Hartnell College Budget Input Survey

Hartnell College Budget Input Survey
1. What is your employment classification? (Not required to complete survey.)
Academic Administrator
Classified Manager / Confidential
answered question
skipped question
2. Provide suggestions for specific expenditure reduction or elimination that can help
reduce the budget deficit. Please provide a rationale or justification for your suggestions.
answered question
skipped question
3. Provide suggestions for how current college programs, services, operations, and/or
practices could improve effectiveness. Suggested changes could focus on improving
effectiveness that leads to reducing costs.
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answered question
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4. Provide suggested strategies, activities, and/or events that have the potential to generate
additional revenue.
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answered question
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Q2. Provide suggestions for specific expenditure reduction or elimination that can help reduce the budget deficit.
Please provide a rationale or justification for your suggestions.
One of my suggestions to save expenses is to close the college early on Fridays.
A majority of classes are over early and students are gone by 2. Closing early
on Fridays and during holiday breaks would save money on utilities.
Jul 26, 2012 12:14 PM
Eliminate all consultants and some management positions.
Jul 26, 2012 9:38 AM
Re-evaluate classified positions to be more wide scope in duties for effective use
of time and cross training. . Look into Out Sourcing cafeteria, like the bookstore
Furloughs days for everyone Look into 16 week academic calendar Close
campus during winter breaks
Jul 24, 2012 4:47 PM
As a pt instructor I don't know what the expenses are. As a retired adminstrator
of a large government program, analysis often gives us interesting locations for
savings. I would like to understand the income stream and cost of the courses I
Jul 24, 2012 1:41 PM
Review all personal service contracts, constulants
Jul 24, 2012 1:31 PM
We could switch to a four day ten hour a day work week for all student services
during the months and weeks we are on vacation or between semesters. We can
fire all consultants and hirte people who actually can do the job.
Jul 24, 2012 8:48 AM
Remove the 25 hour CSEA position for ACE. The job description was written
correctly to support the program when it really needs it. The position doesn't
meet the needs of the program.
Jul 24, 2012 6:35 AM
teach more online courses as they cost less to teach.
Jul 23, 2012 11:27 PM
Business office technology programs because it has had very few enrollments
and has had drastically reduced sections.
Jul 23, 2012 5:53 PM
Jul 23, 2012 5:06 PM
Modify Dean of Nursing position to a Director position; reduce campus hallway
lighting to same level as when there was an "energy crisis"; reduce number of
hard copy catalogs and schedules (charge to at least cover printing costs)
Jul 23, 2012 5:21 PM
Review hiring practices.
Jul 23, 2012 5:06 PM
Reduction: I understand that the nursing discipline manager is now a dean. I
think that that position, plus the dean's position in King City which will be vacated
by the end of the year (?) should go back to being directors. They were
directors before and in this economy, the position should be reduced until the
economy picks up. The nursing manager is a dean for a discipline--not for a
whole area. I also think that we need division deans more than we need a Dean
for Curriculum & Instructional Support. A faculty member was assigned 60%
release time to do Curriculum. This dean could become a division dean. I
believe we have gone through 3 reorganizations within 4 years and with the new
Jul 23, 2012 5:00 PM
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Q2. Provide suggestions for specific expenditure reduction or elimination that can help reduce the budget deficit.
Please provide a rationale or justification for your suggestions.
president, we will be reorganizing again. I believe that the existing president
should have left some decisions to be made by the new president. Freeze some
positions that are being vacated now if possible. If you plan to do layoffs, why
create a bumping domino effect for classified staff.
Examine gap between necessary job functions and current jobs to isolate areas
for efficiency. Anecdotal and some observational evidence suggests that a wide
spectrum in work and priorities accomplished exists across the institution.
Jul 23, 2012 4:01 PM
adopt a 16-week semester to cut overhead costs
Jul 23, 2012 3:41 PM
We could save money if we refunded student fees back to the credit card. Right
now we eat the fee because we refund in check form. I was told by a datatel
technician that it was an easy process to run and usually run by AP.
Jul 23, 2012 3:26 PM
Consolidation of services and/or activities, much time and money are spent
developing and offering the same services in various programs in an inefficient
and often ineffective way. Too often, we reinvent and duplicate the wheel with
every new program. A campus advisory committee made up of experts from
different areas could guide, integrate and oversee activities of campus programs.
Jul 23, 2012 2:26 PM
The college needs to find a health insurance carrier to replace MCSIG. MCSIG
does not have the size (employee and dependent pool) to keep health care
premiums low. One major medical cost will affect premiums in a small pool than
a large pool. Consider CVT or CalPERS or other.
Jul 23, 2012 1:35 PM
1) Please, no more free housing allowances for administrators. It was brought to
our attention at a Board meeting that money from the budget was being used to
pay administrators' housing. 2) No pay raises for anyone. 3) No bonuses or
stipends to administrators.In the past administration, $10,000 bonuses or
stipends (or more) were given to administrators for a job well done.
Jul 23, 2012 1:21 PM
Need to go green. Too much paper wasted. Also the usage of overtime with
maintenance can be reduced. Some times not needed for smaller events.
Food can be reduced at meetings. Limit the amount of food and beverages.
Jul 23, 2012 12:45 PM
reduce paper use; too many handouts; this would require people to be
"encouraged" to use electronic devices. Much more training re document
sharing. thoroughly analyze independent contractor usage. Can some activities
be conducted from within? Are we duplicating efforts unknowingly? Look at
"expensive" programs (e.g., ACE, ag programs that are industry funded, etc.).
Are they meeting their goals? Is there a way to do the work more efficiently? Is
there duplication of effort? What can be done to increase enrollments in the
programs? This comment should not be interpreted as a call to eliminate
programs, rather, to analyze their effectiveness and true cost.
Jul 23, 2012 12:26 PM
Jul 23, 2012 12:15 PM
Reevaluate current VP positions (or other Administrative Positions) - many
positions have been increased over the past five years without the jobs being
advertised and opened to the public. You may want to refer to an organizational chart
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Q2. Provide suggestions for specific expenditure reduction or elimination that can help reduce the budget deficit.
Please provide a rationale or justification for your suggestions.
from 2005 or so. Over-time charges for custodial employees - evaluated and
decision made with maintenance director, maintenance supervisor, and VP of
Business Office. On-campus departments and off-campus groups many times
pay excessively high charges. In contrast, usage fees for all on-campus facilities
should be reevaluated and modified to be competitive with others.
Are there any other positions that we could absorb their salaries, grants and
other funds
Jul 23, 2012 12:13 PM
rewrite anatomy SLO's to incorporate virtual dissections and eleminate purchase
of dissection specimens
Jul 23, 2012 11:56 AM
Have you considered allowing faculty to take a reduced load with the subsequent
pay reduction if desired? Sixteen week semesters. That might affect adjunct
pay most directly, but maybe could be negotiated into full time salaries as well.
Jul 23, 2012 11:47 AM
Ask for departments divisions to make their own reductions. Give everyone a
percentage (reduce by xx%).
Jul 23, 2012 11:19 AM
No new hires....current faculty and classified employees take on additional
classroom and administrative duties. New hires add additional financial burden
to the budget when considering not only salary but benefits. Adjunct faculty
teaching more courses on-line should be considered.
Jul 23, 2012 10:47 AM
Consider moving Basic Education courses (Math and English) that are more
than two levels below transfer level to a non-credit, fee-based Community
Education basis.
Jul 23, 2012 10:43 AM
Implement one Monday or Friday per month that the campus is entirely closed
thereby saving money on utilities. This would end up being a furlough day for
employees which would provide additional cost savings.
Jul 23, 2012 10:01 AM
Suggestion of Furlough Days for Fiscal Year 2013-14
Jul 23, 2012 9:22 AM
Stop paying for food for meetings- instead people can volunteer to bring food.
Design schedule cover and take pictures in-house, rather than pay for design.
Make course catalog available for students online, or they can pay $2.50 for a
hard copy. Also consider charging for course schedules. Students can access
online for free, or pay for a copy. Suspend or reduce travel reimbursements.
Jul 23, 2012 8:39 AM
ACE, what are the outcomes are they worth the expense of the program and
small class size? Are we getting the outcomes we had hoped?
Jul 23, 2012 8:36 AM
Eliminate programs/classes with low enrollment. Reduce salaries for top
management and executive officers. Protect salaries for the lowest-paid
Jul 23, 2012 8:35 AM
1. stop paying the rent for deans and any personal that may be under the
"expert" classification 2. look into the student service budget, ask for a item line
budget in all programs such as DSP&S EOP, Transfer Center and Career
Center. It seems that the funds for these programs are funded yearly but some
of the programs have been reduced to only classified staff. why does the
Jul 23, 2012 7:07 AM
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Q2. Provide suggestions for specific expenditure reduction or elimination that can help reduce the budget deficit.
Please provide a rationale or justification for your suggestions.
DSP&S program have to ask for funds from the HEP program? This past
semester The HEP program bought a $600 IQ test for the Ld Specialists to to do
their job. How does the HEP program justify to the FEDS that they need to
purchase this test when no one in their program can administer such a test.( Ld
Specialst) are not paid by HEP. In past years before the current admin. and
Director of the DSP&S program always paid for their own equipment/tools for the
DSP&S program. Since the current administration and current director the
DSP$S program has never seen a item line budget. Yes we know there has
been cuts but it seems that money for these programs has been directed to other
places . Is this legal? Last year DSP&S factuly was told that part their salary
was now being paid by General Ed funds and DSP&S Factuly now had to
counsel Gen ed students. Why? Was this practice implemented to supplement
that lack of gen ed Counselors?again this practice was only implemented by the
past admin and the current Director. My question is what are they doing with this
money? is it being used to fund other programs? please look very closely at
these "expert" classifications/middle mangement type postions because many of
them were filled with people that were hand selected for the postion , ex the
current Financial Aide Director and the head of admin/records. these postions
were filled without a current hiring process, it was not open to other classifed
staff or faculty. Why does the DSP&S Program have a "expert" for scheduling
the deaf students interpreters? It never had such a postion. why now? with less
money for the program? its wasted money when it was always done within the
program. the whole "Expert" category seems to be a insult to staff when these
people are being paid $35 an hr. or more and staff has been asked to reduce
their pay by furlough days and then not given a chance to apply for these
postions. I would suggest that these postions be looked at very carefully and
stop the practice of these middle mangement postions.
I heard that every letter mailed from the mailroom goes out certified. If that is
true, that must stop.
Jul 22, 2012 8:25 PM
1. review administrative staff to 1) reduce manager positions 2) reduce
administrative salaries 5% too many administratives in relation to full-time
faculty positions. Fiscal study about out-sourcing certain services. Has the
college really saved $$ with reprographics. Can other things be outsourced by
private industry?
Jul 22, 2012 4:22 PM
reduce the number of managers
Jul 21, 2012 8:30 PM
I first and foremost urge you to examine closely what then other three local
colleges---Gavilan, Monterey Peninsula College, and Cabrillo------have done to
weather the various budget cuts that have been imposed statewide over the last
4-5 years. These colleges are laboring under the same budget constraints as
Hartnell, but they have all managed to stay solvent without inflicting on their
students and employees the drastic and draconian cuts that have been inflicted
on Hartnell's students and employees. For example, Hartnell is the only local
college that had a whole summer session eliminated, which delayed many
students' educational and career plans by a semester or more, and which also
provoked many students to transfer to MPC permanently. Additionally, Hartnell's
staff, uniquely among those at local colleges, were forced to endure unpaid
furloughs. Hartnell's faculty has not had a pay raise in 5 years, although all of
the other colleges gave their faculty modest raises (incidentally, as a faculty
Jul 21, 2012 3:26 PM
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Q2. Provide suggestions for specific expenditure reduction or elimination that can help reduce the budget deficit.
Please provide a rationale or justification for your suggestions.
member, I am perfectly willing to forgo pay raises, in the fiscal interest of the
college and students, provided such pay freezes are implemented in a collegewide manner with complete transparency). In particular, it is my understanding
that the Superintendent of Gavilan enjoys interacting and sharing with other local
colleges and is exceptionally knowledgeable about budget matters, and is adept
at adapting to cuts in ways that are lauded as fair by his entire campus
community. Hartnell has been paying the housing costs ( in addition to salary)
for many administrators. Most colleges I understand only do this for the
Superintendent. I recommend Hartnell follow its own past practice and the
practice of other colleges, and pay no housing allowances to any employee other
than the Superintendent (so the Superintendent ALONE should receive a
housing allowance). Hartnell seems to have a greater number on managers and
administrators, as well as faculty members doing non-teaching work, than other
colleges. I urge you to look closely at this. Those instructors who are willing to
take extra students voluntarily without any extra compensation, and who have a
reputation for providing excellent instruction, should be allowed to do so without
administrative interference. Hartnell also seems to have an unnecessarily large
and expensive number of paid outside 'consultants'; I urge you to look into
possible cutbacks in this area.
Jul 20, 2012 6:04 PM
There are just too many Admin Assistants and I donot see what they really do.
Have you thought of evaluating their performance and their job requitements to
reduce some of the expenditures that way?
Jul 21, 2012 2:55 PM
Hire an outside company to evaluate our offices to see if we are overly staffed.
Jul 20, 2012 6:04 PM
Repographics- there is a variety of electronic means of disseminating and or
presenting information
Jul 20, 2012 4:56 PM
LOL - Maybe stop the outsourcing of projects that could be completed on
Jul 20, 2012 1:17 PM
Implement a dead 2 weeks during the christmas break for athletics. That way
we could close the building instead of having to heat them and turn on the lights
for short practices.
Jul 20, 2012 12:43 PM
1. Reduce hours of employment of Maintenance staff. We can survive everyother-day cleanings (instead of everyday cleaning) for awhile. 2. Reduce
administrative assistants, or reduce their salaries. 3. A "pie graph" of Hartnell's
expenditures for all to examine would give us a better understanding of where to
make cutbacks.
Jul 20, 2012 12:27 PM
Eliminate new faculty hires, reduce newly adjusted staff salaries, reduce the new
president's exorbitant salary.
Allow more online sections, with better support for student success in this area.
Eliminate the VP designators that seem to be rampant on campus and
Jul 20, 2012 11:47 AM
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Q2. Provide suggestions for specific expenditure reduction or elimination that can help reduce the budget deficit.
Please provide a rationale or justification for your suggestions.
lower their salaries and their positions to what is comparable on other
campuses. A complete reversal of the campus structure needs to
be looked at and changes made.
Lower Administration pay.
Jul 20, 2012 11:36 AM
Lower Administration pay.
Jul 20, 2012 11:29 AM
Eliminating many lights allover!
Jul 20, 2012 10:27 AM
Im not convinced of thje last presentation need more info
Jul 20, 2012 10:19 AM
Reduce administrative pay. Won't change the budget much but it would send a
message to faculty that low pay is not just our concern. Engage faculty in
decision making and begin processes for faculty to serve as Department Chairs.
This will reduce administrative expenses and allow faculty to share in decisions
affecting their departments. Offer golden handshakes to senior faculty with
healthy incentives to retire. Eliminate costly and ineffective attempts to keep
academic courses at the Alisal and King City campuses. Offer online programs
instead. These campuses are attractive but the student population isn't there to
justify the budget. Review the ACE program to determine its value to students.
A formal campus review has never been conducted to determine if the program
is successful. Hiring should be based on numbers not departments. The new
position in computer science is not justified based on the numbers. Other areas
have a much greater need. Move more courses online and eliminate arbitrary
limits on faculty loads. Saves facilities expenses. Eliminate counselors everyone knows they don't actually "counsel" students anyway. Create a drop in
center where students have guided access to necessary information. Eliminate
Dean positions at the King City and Alisal campuses. Reduce semester length
to 16 weeks. Save on facilities expenses. End semester in early Dec to save
money used for heating classrooms. End athletics programs. Costly and
provide little educational value for the average student.
Jul 20, 2012 10:00 AM
reduce dean's position, create Chairman position by setting up faculty (with
reduction hrs) instead. Most stuff are on the job for long time and they know what
are they doing on everyday bases.
Jul 20, 2012 9:33 AM
Jul 20, 2012 9:32 AM
Analyze who is ineffective and not performing their job and weed them out.
Jul 20, 2012 9:32 AM
1. Review all contracts, supplies and travel etc, have mixed group of staff and
faculty do this so we can assure board there was transparency. I don't think
there is alot in these areas but I feel we have an obligation to do the review. 2.
one time % cut to all salaries so all groups are included and less interruption to
services and students. faculty must participate in some manner. 3. Consider
furloughs. I understand most staff liked the furloughs and as in a across the
board cut, we cut our expenses and not interrupt students and services. 4.
Reduced workweek to four to save utilities. If furloughs, we would save utilities.
5. Since largest % of budget is salaries I think that's where we should cut and
Jul 20, 2012 9:25 AM
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Q2. Provide suggestions for specific expenditure reduction or elimination that can help reduce the budget deficit.
Please provide a rationale or justification for your suggestions.
concentrate our ideas 6. I am concerned for students with less offerings so do
not want to ignore meeting their needs. I agree with efficiency and I think we
have been lacking in assuring we have a high enrollments and not offer
everything for everyone. Students will adjust and just used to having lots of
choices. In discussing our cuts, or use of reserve I hope we offer more for our
students over the funded FTES.
- Revisit current structure. Very top heavy with little to no middle management in
many cases. - Contracts
Jul 20, 2012 7:26 AM
I don't have a clear handle on all the property we own and whether we're using it
well. Trailers on campus? Rental properties?
Jul 19, 2012 5:56 PM
1) Move to 16-week semester (closing college for two weeks to save on energy
costs, etc.), 2) Continue to restructure administration (i.e. some positions could
be as "Directors", reducing salary expense), and 3) Re-establish employee
furlough days (days off with no pay).
Jul 19, 2012 5:09 PM
Zoned scheduling: Especially in the evening, classes will be held in several
buildings across the main campus. Place all of those classes into one building,
savings thousands on heating/cooling/lighting. Also, Hartnell does not need so
many academic counselors. As a faculty member, advising should be part of my
Jul 19, 2012 3:43 PM
Have working supervisors or put Lead-persons in-place( ARE Deans a must??
CANT Dept. heads do??) ( can Managers do?as V.Ps.??) (Can Lead-persons
do??as Supervisors??) Is it Possible to reclassify ( RE_ALINE ALL Hartnell
Jul 19, 2012 3:29 PM
1. Move from an 18-week semester to a 16-week semester. 2. Require faculty
members to post all handouts in their course shells, rather than copying and
passing out printed copies in class. This can easily be verified by requiring
faculty to send a screen-shot of each section to their Dean, indicating the posting
of the handouts. 3. Cap faculty copying with Office Depot, so that faculty
members are encouraged to use the internet for most documents, as discussed
above. 4. Cap management copying, by giving managers a code to use in copy
machines. 5. Allow faculty members to drop students online, so that they don't
have to use hard-copy rosters. 6. Give faculty members a limited supply of
paper, and limit printing to that supply. Many faculty members print copies of
exams, so that they don't have to use Office Depot. This wastes printer
cartridges and also imposes wear and tear on the printers.
Jul 19, 2012 2:54 PM
End all grant-funded positions that expire after the third year of the faculty
member's contract, specifically respiratory therapy and sustainable design (both
of which were decided outside the faculty hiring committee). Eliminate nontenured faculty who have not attained a third year of service. Eliminate one men
and one women sports teams. Eliminate one men and one women sports'
Jul 19, 2012 2:15 PM
Decrease courses offered. I really really hate to suggest that but I don't see any
way around it. Simultaneously, and I also again hate to suggest this, all faculty
staff, and administrators earning above a certain salary should have a temporary
Jul 19, 2012 1:48 PM
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Q2. Provide suggestions for specific expenditure reduction or elimination that can help reduce the budget deficit.
Please provide a rationale or justification for your suggestions.
reduction in pay. The college should be legally obligated to repay this salary loss
at some future date, when state funding is restored above some pre-established
Analyze administrative/clerical resources for efficiency and reasonableness.
Consider centralization of administrative tasks (one admin person to input all
payroll, another to process faculty contracts) as opposed to having many admin
with varying tasks. Consider a "grants specialist" paid from various grant funds
who would handle in grant-related fiscal and contract transactions only. Training,
training, training for efficiency.
Jul 19, 2012 1:36 PM
All employees could take a mandatory furlough day 1x/mth (or ?): this shares
responsibility equally, with all contributing. Are there any savings to be had in
the relation with the bookstore? Can we push to move away from hard copy
texts towards open source/on-line and reduce campus expenditures at the same
Jul 19, 2012 1:28 PM
Stop printing catalogs and require that all students register for classes online. A
lot of schools do this and it saves a bunch of money. For the students who don't
have computers/internet, they can use Hartnell's library to register.
Jul 19, 2012 1:27 PM
Eliminate printed schedule of classes. Students have access to online schedule
at each college location; thus, the schedule is no longer needed. No student
workers paid from general fund, no exceptions. Office needs can be met work
study students. No temporary/hourly employees paid from general fund. Existing
staff should perform the work needed. Move classified employees (where you
can) to categorical funding. Consider moving to a four-day, ten hour work week
during the summer months. Adjust instructional schedule to accommodate.
Jul 19, 2012 12:56 PM
Is it possible to move some additional operations to contracts as we did with the
Print Shop, such as Custodial, Maintenance, and Grounds? Sometimes
contracts are less costly then in-house.
Jul 19, 2012 12:47 PM
not sure of what to say here
Jul 19, 2012 12:39 PM
furlough days worked several years ago when we were in similar situation.
Jul 19, 2012 12:38 PM
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Q3. Provide suggestions for how current college programs, services, operations, and/or practices could improve
effectiveness. Suggested changes could focus on improving effectiveness that leads to reducing costs.
Instead of 18-weeks, offer 16-weeks long semester.
Jul 26, 2012 9:38 AM
if each of us in our areas identifies how to plan and use resources the whole
problem becomes more manageable
Jul 24, 2012 1:41 PM
Review all grants and if any can be used to offset general funds
Jul 24, 2012 1:31 PM
We could open up the positions that were interim and actually hire someone to
do them. We should make sure that we have a reading and writing lab.
Jul 24, 2012 8:48 AM
Make sure all the instructors use a course management system,even if only as a
tech enhanced element. This way they won't print anything and thus cost less to
the school.
Jul 23, 2012 11:27 PM
Eliminate director positions and have a single Dean. Also identify programs like
ACE to be directly working with high school coordinator.
Jul 23, 2012 5:53 PM
ACE program should be moved to have direct management by an administrative
office (no lead faculty); ACE enrollments should be reviewed for program
effectiveness (success and retention)
Jul 23, 2012 5:21 PM
Instead of cutting employees salaries, have Fridays closed and mabe Summer
hours be reduced
Jul 23, 2012 5:06 PM
Try to go more paperless; is there a program where a faculty member cannot run
his class assignments off the printer which then makes the cost of toner and
paper go higher; begin charging for the catalogue or schedule of classes to
reduce our cost...if they go to the web, then it is free; is it worth to recycle bottles,
cans, etc., -- this could cover the cost of some office supplies. Improve
effectiveness: communication...we have talked about transparency, but it is hard
to believe it exist here. Improve effectiveness...the word is out that we should
not be talking to each other on a personal level during working hours. I realize
this should not be abused, but if we are to be like robots, this is not team
building. The College is the people and the more we work, even sometimes play
together, will make a better team and "going beyond" when needed.
Jul 23, 2012 5:00 PM
Look to outside services for maintenance repair work.
Jul 23, 2012 4:36 PM
While the up front costs may be hefty, automating many processes and
procedures should go a long way toward reducing certain costs.
Jul 23, 2012 4:01 PM
All programs (specifically ACE, green construction, and ag) must be held to the
same enrollment requirements--or classes should be canceled. ACE cohorts
with 12 students are not cost effective.
Jul 23, 2012 3:41 PM
The college should move to a 16 week semester like MPC and Cabrillo or
implementing a 4 day work week for areas or the entire campus. The cost
savings are very obvious. Also, provide incentives for students that model
positive behaviors like seeing a counselor or instructor, having an ed plan,
meeting with a tutor, applying for scholarships, etc. The Math Academy has
Jul 23, 2012 2:26 PM
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Q3. Provide suggestions for how current college programs, services, operations, and/or practices could improve
effectiveness. Suggested changes could focus on improving effectiveness that leads to reducing costs.
developed one model for rewarding students for their behavior and successes.
The management structure at Hartnell has been in disarray since the previous
president arrived. It seems division deans help support instruction and spreads
the work load for various required activities like evaluations. The college has and
had too many VP, directors, and high paid consultants that did not seem to do
much of anything to support instruction and operations.
Jul 23, 2012 1:35 PM
We need to improve our communication and orientation with all feeder schools in
the area. If high school students are aware of what we offer, we could have
better placement in courses once they get here. Additionally, more students are
likely to enroll with the personal contact made by our counselors and instructors.
I think we'll see less attrition by correct course placement to begin with. Some
high school personnel have told me their school has not been visited in years.
Jul 23, 2012 1:21 PM
The level of communication needs to increase drastically. Has been very poor.
Departments need to work together. This would help with everyone working
together and giving suggestions that might be needed for your colleagues and
other departments. More teamwork at Hartnell.
Jul 23, 2012 12:45 PM
A perennial problem is timely communication and access to data. If we are
serious about making a leaner and more efficient organization, we have to really
communicate what people need and how to get it done. Much work has already
gone into trying to make information sharing better and more efficient; let's get a
progress report and see how we are doing. Also, let's respect our planning
processes so that when we make a plan (such as the class schedule, or hiring
full time fauclty) that we stick to it. Reducing costs usually manes reducing
personnel. We usually seem to have a lot of unfilled positions in staff. Can we do
some cross training and move people around rather than eliminate jobs? Also,
let's evaluate the reorgs in the business office and student services and see how
they are doing.
Jul 23, 2012 12:26 PM
Strong Leadership with Community Support Being Able To Make A Decision And
Stand Up For It - Not Make Others Take Blame Openness Transparency (has
not existed past five years) Much Improved Communication - entire campus
Decision Making - Include people involved in decisions that are being made, not
impose new procedures without input Mutual Respect - everyone - faculty, staff,
administrators FAIRNESS TEAMWORK
Jul 23, 2012 12:15 PM
We spend a great deal of time chasing and moving paperwork. Streamling
systems here would be wonderful. I'd like to be able to see where things are in
the pipeline online.
Jul 23, 2012 11:47 AM
This survey is a good beginning. I think it is important to look outside our
organization, but I don't believe expensive outside consultants are the answer.
We have the expertise and knowledge in-house. I know best my own department
I think this is probably true for other employees. Develop teams in each
department/area/division--whatever is appropriate, and have them research and
review what other similar institutions have done (or even do a literature review)
and then have them form 1-5 recommendations.
Jul 23, 2012 11:19 AM
Raise the level for minimum enrollment by combining courses/sections.
Jul 23, 2012 10:47 AM
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Q3. Provide suggestions for how current college programs, services, operations, and/or practices could improve
effectiveness. Suggested changes could focus on improving effectiveness that leads to reducing costs.
Eliminate one staff/faculty member system-wide from each department, or in
anticipation of changes in 2013 regarding repeat courses, eliminate degree
programs that are consistently low in numbers of graduates.
1) Re-instate Enrollment Management Committee to monitor course efficiencies;
faculty need more involvement in this committee's actions to avoid simplistic
"let's cut 5% of all course sections" type of mentality. 2) Strengthen the early
assessment/counseling/placement process for students and encourage early
remediation, if needed, to assure that they are ready for college-level work.
Jul 23, 2012 10:43 AM
1. Encourage meeting participants to adhere to meeting agendas thereby saving
time spent at meetings. Less time in meetings means more time working. 2.
Build more Distance Ed courses and encourage online learning. Offer additional
100% online-only programs such as the Admin of Justice degree. 3. Add
additional full time counselors to assist students.
Jul 23, 2012 10:01 AM
Have students become more active in using the Internet to register and pay for
classes, transcripts, parking permits and so on. Reduce office hours so staff
can do other things. Keeping offices open in the evening generate more
Jul 23, 2012 9:22 AM
Business Office Technology could be eliminated because it doesn't provide the
skills necessary for a particular job. Most student's are able to apply from High
School with minimal computer and filing capabilities. Students who do not have
these skills can take Computer Lab courses or go to Salinas Adult School. It
seems redundant to offer it here.
Jul 23, 2012 9:10 AM
Optimize printing set-up to reduce paper waste- some printers I've used on
campus print many extra pages due to improper set-up. Go paperless as much
as possible. Maximize efficiency in course offerings.
Jul 23, 2012 8:39 AM
King City Center, what is the cost to operate? What classes are necessary, or
do we need an extension campus?
Jul 23, 2012 8:36 AM
Consolidate offices and services.
Jul 23, 2012 8:35 AM
This past June the DSP&S program was part of a state audit. It would be very
helpful if the staff and faculty were given the report to read/discuss and help
implement /make improvements that the state recommended.
why not outsourse the interpreter services for the hearing impaired students?
If you look at what other programs are doing to save money this practice is
now being used by many DSP&S programs throughout the state.
Jul 23, 2012 7:07 AM
Set up schedule coverage so that students can still get student services. Hard
for students to come to college and find offices closed or contact person out. If
Jul 22, 2012 4:22 PM
13 of 22
Q3. Provide suggestions for how current college programs, services, operations, and/or practices could improve
effectiveness. Suggested changes could focus on improving effectiveness that leads to reducing costs.
offices have to be closed, set up schedules so that all offices are not closed at
the same time. Find an easier on-line registration program for the following
students: English language learners with limited English comprehension,
students with limited on-line experience and who do not have e-mail accounts,
students with reading disabilities. Set up some APP or HelpHartnell.com
Students type in question or need and up pops the name dept and phone
number. Students would not be walking around blind. This could also help for
students who can't find a specific room on campus. Working students have to
wait several semesters before certain general education courses are offered in
the evenings and weekends. Takes longer to graduate. Do some type of study
to provide more general education courses. Many English language learners
who work do not have ESL courses in the evenings/weekends. Without these
courses, English language learners are not able to complete a college degree.
Many Hispanic students living near the Alisal Center must go to the main
campus for developmental education courses and some ESL. Review state regs
to see if Alisal campus can provide voc. ed. certificate programs that include ESL
and other developmental courses.
The ACE program is not needed....there are other programs in place that are
more effective and have a history of success. The few students in the ACE
program that continue end up in the EOPS, DSPS or Trio programs anyway...
Give more support and resources to these programs they have a stronger record
of success.
Jul 21, 2012 8:30 PM
For the first time, with your selection as Superintendent, I have real hopes that
Hartnell will be managed with integrity, honesty, fairness, and professionalism.
Jul 21, 2012 3:26 PM
1. Printed Materials: Class Schedules and Catalog: meet with the printer and
find out how to reduce the cost and continuie to have a quality image. See if
local major businesses would "sponsor", pay for the printing the class schedule.
They would be able to advertise, or receive recognition on the back of the class
schedule booklet. Even better, have various small businesses contribute to the
printing of the class schedule and the businesses would have their
advertisement in the class schedule, consolidated on one page. These would be
businesses that students would most likely patronize in Salinas. This would go
for the catalog, also. 2. Office Supplies and small equipment: Inventory all
departments to see where their is excess to share with other departments.
These items can be staged at the warehouse for redistribution. When an Office
Depot reqest comes through, Purchasing can check with the warehouse for the
item before sending through the purchase order and leaving the item off of the
P.O. 3. Office Depot can come up with a list of generic items costing less and
still meet the required needs. 4 Use electronics over hard copy where possible
and still be effective. 4. Challenge student body to think stategically to support
the various programs offerred by the college. For example, Performing Art
students would come up with a way to raise funds for their respective art
interests; same for business students, etcetera. 5. Provide an incentive for
departments to save funds: The funds saved by a department, 50% goes back
to the General Fund, and 50% would be banked by the department each
semester. The departments can continue to add to their 50% untill they reach
the dollar value to purchase some equipment they have been needing, but do
not have enough in the budget in any particular year.
Jul 21, 2012 10:17 AM
14 of 22
Q3. Provide suggestions for how current college programs, services, operations, and/or practices could improve
effectiveness. Suggested changes could focus on improving effectiveness that leads to reducing costs.
This is very difficult to answer, with out sharing the problems. We have for
example "the one stop shop" were I'm not sure if students feel that this has
benefited them or not (maybe doing a questionnaire out the students-?).
Jul 20, 2012 6:04 PM
Use workflow rather than "paperflow" and reduce number of approvals Use
purchasing consortiums Review staff duties and responsibilities to allow for cross
training and alignment of required skills to job responsibilities Use more
technology in the class room, tutoring, student and teacher interaction,
counseling, etc.
Jul 20, 2012 4:56 PM
We are currently offering four cohorts of ACE. These cohorts are typically
under-enrolled. For example, there are currently 62 seats available in the four
cohorts. There was talk that a fifth cohort was being requested. It seems to me
that, while this might be a worthwhile program, it isn't necessary to offer it at the
current scale.
Jul 20, 2012 3:12 PM
Jul 20, 2012 11:47 AM
Review the level of administration versus actual worker bees ( # of admins +
classifed/manager employees vs Classified).
Jul 20, 2012 1:17 PM
Close the track to public use. This would save money long term because it
would not need to be resurfaced as often.
Jul 20, 2012 12:43 PM
Addition of online services for students. We currently have no support services
for online instruction.
Jul 20, 2012 11:47 AM
Satellite internet for training instead of travel.
Jul 20, 2012 11:36 AM
15 of 22
Q3. Provide suggestions for how current college programs, services, operations, and/or practices could improve
effectiveness. Suggested changes could focus on improving effectiveness that leads to reducing costs.
Satellite Internet instead of travel.
Jul 20, 2012 11:29 AM
Reduce # of administrators
Jul 20, 2012 10:19 AM
Create a rational email system for students to avoid personal contact with faculty
and staff.
Jul 20, 2012 10:00 AM
Discontinue printing schedules, offer them online like MPC does
Jul 20, 2012 9:33 AM
Allow people who know their jobs to do their jobs, without requiring of them too
much paperwork and oversight. This takes time and energy. Instead promote a
mind-set that saving money is important. I think we all will buy in.
Jul 20, 2012 9:32 AM
1. Are counselorrs fully utilized, not their fault but are all students showing up
for appts. Consider evaluating this and add systems to assure all show,
effective use of time. 2. is CSEA working WITH district to assure we only hire
what we need even with vacant positions and consider adjustments to job
descriptions and hours to assure there is adequate work for paid hours 3. Are
Sr. administrators talking to their counterparts with ideas of what they are doing
to reduce costs.
Jul 20, 2012 9:25 AM
- Hire competent people in various essential departments. - Focus on energy
and resource efficiency - Electronic everything
Jul 20, 2012 7:26 AM
We seem to have so, so many copying machines, and we don't seem to track
equipment like that very well. Inventory control and consolidation of machines
may be a good idea.
Jul 19, 2012 5:56 PM
1) Inventory all fund 12 programs regarding allowable costs and see where they
might overlap with fund 11, and 2) Charge for Accuplacer retakes.
Jul 19, 2012 5:09 PM
Our archives's situation is beyond horrible. Probably about 70% of what is in
there could have been destroyed some years ago. Although there is some
organization in the back of the room, the front is covered with piles of boxes
and papers on the floor. Besides that, the place is morbid. No wonder it's known
as "the dungeon".
Jul 19, 2012 4:15 PM
Do not add more administrators to oversee academics. Rather, take a fraction of
that cost and pay existing faculty more to be department heads.
Jul 19, 2012 3:43 PM
ALL Custodial Chemicals Be the same!! All Instructors Supplies be combined
All Vendors be held occountable(If the lots are not clean they should re-do)
PRICE MATCH!! We need to SHOP AROUND for items( not just run to
____Mart to pick up when we can get from __togo)
Jul 19, 2012 3:29 PM
1.Re-institute management evaluations. Before Dr. Helm became the College
president, managers were evaluated periodically and the evaluations became
part of their personnel files. The evaluations were conducted by small
committees composed of one faculty member, one other manager, and one
classified employee. The classified employee could not be an individual that
reported directly to the manager evaluated, and the faculty member had to be an
individual that worked either directly or indirectly with the manager evaluated.
Jul 19, 2012 2:54 PM
16 of 22
Q3. Provide suggestions for how current college programs, services, operations, and/or practices could improve
effectiveness. Suggested changes could focus on improving effectiveness that leads to reducing costs.
There was a rubric with various criteria that the manager had to address in a
report, similar to faculty pro-growth reports. The evaluating committee reviewed
the report, did their own investigation, and made comments. This would
increase management effectiveness, and also lead to enhanced confidence in
the administration in general.
Training. Meaningful evaluations and follow up.
Jul 19, 2012 1:36 PM
Schedule more accelerated (less than full semester) classes;
Jul 19, 2012 1:28 PM
Streamline duties where you can thereby reducing workforce needed.
12:56 PM
Jul 19, 2012 1
The supervisor could go through an entire shift with each employee to
see if they could do the job more quickly or in fact,identify if they have more
esponsibility then they can handle. This could lead to recommendations for
better practices, as well. Maybe the supervisors for each area on campus
could "shadow" the people they supervise and do the same.
Jul 19, 2012 12:47 PM
combine sections of classes in which there is low enrollment; avoid the use of
Jul 19, 2012 12:39 PM
17 of 22
Q4. Provide suggested strategies, activities, and/or events that have the potential to generate additional revenue.
To generate revenue, I suggest to have a food court in the student center. We
could invite vendors to rent a space and sell food to students and staff and
generate more money for Hartnell. Right now a majority of students leave
Hartnell to eat off campus.
Jul 26, 2012 12:14 PM
Offer short courses during the Christmas break.
Jul 26, 2012 9:38 AM
Start up Non credit classes- Community Education. Work with local business
who need employees to complete certificate programs for better jobs Change for
advertising in College Catalog and Schedule
Jul 24, 2012 4:47 PM
I would be willing to do workshops in my field of expertise. We have the best
physical plant to do this. The important issue is to have an annual calendar of
these events that publishes along with the schedule of classes. This is important
because some of our best customers will be our students and their agencies.
Jul 24, 2012 1:41 PM
Market facilities use and raise fees for use
Jul 24, 2012 1:31 PM
one thing we can do is offer some of our courses as cash only and not as unit
courses. Make sure that we acually make private agencies that use our facilities
pay to use them such as Palma high and other such programs. Suggest to the
other unions if they want to have furloughs or staff reductions. Stop all pay to
administrators for housing. Encourage planned grant writing.
Jul 24, 2012 8:48 AM
Write grants
Jul 23, 2012 11:27 PM
ACE, at high schools and all technological programs such as, technology,
construction and agriculture.
Jul 23, 2012 5:53 PM
Develop community education/contract education courses.
Jul 23, 2012 5:21 PM
Increase recruitment and adverstisement. You do not see the television or
newspaper ads. Offer more classes
Jul 23, 2012 5:06 PM
Can we do fund raisers...i.e., do a staff talent show...this will not only raise
money but it gives the campus community to mingle together.
Jul 23, 2012 5:00 PM
Offer community ed classes for popular subjects for community members that
are NOT seeking a college degree--for example, art, music, computer software,
Jul 23, 2012 3:41 PM
Charge processing fees/business office ADMIN fees, refunds, statements,
mailing or postage fees. Let's look at MPC and research their student fees
Jul 23, 2012 3:26 PM
Review the fees for campus facilities and services to insure they are comparable
to those at the other campuses.
Jul 23, 2012 2:26 PM
If the major source of revenues is FTES, then the college should figure out ways
to increase FTES rather than cutting classes.
Jul 23, 2012 1:35 PM
In the past we have occasionally had representatives from private industry
address the faculty about the skills and skill level they are looking for when
students graduate from Hartnell and go to them looking for a job. We need to
expand this type of presentation to include students. We should integrate
Jul 23, 2012 1:21 PM
18 of 22
Q4. Provide suggested strategies, activities, and/or events that have the potential to generate additional revenue.
something similar to the "Google/John Deere Day at Hartnell" where students
see a direct buy-in and/or advantage in obtaining the skills required by a certain
company. If the company is willing to offer student internships and the students
can see the potential of their getting hired, they will probably work harder to get
there. It's a win-win situation for students, Hartnell, and industry.
A.S.B. fees to cover cost such as free admissions to Western stage and athletic
events. In return fees go to certain trust accounts. Add community Ed to
campus. Community Ed offerings could be big for Hartnell College. Try to be
more involved with community fundraisers such as a fireworks booth before the
fourth of July. Having community more involved in all events at Hartnell College
will bring in more revenue for College.
Jul 23, 2012 12:45 PM
Grants: let's have a lot more input into grants before they are submitted so
people are prepared and committed to doing the work. Grants do bring more
money into the college, but if they support projects that are ultimately not useful
to us, they are not worth it. I don't know if fee based classes are worth loking
into or not.
Jul 23, 2012 12:26 PM
reinstate community education classes investigate reinstating Pest Management
Program for community training
Jul 23, 2012 11:56 AM
Intersession?? Summer camps such as computer camp, math camp, science
Jul 23, 2012 11:47 AM
I don't recommend more fees for students. There may be more grant
opportunities. Where are the bricks with people's names on them? I contributed
several hundred $$$ and have never seen these materialize. More naming on
main campus. The Foundation has done a good job getting the Alisal Campus
rooms named after produce companies/families. More visibility of naming in
CALL building and Library. The time to act is now while the buildings still look
"new" and fresh. Hartnell grads are passing away all the time... Remembering a
dear relative by naming a room after them is very attractive to many people.
Jul 23, 2012 11:19 AM
One-time sale of outdated or unused equipment.
Jul 23, 2012 10:47 AM
Investigate further NASA grant or AOPA grant in collaboration with Salinas
Airport to develop a potential program in pilot training [in view of market research
suggesting that a large number of pilots are retiring from the work force]. This
would help build ties with the community as well as possibly enhancing our
current NASA space program offerings. [yes, I am dreaming a little here. . . :) ]
Jul 23, 2012 10:43 AM
1. Consider reinstating the DMV's driving school (the school one takes when
issued a citation) on campus (HC is currently listed on the DMV's documentation
anyway). 2. Partner with the CPS & the State of CA to offer notary public
training and testing sessions. Currently, the nearest location for those wishing to
become or renew a notary public commission is in San Jose. 3. Perhaps (when
not in use by TWS), the main theater could be rented for conferences, music,
dance recitals, etc., by local businesses/organizations/groups. 4. Athletics
booster clubs could assist athletics programs with important fundraising efforts.
5. Host Farmers Markets on a weeknight during summer months or weekend
day throughout the seasons; fee to sellers; lease w/ Monterey County Farmers
Markets. Hold at or rotate all three campuses, if possible. Currently Salinas has
Jul 23, 2012 10:01 AM
19 of 22
Q4. Provide suggested strategies, activities, and/or events that have the potential to generate additional revenue.
only one farmers market on Saturdays in old-town.
Foundation program for the ARTS donors to help pay for Music/Art/Theater
Programs (which could pay for Faculty/Staff)
Jul 23, 2012 9:22 AM
Recycling drives Lunch fundraisers
Jul 23, 2012 8:39 AM
Contract Education, fee based community programs in Physical Education,
Ceramics, Music and Performing Arts. Market to the community, will help the
repetition problem, and still provide wellness classes to our community and
student body with revenue enhancing capabilities.
Jul 23, 2012 8:36 AM
Charge students with a one time only fee for the 12-13 year to help cover the
Jul 23, 2012 8:35 AM
Please look at how money is manged at Gavlin College? we hear that the got a
3% raise and their college is in the black! Why them and not us?, dont we all get
the same money from the state?
Jul 23, 2012 7:07 AM
Hire full time counselors and faculty to provide greater service to student and
reduce the part time counselors & instructors...
Jul 21, 2012 8:30 PM
1. Oholone College has a comprehensive rental facilities program. Contact
Maria Rocha in Purchasing. They generate, on average, $180,000 per year.
Ask for their procedures and a list of their clients. When classrooms, pool, tennis
courts, ball fields, etcetera, are not being used, they have the potential for rental.
Note: Ohlone has insurance requirements, etcetera. 2. Review all third party
contracts to see where cost reductions can be realized and where cost
avoidance can be realized. 3. Bring back community classes: "Pathways". The
classrooms would be utilized at night where there are no classes being taught.
Jul 21, 2012 10:17 AM
Provide childcare to employees, this would generate income. International
student program and Community Ed would help. I would also strongly suggest
that all departments have require outcomes and have a committee to see if the
outcomes to better serve our community is being done.(contracted help should
also show this, I don't understand why we continue to pay these people).
Jul 20, 2012 6:04 PM
Re-cycling program Consider installing solar panels roofs in the parking lots
Charge everybody who uses the facilities Offer non credit courses that can
generate margin over cost
Jul 20, 2012 4:56 PM
We have developed courses to meet industry needs, and this is a good thing, but
often what industry wants is training, not education leading to degree or
certificate. Food safety is one area like this. We have a mini certificate, but it
doesn't lead to a full certificate or a degree program. Another that I have heard
discussion about developing is pest control advisor. Providing training and
licensing exam preparation is a perfect arena for not-for-credit, paid training.
Rather than using our limited FTES for offering these courses, we should charge
for them. We once had a very viable and robust "community ed" program. It
was dismantled about five years ago.
Jul 20, 2012 3:12 PM
Hartnell might sponsor an annual fund raising campus festival involving all of the
departments. A Dia de los Muertos theme, for example, could generate interest
Jul 20, 2012 12:27 PM
20 of 22
Q4. Provide suggested strategies, activities, and/or events that have the potential to generate additional revenue.
within our community. Chefs from local restaurants could produce
dishes/desserts around the theme. A percentage of the proceeds would go to
the college. Produce vendors, Mexican music, etc. would attack people from
many surrounding communities.
Condensed Calendar, reduction of athletic programs, reduction of non-academic
structure, i.e. art, photograph, music while important students often don't
graduate and get jobs in these fields. We can add these later when the economy
improves. Addition of auto program, Animal health technology, mill and cabinet,
machining and most vocational programs that help students find work. Not all
students will transfer to CSU, or UC's, It is critical for us to recognize the
community we serve. Elimination of the Ag. Business and Green construction
programs, since no one quite knows how these programs help students.
Jul 20, 2012 11:47 AM
proper use or categorical funding and Hispanocserving institution money
Jul 20, 2012 10:19 AM
Fundraising activities, sales, community walk/run
Jul 20, 2012 9:41 AM
Give some proposition to cut on each department/area and make them solve
some problems as specific task
Jul 20, 2012 9:33 AM
Promote more performances by the arts that would appeal to the community and
charge a bit. Imagine Cinco de Mayo with a dance troupe, food, and mariachis.
Sounds fun.
Jul 20, 2012 9:32 AM
1. Bring back community ed/contract ed. consider a Salinas Valley program
like Gentrain at MPC (400 members). This is revenue in few years, not this FY.
2. more grants but I don't think this helps general fund.
Jul 20, 2012 9:25 AM
As a community college, we used to serve the community by offering classes to
community members. It is not clear to me why we are no longer doing this. We
have the facility resources to be able to offer classes/courses of interest to the
public. For example, music, dance, physical education. At a curriculum meeting
in the Spring, a nursing faculty brought forward a simulation course that could be
offered to the healthcare community as another example.
Jul 20, 2012 8:24 AM
- Contract education - Medium-sized conference center/boarding facility for
events and groups of contract education students
Jul 20, 2012 7:26 AM
Community ed classes are actually kind of tough to make money on, but I think
we have some pretty loyal students in many of the PE and art and music classes
that could be converted to community ed.
Jul 19, 2012 5:56 PM
1) Restore Contract Ed./ Fee-based classes (i.e, ESL, Voc. Ed., etc.), 2)
Restructure facility rental fees and market for increased use (all campus sites),
3) Revamp on-campus food services to include catering costs, and 4) apply for
grants where the approved 35% indirect could be applied.
Jul 19, 2012 5:09 PM
Hartnell needs a revised alcohol policy to attract use of our beautiful campus. I
for one wanted to have my wedding on campus, utilizing the planetarium and the
grounds. I was told, however, we could not have alcohol. I have also heard of
others inquiring about using the campus grounds for receptions/weddings/etc.
and were denied based on the alcohol policy. Various institutions have policies
Jul 19, 2012 3:43 PM
21 of 22
Q4. Provide suggested strategies, activities, and/or events that have the potential to generate additional revenue.
on student/faculty/staff alcohol use that are different than hospitality policies. We
should be renting out available facilities as often as possible.
The College can generate income by allowing the Classified, Faculty
Administrator, Managers, and Confidential to have a gym membership that will
be paid on a monthly basis. The membership should include use of the fitness
center, Aerobic classes and swim fitness.
Jul 19, 2012 3:33 PM
WE Have a Individual Group that woul be interested in using POOL!! WQE have
outside Groups that would like to RENT some of our Facilities that are now not
Jul 19, 2012 3:29 PM
Reinstitute Community Education. Before Dr. Helm became the president of the
College, we offered fee-based courses that were non-credit. We could begin
doing this again. In fact, the County of Monterey has indicated an interest in a
partnership with Hartnell College for the purpose of County employee education.
A recommended contact person is Donna Myers, ph.# (831)755-5298.
Jul 19, 2012 2:54 PM
Community/contract ed. Fund raising event at the Alisal campus during the
Jul 19, 2012 1:36 PM
Re-introduce contract and community ed; increase # of international students;
look at corporate/private sponsorship of programs;
Jul 19, 2012 1:28 PM
Outsource cafeteria services - similar to the Bookstore. Perhaps we can lease
out the space for revenue. Consider bringing back community courses.
Jul 19, 2012 12:56 PM
Be careful when we bring in additional income generators that, in fact, it doesn't
end up costing us more. We often don't consider the effect of the wear and tear
on the facilities, additional stress on staff, and to the infrastructure (such as the
computer server). Have a long term plan rather than being reactionary to the
immediate need for additional income.
Jul 19, 2012 12:47 PM
teach continuing education courses for a fee (such as for nurses working locally)
Jul 19, 2012 12:39 PM
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