MAT EC Web of Conferences 16, 060 05 (2014) DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/ 201 4 16 0 60 0 5 C Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2014 Advanced nonlinear control of three phase series active power filter Y. Abouelmahjoub1, A. Abouloifa2, F. Giri3, F.Z. Chaoui1 and M. Kissaoui1 1 RCSLNL/LM2PI Lab, Mohammed V University Souissi, Rabat, Morocco L.T.I Lab, FSBM, University HASSAN II Casablanca, Morocco 3 GREYC Lab, University of Caen Basse-Normandie, Caen, France 2 Abstract. The problem of controlling three-phase series active power filter (TPSAPF) is addressed in this paper in presence of the perturbations in the voltages of the electrical supply network. The control objective of the TPSAPF is twofold: (i) compensation of all voltage perturbations (voltage harmonics, voltage unbalance and voltage sags), (ii) regulation of the DC bus voltage of the inverter. A controller formed by two nonlinear regulators is designed, using the Backstepping technique, to provide the above compensation. The regulation of the DC bus voltage of the inverter is ensured by the use of a diode bridge rectifier which its output is in parallel with the DC bus capacitor. The Analysis of controller performances is illustrated by numerical simulation in Matlab/Simulink environment. 1 Introduction The harmonic contamination is a harmful problem in Electric Power System. Indeed, the increasing use of rectifiers, thyristor power converters, UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply), switching power supplies and other nonlinear loads are known to cause serious problems in electric power systems. These devices are responsible for the contamination of the line currents with the harmonics of various orders. The harmonics of the current circulating through the line impedance produce distortion in the voltages of power system. Indeed, the distortion, the unbalance and sags of the power system voltages cause several power quality problems, including the incorrect operation of some sensitive loads [1]. The TPSAPF’s are an appropriate solution to protect the sensitive load against voltage perturbations. In most papers, the researchers often use, for the control of the TPSAPF, the method of the instantaneous power [2]. In this paper, the work focuses on the advanced nonlinear control of three-phase series active power filter in the presence of disturbances in the power system voltages by using a method based on the calculation of the references of the series voltages. A controller that is formed by two nonlinear regulators is designed, using the Backstepping technique, to ensure compensation of voltage perturbations (voltage harmonics, voltage unbalances and voltage sags) at the terminals of the sensitive loads. The regulation of DC bus voltage of the inverter is provided by the use of a diode bridge rectifier which its output is connected in parallel with the DC bus capacitor. This theoretical result is confirmed by numerical simulation. The paper is organized as follows: the system includes the electric network and the DC/AC converter is modeled in Section 2, the control problem is formulated in Section 3 which also includes the design. Performances of controller are illustrated by simulation in Section 4. A general conclusion ends the paper. 2 Series active power filter 2.1 Series active power filter topology Three-phase series active power filter under study has the structure of figure 1. In the AC side, the TPSAPF is inserted between the perturbed voltage source and a ( ) sensitive load, a second order R f , L f , C f passive output filter used to connect the inverter to grid through voltages injected by three current transformers. In the DC side it has a capacitor of energy storage Cdc . The circuit operates according to the well known Pulse Width Modulation principle (PWM) [3,4,5]. The switching function mi of the inverter is defined by: +1 if Si is ON and Si+3 is OFF -1 if Si is OFF and Si+3 is ON mi = ( for i = 1,2,3) This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Article available at or MATEC Web of Conferences vn1 N ˜v vs2 in2 n2 vn3 Lo vs1 in1 is2 Full Bridge Rectifier vs3 vL2 Lo vL3 Cf Cf is3 Cf vp1 vp2 vp3 if1 if2 iR idc Cdc vs123 Sensitive load u2 S2 vf1 S4 Lf Lf vf2 To force the voltages S6 Let’s introduce the tracking error e1 Fig. 1. Three- phase series active power filter. * e1d x sd - x sd e1 = = * e1q x sq - x sq 2.2 Series active power filter modeling The average model of the TPSAPF in dq frame is the following: x fd + x fq C f w xfd xdc d xfd -Rf Lf = + xfq 2Lf -Rf Lf dt xfq -w ms2 ind inq (1a) 1 0ud 1 0 1 uq ms Lf dxdc 1 1 = iR - ud x fd + uq x fq dt Cdc 2 ( in order to xsq formed by two nonlinear regulators, using the Backstepping technique [6], is proposed in the follow: e1d Step 1 Stabilization of the subsystem e1 = e1q M d xsd 0 w xsd ms = + dt xsq -w 0 xsq C f and xsd (3) respectively follow the references x*sd and x*sq , a controller Lf vf3 S5 (2) x*sd vnd v*Ld = 3 2 E sin (w t - q ) = - x*sq vnq v*Lq = - 3 2 E cos (w t - q ) if3 Rf u3 S3 fi vs123 * = vn123 - vL123 * where the voltages vL1 , vL2 and vL3 at the terminals of the load must be sinusoidal and form a balanced threephase system. Expressing the references voltages from equation (2) in the dq frame, it comes: Rf Rf u1 S1 vdc Lo vL1 is1 in3 follow their references v*s1 , v*s2 and v*s3 which are defined by: ) xsd (1b) xsq (1c) (4) Given (1a), the time derivative of error e1 is: ( ) ( ) ) 2 * e&1d w x sq + m s x fd C f + m s ind C f - x& sd (5) & = e1q -w x sd + m s x fq C f + m s2 inq C f - x& *sq ( ) ( Introduce the candidate Lyapunov function V1 = ( 1 T 1 2 2 e1 e1 = e1d + e1q 2 2 ) (6) Its dynamic is given by: V&1 = e&1d e1d + e&1q e1q where xsd , xsq , x fd , x fq , xdc , ud and uq respectively denote the average values over cutting periods of the signals vsd , vsq , i f d , i f q , vdc , md and mq . ms is the The choice (7) 2 2 V&1 = -c1d e1d - c1q e1q ensuring the transformation ratio of current transformers asymptotic stability of (5) with respect to the Lyapunov function (6) where c1d f 0 and c1q f 0 are a design 3 Controller design parameters. Indeed, this choice would imply: The controller synthesis is carried out by two stages. First, a voltage loop is designed to compensate all voltage perturbations. Second, a diode bridge rectifier is used to ensure the regulation of DC bus voltage. ( ) ( ) ( ) 2 * e&1d -c1de1d wxsq + ms xfd Cf + ms ind Cf - x&sd & = = (8) e1q -c1qe1q -wxsd + ms xfq Cf + ms2inq Cf - x&*sq ( ) If we consider that ms x fd C f and 3.1 Voltages series loop design In order to compensate the voltage disturbances in the power system, the voltages vs1 , vs2 and vs3 injected by three-phase series active power filter should respectively ms x fq C f are, respectively, the actual commands in the preceding e1d equation (8), then the error e1 = will be regulated e1q to zero if: 06005-p.2 CSNDD 2014 m s x fd C f s d = m s x fq C f s q (9) ( ( As ms x fd C f )C )C and ms x fq C f f f + x& *sd + x& *sq From the equations (14) and (17) we deduce the expressions of the laws of actual control in the dq reference (10) are not the actual e2d controls, then new variable error e2 = between the e2q s d virtual controls and their desired values are defined s q as follow: e2 d m s x fd C f - s d e2 = = e2 q m s x fq C f - s q (11) (12) Thereafter, the derivative of equation (6) becomes: 2 2 V&1 = -c1d e1d - c1q e1q + e1d e2d + e1q e2q (13) ( 3.2 Voltage of DC bus loop design The regulation of the DC bus voltage is provided by the use of a full bridge rectifier which its output is connected in parallel with the capacitor of the DC bus. The voltage vdc of the DC bus is regulated to the average value of the output voltage of the rectifier bridge: U moy = 3 3E p . In order to simulate the behavior of the three-phase series active power filter shown in figure 1, the chosen nonlinear load is a three-phase bridge rectifier which supplies an inductive load comprising a resistor RL and an inductor LL . The coil Lo is inserted to the input of three-phase bridge rectifier to limit the dink dt k ˛ {1, 2,3} . Stabilization of the subsystem ( e1 , e2 ) Table 1. Parameters simulation values To achieve the above objective, the controller forcing the errors ( e1 , e2 ) to tend to zero, one needs the dynamics of e2d e2 = derive (11), using (1b) we .We e2q obtain: ms Rf mw mx 1 xfd + s xfq + s dc ud xsd -s&d Cf 2Cf Lf Cf Lf e&2d Cf Lf (14) e&2q = m w m R - s x - s f x + ms xdc u - 1 x -s& Cf fd Cf Lf fq 2Cf Lf q Cf Lf sq q Introduce the candidate Lyapunov function V2 = V1 + ) The performances of the proposed controller are now numerically evaluated with the following characteristics: end of step 1. Step 2 2Lf Cf 2 -e1d -c2de2d +s&d ) + 2Rf xfd -2Lfw xfq + xsd ( ms ud 1 ms = (18) uq xdc 2Lf Cf -e -c e +s& +2R x +2L w x + 2 x 1q 2q 2q q f fq f fd sq m ms s 4 Numerical simulations Then, by using (10) and (11), equation (5) becomes: e&1d -c1d e1d + e2 d & = e1q -c1q e1q + e2 q (17) where c2d f 0 and c2q f 0 are a design parameters then, s d where are the stabilizing functions defined by: s q 2 s d -c1d e1d - w xsq - m s ind = s q -c1q e1q + w x sd - m s2 inq e&2 d - e1d - c2 d e2 d & = e2 q - e1q - c2 q e2 q 1 T e2 e2 2 (15) ( Symbol Network E, f DC bus Cdc 9000 m F TPSAPF Rf , Lf , C f 80mW , 3mH , 1200 m F Rectifier RL , LL , Lo Voltages regulators c1d = c2d c1q = c2q Value 220 2 V , 50 Hz 20 W , 500mH , 5mH 3000 6000 s -1 s -1 4.1 Voltage harmonics compensation The three-phase source voltages are balanced but contain the 5th and 7th harmonic components. Their expressions are given by: vn1 ( t ) = E1 Sin (w n t ) - E5 Sin ( 5w n t ) + E7 Sin (7 w n t ) The derivative of (15) is obtained by using (13): 2 2 V&2 = -c1d e1d - c1q e1q + e2d ( e1d + e&2d ) + e2q e1q + e&2q Parameters ) To ensure the negativity of V&2 , it is necessary that: (16) 2p 2p vn2 ( t ) = E1 Sin w n t - E5 Sin 5w n t + 3 3 2p + E7 Sin 7 w n t 3 06005-p.3 MATEC Web of Conferences 2p 2p vn3 ( t ) = E1 Sin w n t + - E5 Sin 5w n t 3 3 2p + E7 Sin 7 w n t + 3 400 200 0 -200 -400 0 0.05 Time(s) 0.1 0.15 Fig. 8. Load voltages ( vL1 vL2 vL3 ) after compensation. 540 539 538 The performances of the controller are illustrated by figures 2 to 8. The figure 2 shows the voltage of DC bus vdc converges, in the mean to the average value of the 537 536 535 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 Time(s) 0.04 0.05 0.06 Fig. 2. Voltage of DC bus vdc . output voltage of the rectifier bridge: U moy = 3 3E p 400 Figure 3 shows the distortion in source voltages ( vn1 vn2 vn3 ) . Figure 4 clearly shows that the 200 0 load voltages -200 -400 0 0.02 0.04 Time(s) 0.06 0.08 400 voltages 200 0 0.02 0.04 Time(s) 0.06 0.08 voltages 0.1 Fig. 4. Load voltages ( vL1 vL2 vL3 ) after compensation. compensation are balanced ( vL1 vL2 vL3 ) after compensation are balanced 5 Conclusion The three-phase source voltages are unbalanced, but do not contain harmonic components. Their expressions are given by: v n 1 ( t ) = E 1 S in (w n t ) + 0 .1 E 1 S in (w n t ) 2p 2p v n 2 ( t ) = E 1 S in w n t + 0 .1 E 1 S in w n t + 3 3 2p 2p v n 3 ( t ) = E 1 S in w n t + - 0 .1 E 1 S in w n t 3 3 400 The problem of controlling three-phase series active power filter is addressed in this paper. The control objective is to compensate all voltage perturbations (voltage harmonics, voltage unbalance and voltage sags) caused by nonlinear loads. Indeed the harmonics of the current generated by the nonlinear load, cause voltage distortion of the power source. The solution of the problem is processed using a controller formed by two nonlinear regulators by using the Backstepping technique to compensate the voltages perturbations. The simulation results show that it performs perfectly the objectives. References 200 0 -200 0.02 0.04 Time(s) 0.06 0.08 0.1 Fig. 5. Source voltages unbalanced ( vn1 vn2 vn3 ) . 400 200 0 -200 0.02 0.04 Time(s) 0.06 0.08 0.1 Fig. 6. Load voltages ( vL1 vL2 vL3 ) after compensation. 4.3 Voltage sags compensation 400 200 0 -200 -400 0 ( vL1 vL2 vL3 ) after and sinusoidal after the voltages sags. 4.2 Voltage unbalance compensation -400 0 after compensation are and sinusoidal. Figure 7 shows the sags in source voltages ( vn1 vn2 vn3 ) . Figure 8 shows that the load -200 -400 0 ( vL1 vL2 vL3 ) balanced and sinusoidal. Figure 5 shows source voltages unbalanced ( vn1 vn2 vn3 ) . Figure 6 shows that the load 0.1 Fig. 3. Source voltages harmonics ( vn1 vn2 vn3 ) . -400 0 . 0.05 Time(s) 0.1 Fig. 7. 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