Mission *

St. Timothy Separate School
Learning Plan
Mission *
Mission Statement:
The Christian community of St. Timothy School is dedicated to the nurturing of Catholic values and life long learning through "Co-operation, Education and
Celebration." We believe that diversity is a part of the richness of God's creation and that our school promotes a sense of peace, belonging and self-worth.
We believe in providing a positive school environment that enhances its members to grow spiritually, emotionally, socially, and intellectually to their fullest
potential. We believe in the development and sharing of Christian values as witnessed in the Catholic tradition. We believe in fostering a mutually cooperative
relationship among the home, school and parish to develop the full uniqueness of the individual. We believe in individual dignity, encompassing age, gender,
race, capability and culture. We believe in the constant growth in preparation for the future, while cherishing the richness of our past, and embracing
the beauty of the present.
Catholic Focus
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St. Timothy Separate School
Learning Plan
St. Timothy School is an elementary school of approximately 580 students from Junior Kindergarten to grade eight. The community consists of apartment
buildings, townhouses and single family dwellings. The original school was built in 1962 and it has been an integral part of the local community. The school is
utilized most evenings by the community for both adult and youth groups. PLASP, a before and after school program was implemented in 2001 and continues
to serve the parents and children of our community. In September of 2006, the doors were opened with much excitement and anticipation, to our long awaited
new school building which continues to be the pride of Catholic education in our community today. St. Timothy has proudly celebrated over 50th years of
providing excellence in Catholic education.
The overall goal at St. Timothy continues to be to ensure that our children meet and/or exceed provincial standards in all areas of the curriculum. To achieve
this goal and to meet the needs of all our students, teachers provide students with a variety of learning opportunities and experiences that include remediation
and enrichment. Continued teacher in-service in the implementation of Ministry and Board Curriculum and initiatives continues to be a primary focus.
Together these initiatives will enable St. Timothy staff to support the development of fluent independent readers and writers, and students who can problem
solve, make decisions, organize projects and make a commitment to life-long learning.
St. Timothy School uses the literacy learning expectations, indicators and assessment strategies recommended by the Ministry of Education and the DufferinPeel Catholic District School Board. Early literacy is supported by a balanced literacy program and by an early literacy program. The "All Star Reading"
program is supported through the use of many volunteers. The staff and community support a variety of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities including
school teams, hockey, cultural club, the Arts, chess club, primary and senior choir and student council. New to the school is the Website Design Club and the
Eco Schools club.
Our school provides a faith-filled learning environment for all. The teachings of our Catholic faith are integrated along with the Catholic virtues throughout the
day and throughout the curriculum. We celebrate the liturgical year with our community through spiritual liturgies by class, division and whole school.
Throughout the year, parents, staff and students share their talents and gifts with the school community. We recognize the need for Social Outreach, and
successfully contribute to various organizations, reaching out and supporting other people. Parents and community members, through B.R.A.V.O., are
actively involved within the school as volunteers and as members of the School Council. Parents, volunteers and student teachers assist staff in classrooms
and throughout the school by providing individual and small group guidance and support to students under the supervision of staff. St. Timothy is truly a
community centered school and serves with pride as a model to others.
Core Principles
1. How does the school community model, celebrate and nourish Gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centred programs and services?
- Virtues education, liturgies, announcements, newsletter inserts, assemblies and school display case
- Support for the principal strands of faith education: daily prayer, liturgical & sacramental celebrations, Religious Education and Family Life
programs, sacramental and other school/classroom celebrations.
- implementation of Safe Schools Policies, Bullying Prevention and Character Building/Leadership Programs: Student Council, CCCC team, PALS
- Adult & Youth Faith Ambassador Programs
- the visible celebration & presentation of Faith icons in the school
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St. Timothy Separate School
Learning Plan
- Welcoming newcomers and providing assistance to families through the School Social Worker, Newcomer Reception Centres, and Settlement Worker
- Sacred space in all classrooms and common areas
- Gospel readings and reflections over the announcements every day
- Various Social Justice initiatives occurring throughout the year
- Environmental focus – renewal and stewardship
- Strong relationship with parish
- Regular school masses
- Welcoming newcomers and providing assistance to families through the School Social Worker, and ELL teacher
- Through continued development of positive school-community relationships: School Volunteer Program, School Council, School Community Partnerships
(Peel Regional Police, Peel Health, CCAC, Co-operative Education Programs)
1. Please summarize the school’s most recent EQAO primary division (Grade 3) assessment performance. 2015 Data:
- Primary Reading: 97%
- Primary Writing: 97%
- Primary Mathematics: 95%
- Observations regarding school progress in Primary EQAO: Scores in reading, writing and math are above both Board and Provincial results. Results are
much improved in Reading (+10%) relative to last year's school results.
2. Please summarize the school’s most recent EQAO Junior division (Grade 6) assessment performance. 2015 Data:
- Junior Reading: 96%
- Junior Writing: 100%
- Junior Mathematics: 85%
- Observations regarding school progress in Junior EQAO: Scores in reading, writing and math indicate a significantly higher score than that of the Board and
Province. Results have shown improvement in all areas relative to the previous year.
3. Describe how the school community supports and provides opportunities for life-long learning.
- Welcome to Kindergarten Night – home/school connection
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St. Timothy Separate School
Learning Plan
- Parent Engagement Information evening (i.e. Math night)
- Secondary School students volunteer and provide tutoring
- Math Help Hotline
- Transition Planning for Grade 8 to Grade 9
- Teachers are lifelong learners as well, acting as role models by attending in-services, courses and workshops
- Special Education model values and promotes inclusion of all
4. Outline ways the school demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all learners.
- All Star Reading Program
- All grades are becoming involved in the Collaborative Inquiry process
- Differentiated Instruction is occurring in classrooms
- SMART Board technology an DELL tablets are used as a tool to enhance program delivery
- Common grade level planning times
- Divisional Meetings with a focus on a SMART goal and planning for instruction
- Integration meetings to plan next steps for students
- Transition meetings are organized to support the transition of learners : into Kindergarten, from grade to grade, from elementary into secondary schools, for
students at risk and with exceptional learning needs
- Data collection analysis
1. How does your school community ensure that Catholic School Councils reflect the diverse Catholic community?
- Parents are strongly encouraged to join in the partnership of their child(ren)’s education
- Representatives from the parish form a strong bond
- School Council Election information is sent home to all parents/guardians
- Opportunities to become involved in Volunteer activities/committees/classroom field trips/special celebrations, etc.
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St. Timothy Separate School
Learning Plan
- School administration ‘learning walks’, visibility and accessibility and open door policy
2. In what ways does the school team build and sustain community partnerships and collaboratives (e.g., collaborative relationships, Pro Grant)?
- Students attend the Peel Safety Village
- Welcome to Kindergarten Night with community representatives Through the encouragement of permits that support and/or enhance student well-being,
e.g., Parks & Recreation, Sports teams, etc.
- Encouragement of permits that support and/or enhance student well-being: Parks & Recreation, Sports teams, etc.
- Collaboration with various agencies dedicated to the support of student well-being: Region of Peel- Student Immunization Program,NPU etc.
1. Comment on how the school promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student success.
- Provide announcements for the Parish over the PA system
- Post Parish bulletin information in monthly school newsletter
- Encourage parents to be part of sacramental preparation
- Participation in the St. Timothy Feast Day celebrations
- Mass, Sacramental, Virtues and other celebrations support collaboration with, and participation by the home and parish
1. What activities does the school engage in that models and promote good stewardship of resources?
- School “Green Team”, Eco Schools Initiative
- Celebration of Earth Day
- Litterless Lunches are encouraged
- Monitor and track staff copying (via staff swipe cards) through the delivery of curriculum e.g., geography, science, religion, family programs that foster
‘respect for life’ and stewardship of resources
2. Outline the ways the school demonstrates financial responsibility.
- School budget is aligned to school goals and student learning
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St. Timothy Separate School
Learning Plan
- Maintain a balanced budget and adhere to GAP policies
- All guidelines and policies are adhered to using tracking mechanisms to ensure compliance
3. Implement responsive classroom design as appropriate and according to student need:
- Maintaining outdoor green spaces (i.e. garden beds, peace garden)
- Create a safe, healthy and welcoming environment
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St. Timothy Separate School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By 2016, the students of St. Timothy will continue to be provided with opportunities to grow in faith, knowledge and self-confidence.
Action Plans
Catholic Community Culture and Caring
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 Through active participation in Board initiatives (e.g. SWSI, Networks, Focused Consultation, Co-teaching/Co-planning), St. Timothy staff will engage in
purposeful, collaborative inquiry focused on the needs of the learner to improve teaching and learning practices.
Action Plans
Collaborative Inquiry
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 There will be an increase in the number of students who have demonstrated improvement in the area of learning skills, specifically self-regulation.
Action Plans
Improving Self-Regulation and Learning Skills in Students
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 Through co-planning and SAT support, staff will increase their understanding of and increase use of effective assessment strategies which reflect the needs
of the learner to inform instructional practice.
Action Plans
Assessment to Guide Effective and Responsive Instruction
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St. Timothy Separate School
Learning Plan
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 With a focus on responsive classroom design and 21st Century Learning, educators will continue to engage students by accommodating for individual student
preference for learning environment. This will encourage educators to differentiate instructional strategies for student success.
Action Plans
Responsive Classroom Design & Next Generation Learning
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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