A S January Virtue: Self Control

950 North Park
Brampton, Ontario
L6S 3L5
Phone: (905) 7922282
Fax: (905) 7929129
Ms. V. Elizondo
Ms. A. Cassar
Mrs. A. Battaglia
Head Secretary
Mr. M. Vecchiarino
(905) 890-1221
Mr. S. Xaviour
(905) 890-1221
St. Anthony of
Padua Parish
January Virtue: Self Control
Happy New Year
This month we will celebrate the virtue of self-control.
Welcome back to all of our staff and students. We hope that your Christmas holidays brought peace and tranquility to you
and that you were able to enjoy some time
with family and friends.
We may feel pressure from inside or
from outside ourselves to react violently to a situation. We’ve all “lost
it” at one time or another. We are
never proud of those moments. As
soon as they happen, we make a
promise that they will not happen
Through prayer and concentration,
we can get better at controlling our
reactions. We can get better at showing self-control. Self-control helps us
to resist the temptation to do something that will harm ourselves or others. Self-control is one of the marks
of a spiritually mature person.
940 North Park
When we all use self-control, we can
be sure that our school will be a safe,
caring and inclusive place to live and
to learn.
Brampton, Ontario
A person with self-control…
(905) 793-8030
Is patient
Father John Mullins
Knows how to wait his/her
Can calm him/herself down
Knows how to avoid physical
Another year has come upon us. The month
of January is named after the Roman god
Janus. This Roman god had two faces so
that he could look ahead toward the future
and back at the past at the same time. As we
end the old year and look forward to a new
one, we try to be a little like Janus. We know
what we did wrong and what we did right,
and hope to do better this year. Some people
make ambitious New Year’s resolutions; others just take it day by day. Let us look to
Jesus as an example of how to take on the
challenges of a new year. Jesus set the example by teaching right from wrong and by
teaching that love for each other is paramount.
Let us love one another more than we
did last year.
Let us work harder to improve ourselves.
Let us bring Jesus’ spirit into the lives
of others.
Let the New Year spark renewal for the
love of learning & achieving to the best
of one’s ability.
Let January’s renewal allow us to focus
next on February’s virtue – the virtue of
respect. Leave everyone who comes into
contact with you, better than when they
first came.
Page 2
Full Day Kindergarten Registration for 20152016
Registration for full day kindergarten for the 20152016 school year, will take place at St. Anthony
School on the following days:
Monday, January 26, 2015
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Friday, January 30, 2015
7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
*Snow Date:
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Grade 4 parent(s)/guardian(s), who wish to enroll their child in
a Grade 5 Extended French class for September, 2015 are invited to attend an information meeting on Wednesday, January
14, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.:
St. Jean Brébeuf
Safety First when dropping students off at school
The safety of all children and staff must be considered
as paramount at all times when dropping students off at
The number of incidents related to traffic circulation at
the front of the school and in the Kiss and Ride area
during morning arrival and afternoon dismissal has risen. These incidents include vehicles entering the site in
the wrong direction, parking and pulling out of no parking zones, parking in bus lanes, to name a few.
It is imperative that all parents and guardians who drive
their children to school adhere to the traffic circulation
plan and comply with the traffic and parking signage on
the site. It is equally imperative that all drivers follow
the direction of staff managing the traffic circulation on
the school site.
The following reviews the school protocol:
The KISS and RIDE LANE is designed to be a
quick and convenient method to drop off children at
school, without the need to park or leave your vehicle.
When entering the KISS and RIDE please drive all
the way to the end of the lane (front of school) before letting children leave the vehicle.
Illegally parked vehicles pose a danger to students
and pedestrians.
After dropping children at Kiss and Ride, parents
are to use the front drive through lane. There is no
parking in this area.
If you wish to walk your child to school, please park
in a designated spot or on the road. When walking
from the parking lot or road please use designated
walkways and DO NOT walk through the kiss and
ride lanes or the drive through.
63 Glenforest Road
Brampton, ON
L6S 1L8
(905) 791-8529
At the present time, the above mentioned school is the designated centre for our area. Applications will be accepted at that
centre until 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 17th, 2015.
Winter Weather and Daily Physical Activity
Winter is here! Please encourage your child to dress
appropriately for the cold weather. Outdoor play is a
healthy and invigorating activity when students are
wearing suitable clothing and warm mittens. Please
write your child’s name on boots, mitts, hats, jackets
and snow pants. Children must change into indoor
shoes for warmth, comfort and cleanliness in their
At school, all students are involved in daily outdoor
activity. If you feel that your child is too ill to go out
for recess, we request that your child remain at
home until he/she is healthy enough to join in the
regular activities of the school day. Please be advised that on extremely cold days, students will re-
In order for the KISS and RIDE to run in a safe and
efficient manner we require all users to adhere to the
KISS and RIDE policy. Your support and cooperation
is greatly appreciated.
Professional Activity Day
January 19th is a Professional Activity Day. There will be
no school for students. Teachers will be involved in report card writing.
Page 3
Our Catholic School Heritage continued . . .
7. Were these four obstacles removed?
Yes. The United Legislature of Canada East and Canada West in 1853, 1855 and 1863 removed all four hindrances. There was no more double taxation. It did not
matter if there was a Catholic teaching in the common
school. The separate school board did not need the permission of the common school board to open a new or
additional separate school. The number of Catholic
heads of family to establish a separate school was lowered from twelve to five. As a result, the number of separate schools grew considerably.
8. What effect did the Canadian Constitution, create in the British North America Act (1867) (now
entitled either the Constitution Act or the Canada
Act), have on separate schools?
When the Fathers of Confederation came from New
Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Canada East, and Canada
West to meet in Charlottetown and Quebec, they quickly
concluded, in the words of one of the Fathers, Sir
Charles Tupper, that “Without this guarantee for the
rights of minorities being embodied in that new constitution, we should have been unable to obtain any Confederation whatever.”
9. What guarantee for separate schools does the
Canadian Constitution still contain?
In 1867 the Fathers of Confederation made section 93(1)
part of the Constitution. It states:
Nothing in any such [provincial legislative] Law shall
prejudicially affect any Right or Privilege with respect to
Denominational Schools which any Class of Persons [i.e.
separate school supporters] have by Law in the Province
at the Union.
The Book Fair is coming back!
St. Anthony’s second annual Scholastic
Book Fair is just around the corner! The
theme is “Under the Sea”, and selection
will appeal to all ages! Once again, there
will be a number of draws held at school
for prizes such as, books, posters, bookmarks and pencils. All students will have a
variety of ways to enter the draws! We will
also have a family event draw.
The Book Fair will take place in the Library
from February 2nd through February 6th.
Students will have the opportunity to preview the Book Fair and create their Wish
Lists on February 2nd and February 3rd. The
Book Fair will be open daily, during school
hours, for students to make purchases.
The Book Fair will also be open for a Family
Event during the interview evening on
February 5th from 3:00pm – 7:00pm, so parents will have the opportunity to shop as
well. Any family attending the Family
Event, may enter their child’s name in a
draw to win a $25 Book Fair gift certificate
for their child and their child’s teacher.
This event is very important to our school,
as the funds raised goes directly into purchasing new books for our school.
We are looking forward to seeing you at
the Book Fair!
Pediculosis (Head Lice)
Pediculosis, or head lice are a common occurrence in schools. Head lice are parasites which have been common
among human beings for centuries. They are not connected with dirt and neglect. Anyone can be infested with
them. Please check your children frequently and if you find them infested, we would ask that you let us know so we
can advise you on the proper treatment. If a child does become infested, we will ask you to keep your child out of
school until he/she has been treated with the correct medicated shampoo and his/her hair is entirely clear of both
lice and nits (eggs). When the child returns to school, the child needs to come to the office to be checked before
going to class.
If we all cooperate in these procedures we can address these occurrences in a sensitive manner. We may not entirely escape outbreaks, but we will be able to bring them under control.
1 Happy New Year!
9 Pizza Day
January 2015
7 Skip Club
6 Epiphany
5 Lunch Lady
16 Sub Day
Extended French @
31 Service of Light
Mass @ 5:00
23 Pizza Day
29 Kindergarten Regis- 30 Sub Day
tration 9-3
Virtue Assembly
Gr. 7 Meng.C
21 Skip Club
14 Skip Club
13 Gr. 8 HPV #2
19 PA Day
12 Lunch Lady
26 Lunch Lady
Kindergarten Registration 9-3
27 Kindergarten Regis- 28 Skip Club
tration 9-3
Kindergarten Registration 7-9
Brampton A’s Community Night
Kindergarten Registration 9-3