CH.18-The Politics of Protest Movement

 CH.18-The Politics of Protest -Sec 1 Students & The Counterculture
 Roots of Opposition-”The Times They are A-Changing” Rise of the Youth
 College students became more involved in social protest
 The New Left demanded sweeping changes in American society
 ___________________________________________________(SDS)
charged that large Corporations and large government institutions had
taken over the US (They wanted democracy and individual freedom) AntiWAR
 In 1964
grew out of a dispute between administrators and students at Univ. of CA
at Berkeley
 The Counterculture of the 1960’s
 __________________________________________________________was
a movement made up of mostly white, middle-class college young people
who were disillusioned with the war and injustices of society
 They turned their backs on traditional American and founded a society
based on peace and love –
_____________________________________________________, AntiMaterialism, Anti-Conformity, Many left home, work, and school to
create an ideal community of peace love and harmony
 Music of the 1960’s -The music was a form of protest that grew out of
African-American rhythm and blues of the 1950’s (Folk and Rock)
 The Beatles, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jefferson Airplane, the
Grateful Dead, the Who, Bob Dylan, Joan Baez and the Rolling Stones
Ch 18 Sec 2 Women Fight for Equality-The Feminist Movement
 Women Fight for Equality - In 1920 the 19th Amendment was passed giving women the right to
vote (Women’s Suffrage)
 In the 1960’s ___________________________________________________was the belief that
women should have economic, political, and social equality with men
 In 1963 Betty Friedan’s Feminine Mystique identified the “problem that has no name” Women
were not happy in the 1950’s (Men’s work v Women’s work)
 In the 1960’s women were forced into clerical work, retail, social work, nursing, and teaching
 Women’s Activism of the 1960’s
 Women were members of SNCC and SDS, and active in the civil rights movement
 In 1966 28 women including Friedan founded the
 NOW fought against gender bias in hiring and in the workplace and pushed for child-care
 In 1969, a journalist and political activist Gloria Steinem joined the feminist movement
 She founded the National Women’s Party Caucus and Ms. ( Woman’s Magazine)
 The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
 Congress passed the ____________________________________ in 1972, it was first
introduced in 1923 (Men and Women same rights and protections) - 38 states needed to ratify
it to make it part of the Constitution ( 35 received)
 A Stop-ERA campaign was launched by conservative religious groups, and anti-feminists led by
Phyllis Schlafly - Radical Feminist “hate men, marriage, and children”
 Fears of women being drafted, no husband responsibility, and possible same-sex marriages
 ____________________________________ -Feminist groups supported a woman’s right to
chose to have an abortion
 In 1973 the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the feminists, Extremely Controversial, Pro-Choice
v Pro-Life
 Equality in Education -In 1972 Congress passed The Educational Amendments
 _____________________________ – prohibited federally funded schools from discriminating
against women in nearly all aspects of school operations from admissions to athletics
 Ch 18 Sec 3 Latino Americans Organize
 Latinos of Varied Origins
 Mexican Americans – 1miilion came in 1910’s following the Mexican Revolution, some
came in the 1940’s and 1950’s as braceros, and 1 million came in the 60’s
 ______________________________________________ began immigrating after the
Spanish American War of 1898, and by 1960’s 1miilion in the US (1/2 NYC)
 Cubans fled Castro after 1959 and large communities formed in NYC, Miami, NJ
 During the 1960’s thousand of Central and South American emigrated, Most Latinos
lived in barrios
 Latinos Fight For Change
 In 1966 __________________________________________________ and Dolores
Huerta merged their new unions to form the United Farm Workers Organizing
 Chavez believed in non-violence in dealing with California’s large fruit and vegetable
companies (Ex. Boycotts/Fast)
 In the 1960’s the Chicano Movement took off, “Brown Power” and the “Brown Berets”
demanded Spanish speaking classes and Chicano studies programs at universities
(Bilingual ED. Act of 1968)
 Latino Political Power
 During the 1960’s eight Hispanic Americans served in the House and Joseph was
elected to the Senate.
 In the 1940’s and 1950’s the
_______________________________________________________________ fought in
the courts for school desegregation and gov. funding
 In the 1970’s La Raza Unida ( Mexican Americans United) ran Mexican Candidates in
many local elections