Project: City Planning Activity



Ch. 3: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Project: City Planning Activity

Objective- Your goal is to work together with the members of your Design Firm to accurately create a city design plan in the form of a map. As a group you need to create a name for your city.

Things to keep in mind that will make you project more creative: Street signs, animals, landscaping (trees, shrubbery, ponds, etc.), or fencing. The possibilities are endless as the imagination. Please keep it school appropriate. Remember the idea is to be visually appealing as well as geometrically correct.


 No two buildings can occupy the exact same space. Use a ruler to draw straight lines, please no freehand-drawing.

 City Designers must accurately draw parallel, perpendicular, and transversal lines to create your city map design.

Your city must include the following to receive full credit:

__________ City Name placed somewhere on your design.

__________ At least 5 parallel Streets (each must be named)

__________ At least 2 transversal streets that are NOT parallel to each other (each street must be named)

__________ At least 2 street that are perpendicular (each street must be named)

The following building must be placed as directed:

All buildings must be given names using signs either on or near the building

_____ Sketch a house and a school of a pair of consecutive interior angles

_____ Sketch a bank and a post office on a pair of corresponding angles

_____ Sketch a grocery store (or general store) and an electronics store on a pair of alternate interior angles

_____ Sketch a movie theater and a pet shop on a pair of alternate exterior angles

_____ Sketch a sheriffs office/courthouse halfway between the bank and post office

_____ Sketch a restaurant and a gas station creating a linear pair or a supplement angle

_____ Sketch a fire department and a hospital on a pair of vertical angles

_____ Sketch a park at a location of your choice (name the park)

_____ Sketch AT LEAST 2 other buildings or location sites of your choice

**Work Together! Each group should turn in one map**


 Creativity, visually appealing, and city name

 All streets included (at least 9)

________________/ 2 points

_______________/ 9 points

 All building are included with names _______________/ 9 points

 Total _______________/ 20 points

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