Hartnell Community College Final Budget Fiscal Year 2010-2011 September 7, 2010 Fiscal Year 2010-11 Budget Executive Summary 2010-11 Final Budget Introduction The Board of Trustees is required to hold a public hearing prior to September 16th to adopt a final budget for the fiscal year. The public hearing and budget adoption is scheduled for September 7, 2010. Below is a summary of all District funds. It includes unaudited beginning fund balances, as of July 1, 2010, revenues and expenditures, and estimated ending fund balances for each separate fund. Funds General Unrestricted Restricted Total Special Revenue Bookstore Child Development Total Capital Projects Capital Outlay Scheduled Maintenance Property Acquisition Bond Projects Total Enterprise Cafeteria Total Internal Service Self Insured Retiree Health Benefits Total Trust and Agency Associated Student Body Scholarships, Loan & Trust Intercollegiate Athletics Total All Funds Total Budget Unaudited Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2010 $ Budgets 2010-2011 Revenue Expense Ending Fund Balance June 30, 2011 $ 3,903,359 $ 900,117 4,803,476 $ 34,694,220 $ 17,680,870 52,375,090 $ 34,694,220 $ 17,680,870 52,375,090 $ 3,903,359 900,117 4,803,476 $ 1,135,361 248,269 1,383,630 $ 180,000 701,273 881,273 $ 115,000 701,273 816,273 $ 1,200,361 248,269 1,448,630 $ 3,927,046 5,715 3,037,691 63,223,137 70,193,589 $ 26,000 7,714,542 270,000 480,000 8,490,542 $ 250,000 7,709,542 110,000 20,000,000 28,069,542 $ 3,703,046 10,715 3,197,691 43,703,137 50,614,589 $ 366,017 366,017 $ 509,000 509,000 $ 522,600 522,600 $ 352,417 352,417 $ 1,142,840 3,398,886 4,541,726 $ 20,000 424,000 444,000 $ 90,000 350,000 440,000 $ 1,072,840 3,472,886 4,545,726 $ 561,260 121,996 103,295 786,551 $ 77,000 4,000 22,000 103,000 $ 102,176 4,000 45,000 151,176 $ 536,084 121,996 80,295 738,375 $ 82,074,989 $ 62,802,905 $ 82,374,681 $ 62,503,213 Page 1 Fiscal Year 2010-11 Budget Each District fund is projected to have a positive balance at the beginning and end of the fiscal year. State revenue for the budget is based on the most recent forecasts from state education and legislative officials. The District projects a three percent decrease in state funding levels from the 2009-10 fiscal year. Revenue figures will be adjusted as more information is released by the state Chancellor’s Office. Due to the continued economic downturn, state fiscal officers indicate that apportionment payment deferrals will continue into fiscal year 2010-11. Late payments create cash management challenges that may once again require the District to borrow short-term funds to meet obligations. State revenue forecasts do not currently include any cost of living adjustment or funds to fully accommodate student growth. Consequently, the District must absorb all normal inflationary increases and costs of additional students by making reductions to current service levels. The budget is built to be flexible. The District will prioritize program restoration and new initiatives if additional resources become available. Additional revenue reductions will be discussed by campus stakeholders and shared governance committees with recommendations being made to the President and Board of Trustees. Hartnell College Apportionment History $40,000,000 $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $31,810,232 $33,526,858 $35,471,168 $34,784,280 $33,665,216 $29,184,161 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10* 2010-11** * P-2 Estimate **Advanced Estimate Budget Page 2 Fiscal Year 2010-11 Budget General Fund $52,375,090 Requirement The General Fund is the primary operating fund of the District. It includes resources that are unrestricted as well as funds with restricted spending requirements. Unrestricted Funds Nearly all day-to-day operating expenses are charged to the unrestricted General Fund. Unrestricted revenue is budgeted at $34,694,220, with a beginning balance of $3.9 million (based on pre-audit estimates). Beginning reserves are onetime resources and may be used strategically to fund onetime investments and requirements. Other 1% Student Fees 6% State General Fund 41% Property Tax 50% Other State 2% General Fund Unrestricted Resources State apportionment, funded by local property tax, student fees, and the state general fund, is the largest source of revenue and represents 97% of all unrestricted income. The principal apportionment or “entitlement” is calculated by the state Chancellor’s office and is based on in-state enrollments referred to as full time equivalent students (FTES) at the District. The Final Budget uses the same FTES amount received in the 2009-10 school year (6,819). No new state funds are available to accommodate enrollment growth. The largest expenditure portion of the budget is allocated for employee salaries, associated payroll costs, and benefits (77%). The remaining budget (23%) is appropriated for operating costs, facility maintenance, supplies, contracted services, and equipment. Operating 21% Capital 1% Academic Salaries 36% Supplies 1% Benefits 21% Classified Salaries 20% General Fund Unrestricted Requirements Budget Page 3 Fiscal Year 2010-11 Budget Restricted Funds Funds used for the operation of educational programs that are specifically restricted by law, regulations, or donors are recorded separately in the Restricted General Fund. The majority of these funds must be expended in the fiscal year or be returned to the funding source. Budgets for state funded programs are based on current state projections. Total restricted funds amount to approximately $17.7 million. Restricted Funds Federal VTEA Title II Tech Prep Tech Prep California Dept Ed BAR Tech Prep Consortium SEOG Foster and Kin Care Education National Institute of Health Child Develop. Training Future Teacher Transfer Program Workability III NASA/CIPA II Grant NSF TULE Student Support Services Gear Up Soledad Gear Up Salinas HS Equivalance Program Child Care Access First 5 Contract Pipeline to Success in Agriculture America Reads Child Care Food Program TANF Teacher Quality Program Pell Grants Title V Gavilan/Hartnell CCRAA-CSUMB Title V STEM CCRAA-Math and Science Federal Work Study SBDC UC Merced NSF Student Success Nat'l Serv Awards Scholars Dept. of Social & Empl. Services Probation Dept Contract Probation CSUMB Seamless Agri. Mgmt NSF-STEM NSF Women/Latino STEP NSF MBRACE NSF CCLI Academic Competiveness Grant 2007-08 Actual $ VTEA Workforce Investment Grant Agri. Tech Training (WIB) Clean Energy ARRA Allocation TOTAL FEDERAL Budget $ 76,648 $ 2008-09 Actual 81,405 $ 25,000 102,774 158,029 8,722 8,465 34,391 139,673 113,418 211,709 332,481 984,387 660,270 20,514 52,340 6,815 42,539 9,988 3,516,012 384,293 130,830 140,341 11,811 10,000 134,918 137,716 10,970 224,535 130,997 912,248 400,909 34,087 11,130 8,126 45,010 5,516,418 794,565 18,259 91,968 71,262 27,524 59,976 350,283 - 737,649 116,571 30,427 5,025 82,272 325,260 - 11,983 101,096 30,699 224,136 17,625 217,705 7,837,890 $ 37,650 272,927 48,345 10,665,236 $ 2009-10 Unaudited 2010-11 June 30, 2011 67,750 $ $ 118,335 147,632 13,476 10,029 201,190 271,526 731,362 328,109 5,677 9,895 8,479 59,896 7,772,909 726,530 70,904 346,828 926,624 155,615 44,125 407,302 25,775 31,300 23,750 177,735 35,690 2,481 101,227 262,217 5,655 132,889 368,736 218,747 13,810,395 $ 69,708 100,000 152,153 147,173 12,000 11,221 201,347 33,171 1,107,164 664,353 36,974 21,194 54,339 6,000,000 978,803 130,837 803,172 143,175 138,929 50,000 404,220 140,000 171,843 4,668 47,519 50,000 294,932 631,126 12,600,021 Page 4 Fiscal Year 2010-11 Restricted Funds State Matriculation Program EOPS Financial Aid Administration CARE Cal Grants DSP&S Foster and Kin Care Education Independent Living Program RHORC - Economic Develop. CA Articulation Number (CAN) Lottery Prop 20 TTIP Telecommunications MESA CTE Nursing Equipment CTE Nursing Enrollment CTE Nursing Remediation CTE Linking After School IDRC Sustainable Construction IDRC Food Safety Tech CTE Community Collaborative #1 CTE Community Collaborative #2 CTE Community Collaborative #3 IDRC Sustainable Design IDRC Media & Entertainment CALWORKS Small Business Development EWD Career Pathways MLT Distance Ed Grant Coding Specialist Grant YESS-ILP Faculty/Staff Development Faculty/Staff Diversity Block Grant Basic Skills TOTAL STATE Local Health Occupations Donations SVMHCS Lumina Planetarium Foundation Song Brown SBDC Greenfield RDA Agri. Tech Foundation Parking Lot Improvement TOTAL LOCAL Budget 2007-08 Actual $ $ 534,515 $ 808,980 248,334 180,265 451,517 678,600 52,676 10,079 189,339 5,000 151,348 9,671 80,517 1,218 22,476 32,512 - 2008-09 Actual 2009-10 unaudited 407,331 181,204 111,529 214,208 12,102 9,485 320,027 59,608 4,772,541 $ 543,579 $ 737,390 290,520 163,772 439,661 576,978 46,780 3,481 69,704 64,547 73,033 53,817 195,631 40,333 69,809 147,935 78,026 164,461 38,910 280,298 116,056 232 70,083 5,591 4,868 108,164 138,311 4,521,970 $ 24,760 - - 1,365 $ Budget 149,559 175,684 $ 185,559 160,415 345,974 $ 2010-11 June 30, 2011 236,803 $ 540,401 265,790 102,321 451,411 320,380 49,211 519 201,141 7,000 50,568 18,871 155,733 225,368 103,215 101,520 205,239 88,510 6,299 183,213 73,219 49,768 22,482 3,988 6,556 364,836 69,154 3,903,516 $ 390,119 24,667 4,117 278,355 53,057 750,315 $ 311,895 409,536 328,752 106,747 450,000 350,000 49,057 150,000 50,568 89,686 78,811 75,099 272,580 303,701 183,600 205,000 183,213 22,500 8,145 43,367 90,000 3,762,257 409,881 40,129 65,000 653,585 150,000 1,318,595 Page 5 Fiscal Year 2010-11 Budget Other Funds Special Revenue Fund $816,273 Requirement Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources whose expenditures are legally restricted. Activities in these funds may or may not be self-supporting and are generally not related to direct educational services. The College operates a full-service child development center on campus. The Child Development Fund is designated to account for child care and development services, including revenue generated by student fees and direct cost expenses. The Bookstore Fund is used to account for the lease of the college bookstore. The District contracts with a third-party vendor, Follett Higher Education Group, to manage the day-to-day operations of the store. The vendor pays all operational expenses but shares revenue with the College. The District is projecting approximately $180,000 in shared revenue. A total of $115,000 will then be transferred to the General Fund and Associated Student Body Fund. $800,000 $701,273 $701,273 Revenue Expense $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $180,000 $115,000 $100,000 $Revenue Expense Bookstore Budget Child Development Page 6 Fiscal Year 2010-11 Capital Projects Fund Budget $28,069,542 Requirement This group of funds is used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities and other capital outlay projects. This includes land acquisition, scheduled maintenance, significant equipment, and furnishings for new buildings. The Bond Projects Fund, financed with voter-approved Measure H bond proceeds, is the largest fund in the group. Construction projects at the Alisal campus (CAT Building), Student Center, and the Classroom and Administrative Building (CAB) on the main campus will continue during 2010-11. A new science building is also being planned, programmed, and designed. $300,000 $250,000 $270,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $110,000 $100,000 $50,000 $26,000 $Revenue Expense Revenue Capital Outlay Expense Property $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $7,714,542 $7,709,542 $5,000,000 $480,000 $- Revenue Expense Maintenance Budget Revenue Expense Bond Projects Page 7 Fiscal Year 2010-11 Enterprise Fund Budget $522,600 Requirement Enterprise Funds are intended to operate as a business and be self-supporting. Such costs are financed or recovered primarily through user charges. The Cafeteria Fund is currently the only District enterprise fund. It is used to $600,000 account for the sale of $522,600 $509,000 food from café sales $500,000 and vending $400,000 machines. This fund has historically been $300,000 self-supporting; $200,000 however revenues have not kept pace $100,000 with expenditures in $recent years, causing Revenue Expense a decline in the fund balance reserve. Cafeteria Internal Service Fund $440,000 Requirement Internal Service Funds are used to account for the financing of goods or services provided by one department to other departments on a cost-reimbursement. The District has a self-insured fund used to account for workers’ compensation claims which have been outstanding since 2003. It also uses this fund to $450,000 $424,000 pay for property loss $400,000 and liability $350,000 $350,000 deductibles. A Retiree Health Benefits Fund has also been established to account for future benefit liabilities as required by the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB). Budget $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $- $90,000 $20,000 Revenue Expense Self Insured Revenue Expense Retiree Health Page 8 Fiscal Year 2010-11 Trust and Agency Fund Budget $151,176 Requirement This fund is used to account for assets held by the District in a trustee or agency capacity for individuals, private organizations, or other governmental units. The District has a fiduciary responsibility for such funds, with some degree of discretionary authority. Operations of these funds are measured and reported in the District’s financial statements. Funds in this group include assets held for the Associated Student Body, scholarships, and intercollegiate athletics. $120,000 $102,176 $100,000 $80,000 $77,000 $60,000 $45,000 $40,000 $22,000 $20,000 $4,000 $4,000 Revenue Expense $- Revenue Expense Student Body Budget Scholarships Loan/Trust Revenue Expense Athletics Page 9 Fiscal Year 2010-11 Budget Hartnell Community College 3-Year Comparison Fund Type 2007-08 Actual 2008-09 Actual 2009-10 Unaudited 2010-11 Budget General Fund Unrestricted Resources Federal State Local Total Resources Requirements Academic Salaries Classified Salaries Payroll Costs/Benefits Supplies and Materials Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Transfers Total Requirements Restricted Resources Federal State Local Total Resources Requirements Academic Salaries Classified Salaries Payroll Costs/Benefits Supplies and Materials Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Transfers Financial Aid Outgo Total Requirements 12,464 13,629 17,483 17,000 14,861,596 15,217,145 15,927,167 15,159,366 21,783,916 22,603,330 20,815,919 19,517,854 $ 36,657,976 $ 37,834,104 $ 36,760,569 $ 34,694,220 13,328,254 7,433,292 7,165,075 495,968 8,001,335 486,930 (498,550) $ 36,412,304 13,700,149 7,249,762 7,328,482 346,252 8,881,502 111,236 (386,093) 37,231,290 11,993,376 6,297,199 6,297,004 393,480 4,979,917 177,681 5,667,519 35,806,176 12,231,609 7,182,752 7,028,058 510,450 8,001,894 209,457 (470,000) 34,694,220 7,828,874 10,695,669 13,810,398 12,600,020 4,827,836 4,742,976 3,903,517 3,762,255 174,769 160,991 767,476 1,318,595 $ 12,831,479 $ 15,599,636 $ 18,481,391 $ 17,680,870 1,591,502 1,765,301 1,976,669 2,156,304 2,027,486 2,066,610 2,052,393 2,809,939 1,139,231 1,083,329 1,026,582 1,305,845 324,118 309,608 444,352 511,741 1,843,383 2,067,820 2,526,512 2,205,370 736,042 1,090,986 1,103,114 854,616 266,715 365,476 347,481 376,729 4,889,575 6,799,368 8,987,126 7,460,326 $ 12,818,052 $ 15,548,498 $ 18,464,229 $ 17,680,870 Total General Fund Resources Requirements Budget $ 49,489,455 $ 53,433,740 $ 55,241,960 $ 52,375,090 $ 49,230,356 $ 52,779,788 $ 54,270,405 $ 52,375,090 Page 10 Fiscal Year 2010-11 Budget 3-Year Comparison Continued Fund Type 2007-08 Actual 2008-09 Actual 2009-10 Unaudited 2010-11 Tentative Special Revenue Fund Bookstore Resources Requirements Child Development Resources Requirements $ $ 195,228 115,681 $ $ 165,523 113,891 $ $ 159,043 111,965 $ $ 180,000 115,000 $ $ 782,294 708,678 $ $ 606,970 589,491 $ $ 713,809 592,637 $ $ 701,273 701,273 $ $ 44,278 $ 234,240 $ 22,677 $ 242,750 $ 3,613,506 $ 91,405 $ 26,000 250,000 8,773,416 $ 10,171,263 $ 8,773,416 $ 10,087,443 $ 3,946,911 $ 3,641,163 $ 7,714,542 7,709,542 368,365 $ 82,020 $ 270,000 110,000 Capital Projects Fund Capital Outlay Resources Requirements Maintenance Resources Requirements Property Resources Requirements Bond Projects Resources Requirements $ $ $ $ $ $ 450,975 $ 334,286 $ 182,406 $ 29,113 $ 1,702,052 $ 11,761,955 $ 49,270,681 $ 480,000 4,700,502 $ 13,924,767 $ 19,619,515 $ 20,000,000 Enterprise Fund Cafeteria Resources Requirements $ $ 683,177 $ 691,303 $ 678,355 $ 723,860 $ 594,997 $ 596,268 $ 509,000 522,600 $ $ 30,299 $ 79,898 $ 122,828 $ 75,353 $ 92,038 $ 71,471 $ 20,000 90,000 $ $ 37,032 $ $ 8,937 $ $ 2,158,874 $ $ 424,000 350,000 $ $ 123,137 $ 50,768 $ 86,681 $ 24,100 $ 78,064 $ 39,485 $ 77,000 102,176 $ $ 8,538 $ 3,041,118 $ (2,524) $ 61,220 $ 3,975 $ 3,400 $ 4,000 4,000 $ $ 26,443 $ 38,236 $ 13,410 $ 54,453 $ 121,533 $ 46,417 $ 22,000 45,000 Internal Service Fund Self Insured Resources Requirements Retiree Health Benefits Resources Requirements Trust and Agency Fund Associated Students Resources Requirements Scholarships/Loan Trust Resources Requirements Athletics Resources Requirements Budget Page 11