3D printing ` construction industry Framework for bringing 3D printing into the construction industry PIs: dr. Martin Fischer, dr. Vladimir Bazjanac Student: Natasa Mrazovic, M.Arch.Eng., lic.arch., M.CE. CIFE Seed Proposal 2013 – 01 // April 2013 Copyright 2013 3D printing Introduction construction industry State of the art of 3D printing technology ©Andrew Tingle/Wired (creativecommons) http://www.wired.com/design/2013/03/dita-von-teese-3-dprinted-gown/ Barack Obama : “…the 3D printing technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we make almost everything…” CBS News, 03/02/13 http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-33816_162-57572203/professor-3d-printing©Inhabitat http://inhabitat.com/the-urbee-hybrid-is-the-worlds-first-3-d-printed-car technology-just-beginning/ (0:04-0:16...) Copyright 2013 3D printing Introduction construction industry Current 3D printing practice in other industries “3D printing is the next trillion dollar industry” Business Insider The new Lux Research report: In 2012, 3D printing market was $777 million in sales, with predicted 18% annual growth, predictions for 2025 are $8.4 billion in sales. The auto, aerospace and medical industries are 84% of that market ©Inhabitat http://inhabitat.com/the-urbee-hybrid-is-the-worlds-first-3-d-printed-car ©On 3D Printing http://on3dprinting.com/2012/05/07/3d-printed-legs-givingamputees-the-power-of-personal-expression/ Copyright 2013 Introduction 3D printing construction industry The questions Why are we not printing buildings? Copyright 2013 Introduction 3D printing construction industry The questions Why are we not printing buildings? What is the FIRST STEP to speed up the process of the 3D printing technology application in the construction industry? Copyright 2013 Introduction 3D printing construction industry The questions Why are we not printing buildings? What is the FIRST STEP to speed up the process of the 3D printing technology application in the construction industry? What is the state of the art of technology and science in this field? What could be done to streamline and speed up the process of the research related to 3D printing of buildings and, consequently, the application of these technologies in the industry? Copyright 2013 Introduction 3D printing construction industry General definition http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0926580506000227 Fig. 1. Copyright 2013 3D printing Introduction construction industry State of the art in design/construction = motivation Kazakhstan Central Concert Hall Astana, photo by Elena Giussani (Wikimedia Commons) http://www.greenfudge.org/2010/08/09/astana-and-ordos-the-birth-of-asia%E2%80%99sultramodern-fossil-fuel-cities/ http://www.dezeen.com/201 1/08/15/apple-campus-2-byfoster-partners/ Kazakhstan Central Concert Hall Astana, photo by Elena Giussani (Wikimedia Commons) http://www.greenfudge.org/2010/08/09/astana-and-ordos-the-birth-of-asia%E2%80%99sultramodern-fossil-fuel-cities/ Copyright 2013 Introduction 3D printing construction industry Benefits for the industry = motivation Less human factor related problems due to automation Custom parts & just in time deliveries Greater design freedom at no or little extra cost Additional functionalities into structures Courtesy of Foster + Partners System integration and reduction of material interfaces Better control over the deposition of build material Better internal and external finishes Structure as a homogeneous unit Copyright 2013 Benefits for the industry 3D printing construction industry 3D printing IS COMPETITIVE with traditional processes and products Pilot studies show three key issues that affect how Freeform Construction impacts traditional methods: 1) COST 2) TIME 3) VALUE ADDED http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0926580506000227 Fig. 3. Copyright 2013 Benefits for the industry 3D printing construction industry 3D printing IS COMPETITIVE with traditional processes and products Pilot studies show three key issues that affect how Freeform Construction impacts traditional methods: 1) COST 2) TIME 3) VALUE ADDED http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0926580506000227 Fig. 4. Copyright 2013 Benefits for the industry 3D printing construction industry 3D printing IS COMPETITIVE with traditional processes and products Pilot studies show three key issues that affect how Freeform Construction impacts traditional methods: 1) COST 2) TIME 3) VALUE ADDED http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0926580506000227 Fig. 6. Copyright 2013 Theoretical and Practical Point of Departure 3D printing construction industry General Problems Possible Approaches to Solutions 1) Delivery components large enough for building structures = not scaled up RM segments new systems and processes 2) Material cost and its heterogeneity integral part of new delivery systems 3) Construction speed is not greater than in traditional approaches the automation process should be re-designed 4) A greater performance of building elements, build-in materials and specialists’ applications clever innovative design Copyright 2013 Theoretical and Practical Point of Departure 3D printing construction industry “Heat” Map of Identified Most Progressive Research Groups Copyright 2013 State of the art of the research 3D printing construction industry Meet the Researchers… Short Videos: 1. Contour Crafting: Automated Construction: Behrokh Khoshnevis at TEDxOjai 3:47 – 6:31 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdbJP8Gxqog 2. MIT MediaLab: 3-D printing with variable densities 0:07 – 1:55 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nFyuxGEhzY 3. Enrico Dini “The Man Who Prints Houses Trailer” 0:10 http://vimeo.com/29984723# http://www.themanwhoprintshouses.com/ Copyright 2013 Theoretical and Practical Point of Departure 3D printing construction industry The Problem: Isolated Research Groups 1) Limited existing platforms by focusing on solving specific issues 2) Little apparent consideration of another group’s experience, knowledge, and achievements within the field Copyright 2013 Theoretical and Practical Point of Departure 3D printing construction industry The Problem: Isolated Research Groups 1) Limited existing platforms by focusing on solving specific issues 2) Little apparent consideration of another group’s experience, knowledge, and achievements within the field 3) Prototypes exist only in the secure laboratory environments http://vimeo.com/299 84723# 0:42 -1:20 http://www.contourcrafting.org/ ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jdb JP8Gxqog http://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=_YiPLjozLd U Copyright 2013 Theoretical and Practical Point of Departure 3D printing construction industry The big idea ` Copyright 2013 Workflow 3D printing construction industry Research Methods/Schedules 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarter: 1) Obtain reports 2) Review the literature extensively 3) Identify/reconstruct existing frameworks 4) Identify successes and failures of a specific experiment Copyright 2013 3D printing Research Methods/Schedules construction industry Identify/Reconstruct Existing Frameworks ©Neri Oxman Material Based Design –Computation @ MIT http://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/59192 Fig. 5.3. Fig. 6.16. Fig. 7.24. Fig. 7.29. Fig. 7.35. Copyright 2013 3D printing Research Methods/Schedules construction industry Identify/Reconstruct Existing Frameworks ©Behrok Khoshnevis Contour Crafting @ USC http://www.contourcrafting.org/ ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdbJP8Gxqog http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0926580503000736 Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 17. Fig. 19. Copyright 2013 Workflow 3D printing construction industry Research Methods/Schedules 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarter: 1) obtain detailed laboratory reports 2) review the literature and scientific projects extensively 3) identify/reconstruct existing frameworks 4) identify successes and failures of a specific experiment 4th quarter: 1) Compare frameworks 2) Identify the gaps and possible common language between similar processes and systems 3) Recommend future research steps Copyright 2013 3D printing Research Method construction industry Compare, Identify Gaps, Recommend Links, Combine + ✔✘ http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0 926580503000736 Fig. 19. + http://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/59192 Fig. 5.3. Fig. 7.42. Fig. 7.53. Copyright 2013 Research plan, schedule and risks 3D printing construction industry Deliverables • In-depth research of each of the research groups previously identified • Classification of the different techniques employed; understanding their advantages and limitations for the construction industry • Identification of opportunities, possible applications and key gaps Copyright 2013 Research plan, schedule and risks 3D printing construction industry Deliverables • For researchers: new points of departure for further research • For practitioners: a) Explain advantages and limitations b) Identify possible applications of current technology to specific problems in the construction industry c) Recommend future experiments on a construction site Copyright 2013 3D printing Research plan construction industry Risks, Next Steps, Industry Involvement Risks • Insufficient available data • Lack of different groups’ cooperation Next steps • Proceed with the execution of the recommended steps in the report • Close all identified theoretical gaps Industry Involvement • Provide data/knowledge if already used any aspect of Freeform Manufacturing technology • Collaboration with CIFE members in future experiments Copyright 2013 Research plan 3D printing construction industry Relationship to CIFE goals • Apply CIFE’s vision, principles, and methods to model and analyze projects, collaborate, and manage the collected, interpreted, and translated large volumes of data from a specific scientific research project • Offer new processes, strategies, and methods for scientific research Copyright 2013 3D printing Questions Neri Oxman MIT MediaLab: 3-D printing with variable densities 0:07-1:55 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0n FyuxGEhzY construction industry Contour Crafting: Automated Construction: Behrokh Khoshnevis at TEDxOjai 3:47 – 6:31 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdbJP8 Gxqog Enrico Dini “The Man Who Prints Houses Trailer” 0:10 http://vimeo.com/29984723# Questions? Copyright 2013