
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards the Indians, their lands and property shall never be taken
from them without their consent, and in their property, rights and liberty, they shall never be invaded or
disturbed, unless in just and lawful wars authorized by Congress."
-Northwest Ordinance, 13 July 1787
Setting the Scene – Between 1790 and 1810 close to 1 million white settlers moved west of the Appalachians. Native
Americans from diverse tribes lived in these territories and resented these newcomers. Fighting often broke out
between the two groups. A Shawnee leader named Tecumseh and his brother, a religious leader known as the Prophet,
worked together to organize a confederation or league that called for unity of Native Americans against settlers. You
will take on the role of a Native American who must decide whether or not to join Tecumseh in his fight, flee farther
west to seek new land for you and your people, or assimilate (adapt and conform) to white society.
Step 1 - Answer the questions on the reverse. Each student must submit their own responses – you will use these
questions to create your Native American identity. Use the book pages 316-318 and pages 44-49 to help you. You may
also use online resources to find information about tribal norms.
Step 2: With a partner you will write a dialogue (conversation) between two Native Americans.
One of you will be Native American 1 and the other Native American 2.
All the above questions must be answered and/or discussed within the dialogue. Do not just say “I am from the Miami
tribe” but rather “The Miami people are proud farmers and hunters, we live west of the Appalachian Mountains mostly
in long houses”
Step 3: Practice your dialogue with your partner. Submit both question sheets (one per group member) and ONE copy
of the dialogue. Be sure BOTH names are on the dialogue sheet you are submitting.
1. What tribe are you from? What is your culture like? Home? Beliefs?
2. Describe yourself – How old are you? Male or female? Are you married/single/widowed? Do you have children? Etc..
3. What fears do you have about American settlers coming west and claiming your land?__________________________
4. Many whites believe that the Natives are “savages” and should leave their cultural norms behind to become more like
the new settlers– what do you think?
5. Will you join Tecumseh at Tippecanoe? Explain your decision.______________________________________________
Your Name__________________________________________________________ NA #1
NA #2 (Circle)
Partner's Name_______________________________________________________NA #1
NA #2 (Circle)
Native American 1:___________________________________________________________________________________
Native American 2:___________________________________________________________________________________
Native American 1:___________________________________________________________________________________
Native American 2:___________________________________________________________________________________
Native American 1:___________________________________________________________________________________
Native American 2:___________________________________________________________________________________
Native American 1:___________________________________________________________________________________
Native American 2:___________________________________________________________________________________
Native American 1:___________________________________________________________________________________
Native American 2:___________________________________________________________________________________
Native American 1:___________________________________________________________________________________
Native American 2:___________________________________________________________________________________
Native American 1:___________________________________________________________________________________
Native American 2:___________________________________________________________________________________
Native American 1:___________________________________________________________________________________
Native American 2:___________________________________________________________________________________
Need more space? Continue your dialogue on separate paper if needed 