Stockroom Item Request Form

Stockroom Item Request Form
This is an item request form for items that you would like to see the stockroom carry on a permanent basis. This
form is not for items that only need to be ordered once, for specific applications. As a reminder all items can only be
purchased with a stockroom credit card. University purchase cards and EFS strings are not acceptable methods of
Note: A completed form does not guarantee that the Chemistry stockroom will carry the requested items. The
stockroom will be adding items on the basis of the number of requests and anticipated usage. The Stockroom
reserves the right to remove any items from our inventory without notice. You will be notified by email if the
stockroom decides to stock your requested items.
All forms must be brought to the Chemistry Research Stockroom S 17 Smith Hall
Fill out the entire form. Forms that are not complete will not be accepted.
Preferred Vendor
Vendor Item Number
Size (ex. 500ml, 1Kg)
Anticipated Usage (ex. 3 per year, 1 per week)
Your Information
University Phone Number
Check one of the following.
Are you a:
s Faculty
Undergraduate student
Graduate Student
Principal Investigator
If you are an Undergraduate or Graduate Student you must have your Advisor sign off for all
chemical requests.
Advisor’s Signature
Phone Number