Overview of the Middle Ages I. Basic Facts A. Lasted from approximately 500 to 1500 C.E. B. Following the breakup of Rome, Europeans were divided into many smaller tribes C. 3 Phases 1. Early Middle Ages – Dark Ages, little literacy and education 2. High Middle Ages - Development of modern states, prosperity due to rapid population growth 3. Late Middle Ages – End of prosperity; end to population growth due to war and disease D. Medieval = “Middle Age” E. Why was it called the Middle Ages? Between classical and Modern periods of history. In between Rome and the Renaissance. II. Society A. Learning, science, and logic were replaced by religious faith B. People lived in a constant state of poverty, famine, and fear III. Religion A. Christian Church’s main function was to convert non-Christians B. Certain sacred rites called sacraments were required to be performed by priests in order to get into heaven C. Church corruption and power 1. Priests violated vows of poverty and chastity 2. Simony – Buying of church positions 3. Crusades – Pope Urban II ordered Christians to participate in a series of holy wars declared against Muslims IV. Government A. Feudalism – System in which people pledge loyalty to kings and queens in exchange for land and protection B. Democracies and republics were nonexistent C. Magna Carta – “Great Charter” 1. Only significant democratic act during the Middle Ages 2. Signed by King John in England 3. Established 2 important principles a. Monarch is limited by law b. Monarch must obey the law V. Evolution of Modern States A. During the High Middle Ages powerful countries began to form under one king B. England = William the Conqueror C. France = Hugh Capet D. Spain VI. Innovations in warfare – examples: knights and castles VII. The Late Middle Ages A. Hundred Years’ War – Devastating conflict between England and France B. Black Death 1. Spread by fleas on rats 2. Killed 1/3 of Europe’s population