Mission *

St. Francis Xavier Secondary School
Learning Plan
Mission *
Belief and Vision
The community of St. Francis Xavier will strive to live the Gospel values of Faith, Love, Hope, Peace and Service as taught by Jesus and his Church. In doing
so, we will create an environment where cultural differences are celebrated, and individual gifts are valued. We will work together to promote excellence in
Catholic Education.
Belief Statements
We believe that the individual has intrinsic worth.
We believe that all people have the ability and the need to learn.
We believe that all individuals have a right to safety, love and learning.
We believe that a high-quality Catholic education is necessary to empower students to meet future challenges that will enhance our society.
We believe that diversity strengthens our community and should be honoured and protected.
We believe that God calls us to share our gifts and serve our community.
We believe that God calls us to witness, challenge and serve each other to ever-deepen our relationship with Christ.
We believe that a complete education includes exposure to a wide variety of subject areas.
We believe that physical, mental, spiritual and social/emotional growth are part of the education experience.
Our Vision
St. Francis Xavier is a Catholic, secondary school created to serve our student population, which is a culturally diverse student population. We will be faithful
to our rich Catholic tradition and at the same time be responsive to the changing needs of our community.
St. Francis Xavier is committed to an ongoing faith journey, ever deepening our relationship with Christ. We will strive to share and integrate our Faith into all
subject areas and we will constantly ensure the Catholic character of the school. We will nurture each others spiritual, intellectual, physical and emotional
growth, empowering and challenging each other to become socially responsible Christian adults. We will embrace new initiatives to constantly improve the
quality of education delivered. We will maintain open communication between all partners of education. We will encourage and support parent and community
involvement, and are committed to on-going dialogue and exchange of ideas.
Faith Peace Love Excellence
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St. Francis Xavier Secondary School
Learning Plan
Catholic Focus
St Francis Xavier’s Catholic Focus
St. Francis Xavier Secondary School embraces that the Catholic faith, as expressed through Gospel values, is the driving force in the school’s community of
learners, which includes five key groups: students; the parish, home and community; teachers and support staff; administrators and supervisory officers; and
trustees. The school strives to be a Christ-centred system in which all may work and learn in a supportive, inclusive, meaningful, and respectful environment.
Within the context of an authentic Catholic learning community, the school strives “…to provide students with the opportunity to realize their potential and
develop into highly skilled, knowledgeable, caring citizens who contribute to society.”
Core Principles
1. The school community models, celebrates and nourishes gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centred programs and services by:
- Link Crew - Mentors Working With Grade nine students
- St. Francis Xavier Charity Drives
- Social Justice Projects
- PIP Students working in Co-op placements within the school
- Bible Quotes on Communications
- Ongoing Access to the Chapel
- In school Liturgies and in church Eucharistic Liturgies
- Staff and Department Head Retreats
- Student Faith Ambassadors - Chaplaincy crew
- Visual Signs of our faith throughout the school (e.g. virtues on the cafeteria walls)
- Monthly masses in chapel - for students, staff, and parents
- Morning prayer and reflection
- Breakfast Club program
- Salesian retreats
- Faith based conferences and activities
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St. Francis Xavier Secondary School
Learning Plan
- Student Council spirit building activities
- E.X.E. (Embracing Xavier Equality)
- White ribbon campaign
- Week of Hope
- Aspiring Young Doctors
- Chaplaincy Crew
- Big Brother / Big Sister
- Sound Crew
Learning Environment
1. The school’s most recent EQAO Grade 9 mathematics assessment performance.
- Grade 9 Academic Mathematics: scores not published
- Grade 9 Applied Mathematics: scores not published
- Observations regarding school progress in Grade 9 EQAO:
2. The school’s most recent Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) performance.
- OSSLT results for First-Time Eligible Students: 90 %
- OSSLT results for Previously Eligible Students: 56 %
- Observations regarding school progress on the OSSLT:
First-time Eligible Students: 5% above Board Average; 8% above Provincial Average
Previously Eligible Students: 10% below Board Average; 15% above Provincial Average
3. The school community supports and provide opportunities for life-long learning:
- Catholic School Learning Team (CSLT)
- Teacher Professional Development Team/Pods
- Professional Learning Communities (Leadership, etc.)
- GLC Profile of Learners
- Navig8 for at Risk Youth
- Clubs (Chess, Diversity, Chaplaincy, Debating, Tai-Chi, Hip Hop, Sports, Drama, Cafe Night etc.)
- Girls night in
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St. Francis Xavier Secondary School
Learning Plan
- Mens night in
- Rising Stars (Grade 10 Leadership program lead by grade 12 students)
- Breakfast for Champions
-St. Vincent de Paul of St. Francis Xavier Church dinner held at St. Francis Xavier S.S.
4. The school demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all learners through
- Continuous analysis of student/school data
- In-servicing of ministry documents
- Forming Professional Learning Communities
- Shared priorities and beliefs
- ISET meetings
- Individual Education Plans
- EQAO Teams
- Alternative Education opportunities
- Re-engagement Process
- Student Success Team
- Connect Meetings
Community Engagement
1. Our school community ensures that Catholic School Councils reflect the diverse Catholic community through
- Inclusive invitation to all
- Reflection on diverse needs of population
- Engaging the wider parent community in a variety of school events
2. The school team build and sustain community partnerships and collaboratives (e.g., collaborative relationships) through partnerships:
- SHSM - George Brown, University of Toronto, Credit Valley Hospital, City of Mississauga, McMasters University, Sports Network, Centennial College non
female trades mentorship, University of Guelph Anatomy Department, Maple Leaf Sports Partnership
- COOP Placements - Industrial Partnerships
- Dual Credit Program - Sheridan College
- Peel Youth Village
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St. Francis Xavier Secondary School
Learning Plan
- Food and Health Initiative
- Outreach to Charity
- Big Brothers, Big Sisters with Peel
1. The school promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student success.
- Implementation of Pastoral Plan
- Grade 9 and 10 Retreats are at the Church where they attend mass.
- Priest has an open invitation to the school
- Priest leads school and staff masses
- Faith Fast held at church
- Christmas Hampers - St. Vincent de Paul
- Christmas Dinner for the families of St. Vincent de Paul
- Food and clothing drives
Physical Environment
1. The school engages, models and promotes good stewardship of resources through the
- Green Team Initiatives and Eco-School Certification Process
- Social Justice Projects
- Day of Service during Catholic Education Week
- Diversity Initiatives
- PIP school 'grounds greening' initiative
2. The school demonstrates financial responsibility through
- Collaborative and Transparent Committee Budget Process
- Public Perception Prioritized
Student Achievement
The following are the ways that St. Francis Xavier Secondary School demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement, and
supports the well-being of all learners:
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St. Francis Xavier Secondary School
Learning Plan
• Continuous and regular data analysis of student and school data
• Planning that is data driven
• Formation of PLC’s and TLCs
• Individual Educational Plans for students, as required
• Alternative Education programs e.g. credit recovery programs
• SHSM programs
• Co-op and Dual Credits
• Collaborative Inquiry school level and department level
• Staff leading the Professional Learning Team whose aim is to increase student achievement that is aligned with our Catholic School Learning Plan
Financial Responsibility
St. Francis Xavier Secondary School demonstrates financial responsibility through the following means:
• Transparent Budget process where Principal oversees all spending
• Training for all staff involved with budget tracking and ordering
• Prioritizing initiatives or on-going projects that require school based funding
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St. Francis Xavier Secondary School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support well-being as demonstrated in the proportion of students indicating
that they feel accepted by students in the school indicated in the CCCC survey.
Action Plans
1.0 Learners Voice
1.1 Increase positive School-Parish relationships
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support collaborative inquiry as teams of learners actively engaged in joint
Action Plans
1.0 Learners Voice
2. 0 Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support transitional practices as demonstrated in a variety of contexts:
between grades, divisions, and betwen activities, and programs.
Action Plans
3.0 Ensure that students, parents, and teachers recognize the full range of programs, pathways, and supports available to all learners
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support knowing the learner through assessment as demonstrated in the
implementation of "assessment for" and "assessment as" learning practices.
Action Plans
4.0 Learning Goals and Success Criteria
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St. Francis Xavier Secondary School
Learning Plan
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support effective instruction as demonstrated in the building of collaborative
practices using effective instructional practices.
Action Plans
5.0 21st Century Learning
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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