Document 14209871

Spring 2005
Wayne L. Gladfelter
Faculty . . . . . . . . 2-3
Alumni . . . . . . . . 4-6
RSEC . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Teaching . . . . . . . . 8
Research . . . . . . . . 9
Centennial Celebration
Photo Essay . . . 10-11
Awards . . . . . . .12-15
Degrees . . . . . . 16-17
Donors . . . . . . 17-19
Dear Alumni and Friends:
As always I hope this letter finds you
well. Our letter is arriving later than it has in the
past four years, and our plan is to continue sending it out at the end of the spring semester. This
allows us to undertake the task of creating the letter at a time of the year that is a little less hectic.
The big event during 2004 was the centennial
celebration held on October 9. Although students were
taking chemistry courses and graduating as majors
before 1904, it was in this year that the School of
Chemistry was established and George B. Frankforter
was appointed as its first Dean. The presentation,
which highlighted selected parts of our history, can
be downloaded from our departmental website at
html. Following the presentation about 250 participants joined us for dinner and a party at the Campus
Club in Coffman Memorial Union. We include a few
pictures of the event elsewhere in this newsletter.
Over the past two years we have focused a
great deal on the Kolthoff Hall renovation. The state
bonding bill, which includes two-thirds of the funds
for the 26.1 million dollar project, was signed into
law by Governor Pawlenty on April 11, 2005. One
of the major components of the project will involve
installing new fume hoods throughout the building
and redoing the entire heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning system. We will also redress many of the
fire and safety code issues that have changed since its
construction in the late 1960s. Perhaps the most exciting component of the project is the renovation of the
space (approx. 10,000 sq. ft.) that was “temporarily”
(since 1970) used to teach the general biology labs.
This provides us with an important opportunity to
reorganize space and relieve some of the congestion
around the department. Planning the entire project will
require another nine to twelve months, so construction
will begin in mid-2006 and be completed in 2008.
We thank Professor Ron Gentry, who is
retiring after 35 years, for his outstanding scholar-
Wayne L. Gladfelter
ship and service to the department. This included
serving as Chair from 1989 to 1999. At the same
time we are excited to welcome Christy L. Haynes
as the newest faculty member. She is planning to arrive this summer and initiate a research program in
bioanalytical chemistry. Christy received the 2005
Nobel Laureate Signature Award from the ACS at
the San Diego meeting. This was an exciting event
because in addition to Christyʼs award, Jeannette
Brown (MS ʼ58) received the American Chemical
Society Award for Encouraging Disadvantaged Students into Careers in the Chemical Sciences. Jeannette was also awarded an Outstanding Achievement
Award from the University of Minnesota in 2005.
Also on stage at San Diego were Harvard Professor
Eric Heller (BS ʼ68) who received the ACS Award in
Theoretical Chemistry and Dr. Joe Porwoll (PhD ʼ82),
President of Sigma Aldrich, who presented the Sigma
Aldrich Award in Synthetic Organic Chemistry. This
was also a great year for our faculty, who received
many awards summarized elsewhere in this letter.
After nine years of service, Dean H. Ted Davis returned to full time teaching and research in the
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials
Science. Our new Dean is Steven L. Crouch, who has
been a member of the Department of Civil Engineering for 35 years and who has served as the Associate
Dean of Finance and Planning since 1997. One of
Dean Crouchʼs early tasks was to appoint the new
Chair of Chemistry. We are very fortunate that Jeff
Roberts has agreed to accept this assignment. This
means, of course, that I am completing my term as
Chair. It has been an honor to serve in this office for
these past six years, and I am grateful to many staff,
faculty, and students for making this time productive.
One of the joys of the job has been developing a closer
relationship with many of you. It has helped me to
recognize that our impact on the field of chemistry
and, more broadly, on society is amplified many
times over by our students. I look forward to continue
meeting you at ACS or other meetings in the future.
American Chemical Society Meeting & Exposition
August 28 - September 1, 2005, Washington, DC USA
The Alumni & Friends Breakfast Meeting is scheduled for 7:30 on Tuesday August 30 at the 228th ACS Meeting
in Washington, D.C. Please be sure to register for event #46 when you fill out the ACS registration form.
Page 1
Dr. Christy Haynes
Joins Department
Darrin York: from
tenure-track Assistant
Professor to Associate
Professor with tenure.
Christy L. Haynes will be joining the Chemistry Department
faculty this fall as an Assistant Professor. While she was actually hired more than two years ago, she has spent the interim
time doing postdoctoral research with Professor R. Mark
Wightman at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Christy grew up in Arizona and moved to Minnesota in 1995 to attend Macalester College in St. Paul.
While at Macalester, she performed research in ProEdgar Arriaga: from
fessor Rebecca Hoyeʼs laboratory, working toward the total synthesis of elenic
tenure-track Assistant
acid. She also worked in the polymer formulation laboratory at Imation CorporaProfessor to Associate
tion throughout her undergraduate years under the direction of Dr. Sharon Simpson.
Professor with tenure.
Upon finishing her B.A. in Chemistry (with minors in mathematics and Spanish) in
1998, Christy decided to attend graduate school at Northwestern University, where she
thought she would study inorganic synthesis and x-ray crystallography. Instead, she joined
Craig Forsyth: from
the research group of Professor Richard P. Van Duyne, a physical/analytical chemist, and
Associate Professor
starting working on projects relating to nanostructure fabrication and laser spectroscopy.
to full Professor with
Christy had a very successful doctoral career, publishing 28 peer-reviewed manutenure.
scripts, writing several funded research grants, and winning numerous awards. In fact, she
just accepted the Nobel Laureate Signature Award for Graduate Education
at the spring 2005 ACS meeting (see
Faculty Awards, p. 12) in San Diego.
awards the Horace T. Morse/UniverThis award recognizes the outstanding
sity of Minnesota Alumni Award for
achievements of one graduate student/
Outstanding Contributions to Underpreceptor pair in Chemistry each year.
graduate Education to Professor Ken
Leopold at the 2005 graduation celebraChristy will be teaching Gention (see page 12).
eral Chemistry II for the department
Dr. Crouch was named dean of
this fall. Although she has never been
the Institute of Technology in January
in a class with more than 40 students,
2005. He grew up in Sleepy Eye, Minshe is excited to interact with the
nesota, graduating from its public high
University of Minnesota underschool in 1961. He received bachelor’s,
in her course. She plans
master’s, and doctoral degrees in mineral
to bring nanoscience, green chemisengineering from the University of Minnetry, and some biological chemistry
sota and began his career with the Mining
Research Laboratory of the Chamber of
into her lectures and class activities.
Mines of South Africa in 1968. In 1970 he
In addition she will be setjoined the University of Minnesota faculty as an assistant professor in what is now the Department of Civil
ting up a research laboratory, with
Engineering. From 1987 to 1997 he served as head of that department and in 1997 became the college’s
the help of her postdoc, Dr. Adam D.
associate dean for finance and planning. As dean, Crouch hopes to strengthen the college’s interdisciplinMcFarland, to perform state-of-the-art
ary initiatives in digital technology and nanotechnology and to expand its involvement in the University’s
laser spectroscopy and electrochemisInitiative for Renewable Energy and the Environment.
try measurements. Christy is highly
collaborative and enjoys working at the interfaces of physical, analytical, biological, and
Spring 2005
materials chemistry. She plans to apply surface-enhanced Raman scattering to study sediment pollution and remediation. She also intends to correlate Raman scattering measured
Newsletter Committee
inside living neuronal cells with electrochemically measured neurotransmitter release to
Wayne Gladfelter, David Hoffman, Kathy Ross
Production: Deborah Schoenholz
understand brain-based disorders. Her diverse research plans also include a new route to
Photos: Vinothini Ambrose, Chris Lundby,
synthesis size and shape tunable noble metal nanoparticles for plasmonics applications.
Wayne Gladfelter, Eric Schulz
Christy will arrive in Minnesota during the summer of 2005 with her spouse,
and their two dachshunds. Charles has just completed his M.B.A. and hopes
This publication is available in alternative formats
upon request. Please call 612-626-9405. The to find a job in real estate development focusing on sustainable building and commuUniversity of Minnesota is an equal opportunity nity enhancement. When not in the laboratory or classroom, they are likely to be at the
educator and employer.
theater or the symphony or visiting Charlesʼs large extended family in the Twin Cities.
Newly Appointed Institute of Technology Dean
Steven L. Crouch
Printed on recycled paper.
Page 2
Jeff Roberts To Be New Chair
of Chemistry Department
Distinguished McNight University Professor Jeffrey Roberts has accepted a five-year appointment
as Chair of the University of Minnesota Chemistry Department effective September 1, 2005. He
will be replacing Wayne Gladfelter. Professor Roberts has been with the University since 1990,
fresh from postdoctoral studies at Stanford. He is looking forward to his tenure as Chair and believes
that the University of Minnesota's new Strategic Positioning Initiative will offer many opportunities
for the Chemistry Department to prosper.
Jeff's interest in teaching has led him to work diligently toward creating a quality educational
experience for graduate students and undergraduate students alike. He thinks that "the most satisfying
part of the job is watching the light come on when they (students) begin to understand . . . it is what
makes the job worthwhile."
He served as Director of Graduate Studies for the Chemistry Department from 2000 to 2003 and since then has become Graduate
Faculty for the Department of Mechanical Engineering. In addition, he is the Director of The University of Minnesota Twin Cities Research
Site for Educators in Chemistry (see
page 7), a National Science Foundation–
W. Ronald Gentry
funded initiative designed to foster new
and meaningful scientific interactions
Ron Gentry was born on July 7, 1942 in Texarkana, Texas. He received his Bachelor
between a large, Ph.D.–granting chemistry
of Science in chemistry, summa cum laude, in 1964 from the University of Redlands in
department and the departments of 30 to
California. He did his graduate work in physical chemistry at the University of California,
35 primarily undergraduate institutions
Berkeley, and was granted the Ph.D. in 1967. After postdoctoral studies at Massachusetts
Jeff is married to Deborah Jaffey,
Institute of Technology, he joined the faculty of the Department of Chemistry, University
Ph.D. and chemist for the Imation
of Minnesota, in 1970, and served his entire academic career at Minnesota. He was procompany in Oakdale, Minnesota. He
moted to Associate Professor in 1975, to full Professor in 1979, and served as Chair of the
and Deborah have two children, Anna (9)
Department of Chemistry from 1989 to 1999. His professional awards include an Alfred P.
and Eleanor (4). Among his many awards
Sloan Research Fellowship, 1975-77, and a Yamada Science Foundation Fellowship at Keio
and honors, he received the Camille and
University and University of Tokyo, 1984. He was elected Fellow of the American PhysiHenry Dreyfus New Faculty Award for
cal Society in 1987. His numerous professional activities include service on the editorial
1990-1991 and has been a Fellow of the
board of the Journal of Chemical Physics, service as a Journal of the American Chemical
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (1996-1998).
Society associate editor, and chairing or co-organizing national and international conferences
He received his B.S. in Chemistry in
including the Conference on the Dynamics of Molecular Collisions at Gull Lake, Minnesota.
1982 from UC Berkeley and his Ph.D. in
Gentryʼs research interests are in physical chemistry and chemical physics: molecular
Chemistry from Harvard University in
energy transfer, state-to-state reaction dynamics, laser chemistry and spectroscopy, and dynamics
of atomic and molecular collisions at ultralow kinetic energies. In addition to mentoring many
undergraduates, he supervised the studies of twelve Ph.D. students and one Master
Masterʼs student.
Professor Gentry is generally considered, along with Nobel Laureate Yuan T.
Lee, one of the two most outstanding molecular beam experimentalists in the world.
His merged beam and pulsed beam apparati were widely influential, and his currentloop pulsed value design and electroformed skimmer revolutionalized the whole field.
His discovery of the extremely weakly bound helium dimer with an average internuclear distance greater than 50 Å is considered one of the most dramatic tour de force measurements ever accomplished. Most of his experimental work was the result of a fruitful thirty-year
thirtycollaboration with Professor Clayton F. Giese of the Physics Department.
Gentry has moved to Port Townsend, Washington, and will spend his retirement years on his photography hobby, on his love of boating, and continuing to
work on his latest research interest, which involves the use of ultraminiature mass
spectrometers for environmental monitoring of volcanic behavior in Hawaii and
Costa Rica. We wish Ron and his wife Sharron many happy and productive years.
Page 3
Alumni in the Press
Founders Survey
Finds IT Alumni Are
Sparkplugs of Minnesota
We are proud of the accomplishments of our
alumni and want to share their news. PDFs
of these articles may be accessed at www.
Pat Gruber (Ph.D. ‘88, Gray): MINNESOTA
June 2003
The creation of new companies is a vital component of
Minnesota's economic growth and future prosperity. During
the early 1990s the Institute of Technology (IT) set out to
determine how many active companies had been founded
by our alumni. The goal of this project was to show that
investment in IT, whether through state funding or private
contributions, yields a tremendous return.
The findings were impressive: more than 1,000
companies in business at the time (in some cases under
a different name or ownership) could trace their roots to IT. Published in 1993 as IT
1000, the survey found that these companies collectively employed more than 150,000
people and generated annual sales in excess of $20.3 billion.
John Talley (Ph.D. ‘79, Gassman): FORBES
June 23, 2003
Matt Wehling (BChem ‘87): St. Paul PIONEER
PRESS August 4, 2003
Dan Getman (Ph.D. ‘82, Gassman): STL St. Louis Post Dispatch August 6,
Albert Matlack (Ph.D. ‘50, Koelsch): The News
Journal, Wilmington, Delaware
John Dolan (BChem ‘97) - The Business
Journal, Minneapolis/St. Paul
Create a Graduate Fellowship
in Chemistry and Double the
Impact of your Gift
2005 IT Alumni Survey
The Institute of Technology again surveyed its alumni in 2004 in an attempt to
clearly define the economic impact that IT alumni have had on the state of Minnesota, to build bridges between industry and IT, and to allow us to learn from
Imagine that with a phone
our alumni how we can improve the career development of our students.
call, an email, or the stroke
Since the first report was published, the corporate landscape has
of a pen you had the power
changed dramatically. The rise of the Internet and rapid advancements in
to double all the good that a
information technology fueled an explosion of entrepreneurial activity in
fellowship does: change a
the late 1990s. And the dawn of the 21st century heralded a wave of new
life, spark new ideas, generventures at the intersection of biology, information technology, and engineerate breakthrough technoloing. Clearly the time was ripe to take another look at our alumni and their
gies, or underwrite creative
work in a discipline you love.
The 21st Century Graduate
Last fall, with generous support from the Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Fellowship Endowment
Taylor Foundation, IT surveyed nearly 48,000 alumni and received more Amber Runge, IT Graduate
you the power to create
than 15,000 responses. Broader in scope and more detailed in its analysis than
your lifetime, and is
the 1990s poll, the 2004 survey confirmed that the entrepreneurial spirit is thriving
the perfect opportunity to help nurture promising
among IT alumni:
graduate students in Chemistry.
Established in 2000, this endowment is
•3,024 respondents–a fifth of the total–reported founding one or more compaa result of the University licensing agreement
for the AIDS drug Ziagen with Glaxo Wellcome
•Approximately 4,150 of the companies created by IT graduates remain acPLC, a pharmaceutical company. The fund was
tive today. Many of these companies are mature: forty percent have been in
created with royalties generated by worldwide
sales of Ziagen, which was developed at
business more than ten years; another 25
•Approximately 1,000 Chemistry
the University by a research team led by
percent have been in business between five
alumni completed the 2004 survey,
pharmacy professor Robert Vince. Gifts of
and ten years; a third have been in business
with 57 percent responding that they
$25,000 or more that are designated to enless than five years.
had attended the Institute of Techdow graduate fellowships may be eligible
•Nearly two-thirds of the active companies
nology for graduate school.
for matching through the fund.
founded by IT alumni are located in Minne•Over 100 Chemistry alumni identiMaybe youʼve been thinking about maksota: 53.1 percent in the Twin Cities metro
fied themselves as company founding a gift to Chemistry for a while now, but
area and 8.6 percent in Greater Minnesota.
youʼve been waiting for the right moment
ers, representing graduating classes
•These Minnesota companies (roughly
to come along. I hope you will conclude
ranging from 1935 to 2001.
2,600) employ more than 175,000 people
that now is the perfect time to create a
•Chemistry Founders have estaband generate approximately $46 billion in
legacy by investing in human potential-the
lished more than 140 companies,
best bargain youʼll ever find. For more
annual revenue.
with 67 percent of the companies
information, contact David Hoffman, de•The active companies located outside
being founded in the last ten years.
velopment officer for the Chemistry DepartMinnesota (about 1,500) employ nearly
•The companies represent a variment at 612-625-6035 or 800-587-3884, or
376,000 people and generate approximately
ety of economic sectors, with the
$44 billion in annual revenue.
majority in consulting services and
Page 4
Where Are You and
What Are You Doing?
Dr. Conrad Bergo (Ph.D. 1972)
is a professor of Chemistry, recently returned from a lecture tour in Kentucky
and North Carolina. Bergo was the invited
speaker to the chemistry departments of
Eastern Kentucky University and University of North Carolina-Asheville. He was
also the speaker at a dinner meeting of the
Sigma Xi Chapter in Asheville. Bergo reported on results of research carried out at
East Stroudsburg University and on trips to
gather information in Thailand. He spoke
about the chemistry of processes used in
manufacturing crafts and the chemistry
of foods and spices that give the foods in
Thailand its distinct character.
Jeffrey J. Cernohous (Ph.D. 1997–Hoye)
spent five years in 3Mʼs Adhesive Technologies Center working on applications
for materials that have a controlled polymer architecture. He then moved to 3Mʼs
Dyneon organization in late 2002 as their
Development Group Leader. After being
six-sigmatized to death, Cernohous left 3M
in October 2003 to start his own specialty
materials (polymers) company, Interfacial
Solutions. He is currently in the process
Alumni Jeanette Brown Receives ACS Award for
Encouraging Disadvantaged Students into Careers
in the Chemical
ponsored by the Camille and
Henry Dreyfus Foundation
Chemistry’s 2005 Outstanding
Achievement Award
recipient is
Jeannette E.
Brown (MS
1958) from
NJ. Ms. Brown
earned the
B.A. degree in
chemistry from
Hunter College in
1956 and the M.S.
degree from the University of Minnesota in 1958.
She was the first African
American woman to receive a degree from our graduate program.
continued on page 7
of joining a new business incubator at the
University of Wisconsin-Stout and has
been named an adjunct professor there.
Cernohaus is enjoying the life of an entrepreneur and says he will continue to do so as long
as he can.
Lt. Col. Mark W. Dahl (B.S. 1985) has not
had much contact with U of MN over the last
19 years. He became a Marine officer five
days after receiving confirmation of his
1985 graduation and was quickly swept
off to Quantico, VA, with his new bride
of three days, to become a 2nd Lieutenant. Dahl went on to flight school and
has spent 18 years flying F/A-18 Hornet
fighter aircraft. He now works as a Legislative Affairs Officer as a
Lieutenant Colonel at the
Peter Keim Trumper,
Pentagon. Dahl has taken
30+ credits toward an M.S.
age 48, died of cancer at his home in Brunswick, Maine, on July 7, 2004, following a valiant struggle
in Biology at the Institute
to overcome the disease.
for Creation Research in
He was born in Philadelphia and grew up in Vermont. He attended the Grammar School and
Santee, CA, and he has
the Putney School and spent some of his childhood in the Dominican Republic, Bogota, Columbia,
completed multiple military
and on a Navaho Reservation in Shiprock, New Mexico. He worked at Rescue, Inc., and completed
schools over the years. His
his undergraduate education at St. Olafʼs College in Minnesota. He earned his doctoral degree in
goal is to become a teacher
Chemistry at the University of Minnesota and held a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of
after military retirement,
Pennsylvania. Peter taught organic chemistry at Bowdoin College and the University of Southern
junior or senior
Maine, co-authored several editions of the textbooks Microscale Organic Laboratory and Microscale
high school in math or sciTechniques for the Organic Laboratory, served as editor of Chemical Educator and edited numerous
ence. Dahl's father still lives
medical textbooks. He was a student at the University of Maine School of Law and at the time of his
in Minnetonka, and his sister
death was one paper short of his law degree.
is finishing her fourth year at
He was predeceased by his mother, Nance Peiper Trumper and is survived by his wife, Susan
U of MN, going into medeA. Kaplan of Brunswick, Maine, brother Jonathan Trumper of Maplewood, New Jersey, sister Rachel
Debasitis of Woodstock, Vermont, father John Trumper of Brattleboro, Vermont, aunt and uncle Elcine. The Dahl's have four
lin and Donald Spitzer of Haverford, Pennsylvania, and nephews Max and Willy Trumper and Jesse
children: Devin 13, Connor
11, Tyler 9, and Lauren 7.
Peter enjoyed reading a broad range of literature, listening to music, autocross and Formula
They have been happily
One racing, and cooking extraordinary dinners for his friends and family. He was passionate about
married for 19 years this
education and proud of his students, particularly those who pursued careers in research, education,
June. Semper Fidelis.
or medicine. A man with a keen intellect and a lovely dry wit, Peter will be sorely missed by those
who loved him and whose lives he touched. The family requests that contributions in Peterʼs name
continued on page 6
be made to the Palliative and Supportive Care Program at MidCoast Hospital in Brunswick, Maine,
where an educational fund will be established to recognize and further the education of nurses and
certified nursing assistants.
Page 5
continued from page 5
Andrew DeMaster (B.S. 1997)
enrolled in a biotechnology doctoral program at the University of Wisconsin after
graduation from the University of Minnesota. He exited early with an M.S.
and went on to law school. For the past
year, he has been working as an attorney
for a Minneapolis law firm (Kinney &
Lange) specializing in patent, trademark,
and copyright law.
Jeff Bankers (Ph.D 2004–Miller)
is currently Senior Scientist in Home Care
Division at Dial Corporation in Scottsdale,
David Flannigan (B.S. 2001)
is currently in his fourth year of graduate
school at the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign conducting spectroscopic
studies of sonoluminescence in Prof. Ken
Suslickʼs lab.
James P. Schlichting (B.S. 1975)
is a Quality Project Manager with Abbott
Labs. Since finishing his BS in Chemistry at
Minnesota in 1975 he has completed an MS
in Chemical Engineering (U of Wisconsin)
and a MBA at Northern Illinois University.
He has held manufacturing and development engineering positions at IBM (semiconductor processing and magnetic media)
and positions in process development and
pilot plant management at Valspar and the
Dexter Corporation.
Michael J. Collins (Ph.D. 1971–
received his degree in Inorganic Chemistry
working with Dr. H. Fred Henneike, who
left for Georgia State University in Atlanta
before he finished. Doyle Britton became
his official mentor after Henneike left, and
Collins attests to the great job Britton did
in keeping his student on track to finish.
He also organized and ran very engaging
informal brown bag seminars on the current
literature and current work in the labs.
Collins has been Professor of Chemistry at
Viterbo University in La Crosse WI since
1976 and is currently completing a term as
Chair of the Natural Science Division and
Chemistry Department chair. He will be
spending the next academic year on sabbatical at Minnesota in the RSEC program,
working with Dr. Larry Que, tentatively to
explore the thermodynamics of ligand bindPage 6
Promise of Tomorrow – The Wayland E.
Noland Scholarships
Professor Wayland Noland has established two new
undergraduate scholarships that will benefit chemistry
students. “I established the funds, because I think the
students at Minnesota are first rate and deserve the
support,” said Noland. The first two Noland Scholars
will be selected in the coming year.
The scholarships will be matched under
a new program aimed at increasing by 50 percent
the number of students who receive scholarships.
““I want to make sure that all students with the
desire and ability to succeed at the U have the
opportunity to do so,
so,” said University President
Robert Bruininks, who announced the drive last fall.
Approximately 4,500 U of MN students currently receive privately funded
scholarships. But Minnesota trails other Big Ten institutions in the number and size
of scholarships it can offer to new students.
Professor Noland has been a member of the University of Minnesota Chemistry
faculty since 1952. During his long career he has built his reputation as an accomplished researcher, a dedicated teacher, and a generous supporter of the University.
These new scholarships, in addition to his many other contributions, are a significant
statement about his commitment to our students, the University, the Institute of Technology, and the Chemistry department.
For more information about the University of Minnesota Scholarship Matching
program, call 612-625-6035 or 800-587-3884, or visit
ing and the redox properties of catecholase
model complexes.
operator/laboratory technician at Midwest
Finishing Inc. in Brooklyn Park.
Successes over the years have included his
first sabbatical with Alan Hooper, Professor of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology,
and Biophysics in CBS. Subsequent work
with him and his group resulted in several
publications on the electrochemistry of
hydroxylamineoxidoreductase and other
heme proteins.
Kari Hendlin (BChem 1996)
now also has a degree in Biomedical
Engineering, and she is working at the
VA Medical Center and the University
of Minnesota doing clinical research and
device testing in urology. Her daughter,
Kenzie, is 10 years old and keeping her
very busy.
Collins was named the CASE Wisconsin
Professor of the Year in 1988 and was
awarded the bronze medal in the CASE
National Professor of the Year Program
that year.
Bob Buntrock (BChem 1962–Noland)
and wife Gloria have moved to Orono,
Maine, primarily to be near their daughterʼs
family, including two small grandsons. He
is getting well acquainted with the staff
and faculty at the University of Maine
Chemistry Deptartment and Library. He
has made a presentation on chemistry
careers to a freshman chem class (with
more planned). Buntrock will be assisting
in the Chemistry Olympiad exam for the
Maine Section ACS. Buntrock Associates
is still in business, with a few remaining
information service customers.
Viterbo has sent several of its chemistry
graduates to the U of M for graduate study
in chemistry over the years, most recently
Adam Schellinger. We also presently have
a chemistry grad in St. Paul studying plant
Karl Ochs II
is currently living in St. Paul with his
wife, Diane. He works as a waste treatment
Chemistry Research
The Research Site for Educators in Chemistry (RSEC)
is in its fourth year of operation. RSEC, which is supported
by a generous grant from the National
Science Foundation, is directed by Jeff
Roberts with the expert assistance of
Vickie Woodcock. Professors and their
students from undergraduate institutions
all over the Midwest (and beyond) are
able to forge new collaborations with
Minnesota faculty members and to build
their own sustainable research programs.
The last year saw a significant
increase in the number of women participating in the program. Rita Majerle (Hamline
University) used RSEC funding to start
a collaboration with George Barany, in
which she learned the state of the art in solidphase peptide synthesis. Shoshanna Coon
(University of Northern Iowa) launched a
new research project on the production and
characterization of organic monolayers on
silicon. Dr. Coon, a colleague of Xiaoyang
Zhu, writes, “The RSEC program has
been incredibly valuable to me already.
Just being able to see and copy existing
experimental techniques, rather than having
to reinvent the wheel, has made it feasible
for me to start this new research project and
write a proposal to obtain funding for it.”
Thirty-one students, over half of
them women, have participated in RSECsponsored research projects. A number of
them have graduated and gone on to graduate or professional programs or into industry;
some are still undergraduates. Most have presented posters at national meetings, with their
travel underwritten by RSEC travel grants.
Jeanette Brown continued from page 5
She carried out her graduate thesis research in the area
of synthetic organic chemistry in the laboratory of Professor Frederic Koelsch. Ms. Brown’s independent research career began at
CIBA Pharmaceutical Company (now Novartis) where she worked
as a Chemist for eleven years. She then moved to Merck and Co.
where she was a Research Chemist for 26 years until her retirement in 1995. From 1995 until 2002 Ms. Brown was affiliated with
the New Jersey Insitute of Technology, Newark, N.J. She is presently an Educational Consultant and was the 2004 Société Fellow
of the Chemical Heritage Foundation.
Throughout her research career Ms. Brown has been an advocate for science education
and a mentor and role model for underrepresented students. She has participated in countless scientific outreach programs and career days for students at all educational levels from elementary levels through college. Ms Brown has served the American Chemical Society in many capacities. Her
leadership as Project SEED Committee Chairperson from 1986 - 1988 was critical for the program’s
growth and current success. Project SEED continues today, and in
Make Your Dona2001 the program received the Presidential Award for Excellence in
tion to the Chemistry
Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring.
Ms. Brown began her association with the New Jersey InstiSpecial Projects tute of Technology
prior to her retirement from Merck. While “on loan”
from Merck (1993 - 1995), she was a Visiting Professor of Chemistry
by enclosing your gift in
and helped craft the New Jersey Institute of Technology Alliance for
the envelope provided in
Minority Participation in Science Grant that was successfully funded
the back of this newsletter.
by NSF. She was also a Science Advisor to the New Jersey Institute
Help support our faculty
of Technology Urban Elementary Outreach Program and to the New
and students.
continued on page 20
Teaching Assistants
Meet Amanda Nienow RSEC Teaching Intern
During the fall of 2004, Viterbo University (La Crosse, Wisconsin) and RSEC co-sponsored Amanda Nienow as a teaching intern with Kyle Backstrand, a Viterbo professor.
Amanda, a U of MN chemistry doctoral student since 2001, had
the opportunity to teach an undergraduate chemistry course in
Viterboʼs Division of Natural Sciences. Amanda wrote the syllabus and exams, set the daily agenda, held office hours and had
to pass muster with no fewer than six faculty observers. She
also had the opportunity to attend the Midwest Area Chemistry
Teachers at Liberal Arts Colleges
annual meeting in October.
Amanda, a native Minnesotan and alum of St. Maryʼs University in Winona, plans to graduate in the spring of 2006. Sheʼs looking for a post-doctoral
position in enviromental physical chemistry. Amanda hopes to secure a faculty position
at a small liberal arts college in the Midwest. Look out for her in the future!
Page Johnson Welcomes Students to Chemistry
Department Labs
Chemistry graduate student Page Johnson (Advisor Professor Mark Distefano) has
been a Teaching Assistant for Dr. Wissinger in the organic
laboratory course 2311 for the past three years and has decided
to pursue a career in teaching.
She has a B.S. in Chemistry and
B.Ch.E. from the U of M in 2001.
Send us your update to either
She will be completing the initial or
licensure program in secondary
Let us know what you think.
science education and her masters
We want this publication to reflect your interests. Send comments to:
in chemistry this summer. After
Department of Chemistry
that, Page has been hired to teach
207 Pleasant Street S.E.
high school Chemistry in Edina
Minneapolis, MN 55455
in the fall.
Attention Alumni
Page 7
Teaching & Research
Organic Laboratory Course a Little Greener
The general organic laboratory course, 2311, is required for nearly a thousand students each year at the University of Minnesota. The
two-semester-in-one course meets for lecture once a week and then for two four-hour experimental sections where students learn the
techniques required for isolation, purification, separation, and identification of organic compounds. Approximately twenty experiments
are performed during the semester and include the synthesis of banana oil, recycling of a plastic beverage bottle, and hydrogenation of
the essential oil isolated from cloves.
In an effort to keep the curriculum of the
laboratory course current, Dr. Jane Wissinger, Director of the Organic Laboratories,
has been investigating the use of “greener”
experiments. That is, experiments that
consider the impact on the environment of
Figure 1: Solvent-Free Syntheses of Chalcones
starting materials used, energy consumed,
by-products formed, and waste produced. Many challenges exist en route to accomplishing this goal including maintaining a connection
between the reactions and theory taught in the lecture portions of the organic course and considering the cost and equipment involved
in running a large institutionʼs laboratory.
Chemistry graduate student Page Johnson has been a Teaching Assistant for Dr. Wissinger in the organic laboratory course 2311 for
the past three years and has decided to pursue a career in teaching. As part of her masterʼs thesis, Page decided to investigate recently
published green organic chemistry experiments and their suitability for use in the 2311 curriculum. She successfully tested the most
promising experiment with her own section of 2311 students spring semester 2005.
The experiment titled, “Solvent-Free Synthesis of Chalcones”1 involves the aldol
condensation reaction; an important carbon-carbon bond forming reaction in organic
synthesis. An aldol condensation reaction traditionally is performed in an aqueous
and/or organic solvent and requires external heating, extraction workup, and purifications. In contrast, the chalcone
experiment (illustrated generically in Figure
1) involves solvent-less solid to
solid grinding of
Figure 2:
the two reactants
Mortar an
d pestle g
plus solid NaOH
rinding of
the reacta
(Figure 2) with a
mortar and pestle.
No solvent is necessary and energy
is applied through
crude pro
grinding versus elecFiltrati
Figure 3:
trical heating source
and reflux. The resulting product is then simply rinsed with water and
vacuum filtered (Figure 3). In a few cases, this synthesized chalcone
is of sufficient quality that further purification is not necessary. More
commonly a recrystallization yields a pure white solid, as illustrated
in Figure 4.
Most of Pageʼs students obtained excellent experimental results and
enjoyed “learning about green chemistry.” In addition, the chalcone
class of compounds is of interest because many of these molecules
are natural products isolated from plants sources and have been shown
Figure 4: Student product after crystallization
to have interesting biological activity including anti-cancer properties.2
Overall, the chalcone experiment was a pedagogical success and will be fully implemented in the 2311 organic laboratories this summer.
Palleros, D.R. J. Chem. Educ. 2004, 81, 1345-1347.
Dimmock, J.R.; Elias, D.W.; Beazely, M.A.; Kandepu, N.M. Current Med. Chem. 1999, 6, 1125-1149.
Page 8
Research Highlights
These are just a few of the highlights of the research conducted in the department within the last year. For more on the
research developments see the departmental website:
Analytical techniques to investigate the sequestration of anticancer drugs in individual
acidic organelles
Figure 1.
Scientists have speculated that acidic organelles (lysosomes and
endosomes) sequester drugs that are weak bases (e.g. doxorubicin,
pKa ~8.4) because they become protonated when they enter the
lumen of an acidic organelle (e.g. pH < 6). If this process occurs
in a cancer cell, the acidic organelle contributes to eliminate the
drug from this cell, which ultimately leads to the cellʼs survival
and cancer drug resistance.
(A) Composite confocal
image of CEM/C2 cells.
Red and green indicate
doxorubicin in the
nucleus and nanospheres
in acidic organelles,
In a recent accelerated article published by Analytical Chemistry
(77, 2281–2287, 2005), Yun Chen, Richard Walsh and Edgar (B) Electropherogram
Arriaga report on the detection and quantification of the region showing acidic
anticancer drug doxorubicin in individual acidic organelles. organelles with and
The investigators used as models human leukemia cell lines without doxorubicin isolated
that engulf (endocytose) fluorescently-labeled nanospheres into from CEM/C2 cells. Acidic
acidic organelles and then treated these cells with doxorubicin. organelle (i.e. nanosphere)
Using confocal fluorescence microscopy, the investigators were detection, at 510 ± 20nm.
Doxorubicin detection at
able to identify the position of acidic organelles (Green domains
635nm ± 27.5nm. Separation
in Figure 1A), but doxorubicin (red domain in Figure 1A) did not was performed at –300V/cm
colocalize in acidic organelles and was mainly localized in the in sucrose-HEPES buffer.
Cells were incubated
In contrast, when these researchers used capillary with 50-nm diameter
electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection (CE- nanospheres for 48 h and 25
LIF) they were successful at separating and detecting individual µM DOX for 15 min.
events associated with acidic organelles containing doxorubicin
(e.g. event detected simultaneously in the two channels of the LIF detector, Figure 1B) and other acidic organelles that did not contain
doxorubicin (e.g. event detected only in acidic organelle channel). After calibration of this detector, they discovered that on average
acidic organelles contained ~ 10-20 molecules of doxorubicin per organelle. This was the lowest measured amount of a fluorescent drug
associated with acidic organelle sequestration.
The contribution of phosphate-phosphate repulsions to the free energy of DNA bending
The packaging of nucleic acids, especially DNA, is of vital importance to all life-forms from viruses to multicellular organisms.
Human cells, for example, contain approximately 2 meters
Figure 1.
of DNA packed into a nucleus with a radius of 3 µm. This
The structure of a 71
represents a million-fold reduction in the effective packing
base pair bent DNA
volume of DNA in the nucleus relative to that in solution.
model illustrating
In addition to its role in the packaging of genetic material,
average counter-ion
DNA bending is also important for the regulation of gene
occupations at the
expression and protein-DNA binding. It is of fundamental
phosphates calculated
importance therefore to understand the nature of the forces
by Monte Carlo
that govern the bending of charged DNA molecules into
simulation using
non-linear structures and quantify the magnitudes of their
a linear-scaling
associated energetic factors.
Green’s function
solvation approach.
Red indicates higher
occupancy. The
bent DNA model
was based on the
structure of approximately one full turn of histone-bound DNA in a
nucleosome core particle (PDB entry 1AOI). The calculations predict that
phosphate-phosphate repulsions account for approximately 30 percent of
the total free energy required to bend DNA from canonical linear B-form into
the conformation found in the nucleosome core particle.
Recently, the research group of Prof. Darrin York of the
Department of Chemistry along with graduate students
Kevin Range and Evelyn Mayaan, and in collaboration
with Prof. L. James Maher III of the Department of
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Mayo Clinic College
of Medicine, have studied the energetics of DNA bending
with theoretical models.
continued on page 20
Page 9
Page 10
Page 11
Faculty Awards 2004-2005
Christy Haynes: 2005 American Chemical
Society’s Nobel Laureate Signature Award for
Graduate Education
in Chemistry
the award contributes to the improvement of undergraduate education
at the University by publicizing their work to serve as a resource
for the whole faculty.
Two other chemistry professors have received this
award: Gary Gray and Kent Mann.
This prestigious national
Jeff Roberts: Distinguished
award was established to
McKnight Professorship
recognize an outstanding
graduate student and her or
The purpose of the program is to honhis preceptor(s), in the field of
or and reward our most distinguished
chemistry, as broadly defined.
and highest-achieving mid-career
Christyʼs award winning disfaculty who have recently attained
sertation was entitled, “Funfull professor status - especially those who have made
damentals and Applications
significant advances in their careers at the Univerof Nanoparticle Optics and
Rich van Duyne, Christy L. Haynes, and Chemistry Department sity, whose work and reputation are identified with
Surface Enhanced Raman
the University of Minnesota, and whose work has
Chair Wayne Gladfelter at 2005 ACS Award Presentation
Scattering,” with Rich van
brought great renown and prestige to Minnesota.
Duyne at Northwestern University. She is currently an NIH PostIn the broadest terms, Jeffʼs scientific interests lie in the study
doctoral Fellow in R. Mark Wightmanʼs laboratory at the University of chemical reactions at complex interfaces, especially those relevant
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and will begin her independent to atmospheric and materials science. Guided by this general theme,
academic career as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the Jeff has made seminal contributions in three important areas: (i)
University of Minnesota in the fall of 2005.
surface chemistry on ice and liquid sulfuric acid, (ii) mechanisms for
Christy joins Wayne Gladfelter in receipt of this national chemical vapor deposition, and (iii) the chemistry of size-selected
aerosol particles.
Michael Bowser: American Chemical Society Division
of Analytical Chemistry’s Award for Young
Investigators in Separation Science
This award is intended to recognize and encourage
outstanding contributions to the field of separation
science by a young chemist or chemical engineer.
The award is presented annually at the Pittsburgh
Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy.
Mike is the second recipient of this new national award.
Tim Lodge: Institute of Technology Distinguished
This professorship is the highest honor granted by
the college to its professors. Tim was recognized
for excellence in service to the Institute, teaching,
and research, which have made him one of the most
respected faculty members in the college. The
highly interdisciplinary and collaborative research program that
he leads has earned him a glowing international reputation. His
unusually effective teaching has earned accolades and generated
widespread enthusiasm from his students.
Tim joins three other IT Distinguished Professors in the
department: Wayne Gladfelter, Louis Pignolet, and Don Truhlar.
Ken Leopold: Horace T. Morse/University of
Minnesota Alumni Award for Outstanding
Contributions to Undergraduate Education
(see page 2 for picture)
Each year since 1965, the U of MN has recognized a select group of
faculty members for their outstanding contributions to undergraduate
education. In addition to honoring individual faculty members,
Page 12
Jeff joins George Barany, Bill Tolman, Tim Lodge, and Chris
Cramer in receipt of this award.
Andy Taton: McKnight Land-Grant Professorship
The major purpose of the McKnight Land-Grant
Professorship program is to strengthen our faculty
for the future. The program is designed to advance
the careers of our most promising junior faculty
members who are at the beginning stages of their
professional careers, and who have the potential
to make significant contributions to their scholarly
fields and to their departments.
Andy is frequently consulted as an expert in the burgeoning
field of “bionanotechnology,” and has participated in the organization
of a new “Center for Translational Nanotherapy,” a collaborative
effort among researchers in science and engineering, biology, and
the medical school. He has extended this multidisciplinary approach
to his teaching, which has included overhauling our graduate-level
course in organic spectroscopy and our junior level polymer laboratory course to reflect current technologies and research.
Andy joins the ranks of these fellow chemistry professors to
receive this accolade: Doreen Leopold, Steven Kass, Ken Leopold,
Jeff Roberts, Bill Tolman, Karin Musier-Forsyth, Chris Cramer,
Craig Forsyth, Ilja Siepmann, Andreas Stein, Marc Hillmyer, Richard
Hsung, and Kris McNeill.
Andy Taton: Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
Selection procedures for the Sloan Research Fellowships are designed
to identify those who show the most outstanding promise of making fundamental contributions to new knowledge. Sloan Research
Fellows, once chosen, are free to pursue whatever lines of inquiry
are of the most compelling interest to them. Their Sloan funds can
be applied to a wide variety of uses for which other, more restricted
funds such as research project grants cannot usually be employed.
Staff Awards
Professor Taton has begun an ambitious, creative research program combining
inorganic nanopatricles with nanostructured polymers, with an eye towards applications
in materials science and biotechnology.
Andy joins the following faculty who have received this national recognition: Chris
Cramer, Ron Gentry, Wayne Gladfelter, Tom Hoye, Steve Kass, Larry Que, Jeff Roberts,
Ilja Siepmann, Bill Tolman, and Don Truhlar.
Don Truhlar: Lise Meitner Lectureship Award
The “Lise Meitner Lectureship” is the distinction given
by The Lise Meitner-Minerva Center each year to a
prominent quantum chemist whose work has had an
important impact on the chemical community.
The Lise Meitner Lectureship award for the
year 2006/07 is given to Professor Truhlar as one of
the major contributors to the enormous potential of
computational quantum chemistry as a research tool in chemistry,
through his numerous contributions to the generation of practical
methods for electronic structure, potential energy surfaces, solvent
models, reaction rates, and dynamics.
The Civil Service Outstanding
Service Award
program recognizes civil service personnel
who have provided significant contributions
to the departmentʼs mission of teaching,
research, and service. Outstanding Civil
Service Awards for 2004 were given to:
Rita M. Hoerth
(Principal Accounts
Christine M. Lundby
(Principal Administrative Specialist)
Marc Hillmyer: Elmore H. Northey Professor of Chemistry
Marc Hillmyer has been chosen as the first recipient of the Elmore
Northey Professorship. This five-year award is intended to recognize
an outstanding member of the department who does not currently hold
another revenue-bearing Chair or Professorship. The resources for this
departmental award come from the bequest of Elmore Northey. Marc
joins three other distinguished faculty as holders of Departmental Professorships: Don Truhlar (Lloyd H. Reyerson Professorship), Karin MusierForsyth (Merck Professorship), and Tom Hoye (Merck Professorship).
Chris Cramer: Award for Outstanding Contributions to Postbaccalaureate,
Graduate, and Professional Education
Dale Randall,
Commencing in 1998-99,
Manager, Research
the University of Minnesota
recognized a select group of
faculty members for their
is the official photographer
outstanding contributions to
for the National Association of
postbaccalaureate, graduate,
Scientific Materials Managers
and/or professional education.
(NAOSMM). She was awarded
This honor is awarded annually to exceptional
a travel grant of $1,124 to attend
candidates nominated by their colleges in their
NAOSMMʼs 31st Annual Conferquest to identify excellence in postbaccalaureence and Trade Show - August
ate, graduate, and/or professional education. In
2-5, 2004, in Philadelphia, PA.
addition to honoring individual
faculty members, the award will
contribute to the improvement
During 2004, the following staff
of postbaccalaureate, graduate,
received longevity awards for their
and/or professional education
service to the department:
at the University by publicizing
their work to serve as resource
•Anne Mockovak, Chief Financial Officer, 5 years
to the whole faculty.
•Nancy Hagberg, Executive Secretary, 10 years
•Chuck Tomlinson, Assistant to Vice-Chair, 10 years
continued on page 14
•Flurnia Hadley-Davis, Executive Secretary, 20 years
These awards were presented at a reception
held in their honor on January 6, 2005.
CAPA Awards
Each year the Council of Academic Professionals and Administrators (CAPA) recognizes
units of the University of Minnesota that are
exemplary in their support of professional and
administrative (P&A) staff. The winner of the
Outstanding P&A Unit Award for 2004 was
the Department of Chemistry. Representatives of the department received the award at
a U-wide event on April 28, 2004. P&A staff
in the Department of Chemistry are:
Janis Bates, Mingjen Chen, Barb Edgar,
Joe Franek, Dan MacEwan, Anne Mockovak,
Susan Page, Dana Reed, Debbie Schoenholz,
Stephanie Stathopoulos, Ted Tolaas,
Chuck Tomlinson, Jane Wissinger,
Letitia Yao, Victor Young
In his acceptance speech on behalf of the P&A
staff, Chemistry Administrator Stan Bonnema
stated, “Outstanding departments do not create
outstanding employees. They may, and should,
foster and encourage personal and professional
growth. I believe it is outstanding employees
who create a functional, goal- and service-oriented unit and department. The Department of
Chemistry may be a good place to work, but,
in reality, it is the hard work, smart thinking,
and dedication of our faculty, staff, and students
that make it so.”
Page 13
Undergraduate Fellowships and Prizes
Senior Awards
•Peteris Auzins Memorial Scholarships
awarded to advanced undergraduates who
have demonstrated outstanding achievement in undergraduate research in addition
to overall scholastic excellence: Benji
•David A. and Merece H. Johnson
Scholarship awarded to an advanced
undergraduate who has demonstrated
outstanding achievement in undergraduate
research in addition to overall scholastic
excellence: Anthony Vosberg.
•The Kenneth E. and Marion S. Owens
Scholarship In Chemistry awarded to an
advanced undergraduate who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in undergraduate research in addition to overall
scholastic excellence: Emily Que.
Junior Awards
•The Robert C. Brasted Memorial Fellowship a fellowship as well as a parttime apprenticeship in the Departmentʼs
General Chemistry Program awarded to
an outstanding chemistry major who has
expressed an interest in a teaching career
in chemistry: Prateek Verma.
•The Lloyd W. Goerke Scholarship
awarded to a chemistry major who has
shown outstanding academic achievement
and who has financial need: Kevin Tung.
•M. Cannon Sneed Scholarship awarded
to a chemistry major who has demonstrated
great promise for future achievement:
Jenny Werness.
•George T. Walker Scholarship awarded
to a chemistry major who has shown outstanding academic achievement and who
has financial need: Jacob Kilian and
Shawn Olson.
Sophomore Awards
•Thomas DuBruil Memorial Awards
awarded to sophomores who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in undergraduate research in chemistry: Loren
Greenman and Quincy Long.
Other Awards
•J. Lewis Maynard Memorial Prize in
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry. This
award is given for outstanding scholastic
achievement in advanced inorganic chemistry: Brandon Johnson.
•CRC Freshman Chemistry Achievement Award sponsored by the CRC Press,
Inc. This award consists of the latest CRC
Handbook of Chemistry and Physics and
is given to a freshman chemistry major
for outstanding scholastic achievement in
Page 14
Faculty Awards continued from page 13
Through the entirety of his career at the U of MN, Chris has made enormous
contributions to the Graduate Program of the Chemistry Department, and these efforts
are particularly deserving of the recognition for which this award has been designed.
He has also made substantial contributions to graduate education in chemistry outside
the University, both through service and in his role as the author of the leading textbook in his research field.
Chris joins Tom Hoye, Larry Que, and Pete Carr in this recognition.
Mark Distefano: George W. Taylor/IT Alumni Society
Award for Distinguished Teaching
The Taylor Award for Distinguished Teaching recognizes faculty who
have made outstanding contributions to undergraduate and/or graduate
teaching in the Institute of Technology.
A citation from one of the supporting letterʼs states, “He taught the
students with a sort of dynamic enthusiasm that is rarely witnessed in professors, particularly ones who teach in the sciences. Difficult subject matter was made accessible by his
concrete examples and direct links to his own research. These characteristics transformed
organic chemistry from a potentially boring subject to one filled with excitement and
Other Taylor Distinguished Teachers include Gary Gray, Kent Mann, Ken Leopold,
and Lou Pignolet.
Bill Tolman: L. I. Smith Professor of Chemistry
Bill Tolman has been chosen to receive the title of L.I. Smith Professor of
Chemistry. Bill joins four other distinguished faculty as holders of Professorship: Don Truhlar (Lloyd H. Reyerson Professorship), Tom Hoye
(Merck Professorship), Kevin Musier-Forsyth (Merck Professorship), and
Marc Hillmyer (Elmore H. Northey Professorship).
Larry Que: The Max Planck Institute for Bioinorganic
Chemistry Frontiers of Biological Chemistry
In 1995 the Directors of the Institute established an annual guest lectureship on “Frontiers in Biological Chemistry,” combined with an award.
freshman chemistry: Sheri Imsdahl.
•Merck Index Award sponsored by Merck
& Co., Inc. This award consists of the
latest edition of the Merck Index and is
given to sophomore chemistry majors for
outstanding scholastic achievement in
organic chemistry: Richard Osness and
Nicole Thome.
•Undergraduate Award in Analytical
Chemistry sponsored by the Division
of Analytical Chemistry of the American
Chemical Society. This award consists of a
yearʼs subscription to the journal, Analytical Chemistry and is given for outstanding
scholastic achievement in analytical chemistry: Casey Lantz.
•Robert C. Brasted Outstanding Undergraduate TA Awards. This award was
established in 2001 in honor of Robert
C. Brasted, Professor at the University of
Minnesota from 1947 to 1986 and former
Director of General Chemistry for more
than 25 years. Dr. Brastedʼs strong commitment to teaching and education earned
him fifteen teaching awards including:
the American Chemical Society Award in
Education, The Chemical Manufacturers
Award, The James Flack Norris Award of
the Boston ACS Section, the John Kuebler
Award of Alpha Chi Sigma and the Mosher
Award of the California Section. He was
the only person to receive all five of these
awards. The Brasted Outstanding Undergraduate TA Awards recognize outstanding
contributions to teaching by undergraduate
assistants: Per Lee.
•Hardy Scholarships. Owing to a generous gift from Edgar Hardy we were able to
award this grant to four promising students
in our program: Kari Anderson, Brandon
Johnson, Yousi Ma, Jiangwei Yao.
Postdoc and Graduate Fellowships and Awards
Postdoc Awards
First Year Fellowships
•NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship
Robert Kennedy (Musier-Forsyth)
•Graduate School First Year Fellowship
Erik Farquar (Que)
Dorian Nelson (Hoye)
Jake Rafferty (Siepmann)
•NIH-NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship
Kristen Stewart (Musier-Forsyth)
•First Year IT Fellowship
Julia Rossini (Gladfelter)
Jaye Warner (Buhlmann)
•NIH National Research Service
Award Post-doctoral Fellowship
(Modeling Oxygen Activation by
Monocopper Enzyme Sites) 2003-2006
Ben Gherman (Cramer)
•Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
Research Scholar 2004-2005
Divesh Bhatt (Siepmann)
•Four Year 3M Graduate School Fellowship
Kelly E. Anderson (Siepmann)
My-Nuong Vo (Musier-Forsyth)
Ben Duckworth (Distefano)
Jen Grzybowski (Veglia)
Brandie Kovaleski (Musier-Forsyth)
•Louise T. Dosdall Endowed Fellowship
Nermeen Aboelella (Tolman)
•DOE Computational Science Graduate
Fellowship 2004-2008
Matthew J. McGrath (Siepmann)
•Carl Storm Fellowship to attend the
•First Year Departmental Block-Grant Metals in Biology Gordon Conference
(January 2004)
Lynn Weyer (Forsyth)
Anne Reynolds (Tolman)
Established in 1999, the Academy
of Distinguished Teachers is a
forum through which its members
provide important leadership to the University
community, serving as mentors, advisers,
and spokespersons for the University’s
teaching mission. Academy members come
from all four of the University’s campuses –
Crookston, Duluth, Morris, and the Twin Cities.
Former University of Minnesota President Mark
Yudof established the Academy of Distinguished
Teachers in 1999 in recognition of the importance
of outstanding teaching to the University.
Winners of both the Horace T. Morse-University
of Minnesota Alumni Association Award and the
Award for Contributions to Postbaccalaureate,
comprise the membership of the Academy.
Chemistry inductees are:
Pete Carr
Chris Cramer
Gary Gray
Tom Hoye
Ken Leopold
Kent Mann
Larry Miller (retired)
Lou Pignolet
Larry Que
The mission of the Academy of Distinguished
Teachers is to recognize and celebrate teaching
excellence, to foster the continued improvement of
teaching and learning at the University of Minnesota,
and to strengthen the resources necessary to do so.
•First Year Departmental
Kolthoff Fellowships
Amanda Bialke (Hoye)
Jeff Buth (McNeill/Arnold,
Melanie Fearing (Arriaga)
Rachel Gabor (Penn)
Carolyn Gamble (Hillmyer/
Brendan Gordon (Mann)
Ramona Johnson (Penn/
Joe Katzenmeyer (Arriaga)
Matthew Meyer (Kass)
Travis Mills (Zhu)
Ayako Hosokawa (Distefano)
Changhong Ko (Hsung)
Stepan Lenevitch (Distefano)
Elena Sizova (Hoye)
Yan Zhou (Gao)
Graduate School
Jia Liu (Hsung)
Amanda Nienow (Roberts)
Chad Lindstrom (Zhu)
Other Awards
•American Chemical Society
COMP Division Chemical
Computing Group Excellence
Award and Overend Award in
Physical Chemistry Fall 2003
Jason Thompson (Cramer)
•NIH Chemistry and Biology
Interface Predoctoral Training
Grant 2004-2005
•3rd Annual Graduate Student
Research Symposium Travel Awards
(May 2004)
Dwight Stoll (Carr)
Angela [DeGreef] Follett (McNeil)
Amanda Nienow (Roberts)
•Best Dissertation Award from the
Graduate School (June 2004)
Sherri Hunt (Leopold)
•Overend Award in Physical Chemistry
Fall 2004
Matt Craddock (Leopold)
•Louise T. Dosdall Endowed Fellowship
Anne Boreen (McNeill)
•4th Annual Graduate Student Research
Symposium Travel Awards (May 2005)
Ce Wang (Forsyth)
Nathaniel Lynd (Hillmyer)
Aleksey Kurdyumov (Hsung)
Eric Klinker (Que)
•Department of Chemistry Travel Grant
Laurie Breyfogle (Hillmyer/Tolman)
•2005 Distinguished Masterʼs Thesis
Award of the Midwestern Association of
Graduate Schools (MAGS)
Nominee: Christopher Jeffrey (Hoye)
•Robert L. Ferm Outstanding Graduate
Teaching Assistant Award for 2004-2005
Erin Dahlke (Truhlar)
Junha Jeon (Hoye)
Larry Masterson (Veglia)
Jaye Warner (Buhlmann)
Page 15
Master's Degrees
Esther Frick
David Gingery
Jason Jadin
Evan Kaneski
Jamie Klappa
Kim Kroncke
Junseok Lee
John Lewin
Zhibo Li
Priscilla Lugo-Mas
Siepmann, Weisberg
Hillmyer, Lodge
Melissa Ostroski
Forsyth, Musier-Forsyth
Jana Scott
Ilya Tsukerman
Nikolay Zhuravlev
Ph.D. Degrees
Mohammed AlDaous
Adrian Anderson
Jeffrey Bankers
Michael Danielson
Mary Engler
Kathryn Fuller
Nilhan Gunasekera
Arriaga, Musier-Forsyth
Min Hu
Thomas Hunter
John Jalas
Distefano, Hecht
Ahren Jasper
Joseph Kappel
Lakshmi Kesavan
Yang Khandogin
Bethany Kormos
Ryan Major
Alessandro Mascioni
Mark Mehn
Jason Mulder
Hsung, Zhu
Amy Saenger
Thesis Title
Synthesis and Characterization of Polylactide Containing
Block Copolymers and Their Potential as Thermoplastic Elastomers and Toughening Agents.
Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes for Chemically Selective
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Inorganic Chemistry
Methods of Spiroketal Formation in Nutural Product Synthesis
The Synthesis, Characterization, and Properties of Pyridylpyrrole Derivatives and their Zinc and Boron Complexes.
Synthesis and Development of Chemiluminescent Probes for
the Detection of Singlet Oxygen.
Simulating the Vapor-Liquid Equilibria of Large Cyclic Alkanes
Current Location
Eli Lilly and Company
U of MN, PhD
Rochester MN: Teacher
River Falls, WI
Woodruff, WI
INX International, Appleton, WI:
Research Chemist
General Electric, San Diego, CA
A Rapid Method for Determining C-H Bond Dissociation Energies U of MN, PhD
as a Means of Assessing Metabolic Stability of Drug Molecules
Fluorinated Amphiphilic Miktoarm Star Triblock Copolymers.
U of MN, PhD
Synthetic Efforts Towards the C3-C14 Spiroketal Domains of
University of Washington
7-Deoxy Okadaic Acid Analogs.
Synthetic Studies Towards the C31-C46 Side Chain Fragment
of the Phorboxazoles.
1. Studies on a Palladium-Catalyzed Glycosidation Reaction and a Diastereoselective Allylation Reaction. II. Studies
Towards the Synthesis of Unnatural Monosaccharides and
an alpha, beta-Unsaturated delta-Lactone Natural Product
The Effect of Phosphate on Retention of Anti-Depressant
Drugs on Polybutadiene-Coated Zirconia (PBD-ZRO2).
Monte Carlo Simulations for Phase Equilibria and Chromatographic Systems.
Thesis Title
Synthesis, Physiocochemical Characterization, and Catalytic
Evaluation of Three-Dimensionally Ordered Macroporous
Metal Oxide Catalysts and Photocatalysts.
Strategies for the Elucidation of Doxorubicin Metabolism by
Capillary Electrophoresis with Laser-induced Fluorescence
Vapoconductive Materials: Mechanism and Sensor Applications.
A Total Synthesis of Callipeltoside A.
Phorboxazole A: Enhanced Synthesis of Biologically Active
Analogs of the Phorboxazoles.
Analysis of Individual Mitochondria and Acidic Organelles by
Capillary Electrophoresis with Laser-Induced Fluorescence
Investigations Into the Use of Capillary Electrophoresis for the
Analysis of Nuclear Preparations and the Nuclear Localization
of Fusion Proteins at the Single Cell Level.
A Total Synthesis of (-)-Zampanolide and (-)-Dactylolide.
Investigation Into the Syntheses of alpha, beta-Unsaturated
delta- Lactone and Macrolide Natural Products.
Stereo- and Regioselectivity in the Cytochrome P450-Mediated
Metabolism of the Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamine 4-(Methylnitrosamino)-1 -(3-Pyridyl)-1-Butanone (NNK).
Non-Born-Oppenheimer Chemistry: Coupled Potential Energy
Surfaces and Semiclassical Trajectories.
Synthetic Strategies for Solid-Phase Synthesis: I. Design,
Synthesis, and Applications of Handles. II. Combinatorial
Synthesis of Small Molecules.
Understanding the Catalytic Mechanism of Haloalkane Dehalogenase: A Combined QM/ MM Study.
Development and Application of Linear-scaling Quantum
Methods for the Study of Biological Macromolecules.
The Study of Liquid Solution and Solid Phase Systems: I. Reactions and Thermodynamics of Alkyl Halides II. Structures and
Energetics of Group 13-15 Compounds.
Physical and Chemical Properties of Organic Monolayers on
Silicon Oxide and Gold Surfaces.
Solution and Solid-State NMR of Membrane-Bound Proteins
and Peptides.
Modeling Oxygen Activation at Mononuclear Nonheme
Iron(II) alpha-Keto Acid-Dependent Dioxygenases.
I. Synthesis of Chiral Ynamides II. Reactions Involving Chiral
Thermodynamic Investigation of Substrate Activation and Regulation in Human Short-Chain ACYL-CoA Dehydrogenases.
U of MN Duluth
U of MN Cancer Center
Northbrook, IL
Moscow, Russia
Current Location
SABIC, Saudi Arabia: Researcher
Amgen, Thousand Oaks, CA (after
Eco Labs, St. Paul, MN)
Dial, Scottsdale, AZ: Senior
Scientist, Home Care Division
3M Pharmaceuticals
Madison, Wisconsin
Minnesota Bureau of Criminal
Apprehension, St. Paul, MN (after
postdoct, Mass Spectrometry
Consortium for the Life Sciences, U
of MN)
University of Wisconsin Marathon
County: Assistant Professor
Albany Molecular Research
Postdoc, Stanford University (with
Prof. Barry Trost)
U of MN, Medical School (starting a
pathology residency at UCSF soon)
Postdoc Montpelier, France (with
Prof. J. Martinez)
NIH postdoc with Anne Baranger at
Wesleyan University
Hysitron, Inc.
Postdoc U of MN (with Prof. G.
NIH postdoctoral fellow under Prof.
Jonas Peters at Caltech
NIH postdoctoral fellow at Harvard
University (Professor David Evans)
Clinical Chemistry Postdoctoral
Training Program, University of
Washington, Seattle, WA
continued on page 20
Page 16
Chemistry Degrees Granted from July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2003
Bachelor's Degrees and Home Town
Bryan Paul Berry
Douglas Brinkman
Beth Brockshus
Robin Caperton
Anna Chalin
Andrew Lee Fraser
Kate Gemmell
Vikisha Goberdhan
Helia Hatefi
Derek Heidbrink
Carla Marie Hemmila
Joshua Hewuse
Jacob Hodge
Kristopher Hodgson
Cori Ann Huffman
Medora Huseby
Andy Janisch
Amy Jenk
Uti Stan Kar
William Knopke
Timothy Kohnke
Paul Kralovec II
Casey A Lantz
Christian Lavarreda
Angela Mandy
Matthew Mann
Benji Mathews
Jason Merkel
Kristen Mills
James Nathan
Andrea Nelson
Duluth MN
Plymouth MN
Burnsville MN
Minneapolis MN
St. James MN
Lino Lakes MN
Minneapolis MN
Minnetonka MN
Roseville MN
Burnsville MN
Blaine WI
Spencer WI
Rochester MN
Sioux Falls SD
Appleton WI
Moorhead MN
Thief River Falls MN
Wauwatosa WI
Fridley MN
St. Louis Park MN
Eagan MN
Wayzata MN
Brooklyn Park MN
Minneapolis MN
Long Lake MN
Kamloops, BC, Canada
White Bear Lake MN
Fort Atkinson WI
Arden Hills MN
Robbindale MN
Minneapolis MN
The Following Companies
Have Generously
Donated to the
Department of Chemistry
Educational Grants
3M Company
Abbott Laboratories
Cambridge Isotope
Laboratories, Inc.
The Dow Chemical Company
Interfacial Solutions, LLC
Omicron Nano Technology USA
Positive Light, Inc.
Procter & Gamble Company
RHK Technology
Schlumberger Technology
Left to right, new graduates
Alison Wagner, Jaressa
Tucker, and Jason Merkel
Vikesh Patel
Mandy Peacock
Gregory Perrault
Viet Quoc Pham
Brian Philippy
Jennifer A Plautz
Emily Que
Jenny Lynn Reynolds
Daniel Sagstetter
Justin Mark Schmidt
Jonathan Schrupp
Samuel Shirley
Sarah Sorlie
Bryan Gary Sowieja
Christina Thomas
Deborah Tobias
Jareesa Tucker
Darrick Unger
Eymi Vera
Anthony Vosberg
Alison Wagner
Nathan Wilhelm
Brian Wong
Peter Wynia
John Chan Yick
Nor Isnaini Yusoff
Mumbai, India
St. Paul MN
North Branch MN
Little Canada MN
Calloway MN
Minnetonka MN
Roseville MN
Apple Valley MN
Apple Valley MN
Mukwonago WI
Fridley MN
Minneapolis MN
Roberts WI
Inver Grove Hts MN
Mahtomedi MN
Prior Lake MN
Lansing MI
St. Louis Park MN
Bloomington MN
Lake Elmo MN
Fort Atkinson WI
Burnsville MN
Jakarta Pusat, Indonisia
Roseville MN
New Hope MN
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Matching Funds
3M Company
Abbott Laboratories Fund
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.
Alliant Techsystems, Inc.
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
BP Foundation, Inc.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc.
Cargill, Inc.
ChevronTexaco Corp.
Cognis Corp.
Crompton Corp.
Deloitte Foundation
Dow Corning Corp.
The Dow Chemical Company Foundation
Ecolab Foundation
Eli Lilly & Company Foundation
ExxonMobil Foundation
GE Foundation
General Mills Foundation
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Guidant Foundation, Inc.
H B Fuller Company Foundation
Honeywell Hometown Solutions
IBM International Foundation
The Medtronic Foundation
The Merck Company Foundation
Motorola Foundation
Novartis U S Foundation
The Pfizer Foundation
The Pharmacia Foundation, Inc.
The PQ Corp.
The Procter & Gamble Fund
Seagate Technology LLC
Shell Oil Company Foundation
The Sherwin-Williams Foundation
Tennant Foundation
Waters Corp.
Page 17
Many Thanks to our Individual Donors in 2003 and 2004
Individual support from our alumni and friends is crucial to the myriad activities of our department. Thanks to your generosity, we have
been able to offer fellowships and scholarships to our outstanding students, retain our best faculty, and implement projects which will improve
our facilities. The Chemistry Special Projects Fund is the department’s main discretionary fund, which supports student fellowships and
awards as well as the bulk of the other activities mentioned in this newsletter. With gratitude, we acknowledge our 2003-2004 donors.
Chemistry Special
Projects Fund
Timothy W. Abraham
Harmon B. Abrahamson
Irving M. Abrams
Charles D. Adams
Steven J. Albrechtsen
Bruce D. Alexander
Thomas C. Allison
Carl J. Almer
Roger W. Amidon
Marie P. Anderson
Mark L. Anderson
Carl K. & Eroica K.
Mary C. Anttila
Mark W. Arriola
Laura M. Babcock &
James A. Jensen
Jerold O. & Donna M.
John J. Baldwin
William E. Barber
Paul T. Barger
Jonathan L. Bass
Bruce N. Bastian
Robert L. Batdorf
Wadim Batorewicz
Donavan F. Beaver
Mary T. Benson
John T. Bergman
Leonard & Marlyce
William & Sandra Blackley
Christine A. Blaine
Margaret R. Blake
Frank D. Blum
G. Bohnert Bodem
Michael Boehlke
Angela J. Boettcher
Leo F. Bohanon
Newman M. Bortnick
David C. & Felicia J. Boyd
Mark E. Branum
Brian M. Breczinski
Larry J. Bresina
Dona L. Brock
Murray W. Brockman
Beth L. Brockshus
Dow E. Brophy
Christopher W. Brown
Dean G. Brown
Gary W. Brudvig
Page 18
Andrew D. Bruskiewicz
Jay S. Buckley Jr.
Paul W. Busse
Clyde W. Cady
Paul J. Cahill
John D. Cahoy
Gordon B. Carlton
Andrew J. Caruso
S. Chakrabarti & P.J. Bell
Chi Chang
Daniel Y. Chang
Yu Sen Chen
Phyllis R. Chiarelli
Brian H. Chollar
Clayton G. Christensen
Lief Christensen
Henry B. Clark
Robert E. Coffman
Martha E. Copeland
Nancy G. Cordonier
Arthur J. Coury
Frank A. Cutler Jr.
Wesley J. Dale
James C. Darling
Dorothy D. & Darwin D.
George E. Davis
Charles A. Daws
Saliya A. De Silva
Jonathan & Sharon De Vries
Jonathan W. De Vries
Paul A. Deck
Jonathan P. Dick
Christopher J. Dinsmore
Diane R. Dittenhafer
Mark L. Dittenhafer
Qi Dongfeng
Karen D. Donnelly
Kenneth J. Dornfeld
Charles H. Douglass Jr.
Gregg M. Downing
Jonathan W. Draxten
Douglas S. Dunn
Alison A. Eckhoff
David W. Edelstein
John A. & Barbara L. Edgar
Gilbert L. Eian
James A. Elberling
Christopher K. Enstrom
Christopher D. Erickson
Thomas J. Evensen
Jurgen H. Exner
Raymond J. Farm
James B. Federline
Christopher Felix
Eileen M. Ferguson
Daniel W. & Patricia D.
Douglas E. & Kristi A.
Steven R. Flom
Marvin W. Formo
Nile N. Frawley
Daniel A. Freedman
Robert W. Freerksen
Irong Fu
Mark A. Fung Fook
Frederic R. & Ellen M.
Alan J. Gengenbach
Daniel P. Getman
James H. Gibson
Terry J. Gilbertson
A. C. Gilby
Norman W. & Joan Gill
David C. Gilmer
George R. Glaros
Sabiha A. Gokcen
David J.W. Goon
John E. Gozum
Robert W. Grady
Robert L. Graham
George W. Griesgraber
Gloria Grode-Lauria
Eston M. Gross
Gregory S. Gross
Todd E. Gross
Karen A. Gruetzmacher
Richard T. Haasch
Mark D. Hadler
Kenneth E. Hafften
Joyce B. Hall
Claude D. Hall Sr.
Tina M. Hallis
David A. Halsrud
Philip D. Hammen
Charles & Lois Hammer
Robert P. Hammer
Joseph B. Hanson
Paul R. Hanson
Curtis D. Hargadine
Mark H. Hartmann
Sean D. Harvatine
Henry A. Havel
Todd R. Hayes
Jerome R. Heiman
Walden L. Heino
Kari A. Hendlin
Stacy K. Henle
Henry E. Hennis
Steven G. Hentges
Kim L. Henze
Jerry A. & Deborah Herby
Martin V. Herschberger
Robert E. Hileman
Kevin K. Hobbie
Keri L. Hobbs
Milton L. Hoefle
David J. Hoffman
Heidi J. Hoglund
Troy V. Holland
Theodore R. Holman
Howard E. Holmquist
Paul A. Holte
Nicholas J. Horvath
William Horwitz
Greg A. Howell
Peter A. & Gladys L. Howell
Rebecca C. & Thomas R.
Craig A. Hoyme
Yue Hu
He Huang
Allan M. Huffman
John W. Hull Jr.
Michelle J. Hunt
Steven E. Husebye
Jonathan E. Hutchins
David Hyun
Gary G. Irish
Henry V. Isaacson
Robert J. Iverson
Charles F. Jackels Jr.
Richard A. Jackson
Anthony C. Jeannotte II
Melody Jewell
Eugene & Marjorie
Brian J. Johnson
Bruce D. & Janine Johnson
Curtis E. Johnson
Russell D. Johnson
Susan A. Johnson
Kenneth E. Johnson &
Sally J. Starz
Richard W. Joos
Thomas H.R. Jozefiak
Michael A. Kahlow
Julie A. Kaiser-Braden
Gregory J. Kampa
Theresa M. & Dennis H.
Kelly III
Richard T. Kilby
Bill B. Knopke
James K. Knudsen
John G. Koland
John H. Konnert
Kenneth E. Kosel
Maria J. Koutsoukos
Kenneth Kustin
Richard J. Kvitek
Gary Y. W. Kwong
Clayton L. Lance
Ronald F. Lange
Eric C. Larson
Leo J. Laux
Claire and Margot LeClaire
Melida J. C. & Steven H.
C. Lee
Richard J. Legare
Nan Wang & Jianjun Li
Yuan Li
Tai-Ming Liang
Arnold A. Liebman
Grant M. Lillevold
Steven E. Lindberg
Kyle J. Lindstrom
Yu-Ying Liu
Robert G. Lockwood
Timothy P. Lodge
John K. Lofdahl
Franco Lombardo
Karen D. & Donald H.
Bing Luo
Gerold Luss
Lin Ma
Zhiliu Ma
Andrew S. Magee
Mary P. & Helmut K. Maier
Khurram J. Malik
Joel G. Malmberg
Ming Man
Steven C. & Beth March
Susan & Curtis Marcott
James J. Markham
M. John Markuson
Julie & Christopher G.
Brian J. Martin
Deanna Carlson Martin
Mark W. Martinson
Montgomery J. Mason
Albert S. Matlack
Bruce M. Mattson
James H. Maysilles
Donald S. McClure
John McCool
Blaine C. McKusick
Terri L. McLernon
Crawford Lectureship Fund: Joyce B. & Timothy J. Hall, Henry A. Havel, I. C. & Kimi
Hisatune, Thomas A. Kestner, Robert G. Parr, and Laychoo Tan
Gassman Lectureship Fund: Jonathan & Janice Chasman, Philip J. Chenier, Paul A.
Deck, John H. Dygos, Gerda Ann Gassman, Kentaro Okuma, and D. James Schreck
Bert Meier and
Goerke UG Scholarship Fund: John T. Bergman, Charles A. Daws, Daniel W. Firth,
Lloyd W. Goerke, Greta A. Gosewisch, Derk J. Hogenkamp, James K. Knudsen, Ronald F.
Lange, Patty L. McNally, Dale G. Swan, Lynn Swanson, Steven J. Tinker, and Kristen M.
Izaak M. Kolthoff Fund: Madolyn Y. Babcock, Miran K. Chantooni Jr., Grace Po-Yuen
Chiu, Johannes F. Coetzee, Charles M. Hall, Albert C. Holler, Ralph A. Johnson, Douglas P.
Root, and Yutaka Okinaka
Barany Research Account: Michael Barany
Graham N. Gleysteen Fellowship: Agnes Gleysteen Fraser
Wayland E. Noland Research Fellowship: Rodney D. Dekruif, Roy A. Johnson, Lee
E. Klade, and Wayland E. Noland
Owens Endowed Fellowship: Kenneth E. & Marion S. Owens
Owens Scholarship: Kenneth E. & Marion S. Owens
Krogh Endowed Fellowship: Janna P. DeLue, Lester C. & Joan M. Krogh
Brasted Memorial Fund: Ieva O. Hartwell
Overend Memorial Fund: Madolyn Y. Babcock, Kathleen A. Davis, Thomas G. Goplen,
and Curtis A. Marcott
Moscowitz Memorial Fund: Mary E. Learmont & Steven C. Riemer
Sally Herz Memorial Scholarship Fund: Edgar E. Hardy
Margaret C. Etter Memorial Lectureship in Materials Chemistry: Elise A.Sudbeck
Thomas P. Du Bruil Memorial Fund: Ann C. and Paul Brey, Paul D. Brey, Justine &
Thomas W. Du Bruil, and Francis J. & Theresa B. Haddy
John Wertz Fellowship Fund: Florence C. Wertz
Patty L. McNally
Mark T. Meeks
Curtiss J. Meredyk
Joseph F. Merklin
Gregory E. & Colleen
G. Meyer
John G. Meyer
Vaughn P. Miller
Bahram Moasser
Erich J. Molitor
Edwin F. Morello
Gerald H. Morine
John J. Muellner
Ann M. Mueting
Mary H. Murai
Pamela W. & Craig B.
Mark D. Nachbor
Brian E. Nelson
Richard G. Newell
John G. Newman
Joseph Nichols
Brent A. Nielsen
Lawrence A. Nielsen
Karl C. Ochs II
Martha J. Ohlson
Jody M. Olsen
Kurt D. Olson
Peter C. Olson
H. James Osborn
Thomas G. Ostertag
Dean A. Ostlie
Chuanbin Pan
C. S. Papageorgiou
Rudolph Pariser
Helen M. Parker
George W. Parshall
Sadanand V. Pathre
Kim Paulsen
David R. Peck
James R. Persoon &
Barbara L. Schmidt
Barbara J. Peterson
Marvin L. Peterson
Sheri L. Peterson
Wayne A. Peterson
Richard M. & Patricia A.
Ronald L. Plante
Joseph P. Porwoll
Lawrence W. Potts
James H. & Elberta L.
William W. Prichard
William F. Prigge
Michael J. Prokosch
R. James Puhl
Stanton F. Rak
Floyd L. Ramp
Anthony J. Razel
Benjamin R. Reed
Gretchen Mary Rehberg
Lucinda Reichley-Yinger
Michael D. Rein
Edgar E. Renfrew
Malcolm M. & Carol C.
Matthew K. Renner
Veronica A. Reynolds
Rebecca L. Rezac
Aloyce J. Rholl
Daniel H. Rich
Timothy I. Richardson
Martin P. Rigney
Donald N. Robinson
Thomas S. & Debra J. M.
Daniel S. Rocque
Kevin J. Roesselet
Edgar R. & June M.
Anthony R. Rossini
Wayne J. Rothschild
Emily S. & Nestor A.
Leonid I. Rubinstein
Alan H. Runck
David P. Ruschke
Paul S. Russo
Mark A. Rustad
Victor & Catherine Ryan
Lowell E. Salyards
Gary L. Santee
Scott S. Sardeson
Richard F. Sauers
Mark S. Schaberg
Joseph D. Schroeder
Jay F. Schulz
Kirby J. Scott
Richard M. Scribner
John K. Seaburg
Lynne T. Sergi
Edward J. Seus
William J. Shugard
Richard J. Sinn
Steven R. Skorich
Richard S. Smith
Samuel Smith
Quentin F. Soper
Richard F. Sprecher
Thomas G. Stavros
Mark & Kathleen Steine
Vernon A. Stenger
Robert E. & Debra R.
Mary P. Stickelmeyer
Joseph F. Stieber
Roger W. Strassburg
Dorothy B. & Melvin P.
Elise A. Sudbeck
Joseph C. Suhadolnik
Richard J. Sundberg
Todd A. Swanson
Laychoo Tan
Kenneth J. Tauer
Paul E. Tavernier
Paul R. Thatcher
James R. Throckmorton
Charles R. Thueson
Steven J. Tinker
Wade J. Tornquist
Charles A. Triplett
Edward T. Ulrich
Rebecca A. Urbanek
John R. VanPilsum Jr.
Richard E. Volkmann
James R. Vyvyan
James J. Wade
Terence C.
Mary J. Wahlstrom
Joseph T. Warden Jr.
Bridget K. Warmka
Mark W. Watson
Edward O. Welke
Valerie Ann Weller
Edward L. Wheeler
Larry R. Wilson
Larry D. Winter
Dawn M. Witherill
James T. Wolter
Charles D. Wright
Ellen L. Wu
Frank Z. Yang
Lee R. Zehner
Hongyu Zhao
Patrick G. Zimmerman
John J. Zingsheim
Michelle M. Zirngible
Page 19
continued from page 16
Ph.D. Degrees
Simon Shannon
Development of New Tools for Solid-Phase Organic Library
Synthesis: Backbone Amide Linker (BAL) Anchoring Approaches and Monitoring Methods.
Thesis Title
Sergey Sokolov
Cheng-Min Tann
Jonathan Thomson
Judit Tulla Puche
Jiashi Wang
Fai Chu Wong
Musier-Forsyth, Distefano
Xiqin Yang
Andrew Zalusky
Macroporous Metal Oxides: Synthesis, Characterization and
Application in Catalysis and Electrochemical Power Sources.
Design of Artifical Enzymes by Site Directed Mutagenesis and
Chemical Engineering of a Protein Cavity.
High Temperature Ultra-Fast Liquid Chromatography: Theory
and Practice.
I. Palladium-Mediated Strategies for the Synthesis of Small
Molecules. II. Synthetic Studies Towards Partially Folded
I. Synthetic Application of Formal [3+3] Cycloaddition
II. Synthetic Studies toward Fusidilactone C.
Class II Proline-tRNA Synthetase: Amino Acid Editing and
Incorporation of Unnatural Amino Acids.
Mixed-Mode Separations of Cationic Analytes on Polybutadiene Coated Zirconia and Octadecyl Silane Bonded Silica
Nanoporous Materials from Ordered Polylactide-Containing
Block Copolymer Templates.
Current Location
3M Corporate Research Lab,
St. Paul, MN: Senior Research
Chemist; Founding President (U of
MN chapter) National Organization
of Black Chemists and Chemical
Engineers (NOBCChE)]
Pace Analytical
Systec, New Brighton, MN
Barcelona Science Park, Barcelona,
Spain: Senior Scientist
Postdoc, Harvard University (with
Prof. Yoshito Kishi)
Postdoc,University of Utah (with
Prof. Peter Beal)
GlaxoSmithKline, King of Prussia,
Jeanette Brown continued from page 7
Jersey Statewide Systemic Initiative Professional Development Site. In 1995
Ms. Brown officially joined the New Jersey Institute of Technology as a Faculty
Associate in the Department of Pre-College Programs. She assumed the position of New Jersey Statewide Systemic Initiative Coordinator with responsibility
as the chief professional developer of K-8 teachers where she designed,
developed and coordinated the NJIT Thrust K-8 Professional Development
Program. Ms. Brown was also a New Jersey Institute of Technology curriculum
trainer for middle school teachers and served as a Regional Director of the
New Jersey Systemic Statewide Initiative between 1998 and 2002.
Ms. Brown has been recognized for her exemplary career. She was
named an “Outstanding Woman in Science” in 1990 by the Metropolitan New
York Chapter of the Association of Women in Science (AWIS). In 1991 she
was named to the Hunter College Hall of Fame for her mentorship of minority students and her work with Project SEED. Ms. Brown received the ACS
Women Chemists Committee Regional Award for Contributions for Diversity
in 2002. Her mentorship and advocacy continue with her current writing project, a history of African American women chemists for Harvard University’s
“African American Lives Series.” Finally, in 2005 she received the national
American Chemical Society Award for Encouraging Disadvantaged Students
into Careers in the Chemical Sciences.
Department of Chemistry
Institute of Technology
Kolthoff and Smith Halls
207 Pleasant St. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Research Highlights
continued from page 9
In this work, a linear-scaling Greenʼs
function solvation method was employed, along with Monte Carlo simulation of counterion occupations at the
phosphate residues, in order to quantify
the preferential ion and solvation stabilization of bent versus linear
DNA. From these calculations, they were able to predict that the
electrostatic phosphate-phosphate contribution to DNA bending is
on the order of 30 percent - a substantial, but not fully dominating effect. This work is featured on the cover of a recent issue of Nucleic
Acids Research 33(4) 1257 (2005). A movie showing how the counterion distribution changes with ion load is also available.
Nonprofit Org.
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