Ascension of Our Lord Secondary School Silvana Gos STUDENT HANDBOOK

Ascension of Our Lord Secondary School
7640 Anaka Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L4T 3H7
(905)676-1287 – FAX (905)678-7177
2013 - 2014
Silvana Gos
Ferdinando Tantalo
Maria van der Vegt
Sr. Ursula Witkowska, IBVM
Chaplain Leader
The purpose of the handbook section of the agenda is to inform the
students in the Ascension of Our Lord community of the policies and
general information pertaining to the school. It is requested that students
review the material in this book with their parents. Any questions or
concerns dealing with the information in this handbook should be directed
to one of the members of the school administration. The school reserves
the right to implement changes and revisions to published material in this
handbook if so required and in the best interest of the school community.
This agenda belongs to:
Prayers for Use in School
Period 1 – Opening Exercises
The school day begins at 8:22 am with the national anthem and
prayer and reflection.
Period 2 – Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you
Blessed are you among women
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners
Now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Period 4 - Our Father
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen
Period 3 – Prayer of St. Francis
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be
consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be
loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are
pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen
Times for Daily and Liturgy Schedules
HOMEROOM: __________________________________
Locker # ______________
Student Timetable
Regular day
Liturgy Day
Period 1
08:22 – 09:40
Period 1
08:22 – 10:25
Period 2
09:45 – 11:00
Period 2
10:30 – 11:30
Period 3A
11:05 – 11:45
Period 3A
11:35 – 12:15
Period 3B
11:45 – 12:20
Period 3B
11:15 – 12:35
Period 3C
12:20 – 1:00
Period 3C
12:35 – 1:15
Period 4
1:05 – 2:20
Period 4
1:20 – 2:20
Semester 1
Semester 2
Lunch Grade 9
& Grade 11
Lunch Grade 9
& Grade 11
Lunch Grade10
& Grade 12
Lunch Grade10
& Grade 12
Welcome to the 2013-20140, Ascension of Our Lord Catholic
Secondary School year. This Student Handbook has been
designed to guide and assist you throughout the coming year. You
will also find information concerning important dates and our
expectations for Ascension students. These expectations are a
reflection of our Catholic values and traditions.
S. Gos - Principal
As a Christian family united in the person of Jesus Christ, students
are educated in Catholic traditions with an emphasis on moral
values, dignity and an appreciation of our diversity. We strive for
all to maximize their potential, as we promote spiritual, intellectual,
physical, emotional and social growth.
We aspire to be
compassionate, responsible and productive life-long learners
committed to serving the community.
All students are expected to:
Be polite and courteous at all times to all school staff,
fellow Ascension students and visitors
Adhere to the school dress code
Support and participate in all school activities including
the religious life of the community
Care for textbooks and equipment and respect the
personal property of others
Use language that reflects our Catholic values
Be on time and come prepared for all class activities
Complete assignments on time
By choosing to attend Ascension, students and their parents give
their commitment to respect the religious foundation of the school
and participate in all aspects of its Catholic traditions.
Pastoral Care
The Chaplaincy Leader assisted by the Chaplaincy Team provides
pastoral care for staff, students and their families. The pastoral
care program includes such areas as bereavement support,
liturgical planning, retreats, counseling, social justice activities,
fund-raising, staff faith development and E.C.H.O. (Eagle
Christians Helping Out), a school community outreach group.
Prayer and Liturgy
The school community observes an annual cycle of prayer
according to the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church.
Students and staff have the opportunity for daily prayer and are
invited to the Chapel for Morning Prayer each day (8:05 a.m. to
8:10 a.m.) and through daily morning reflections are encouraged to
develop greater awareness of God’s presence in their life.
Throughout the school year, Ascension will mark various
occasions (ie. Beginning of the School Year, Thanksgiving,
Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Graduation) by
gathering together for Liturgies of the Word and/or Eucharistic
celebrations. Our school Feast Day, the Feast of the Ascension,
will be particularly highlighted.
The Retreat program at Ascension serves as an important
component of the faith development of the student. A retreat
provides students an important opportunity to step back from the
“busy-ness” of school life in order to take time through prayer and
reflection to grow in relationship with God and with each other.
Every student at Ascension must participate in a day retreat
each year. Additional but optional retreats may be provided. As
partners in faith, the cost of the retreat program is shared by the
school board, the school and the parents.
In all Catholic schools in the Province of Ontario,
Religious Education functions as a compulsory academic
component within the nexus of activities that seek to teach
students Gospel values as taught by Jesus Christ. As such
Religious Education plays an integral role in the learning
experience of all Catholic secondary students. It also complements
the various Catholic faith-related activities (e.g., school liturgies,
chaplaincy services, grade-level religious retreats, etc.) that take
place within the Ascension faith community.
In all secondary schools in the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District
School Board,
Religious Education is delivered as a scholastic discipline with the
same systematic demands and the same academic rigour as other
disciplines. Religious Education presents the Catholic-message
and the Christian-event with same seriousness and the same
depth with which other disciplines present their knowledge and
particular skill-sets.
At Ascension of Our Lord Catholic Secondary School,
Religious Education exists not only as a stand-alone academic
subject and faith based discipline; but it is engaged in a necessary
inter-disciplinary dialogue with all other subjects offered at our
school: effectively bringing Catholicity across the curriculum within
all discipline areas. In this way, the presentation of Catholic
message, the sense of salvation history, the basis of Christian
ethical values, the function of the Catholic religion in culture, and
their relationship with nature, are understood by students.
Through inter-disciplinary dialogue, and cross-curricular religious
instruction, Ascension students find the underpinning, and
fulfilment of the Catholic Graduate Expectations.(Based on
Religious Education in the 21st Century: Ontario Catholic
Secondary Curriculum Policy Document, 2006)
The Virtues
A virtue is a habit or established capacity to perform good actions
according to a moral standard. A Catholic school is the ideal place to
practice and prepare to live a virtuous life.
Many elements of Catholic character and virtue are developed in DufferinPeel schools. In the coming year, our schools will focus on these particular
virtues during each month.
September - Faith…is an attitude which encourages us to involve God in
our lives and helps us to maintain and develop our relationships with God
and with others both when things are going well and when they are not.
October - Empathy……is the ability to put oneself in another’s shoes and
the capacity to feel what the other person is feeling.
November - Conscience… is the voice of God within us. A developed
conscience helps us make decisions that encourage and support truly
loving relationships.
December - Hope… is the virtue of relying on God. It keeps us searching
for true happiness, sustains us during hard times, and keeps us from
being discouraged.
January - Self-Control… is regulating your thoughts and actions so that
you stop any pressures from within or without and act the way you know
and feel is right. Developing loving habits helps us to respond lovingly to
others in our choices and actions.
February - Respect… is seeing the goodness in others. It helps us to
see others as God sees them, to accept them as they are, and to treat
them with dignity.
March - Kindness… is the act of loving and giving generously to others
as God does. Our empathy for others is transformed into action, an action
that extends beyond concern for us.
April - Love… God wants us to serve and to see the goodness in
everyone we meet
May - Acceptance… is the ability to respect the dignity and rights of all
persons, even those whose beliefs and behaviors differ from our own.
Everyone should strive to love and respect their neighbour, as they love
and respect themselves.
June - Fairness… is the ability to be open minded and act in a just and
fair way. Fairness allows us to treat others with mercy and compassion to feel and act with and for another person.
When we act out these virtues, we are making the presence of God visible
in the world around us.
All students must be in Homeroom by 8:22 am. Daily school
attendance will be taken and opening exercises to start the day
consisting of Oh Canada and prayer.
When a student is absent from school there is a two step
1. A parent or guardian must call the attendance office the
night before or the morning of the absence.
2. On the day the student returns from an absence the
student must sign in immediately at the attendance office
before 8:22 am with a note from the parent or guardian
explaining the legitimate reason the absence.
Late Arrival to School
All students are expected to arrive on time and to be properly
prepared with all materials for each class before the bell rings. If a
student arrives later in the morning, the student is required to
sign in immediately upon arrival at the attendance office with
a note from the parent or guardian explaining the legitimate
reason for later arrival i.e. Dr., Dental appointment etc. If a
student does not bring a note and neglects to sign in any missed
classes will be marked as a skip even if the parent is aware of the
late arrival.
Late Arrival between Classes
Students are allowed five minutes to move from one class to the
next one. Consequences for being late to class are initially the
responsibility of the classroom teacher with persistent and
repeated late arrivals being referred to the office.
Leaving the School – Signing Out
A student who needs to sign out early from school she must sign
out before 8:12 am in the attendance office with a note from a
parent or guardian. Failing to properly sign out will result in the
absence being recorded as a skip whether the parent or guardian
is aware of the student leaving the school or not.
Leaving School Property
All students are expected to remain on school property during the
school day. Students should not leave the school property at any
time without signing out in the Attendance Office after getting
parental permission
Phone Home
In the event of an unaccounted absence or late, a
computerized phone call will go home on the evening of the
absence, stating that the student was absent or late and during
which periods. If a parent or guardian is unaware of the absence
we ask that they call the attendance office the next day so that the
absence or late can be verified. It is up to the student if there is any
discrepancy to make contact with the appropriate teacher to clear
up the discrepancy and then the teacher will contact the
attendance office if there is an error and correct it.
Missed, Late, Incomplete Assignments Policy
It is the student’s responsibility to address missed, late, or incomplete
assignments. Students are expected to complete assignments and to adhere to assignment deadlines as follows: Due Date A due date is set by the teacher 10% Penalty Zone
1 school day late ‐ 3%
2 school days late ‐ 6%
3 school days late ‐ 10%
Max. penalty of 10%
Closure Date Once the closure date has passed, work is considered incomplete and a mark of zero may apply. Parents shall be contacted regarding missed assignments
before a mark of zero is applied.
4th Occurance
Note: ‐ Always treat students with respect and discipline students with dignity Operation of a First occurrence the student is to be referred to Second occurrence the student is to be referred to the office Cell Phone in the office , Admin will call home and hold the Admin will call home and issue consequences
the school
phone until the end of the day
Teacher reviews Teacher warns the Teacher refers student to the Teacher refers the student to the Minor office with the Profile Sheet for expectations with student, consequences office with the Student Disruptive Profile Sheet and the Admin Progressive Consequences. Admin student and phone the student, and calls Behaviour
will assign consequences
will assign consequences.
Disruptive Contact Administration and send the student to be the office immediately.
Behaviour Uniform
1. Students who are out of uniform (but can get into full uniform) will be allowed to do so by the subject teacher. Repeated offences are dealt with as a behaviour issue. 2. If the student cannot get into full uniform they will be sent to the office with the Student Profile sheet and they are dealt with on an individual basis. If students continue to be out of uniform they may be sent home.
Send a copy of the Student Profile Teacher speaks Teacher consequences Teacher calls home to warn Sheet to the appropriate Admin. Late to Class personally to the the student as of a referral to the office on Profile sheet must include details (within a 7 student to review appropriate the 3rd late. On the 4th late of parental contact. Admin will week period)
(ie detention)
student is sent to the office. contact parent and consequence. On the 6th Late the student may be Subsequent Skips refer to the Teacher reviews Warn student, assign a Refer the student to the office with completed Student expectations with Skip
consequence and phone office with a completed Profile Sheet and there will be student and phone Student Profile Sheet.
progressive consequences.
Technically truancies are illegitimate absences for the whole day and these will be dealt with by the office once it Truancies
is establish that the absence was a truancy. Prior to an office referral please check with attendance or call home to verify that the student should have been in school all day.
Teachers will contact home on the 4th absence within an 8 week period Frequent Teacher makes notes of all home contact on the Student Profile Sheet Absences
If the absence is persistent the teacher will refer the student to the main office with the Student Profile Sheet.
Progressive Discipline
Procedure Chart for Common Classroom Problems
1st Occurance
2nd Occurance
3rd Occurance
Ascension of our Lord’s uniform is compulsory and items
must be purchased from R. J. McCarthy Ltd.
The uniform for all students is a visible sign of belonging in
the Ascension of Our Lord Community. We are committed to
conveying Catholic, Christian ideals to our students. The
uniform must be neat, clean and modest and students are
expected to maintain the uniform in good repair at all times.
McCarthy navy blue dress pants with the school logo
worn at the waist with a dark coloured belt if required to keep
pants from hanging too low, no broken zippers
not tucked into socks or shoes, properly hemmed
Dress shirt/golf shirt
with Ascension logo, tucked into pants
only plain white shirt underneath
V-neck sweater/zipped Polo
with new Ascension Logo Crest only
without rips, tears and ragged sleeves
Solid Black Dress Shoes with low heel
solid black only/ low heel/ closed toe
leather or simulated leather top, clean, in good repair
no athletic or casual shoe permitted i.e. running, canvas,
moccasins, slippers or less formal foot wear
winter boots need to be exchanged for dress shoes in school
socks must be worn
preferred colours, black, grey, navy blue or white
Further Uniform and dress code expectations
all students must wear the full school uniform while in the
building throughout the school day.
the school uniform must be worn on all educational field trips
unless otherwise approved by administration.
students are not permitted to wear hats, head scarves,
bandanas, or any unapproved head wear or hair accessories
or other none uniform accessories
approved head wear should be solid black or dark blue only
Students must change for required courses (drama, phys.ed.)
in areas assigned by their teacher
Outdoor clothing such as hats, coats, jackets, scarves, mitts
and gloves are to be stored in the lockers upon entry and
are not to be worn in the school throughout the day and are
not permitted in the cafe
Civvies Day Dress Code
All clothing must conform to our standards of modesty
The following are but a few unacceptable items: bandanas,
spaghetti straps, tank tops, off the shoulder tops, sheer seethrough tops, tight inappropriate pants, leggings, low cut tops,
no bare midriffs or short shorts, no drug related or profane or
inappropriate slogans
Participation in civies days is voluntary; those not participating
must be in regular uniform
full uniform must be worn during exams
o Students are required to be in full and appropriate uniform
at all times as part of their regular duties as an Ascension
of Our Lord Secondary School student.
o Disciplinary action may include the following: Discussion,
counselling, a phone call home, sent home to change, and
suspensions for repeat infractions.
The expectation is that family holidays will not be scheduled
during regular school time and especially not during exams.
Prolonged absences due to family vacation may jeopardize the
student’s successful completion of necessary coursework. It is the
student’s responsibility to either work ahead or to catch up on all
school work missed while on holiday. If an exam is missed due to
a vacation a mark of zero will be assigned.
Grade 9 Math Test (EQAO)
All grade 9 students are required to write the "Grade 9
Assessment of Mathematics." This EQAO test will take place
before the exam period begins during the last two classes of each
semester. This test is designed to give students (and their
parents) feedback regarding their mathematical strengths and
weaknesses. A portion of the test will count towards the students’
final grade in Mathematics. Full test results will be issued in the
fall of the following year.
Grade 10 Literacy Test (EQAO)
All students in grade 10 must write the Ontario Secondary School
Literacy Test (OSSLT) in order to earn their 'Ontario Secondary
School Diploma' (OSSD). The test will be based on Ontario
curriculum expectations for language and communication across
the core subject areas of English, Geography, Mathematics, and
Science. The test will focus particularly on reading and writing
skills. The content of the test will reflect the expectations in
common to both applied (P) and academic (D) level students.
The test will be written in the spring, during a one-day period
where two distinct test booklets will be completed. Sample tests
and practice questions can be reviewed on the EQAO web site,
Semestered School
Ascension of Our Lord Secondary School is a semestered school.
The school year consists of two semesters. Semester one runs
from September to January; and Semester two runs from February
to June. Each semester has two marking periods. A report card is
issued each marking period: the first is called Mid-term, and the
second is called Final. Ascension offers the standard high school
academic program mandated by the Ministry of Education of
Ontario. A list of courses and course descriptions offered at
Ascension is published on our school website.
Ontario Secondary School Diploma
The Ontario Secondary School Diploma (O.S.S.D.) is only granted
to students who earn all of the following:
a minimum of 30 credits,
complete 40 hours of Community Service
Pass the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test.
Course Changes
Students will be expected to follow through on the program
decisions they have made, their parents have approved and the
school has planned to accommodate. Course changes will be
made for the following reasons and only if schedule permits:
A student does not hold a pre-requisite for a course chosen.
A teacher has recommended a destination change.
A student who requires a pre-requisite for College or University
Each request will be considered by the counsellor on an individual
basis, providing parents approve and the timetable allows for the
change. All changes will normally be completed by the end of the
first week in each semester.
Repeating a Course
Graduating students are the only students allowed to repeat a
course in Semester II that was taken in Semester I of the same
academic year. Any student allowed to retake a course in
Semester II will do so only in accordance with the following
The student has completed the course and written the exam
There is space available in the particular course only after the
first week of Semester ll in order to permit any new
registrations access to the course.
In the opinion of the Semester I teacher of the subject desired,
the student has responsibly fulfilled his/her duties as a student
in the class. Such duties include satisfactory attendance,
completion of assignments, homework and tests.
Guidance and Career Education Program
The guidance and career education program provides students
with an understanding of the concepts in the three areas of
learning i.e. student development, interpersonal development and
career development. The program is delivered through personal
counselling, small group sessions, and classroom instruction.
Services offered are: Educational Planning; Career Information;
Support Groups; College, University and Private Schools
Information; OSAP(Ontario Student Assistance Program);
Scholarship Information; Night School, Summer School and
Independent Learning Information; Job Searching Skills; Peer
Helping; Career Studies course – Career Software; SAT –
Application Information. Students are encouraged to arrange an
appointment with their counsellor to discuss their educational
planning. Likewise, parents are encouraged and welcomed to
become involved in their son’s or daughter’s educational planning.
Academic Resource
The Academic Resource Department at Ascension services
students who have been deemed exceptional through the IPRC
process, as well as those students who may be experiencing
academic challenges and could benefit from additional instructional
support. Support is provided throughout the day in the ARD
Resource Room. Students work with the resource teacher, for
assistance with assignments, test writing, re-teaching of concepts,
or the use of computers for written work.
English Language Learners
ELL are students who are new to the Canadian School system or
students whose first language is not English (including Canadian
born). The focus is Reading and Writing in a Canadian context.
Students, whose first language is not English or is an English
dialect, can seek assistance from the ELL department where
educational accommodations can be offered to support a student.
Child and Youth Worker
The CYW has particular skills to assist youths whose overall
development is hindered by varying degrees of behavioural
difficulties. The CYW is educated to understand problem behaviour
and facilitate effective intervention, and in certain situations, uses
the expertise of the school support team.
Social Worker/Attendance Counsellor
The school social worker provides counselling to individual
students, groups of students or families. Where appropriate, the
social worker may also help students and their families with a
referral to specialized community resources. The school social
worker is also designated as the Attendance Counsellor who deals
with students of compulsory school age (under 18 years) who are
absent from school without legitimate reason.
Student Success Team
The special services team composed of the Principal, Child and
Youth Worker, Psychologist, Social Worker, Speech and Language
Pathologist, ARD and ESL teachers meet regularly and work with
and Guidance Counsellors to help meet the students' emotional,
social and academic needs. The Student Success Teacher
monitors students whose success is at risk and special assistance
is provided to ensure that these students achieve success.
The education of our students extends beyond the classroom.
Many of life’s lessons are taught on the playing fields and other
venues through athletics and co-curricular activities.
The Ascension Athletic and Extra-curricular Policy are based on
two premises:
1. Academics:
The primary purpose of all students at
Ascension of Our Lord Secondary School is to earn course credits
and a High School Diploma or Certificate of Education. Extracurricular activities enrich but do not replace or take precedence
over the curriculum.
2. Code of Conduct:
Students selected to participate on
school teams/groups are goodwill ambassadors of the school. For
this reason, participating in any school team/group is an
honour and privilege. Students who wish to participate earn the
honour and privilege by conducting themselves as positive role
models in the school at all times.
Academic Expectations
All students selected to participate in school teams/groups are
expected to maintain passing grades in all courses.
Students whose academic performance is not satisfactory in
one or more courses may be counselled by their coaches to
improve their performance. If academic performance does not
improve adequately the student may face removal from the
team or club.
Also students who accumulate multiple absences or lates in
any course without a legitimate reason will have their place on
the team reviewed and without immediate improvement may
forfeit their place altogether.
Coaches will bring these situations to the attention of
Administration for consultation and review when they arise.
Conduct Expectations
All students selected to play on school teams or join various clubs
are not only expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct but must
present as positive role models to other students.
Many extra-curricular activities are organized throughout the year.
These include field trips, excursions, talent shows, multicultural
nights, outreach programs, and others. Some school activities and
clubs run throughout the year such as the Student Council,
Concert Band, and School Choir.
Ascension has a full complement of sports teams running
throughout the school year, as well as an after school Eagles Nest
Fitness Club which operates from Monday to Thursday between
the months of October to May. Please visit the Health and
Physical Education Office to enquire for information.
School Teams
It is an honour to be a member of a school team. If a student is
selected, parents will be notified so that permission will be granted.
It is advisable for the student to have a medical examination prior
to participating in any school sports.
ROPSSAA Eligibility
All students who transfer from another secondary school must fill
out a transfer form and be approved by the ROPSSAA Transfer
Committee. The ROPSSAA Transfer Application forms are
available in the Health and Physical Education Office.
Athletic Awards
At the Athletic Banquet the evening includes a fully catered meal
and awards presentation. The individual awards presentation
includes Player of the Year, Male and Female Athlete of the Year
both Junior and Senior level, Christian Male and Female Athlete of
the Year and many others.
Members of the Student Council hold important positions within the
school community. These individuals serve as liaisons between
the students, staff and administration. Council members promote
and coordinate school activities that are designed to increase
school spirit and create excitement during the school year.
Students who get involved in Student Council have the opportunity
of developing leadership skills, which will serve them well in the
Students are expected to earn their marks through their own efforts
without resorting to dishonest means. The following are forms of
academic dishonesty:
Cheating on tests, exams and assignments
Theft of tests or examinations
Plagiarism [copying someone else’s work]
Submitting work for one course which has been, or is being
submitted for another course.
Students who are found to be involved these dishonest practices
will receive a mark of “0%” for the dishonest work. As well, as
notification and possible involvement of Administration.
Examinations must be written during the scheduled and publicized
examination days. A student who arrives late for an exam will not
receive extra time to finish the exam. Students who miss an
exam due to illness must bring a medical note to the office to
verify the illness. Failure to submit this note will result in a
zero for the missed exam. There are no exemptions to writing
the final exam. Unless unforeseen, extenuating circumstances
and reasons that will prevent a student from writing the final exam
should be discussed with the Principal well ahead of exam time.
Vacations are not considered to be valid reasons for missing an
exam under any circumstances.
Personal Electronic Devices (cell phones, I-phones, picture
phones, pagers, iPods, MP3 players, and similar devices) are
prohibited on school property during school hours. These
expensive items are often lost or stolen and are better left at home
or stored inside the student’s locker during the school day. This is
a School Board policy. PED’s that are visible in the school
between 8:22 a.m. and 2:20 p.m. must be given to the VicePrincipal and can be picked up at the end of the school day.
Repeat offenders may be suspended.
Consistent with the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, the policy of our
schools is to prohibit smoking and holding lighted tobacco
anywhere in the school or on school property. Smoking clearly
endangers the health and safety of users and non-users. Such a
serious hazard compels the school to implement a strict antismoking policy for everyone. This policy applies to students, staff
and anyone using school properties. The policy also applies to field
trips by staff and students, and to the school bus system. Smoking
materials may not be displayed in the school or on school property.
Any person found smoking in the building, on school property or on
school excursions will be consequenced. This applies to smoking
in cars as well whether parked or moving. Fines may be imposed
under the Ontario Tobacco Control Act (1994). For more
information call: Health Line Peel 905 799-7700
At the beginning of the semester each student will be issued a
numbered textbook. Students are responsible for the care and
safekeeping of these textbooks, The textbook must be returned to
the teacher at the end of the semester. If the textbook is not
returned, the student will be responsible for the replacement cost.
Students who invite peers from other schools or the community
onto school grounds during the school day will be consequenced
up to and including suspension. All visitors to the school should
first report to the Main Office. All others will be asked to leave.
Students must park in the designated student parking area on the
North side of the school (near railway tracks). Unsafe driving habits
will be reported to the police, and the student will lose parking
privileges. The Student parking lot is out of bounds during the
day including lunchtime. The school assumes no responsibility
or liability for theft or damages to any vehicles parked in the
school parking lots.
Any accidents, slips or serious falls etc., occurring in the school
should be immediately reported to the office. There is first-aid
equipment in the school, as well as trained personnel. Efforts will
be made to contact parents immediately. If there has been a
serious injury or illness an ambulance will be called. The office
should be notified and proper arrangements will be made for the
When the conditions necessitate the closing of the school,
announcements will be broadcast on radio, TV and internet. In the
event of transportation being cancelled, the school remains open
and students are expected to attend. The cancellation of school
buses does not affect Ascension. All students are expected to
attend classes.
Fire Drills will be held as required by law. Fire drills are conducted
to test the reaction time of students and teachers in the event of a
fire emergency.
Procedures are to:
move quickly/quietly to the designated safe area for the class;
remain at the safe area until the all clear signal is given
return quickly/quietly to class after the all clear signal
report to the teacher, student[s] who are not present.
In case of an emergency, it may be necessary to evacuate the
building in an orderly and disciplined way. Teachers should follow
normal fire evacuation routines in the event of a fire bell sounding.
In the event of a SCHOOL EVACUATION, the principal will direct
all activities by way of the P.A. system. Follow all directions.
Ascension has instituted the following lockdown policy to handle
emergency situations if they should arise. If this situation does
arise, the Principal or designate will make an announcement over
the P.A. The lockdown bell will ring continuously.
Students are to:
Immediately step into the nearest classroom and follow the
teacher’s instructions;
Move away from the door and crouch/sit on the floor as
directed by the teacher and out of the line of sight of the door
window, remain quiet
When the situation is under control, the Principal or designate
will announce that the Lockdown has ended.
For the safety of all persons in the building no running or “horse
play” is allowed anywhere in the building at any time.
Food and Drink
Food and drinks are to be consumed only in the Cafeteria. This
means, students are not allowed to eat or drink in classrooms,
hallways, stairwells, and anywhere else other than the cafeteria
during lunch.
Unless students are under the direct supervision of staff members
for athletic, club or co-curricular activities, it will be expected that
students will vacate the school building by 3:00 pm.
At the beginning of the year, each student will be issued a locker.
Locks will be purchased through the school in the main office. Only
Dudley combination locks will be permitted on the lockers. The
lockers are the property of the school. Students are responsible
for the cost of repairing damage or defacement of lockers.
Lost and Found
All “found” articles should be returned to the Main Office. If you
have lost an article, it may be claimed at the office. All items not
claimed will be disposed of at the end of the semester.
Personal Effects
The school will not be liable for the loss, theft, or damage of
personal items. Students are advised to leave valuable items such
as jewellery, electronic devices, and large amounts of cash at
home. This policy is particularly applicable to the Gym changerooms during Physical Education classes as well as team games
and practices.
School Cafeteria
Hot and cold food items may be purchased from the school
cafeteria. While in the cafeteria, it is expected that students will
clear any table they use and put trash in receptacles provided and
will assist in keeping the cafeteria tidy. Students who are in class
are not allowed to be in the cafeteria.
School Pictures
In September, all students will be photographed for school records,
yearbook, I.D. cards, etc. Students wishing to purchase colour
photos may do so using the order form which will be issued prior to
that date. Grad Photos will be taken in Semester ll.
Procedures RE: Allegations OF Sexual Harassment
Anyone who perceives sexual harassment occurring should:
Make an immediate, direct and clear objection indicating that
the comment or conduct is unacceptable and contravenes the
Board’s sexual harassment policy.
As soon as convenient, make a notation of the particulars, i.e.
times, dates, places, names of possible witnesses, and
circumstances surrounding the incident(s).
File a report if it does not stop.
Preventing Racial or Sexual Harassment:
The staff at Ascension follows steps to prevent harassment by:
dealing sensitively and critically with written or printed material
containing views which are biased or hateful;
dealing sensitively and critically with music and logo T-shirts or
other clothing with racist, anti-multi cultural or sexually
harassing messages;
not tolerating demeaning stories, jokes and comments, name
calling, slurs, insults of any kind or allowing the formation of
exclusive groups;
ensuring all school-related groups/activities reflect the rich
diversity of the Ascension school community.
Teachers and other personnel in the employment of the Board
must comply with the Child and Family Services Act (1985) with
regard to the reporting of child abuse. The staff are obligated
to make a report if they have reasonable grounds to suspect
that a child has suffered abuse. This applies especially to
students under the age of 16 as well as abuse which may have
occurred to a student prior to turning 16 years of age. Emotional
abuse and failure to prevent harm or provide treatment are less
common but would also require reporting.
Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday 7:45 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. Times may vary according
to special events, seminars, EQAO, etc.
Library Cards/Student Cards
Once student cards have been distributed after photo day,
students will be expected to produce these cards in order to
borrow materials. In addition, students will also have to produce
their student cards in order to sign in to computers. Students are
responsible for all materials signed out under their name. Student
cards may not be loaned to other students for their use.
Loan Policy
Almost all materials in the library can circulate. Reference
materials including vertical files may only be used in the library.
Magazines may be borrowed for overnight use only. For all other
materials, a two week loan period exists. Most materials may be
renewed by coming into the library with the item and requesting an
extension. Once an item is overdue, fines of $0.05 per school day
start to accumulate until the item is returned. Lost materials must
be replaced according to the cost of the specific item. Students
may borrow up to 3 items on their card at any one time.
Computer Use
Computers in the library are for the use of students who are either
on spare or who may be with a teacher who has signed out the
computers for a specific class activity. Students who are not with a
teacher will be required to produce their student card before they
may sign on to a computer.
Students may print from the computers in the library at a cost of
$0.10 per sheet. Photocopying is also available at the same cost.
Printing MUST be paid for at the time of printing. Students will not
be able to accumulate charges until another time.
General Policy
Computer resources for student use at Ascension of Our Lord are
intended solely for academic purposes as well as co-curricular
activities that are directly supervised by teachers. Any other usage
is strictly prohibited and will be treated as a serious offence.
Summary Conditions for Computer Use
Students who use any of the school’s computer resources must
abide by the following conditions:
Students may use a computer resource only under the direct
supervision of a teacher
Students may use only software assigned by a teacher.
Operating system and network software are strictly “off limits”
to all students. Any access to this software (e.g. “dropping to
DOS”) will be considered an intrusion into the network.
Network intrusion, which is similar to breaking and entering
into a private office, is a serious offence, which will involve
suspension and possible police involvement.
Computer accounts assigned to individual students are nontransferable and are to be used only by the student it is
assigned to and only for teacher-directed purposes.
With the exception of normal wear and tear, any damage to
computer resources by a student will be considered a serious
offence. The student will face appropriate consequences and
be expected to pay for damages.
A student will refrain from using or introducing to the school
computer environment, whether network or stand-alone, files,
programs, or disks known to contain viruses. In this spirit, the
student will also regularly check files and disks for viruses and
endeavour to keep computing systems virus free.
A student using the internet shall not give out anyone’s
personal information such as address, telephone number,
parent’s work addresses, telephone numbers, or the name and
location of the school without explicit permission.
A student shall not tamper with hardware or any network
equipment , cables, devices or the proper functioning of these
A student shall not access internet sites or bulletin board
items that are suggestive, obscene, belligerent,
threatening, harassing, racist or of a sexual nature.
Students accessing such material will be suspended.
Legal Issues
Certain activities mentioned above contravene the Criminal Code
of Canada and will be reported to the police. (Section 342.1 & 430
The Ascension of Our Lord’s Yearbook documents all the
significant events of the school year. Pictures of every student are
included, as well as photographs of all school clubs and activities.
Yearbooks are distributed near the end of June before yearend.