North Penn High School Mr. Joseph Adams / Ms. Theresa McManamon

North Penn High School
Mr. Joseph Adams / Ms. Theresa McManamon
Geometry Grading Policy 2015-2016 /
215-368-9800 voice mail 5160
Class Attendance
A. Class attendance is a necessary element for full understanding of the presented material.
B. Students are expected to be in the scheduled class, ready to learn, at the correct time.
C. Three lates will result in a detention.
A. Marking period grades are a percentage of points earned / points possible:
Grading Scale for Marking Periods
97 – 100
90 – 96
87 – 89
80 – 86
77 – 79
70 – 76
65 – 69
Below 65
Final Course Grades
A+ - D
course averages parallel the marking period grades.
50 – 64%
Below 50%
21% for each marking period
16% for final exam
Tests and Quizzes
A. Students will have adequate notice to prepare for tests/quizzes.
B. Tests will generally be worth 50 - 100 points and quizzes will be weekly (or nearly so) and worth
10-50 points depending on the scope of the test/quiz.
4. Calculators
A. It is required for each student to bring their own scientific calculator. Bringing a graphing
calculator to class is highly recommended.
5. Homework
A. Homework is to be done on the day it is assigned to provide maximum benefit to the student’s
learning. Late homework turned in the following day will receive ½ credit. Homework will not be
accepted after that.
B. Homework is given points to help students develop a sense that homework has value and to
make it easy for students (and their parents) to see how homework completion has affected
comprehension and test scores.
C. Homework will be checked on a regular basis and is worth 2 points for completion, not accuracy.
D. Selected homework assignments may be collected and checked for accuracy at the end of the
week or be the subject of a “homework quiz”..
6. Online work
A. To help students learn to utilize the internet to assist them in doing homework, students will be
logging on to Canvas weekly. Canvas discussions held online will be worth 20 points or less.
7. Notebooks
A. Notebooks are expected to be used and maintained. An organized notebook will help you to be
B. Notebooks will be organized into the following sections: glossary, postulates & theorems,
notes/handouts, homework, and graded work .
8. Make-Up Work
A. If a student was absent for medical reasons, make-up work is due the same number of days
after returning to school. Example: If you missed two days, then your work is due two days after
you come back to school. Homework due the day you were out is due the day you return.
9. Extra Help
A. Help is available Wednesday and Thursday during Period 9 in room E-127.
B. Help is also available (by appointment only) any day before school or afterschool on Monday,
Wednesday, or Thursday.
C. Help is also available in Room E-006 during every lunch period.
10. Rules and Procedures
A. Respect yourself, others, and your physical environment.
B. You may do only those things that are helpful to your learning and the learning of others.
C. Have your pencil or pen, calculator, book, and notebook (with paper) for class.
D. Follow the rules of the student handbook.
Guardian Contact Sheet
Student: ______________________________________________________
Guardian 1:
Name: ________________________________________________
Best way to contact you during the day (7:00am to 2:30pm):
Phone Number: ____________________________________________ (home/work/cell)
E-mail address: _________________________________________________________
Best way to contact you during the afternoon / evening (2:30pm to 7pm):
Phone Number: ____________________________________________ (home/work/cell)
E-mail address: _________________________________________________________
Guardian 2:
Name: ________________________________________________
Best way to contact you during the day (7:00am to 2:30pm):
Phone Number: ____________________________________________ (home/work/cell)
E-mail address: _________________________________________________________
Best way to contact you during the afternoon / evening (2:30pm to 7pm):
Phone Number: ____________________________________________ (home/work/cell)
E-mail address: _________________________________________________________
What limits does your child have in accessing the internet at home?____________
Additional Information you would like to share about your child:
I have read and reviewed the classroom policies with my child. I will contact you with any questions or
concerns pertaining to my child in this class.
______________________________________________________(Guardian Signature)