2010-2013 Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Francis Xavier

2010-2013 Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Francis Xavier
2010-2011 (Year 1) Progress Report
Culture, and
By the end of 2013, the
percentage of students
in K to Gr. 8 feeling of
sense of belonging,
connectedness and
safety will increase
compared to baseline
data to be collected
using the CCCC Survey
Promote Student
Leadership in Social
Justice Projects
By June 2013 students
performance at St. Francis
Xavier will increase by 5%
on each EQAO assessment
in Literacy
By June 2013, student
performance at
St. Francis Xavier will
increase by 5% on each
Action Plans to Support SMART Goal(s)
All grades 4-8 students to complete CCCC
Survey by April 2011
Provincial Report Card Learning Skills
Positive School/Parish Relationships
Virtues Program
Safe Schools Reporting
PALS, SNAP, Back to School Training
Our school celebrates and nourishes
Gospel Values through the following:
Student Liturgical Choir, Faith Celebrations
(Remembrance Day, Ash Wednesday,
Living Rosary and the Stations of the Cross)
and Social Justice Projects.
The SNAP program provides the students
with strategies (STOP NOW and PLAN) in
regards to positive behaviours.
Youth Christian Leaders Initiatives (Toy
Drive, Me to We Projects, Food and
Clothing Collections, Terry Fox Run and
Share Life Fundraising)
Recycling and Green Club Initiatives
Strong School/ Home/Parish and
Community Partnerships are important in
the makeup of our school.
A variety of valid and reliable assessment data
is used by students and teachers to inform
instructions and assessment and to determine
next steps
Instruction and assessment are differentiated in
response to student strengths, needs and prior
Guided Reading /Guided Practices
Students receive ongoing descriptive feedback
on the success criteria from the teacher and
A variety of valid and reliable assessment
data is used by students and teachers to
continuously monitor learning, to inform
instruction and assessment to determine
Survey Results of the CCCC will be
addressed in the new year for further
action plans.
In 2009-10 Jr. teachers received Literacy
Stream Support /Int. Div and Resource
Staff received P.D. on Differentiated
In 2010/11 the Pr. Div. received Stream
Support in Literacy and the Int. Div.
received P.D. on the Integrated Arts.
The Special Assignment Teacher supports
our Literacy goals across all divisions.
Teachers at St. FX engage in Co planning by
grade/division and whole staff.
St. Francis Xavier continues to schedule an
extended Literacy Block and utilize the rich
resources in both the Library and Literacy
The 3 Part Math Lesson will continue to be
a focus for 2011/12.
Organization of a Math
Manipulative/Resource room was initiated
EQAO assessment in
Pathways and
To ensure that
programs, pathways
and career planning
meet the learning
needs and interests of
all students
next steps.
Instruction and assessment are
differentiated in response to student
strengths, needs and prior learning
The diverse needs of each student will be
supported by the 3-Part Mathematical
Lesson model to provide opportunities to
demonstrate learning.
Students are taught, and regularly use selfassessment skills to monitor their progress
toward achieving learning goals, and to set
their own learning goals within the context
of the Ontario Curriculum and/or Individual
Education Plan (I.E.P.)
A culture of high expectations supports
that all students can learn progress and
Timely and tiered interventions supported
by a team approach, respond to individual
student learning needs.
Students, parents and teachers understand
the full range of pathways, options,
programs and supports that are available.
Support and
By June 2013, all
appropriate staff will
attend Professional
Development for
specific initiatives
Employees are given the opportunity to be
trained and attend a variety of professional
activities for specific initiatives at the
school, Family and board Levels.
Compliance will
continue under the
Catholic Code of Ethics,
hiring practices and
All members of staff following school and
board policies
this year.
St. Francis Xavier has provided and
continues to provide opportunities using
the assistive technology and the smart
board to support and enrich the learning
for our students.
St. Francis Xavier continues to dialogue
with Cardinal Leger Secondary to meet
transition plans into high school for all
The School follows a clear process
supported by a Team approach in response
to individual student learning needs and
Students are given opportunities to build
on in-school and out of school experiences
and activities to explore further their
personal interests. (Me to We, Go Girls,
Junior Achievement, Integrated Arts, Smart
Board, Tournaments...)
There is a very positive energy at St. Francis
Xavier school amongst staff and students.
Staff completed the Violence and
Harassment Training (Bill 168)
Teachers attended P.D. Sessions on
Literacy, the 3-Part Math Lesson, Assistive
Technology, Smart Board, the Arts, SNAP
and Science.
With P.D .and training opportunities we are
able to set goals, use a common language
and keep current with the expectations.
At St. Francis Xavier School all staff and
students work together to create a safe
and caring environment to work and learn.