Dear Xavier Field Office Guests and Staff,
Sustainability Committee
3800 Victory Parkway
P 513-745-1938
F 513-745-1926
Cincinnati, Ohio 45207-5411
Thank you for supporting Xavier University’s food waste diversion program. The provided stainless steel Compost Pail is meant to house food waste scraps that would normally be thrown in the trash. Included along with your container is a laminated sheet of instructions. We are motivated to soon reach zero food waste on campus!
All of the collected materials will contribute to Xavier’s composting program and will be added to the Earth Tubs located behind McGrath Health and Wellness Center. The Earth Tubs combine yard waste with food scraps to create humus for use in the fields, gardens, and flower beds of Xavier.
We ask that you please exclude meat products and bones from the containers. All other food materials may be added.
Earth Tub Project Sustainability Intern Jake Litmer will collect the contents on a weekly basis - unless you call for more frequent pickup.
The containers hold a charcoal filter in the lid to prevent odors from escaping. If you find that the container needs any maintenance such as a replacement filter, cleaning, or emptying prior to the weekly pickup date, please feel free to call the Sustainability Office at 513-745-1938.
We appreciate your support,
Your office rep is:
Debi Cain x 2061
Alexandra James
Waste Management Sustainability Intern
Background for the Earth Tub Project: Equipment for the Earth Tub Project was donated by
Hamilton County and Christ Hospital. The concrete pad, plastic piping, and electrical connection for the Earth Tubs was built by Physical Plant Project Managers with funding from the
Sustainability Fund. The pail storage unit was donated by the Provost. Forty Kitchenette
Compost Pails, and other food scrap collection equipment for catering staff and conference center volunteers, have been purchased with funding from a 2014 Hamilton County Recycling and Solid Waste Division District Grant.