Principal Vice Principal ‘’Diversity is not about how we differ.

Volume 27 , Issue 1
Fall, 2014
M. Lewis
Vice Principal
B. Bieth
D. Jakubowska
Chaplaincy Leader
Kathleen Ware
‘’Diversity is not about how we differ.
Diversity is about embracing one another's
uniqueness." Ola Joseph
Head Secretary
Margaret Gormley
School Council Chair
Angy Sayegh
Mississauga Brampton Central
Lucy Papaloni
Anna da Silva
Brampton Wards 1,3,4
(416) 706-5679
Linda Zanella
Brampton Wards 2,5,6
(416) 579-0126
Fr. Jan Kolodynski
(905) 455-4260
Elementary Feeder Schools
Our Lady Of Peace,
Pauline Vanier, St.Brigid,
St.Joseph, St.Kevin, St. Monica,
Director of Education
John Kostoff
Board Chairperson
Mario Pascucci
Peel Police School Liaison
Const. Jeff Gardner
Const. Markus Cissek
Congratulations to Sidrah Shahrear & Salwa FarhatAli whose design was one of 5 posters selected to mark
Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week.
St. Augustine S.S.
D.P.C.D.S.B Website
27 Drinkwater Road, Brampton, ON, L6Y 4T6
Phone: (905) 450-9993, Fax: (905) 450-0955
The 2014-2015 school year
has begun with many exciting
opportunities for students to
become involved at St. Augustine.
We have over 60 students that are
involved in the student council this
year. We have 200 plus athletes
that are currently training and
representing our school in football,
cross country running, volleyball,
basketball, wrestling and
tennis. A variety of clubs are
up and running with a multitude
of activities and opportunities for
students to participate in areas of
their interest.
This school year our focus is to
increase student engagement; both
inside and outside the classroom,
in extra-curricular activities.
We believe that students that
are involved and committed to
school life at St. Augustine are
more academically successful
and better prepared for postsecondary experiences. Our hope
is to provide more opportunities
for parents and guardians to
witness their son(s)/daughter(s)
involvement in school life.
During the 2013-2014 school year
we moved forward with many
improvements and upgrades to
St. Augustine Secondary School
physical plant. The improvements
to the building have been greatly
appreciated by the staff and
students at St. Augustine. I wanted
to highlight some of the work
that has been completed. The
painting of the school forum and
all the doors has made a huge
improvement in updating the look
of the school. The front
entrance of the school
was repainted, the cross
and name of the school
was refreshed and new
blue trim was painted
inside the building. All
interior doors were
painted and students
painted the garbage
cans and benches to
In the gym, the floor
was resurfaced and the
walls were painted. It
is so much brighter,
it looks fabulous. Outside the
sports field was fenced; it was also
regraded, resodded and seeded.
We also installed four brand new
bleachers for students and family
to watch the games. The goal posts
have been painted to highlight
when we score.
In other areas of the school work
was completed so we could install
thirteen new smart boards and
several projection units. Our
smart board installation continues
and directly supports student
learning in the classroom. We also
have a mobile cart with 30 tablets
available for teachers to sign out
and use in their classrooms. We
are all enthusiastic and excited
about this technology. We look
forward to Wi-Fi access for
students in 2015.
Last year our hospitality program
was new to the school. Work was
necessary to upgrade the kitchen
space, this work has allowed
our industrial kitchen to be fully
functional and accessible to the
students. We have opened a
bistro to provide students with an
authentic restaurant experience.
Teachers are able to purchase
and sample the wonderful foods
the students are preparing in the
kitchen. Our hospitality program
has expanded significantly.
As you can see we have been
busy. We will continue to make
improvement to our school,
always moving forward. Our
school faculty is very focused
on enhancing and improving
the programs that we offer at
St. Augustine. I believe that St.
Augustine Secondary School offers
programs, opportunities and an
education that prepares students
to be successful Catholic Graduates
who are ready to embrace
opportunities and who are well
prepared for a future in the 21st
God Bless
Dr. M. Lewis, Principal
Every September for the last 30 years
(except the 3 I was off on maternity
leave) have been such a joy for me.
They have meant a new group of
students to meet and get to know, the
excitement of a new beginning, the
ability to start anew. This September
is no exception! We have a bigger
group of Grade 9’s than we have had
in some time and so that has meant
many Grade 9 retreats and many
names to learn. Our retreats were
well received this year and Joe and
Heather affected change in every
student that encountered them.
We hope that the grade 9 retreats
provided an opportunity for each
and every student to meet a new
friend, make a new connection and
to think about their faith, whatever
their beliefs are.
We have an exciting year planned!
Our overall theme for the year is one
of service. We have looked to our Holy
Father Pope Francis for inspiration.
He is a great example of what we
must do to serve one another. Our
first act of service was the Fall
School Council
Thanksgiving Food Drive. Thank you
to all who contributed. The Knight’s
Table was very appreciative of your
efforts. Stay tuned for our Christmas
Basket Drive!
Many thanks to the grade12 students
who have been going on retreat to
Dr. Simone’s Canadian Food For
Children. Your generous acts of
service and your donations of food
and clothing are much needed. Keep
up the great work.
Some ongoing service projects in
our school include the collection of
milk bags which will be turned into
sleeping mats, large bags for carrying
produce and even small toy animals.
We also collect reusable plastic
containers to take to Dr. Simone’s.
These include margarine, yogurt
and ice cream containers that can be
filled from bulk food packages and
distributed to families in need. Finally
we collect pop cans in one container
and pop tabs in another. The pop
cans go to help fund the building
of a house by Habitat for Humanity
right here in Brampton. The pop
tabs go to support our veterans who
need medical equipment for injuries
sustained while on active duty.
Please do your part to support these
We will be travelling to Nicaragua
once again. While there we will assist
in completing the last classroom for
a high school. We will live and work
with the community of Jinoteca in the
North West province of the country.
It is the trip of a lifetime and changes
the lives of the students who travel
with us! Plan to join us sometime
during your high school career.
Finally turn the service work you
do in the school into the 40 hours
of service you need to graduate! See
Mrs. Ware for opportunities to help
out your school community!
Have a wonderful school year!
K. Ware
“Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul.”
Saint Augustine
Hi everyone and welcome to the 2014-2015 St Augustine Catholic School year. We hope that this will be a
momentous and a memorable year for the students, parents, teachers and volunteers. I would like to take this
opportunity to thank the parents and volunteers who have come out and decided to participate in this year’s school
council committee.
Guiding our adolescent teenagers academically, athletically and spiritually is our top priority as this is beneficial
to us and to our community as a whole. Volunteering a few hours a month is such a little thing but very rewarding
and fulfilling. We try to meet once a month to discuss issues happening in the school and find ways to contribute
and assist in any way that we can.
I would like to invite any and all parents and family members of St. Augustine students to join us at any of our
future meetings to support our school community. Welcome and have a blessed, instructive and enlightening
school year.
Angy Sayegh
School Council Chair
Hairstyling & Aesthetics
Welcome back to all St. Augustine students!
The young ladies and gentlemen of the Hair
& Aesthetics program are off to a great
start with many mannequins and lots of
enthusiasm so the students can practice
their skills as much as possible.
The Hairstyling & Aesthetics program will be participating in St. Augustine’s annual “Girls Nite In” on
November 13th, 2014. Students will be able to share the skills and knowledge learned in Cosmetology.
Our cosmetology students also volunteer their time and skills during the annual “Wake-A-Thon”.
We are looking forward to attending The Allied Beauty Association Show at the Metro Convention Centre
in April 2015.
As we finish acclimatizing our grade nines to life here at St. Augustine, we
prepare our grade twelves to take flight next June. Currently 278 seniors
have begun the ritualistic nail-biting that accompanies preparation for
life after high school. In September, they were reminded to complete
their 40 hours of community service long before next year’s graduation
ceremony. Since then, all of our local colleges have presented in the
cafeteria, and some fifteen universities have begun their after school
liaison visits as they spar for our best and brightest. Trips to Laurentian,
Nipissing, Trent, Canadore and UOIT are underway, and we in Guidance
will be here to dry worrisome tears along the journey, to calm nerves
and quell jitters—and that is just for the parents. We’ll even help the
Visits to all of our local feeder schools have been organized for grade
eight siblings, and, believe it or not, course selections are being prepared
for the 2015-2016 academic year. Time waits for no one!!!
November 14
January 21-27
February 6
P.A. Day
Grade 8 Night
Last day for grade 12 students to NOT have marks appear on their transcripts
Trip to UOIT
Semester 1 Final Exams
Semester 1 Report Card Distribution
Paul Donovan
Dept. Head of Guidance
Computer Science (ICS)
Grade 10 and 11 Computer Science students are currently learning how to program using Java and Visual
Basic Express. They are working in small groups to create a program for Halloween. Teams from the
Computer Club are registered for the Game Maker Contest that will be held in Sheridan College on DEC
17th. New members are welcomed! The students are encouraged to participate in the following computing
contests: Grade 9’s and 10’s interested in Mathematics and Computer Science will be participating in a math
contest from the University of Waterloo called the Beaver Computing Challenge –BCC - Beaver Computing
Challenge (The week of NOV. 10, 2014) - U of Waterloo This contest provide a path from Mathematics to
Computer Science This is an online math contest that will be administered during the week of Nov. 12th –
16th. Students get a 45-minute block of time during which they try to solve 15 math problems.
• A Certificate of Participation is provided for each student.
• A Certificate of Distinction is provided for each student scoring in the top 25% in their school.
• The names of some of the top-scoring students among all those participating in the challenge are posted online.
CCC – Canadian Computing Competition (FEB.18, 2014) - U of Waterloo
ECOO Board-level Computing Competition (MARCH 2014)
Computer Technology Classes (TEJ)
Is it better to buy pre-built computer
system or build one yourself? The
students in the grade 9 Exploring
Computer Technology (TEJ 1O1) class
have been learning about the parts of
a computer system and the advantages
and disadvantages of a building a custom
built computer based on their needs. They
have searched online for the computer
hardware components and software
needed for their systems.
Students in the Grade 11 Computer
Engineering Technology (TEJ 3M1) class
have been taking apart and rebuilding
a computer. They have also installed an
operating system and other required
software. They have also learned how to
create a small network and share data and
hardware resources across the network.
Students registered for Co-operative Education for next semester for February 2015 need to make the following
arrangements. They MUST fill out a co-op application form and submit this with a current resume to their
Guidance counselor as soon as possible. Students will be contacted by the Co-op Department for an interview
before being admitted into the program. The following placements are centralized and therefore require students
to apply Nov. 19th 2014, if they are choosing one of these for co-op. Students must meet with Ms. Romaniuk and
Mr. Vital to ensure the application forms are filled out correctly. If you have not yet applied for co-op and are
interested in the following Centralized placements please be advised you must act quickly. Many of the following
placements have complex and/or lengthy application forms. These are highly competitive placements, be
Centralized Placements- For the placements listed below:
Peel Regional Police (Administrative and one automotive position);
Brampton Civic Hospital (Administrative only); Brampton Fire (Education
Centre only); Credit Valley and Trillium Hospitals (Clinical and
Non-Clinical positions, one Security position); City of Brampton; Donato
Salon and Spa (Hair and Make-up); Keaton Centre (Trades);
Rogers (Media positions); Mississauga News (Journalism);
Local 27 (Carpentry – Level One Training); PLASP (ECE training)
Non-Centralized Placement Opportunities:
Please apply for the following positions as soon as possible
Medical Positions:
Dental Office; Nursing Homes (Nursing, Recreational Therapy); Physiotherapy Clinics;
Animal Care/Pet Grooming/Veterinary Services
Computer Related Positions:
Brampton Public Library (IT position);
Computer Hardware/Software Positions (data entry, computer repair);
Web Design/Graphics
Non Trade Areas:
Teaching, Accounting, Office Administration, Human
Resources, Legal careers and many more.
Trade Areas:
Electrical, Plumbing, Carpentry, General Construction, Tool
and Dye, Heating and Air Conditioning Technician, Automotive Service
Technician, Auto Body Repair, Baker, Pastry Chef, Cook, Early Childhood
Educator, Hairstylist, Motorcycle Technician, Truck and Coach Technician,
Child and Youth Worker, and more.
Students need to listen for further announcements regarding co-op. Please note that most placements are full day
placements only, however some may accommodate half day students. Students considering co-op for February
of next year, should register as soon as possible because each student must be interviewed before entry into
the program is permitted. Interviews for all students registered for the February 2015 Co-op program will take
place in Oct., Nov., and Dec. Students applying for Centralized placements will be interviewed first. All students
will receive notification of their appointment date from the Co-op Department once their application forms and
resumes have been completed and submitted to Guidance. These will then be forwarded to the Co-op Department.
Ms. Romaniuk and Mr. Vital look forward to meeting with all of you in the near future to discuss your career plans.
Students who are interested in pursuing any of the apprenticeable trades are encouraged to meet with the Co-op
teacher to discuss these opportunities and what it can mean to you to be registered as an OYAP (Ontario Youth Apprentice) student. We are currently offering Co-op opportunities in the trade areas mentioned above.
We will once again be offering for the February semester DUAL CREDITS with our partnered colleges. Students
interested in the General Construction trades, Electrical and Precision Machining and Tooling trades, Plumbing and
Welding trades, and in General Arts and Science courses are encouraged to review the list of DUAL CREDIT courses
being offered for Sem 2. Please go to the St. Augustine school website and under course calendar click on the Dual
Credit link to see these offerings. The following colleges are offering dual credits: Sheridan, Humber, George Brown,
Centennial, and Seneca. Please note that programs can be offered at more than one campus for each college.
Students can earn anywhere from 1 to 3 College credits while at the same time earning 1 to 3 high school credits.
Transportation to the various colleges will be provided at no cost to the student for either 1 or 2 days per week.
This is an exciting initiative to help students bridge the gap from high school to college. Look for more of these
initiatives in the future. Applications for the Dual Credit courses will be available in late October. These spots are
limited in number, please talk to one of the co-op teachers regarding Dual Credit applications.
The following colleges and programs will tentatively be offering Level one training in the following trades: Local 27
Carpentry Program Level 1; Humber College Cook Program Level 1 and Baker Program Level 1; Centennial College
Automotive Service Technician Program Level 1; and Sheridan College Construction and Maintenance Electrician
Program Level 1; for Semester 2 - February 2015. All of these Programs will offer students their Level One Training
in each of these apprenticeable trades. Stay tuned for updates regarding these Level 1 offerings.
We look forward to meeting with you in the near future.
Please see your Guidance counselor or the Co-op Department for application forms.
Girls leadership
“…ultimately you are the one who has your best interests at heart and who is able to
assess which skills you need.” (Inspire Your Career 2010)
I am …
I can …
I will …
About 30 leaders of clubs,
groups, and events examined
what they brought ‘to the table’
as leaders, and what they would
like to nurture in their leadership
activities this year, during a
Girl’s Leadership Workshop held
October 6th.
Falcons Athletics take flight
this Fall Season!
This athletics season is off to a very successful start at St. Augustine. Over 200 student athletes along
with their coaches have been working hard to compete in the following sports:
Varsity Girls Flag Football
Jr. Boys Football
Jr. Boys Volleyball
Sr. Boys Volleyball
Varsity Girls Basketball
• Cross Country
• Special Events Bocce
•Pre season Boys Basketball
The Varsity Girls Basketball team competes in the Senior Tier 1 division this season. With a 3 – 1 early season
record the team has brought home a Pocock Jr. Tournament Silver medal as well as a D’Youville Sr. Tournament Silver
Medal. The team hopes to continue their tournament success in the Campion Lady Bears Jr. and Sr. Tournament in
mid – late October.
This success is just a glimpse of the many positive outcomes enjoyed by the competing teams at St. Augustine this
fall. The Falcons look forward to a busy playoff season ahead.
Tennis Team Qualifies Seven Athletes!!
Juniors watch teammates play
Congratulations to our Tennis Falcons whose
tremendous play qualified seven athletes for the
ROPSSAA finals on Friday October 24th. In the Senior
division Kelsea Baksh qualified in first place for Girls
Singles without losing a single game. In the Junior
division Matthew Grecki and Martin Kucz qualified in
first place in Boys Doubles; Josh Simpson and Eurielle
Valmonte qualified in first place for mixed doubles and
Eleni Karagan and Jason Medina qualified in second
place for mixed doubles. An honourable mention also
goes to Ryan McLeavy who completed the qualifying
round in third place. Excellent team effort Falcons.
Thank you to these, and the following tennis athletes
on an outstanding season: Regine Araneta; Osaru
Omaruna; Eoghan O’Connell; Alontee Hosannah;
Eshane Bandara; Jason Aquino; Alan Cheriyan and
Kyle Cashin. Good luck in finals!!
Ryan Mcleavy,” Just a Scatch”
Business Club
The St. Augustine Business Club
is a committed group of students who are
enthusiastic to experience the
exciting world of business within a strong
Catholic community. The club
meets weekly with a mandate to raise the
profile of business studies across
all grade levels. This includes offering our
services to other groups within the
school community who required assistance
with various events and projects
throughout the school year. In addition, the
opportunity to participate in DECA and
Junior Achievement programs provides members of
the club with opportunities to develop and demonstrate leadership skills. We are currently accepting new members
(at all grade levels) with a diverse range of skills who are interested in pursuing a leadership role. Meetings are held
after school every Tuesday in Room 234. Stay tuned for information regarding upcoming events!
On October 22, 2014, Grade 11 and 12 Business students visited the Cadbury Chocolate Factory in Toronto. The
school tour provided exposure to the four P’s of the Marketing Mix – Product, Price, Place and Promotion, in
addition to learning about the various supervisory roles in a first-class production facility. They also visited the
Cadbury Museum to learn about the history of the Cadbury brand. Students had the opportunity to taste test some
samples and received complimentary Cadbury products to bring home. It was a great way to experience business
in action!
In Spring 2015, a group of enthusiastic students will travel to NYC to experience both economic and cultural awareness
of the biggest financial capital of North America! Activities will include the Empire State Building, Central Park, Times
Square, Macy’s, Wall Street, 5th Avenue, FAO Schwarz, NYSE, UN, Broadway Show, Harbour Cruise, Statue of Liberty,
Radio City Music Hall, Cake Boss, St. Patrick’s Cathedral and much more! Don’t miss out on this trip of a lifetime! Stay
tuned for sign up information later this month. For more details see Mrs. Stecko or Mrs. Hohendorf.
The St. Augustine Z- Club (Zonta) 3rd place winner in
the recent Emma Conlon Service Award 2014.
Current service projects - School level
Building awareness in the school community about the implications of violence, and bullying.
Building awareness about the work of Zonta in our community and around the world.
Participation in the recent Open House.
Invited guests from Vita Centre to speak about their mission of caring and support for young women and teen mothers.
Supporting Literacy Initiatives in the school- Parent Night Display
Donated Book Marker to parents and the library- in support of reading initiative.
Nadel Dolcy- Z-Club President
Reminders and Resources: Cold and Flu Season
As cold and flu season approaches, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board continues to be vigilant in
ensuring that our schools are clean and that our school communities are educated regarding good hand hygiene
and cough etiquette. These practices are promoted on an ongoing basis, but as the prevalence of colds and flu
increases, our board increases the cleaning of contact surfaces, as well as reminds schools to review cold and flu
prevention with students and staff. Many resources are utilized from our regional health units.
A reminder, as well, that communicable diseases can be contracted in public places throughout the year. For
example, cold-related viruses, such as Enterovirus, are transferred from person to person through hand contact.
Cold and flu viruses typically peak from December through February, but can start as early as October.
Regional Health Unit Resources
Please assist us by reviewing good hand washing procedures, as well as other preventative measures, as outlined in
the various Peel Health and Wellington Dufferin Guelph (WDG) resources available to you through their websites.
As always, children who are unwell, should be kept at home.
Flu Clinics
Also available on the Peel Health and WDG websites, are the schedules of local Flu Clinics.
For more information, visit the health unit websites:
Peel Health website:
Wellington Dufferin Guelph Health website:
Direct links to the above information can be found in the Parent Section of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School
Board website at
St. Augustine Secondary School
Tel: (905) 450- 9993 [Attendance Ext. 71318]
Fax:(905) 450-0955
Principal ...........................M. Lewis
Vice Principals...................B. Bieth
D. Jakubowska
Head Secretary....................M. Gormley
Attendance Secretary...........M. Giannone
Budget Secretary..................T. Coraci
Assistant Secretary...............A. Johnson
Guidance Department:
Counsellors ........................K. Erwin
A - FO
M. Cockburn
FR - O
P. Donovan
P - Z
Student Success Teacher.....M. Perry
Guidance Secretary.............A. McPherson-Ortega
Child & Youth Worker. .......P. Alexander
School Psychologist............K. Page
Social Worker.....................E. Rukin
2014 – 2015 SCHOOL YEAR
During the winter months inclement weather may
cause disruption of bus transportation and regular
school operations. A decision to cancel school
transportation and/or to close schools is usually made
by 6:00 a.m. and will be announced on the following
radio and television stations:
CBC FM99.1
FM Z103.5
CHIN FM100.7/
CFNY FM102.1/AM640