite the program with the scores and data you enter. You MAY save it as a different name, but keep this file untouched!

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Round 1

Round 2




Ph illi p


D e



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Exploration Unrest in the colonies













Creating a


















Round 2




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How did discoveries of 15 th century inspire further explorations by


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They saw the potential for settling the land and gaining riches from it


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What is BIAS? And are historians ever influenced by their biases?

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Leaning towards or against a certain person, position or idea


YES!! Everyone is influenced by their biases


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How did European colonization impact Native peoples?

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Disease and warfare killed a majority of Native Americans in

Mexico and the Caribbean


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Name some goods that were brought over to the Old World from the New World?

(So from America to Europe)

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Corn and pumpkins


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The _________ colonies had mild winters, fertile soil and farming as a major part of their economy.

A. New England

B. Middle

C. Southern

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B. Middle

(also known as the ‘bread basket’ colonies)


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Why did parliament raise taxes in the colonies after 1763?

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The British felt the Colonists should help pay for the French and Indian War.


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What was the main cause of the

French and Indian War?

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The French were determined to halt (stop) westward expansion by the English

So, they built forts in the disputed land to stake claim to it….


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“Boston Harbor is a teapot tonight”

Which historical event does this refer to? And, what ACT by

Parliament led this event?

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Boston Tea Party,

Tea Act of 1773 was never repealed which greatly effected colonial tea merchants

“There must always be one tax to keep up the right (to tax)”

-King George III on taxing the colonies


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What event does this image show?

And why do we consider this an example of colonial propaganda?

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Boston Massacre

Only 5 colonists were killed AFTER throwing snowballs and ice at British soldiers

The image and title “Bloody

Massacre” made the British look like the sole aggressors, who were killing people in the streets


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The British punished

Massachusetts after the Boston

Tea Party by passing the

Intolerable Acts.

List the terms:

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1. Port of Boston was closed

2. New Quartering Act

3. British officials could not be tried in Massachusetts


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After the preamble, what are the 3 main parts of the Declaration of


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Natural Rights, Wrongs of the

King, Declaring Independence

(These are my rights, here what you did wrong, we are over!)


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Why were the Battles of Saratoga and Yorktown important in the

American Revolution?

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Saratoga prompted France to join the war and fight WITH the patriots

Yorktown led to the British surrender as a combined force of

Americans and French surrounded the peninsula, trapping Cornwallis


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Describe conditions at Valley


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*Poor food

*Cold weather

*Hardly any clothing

*Frostbite and diseases


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What helped ease suffering and gave hope to the soldiers at

Valley Forge?

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Warmer weather, much needed supplies finally arrive


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Name one major advantage the

Continental Army had which helped them win the war:

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The Americans knew the land

(military strategy based on knowledge of local geography)


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Name 2 weaknesses of the

Articles of Confederation

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*State governments had more power than the central or federal government

*No authority to tax


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What was the New Jersey plan for representation ?

Why was it supported by small states?

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All states would have equal representation in the legislature

Large states could not dominate the smaller ones


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Name the Compromise that brought both the Virginia and

New Jersey plans together?

How is our Congress today a result of this compromise?

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Great Compromise

Senate – NJ plan – all states equal representation

House of Representatives –

Virginia plan – based on state’s population


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Which group argued that the

Constitution must list ways to protect citizens and their rights?

What document came of this?

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Bill of Rights


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How did the Bill of Rights become part of the US


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It was added through the amendment process

Pushed by anti-federalists as a compromise in ratifying the


Bill of Rights: First 10



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Give three goals listed in the


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*Form a more perfect union

*Establish justice

*Ensure domestic tranquility

*Provide for the common defense

*Promote the general welfare

*Ensure liberty to ourselves and our future generations


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Name the most powerful check that president has over

Congress’s ability to make laws

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-He can VETO or CANCEL a proposed law (BILL)


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What is the main function of the

Articles, or main body, of the


What is covered in Articles 1, 2, and 3?

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To establish the FRAMEWORK of our government

(details on how it works and who does what!)

Article 1 – Legislative

Article 2 – Executive

Article 3 – Judicial


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Name three powers of the

Legislative Branch

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*Write laws

*Impeach (charge a government official with a crime)

*override a veto

*coin money

*declare war

*approve treaties and appointments made by President


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Name the 5 rights given to

Americans in the 1 st Amendment

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Freedom of…



Press (printing what we want in newspapers)

Assembly (to gather in protest)

