MATEC Web of Conferences 4 4, 0 1 0 2 0 (2016 ) DOI: 10.1051/ m atecconf/ 2016 4 4 0 1 0 2 0 C Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2016 The effect of sediment content to fluid - solid interface time-domain waveform a Li Hua Qi1, Qing Bang Han 1,2, , Xue Ping Jiang1, Zi Wei Tong1, Yu Zhang1 and Chang Ping Zhu1 1 College of IOT Engineering, Hohai University ,Changzhou, Jiangsu, 213022,China 2 Huaian Research Institute, Hohai University, Huaian 223001, China Abstract: A model was established for the fluid - solid interface of semi-infinite medium, and the characteristic equation was established using the potential function. Applying line source at the fluid-solid interface, transform solution of displacement could be obtained, and time-domain solution could be evaluated through the inverse Fourier transform. Two kinds of ultrasound suspension model, UA and HT, were used to study and discuss the effect of sediment content to fluid-solid interface time-domain waveform. The results of two models have a good consistency. The sediment content have a great impact on the Scholte wave. With the increase of the sediment content, for Scholte wave, the velocity increases and the attenuation decreases. 1 Introduction Urick-Ament model (UA model) and coupling phase model The research on the effect of sediment content to fluid-solid interface time-domain waveform has profound theoretical and practical significance. In large projects, sediment (HT model) to study and discuss the effect of sediment content to fluid-solid interface time-domain waveform. 2 Establishment of potential function z content plays a key role on the implementation of the project. Since the ultrasonic wave penetrating effectively, there are obvious advantages in the detection of sediment contained of two-phase fluid[1]. In recent years, there are more and Fluid 2 x more application of ultrasonic testing. In this paper, we obtained the fluid-solid interface time-domain waveform by 1 potential function. As early as 1948, Urick first proposed the Solid form of velocity when the ultrasonic propagates in the suspension. Urick model is an ideal suspension model. Since then, a comprehensive model, Urick-Ament model, in which Figure1 Semi-infinite fluid-solid interface schematic transmitted and reflected waves are considered. Then Harker As shown in Figure 1, Z> 0 for the semi-infinite fluid space, and Temple proposed the Harker-Temple model based on the Z <0 for the semi-infinite solid space, Z = 0 indicates the view fluid - solid interface. The potential function of solid can be a of hydrodynamic. This paper mainly uses Corresponding This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Article available at or MATEC Web of Conferences z2 z1 zz1 zz 2 G k F w zx1 zx 2 0 expressed as 1 1 The potential function of fluid medium . can be expressed as 2 . The displacement potential obeys the Helmholtz equation[2]. we can get the characteristic equation: 2 2 2 2 2 cL t 2 2 2 cS 2 t 2 m11 m 21 m31 (1) where cL is the velocity of longitudinal wave, cS is the velocity of shear wave. Carrying out Fourier transform to space m11 ka1 g ( x )e ikx (2) F ( ) m13 ik 2 cL 2 2 m23 2ik 1kb1 m32 0 m33 2k 2 2 cS 12 then the transform solution of displacement of solid can be obtained. For the semi-infinite solid medium k z 1 A1e a1 kb1 z 1 C1e 2 cL1 (8) By the formula (8), coefficients A1 B2 C1 can be obtained, f (t )e it dt where, ka1 k 2 2 m12=ka 2 m31 2ikka1 dx m13 A1 0 m23 B2 G (k ) F ( w) m33 ! C1 ! 0 ! m12 m22 m32 2 m21 1 2k 2 2 c S1 m22 2 x and time t G (k ) (7) kb1 k 2 * z1 k a 1 A1 ikC 1 (3) (9) Inverse transform yields the solution of displacement 2 z1 2 S1 c ( * ikx z1 e dk )eit d (10) Displacement, stress can be expressed by potential function as Formula(8), G(k ) F ( ) are obtained from transformed g ( x) f (t ) ka 1 z A1 ike kb1 z C1 z1 ka1e 2 2 k z k z zz1 1 2k 2 e a1 A1 21ikkb1e b1 C1 cS 1 2 2k 2 e kb1 z C 2ikk e ka1 z A a1 1 1 1 2 zx1 c S1 G (k ) (4) a1 z g ( x )e ikx dx (11) F ( ) f (t )e i t dt This passage selects G(k ) 1 F ( ) e For the semi-infinite fluid medium 2 B2 ek (5) ( f f0 ) 2 b 2 3 Theoretical models of the suspension where, ka 2 k 2 2 2 cL 2 3.1 Urick and Ament model Displacement, stress can be expressed by potential function as k e ka 2 z B a2 2 z2 2 ka 2 z zz 2 2 2 e B2 cL zx1 0 It is a true model of fluid[3-4], taking into account the refraction, reflection and other complex situations which (6) occur during the propagation of the wave. The complex 2 propagation equation of k s , which describes both the velocity and attenuation in the suspension is: ks2 k 2 At z=0, According to the boundary conditions: 01020-p.2 "eff 3#$ (bR(2bR 3) 3i(bR 1)) % 1 "c bR(4$ bR 6bR 9) 9i(bR 1) ! (12) ICEICE 2016 &' & & $ Where b , ' is viscosity of water, ˈ & 2' R is the radius of suspended sediment particles, k is real 12 Aluminum 6260 3080 2700 water 1500 -- 1000 wave number of the pure liquid. k s is the plural wave Media number, whose real part represents real wave number, waveforms of different sediment content can be obtained. /(kg∙ m ) 1000 1500 -- Sediment 2640 6600 2750 Thermal Specific heat conductivity capacity /( W/mK) /( J/kgK) 0.595 4178.5 0.269 920 volume Media compressibi lity phenomena from hydrodynamics, and deduced the viscous /(1010pa) drag equation, momentum and mass conservation equations. Sediment model could be obtained by solving these differential -9 10 /88.378 Table 2. The physical parameters of sediment suspension equations: & (& ' (#& ' (1-# )& )S( )) kl2 "eff 2 ' (#& (1-# )& ) &S( ) ! Where S ( ) 10-9/2.25 water The plural wave number equation of the Harker-Temple velocity/(m∙s-1) velocity/(m∙s-1) water 3.2 Hanker-Temple model Harker and Temple[5-6]considered suspension of wave Shear wave wave -3 imaginary part denotes attenuation. Substituting equation(12) into.(8), the time-domain Longitudinal Density * 1 2# 1 9* v 1 (1 v R 2(1-# )2 1-# 4 (13) 0.7 0.5 0.2 )i , & is the density ! of continuous phase medium, & ' is the density of particle phase, # is the solid volume fraction, " eff is effective density volume compressibility factor, R is the radius of 0 suspended sediment particles, * v 2+ & is viscous shin depth, + is viscosity. The velocity cl1 of the fluid can be obtained through the equation kl / cl1 . Then substituting cl1 in to Eq(5), 2 4 6 8 10 time(s) Figure 2. Interface waveforms of different sediment content at 5mm of UA model the time-domain waveforms of different sediment content 0.7 0.5 0.2 can be obtained. 4 Numerical results Parameters of Semi-infinite medium and sediment are listed in Table 1 and Table 2.Numerical results are shown in Figure 2 to Figure 7. 0 Table 1. Material parameters Media Longitudinal wave velocity/(m∙s-1) Shear wave velocity/(m∙s-1) Density /(kg∙ -3 m ) 2 4 6 time(s) 8 10 Figure 3. Interface waveforms of different sediment content at 10mm of UA model 01020-p.3 MATEC Web of Conferences 5.00mm 6.25mm 7.50mm 8.75mm 10.0mm 5.00mm 6.25mm 7.50mm 8.75mm 10.0mm 0 0 2 4 6 time(s) 8 2 10 4 6 time(s) 8 10 Figure7. HT model interface waveforms of different Figure4. UA model interface waveforms of different location (The sediment content is 0.5) location (The sediment content is 0.5) From Figure 2 and Figure 3, we can obtain the interface waveforms of different sediment content at 5mm and 10mm of UA model. We can find that the velocity and energy of Scholte wave increases when the sediment content grows. 0.7 0.5 0.2 From Fig4, we can observe the waveforms of different locations when the sediment content is 0.5. From the waveforms, we can find that the energy of each waveform declines, when the propagation distance increases. From Figure5 to Figure7, we can find the propagation characteristics of HT model are in good agreement with UA model. 5 Conclusions 0 2 4 6 time(s) 8 10 In this paper, based on two models of suspension which are Figure 5. Interface waveforms of different sediment content at 5mm of HT model UA model and HT model, we get the fluid-solid interface time-domain waveform[7-9]. From the numerical results, the time-domain waveforms of UA model and HT model have a good consistency. By analyzing the influence of the sediment content, we can get the conclusion that the 0.7 0.5 0.2 sediment content have a great impact on the Scholte wave and have little effect on the propagation of other waves. With the increase of the sediment content, for Scholte wave, the velocity increases and the attenuation decreases. Besides, in the same sediment content, with the distance of propagation increases, the energy of all the waves attenuate. Acknowledgements 0 2 4 6 time(s) 8 10 This work is supported by the Natural Science foundation of Figure6. Interface waveforms of different sediment content China Grant No.11274091,11574072 and the Fundamental at 10mm of HT model Research Funds for the Central Universities of Hohai 01020-p.4 ICEICE 2016 University No:2011B11014 References 1. Mingxu Su, Xiaoshu Cai, Progress and Status ultrasonic particle detection technology and its applications in two-phase flow measurement,J. Journal of Northeastern University. 21(S1),96~99(2000). 2. 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