Mission *

St. Francis Xavier Elementary School
Learning Plan
Mission *
Mission Statement
We, the staff of St. Francis Xavier Catholic Elementary School, celebrate spirituality and diversity through achieving, believing and community living in an inclusive
Catholic environment.
We, the parents of St. Francis Xavier Catholic Elementary School, in partnership with staff and students, are dedicated to our children’s spiritual, intellectual, emotional,
social and, physical development in a secure environment, at home and school. Working together, we attain success by encouraging students to realize their full potential.
We, the students of St. Francis Xavier Catholic Elementary School, act and learn as a Catholic community. We demonstrate our love for God by respecting each other and by
trying to meet the expectations of our parents and teachers.
We are inspired by the words in Our Prayer to St. Francis:
Creator God, inspired by the example of Saint Francis, we pray to you for the courage to be missionaries, reaching out and leading others to Jesus. Like St. Francis, may we
help those in need; may we live a life rooted in prayer; and may we bring Christ to all those we meet. This we ask through your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ.
A Tradition of Excellence
in Catholic Education.
Catholic Focus
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St. Francis Xavier Elementary School
Learning Plan
Since 1965, St. Francis Xavier has been a beacon for Catholic Education in its Brampton community. Rooted in Christ, we are called, through our vocation, to
a unique way of seeing and interacting with our world. We take this calling and reach out to be a community for others. Our Catholic view of academics,
spiritual and moral development, sacramental preparation, prayer, discipline, and community, challenges us to use our learning for the benefit of others. We
are called in the ways of Christ for others. The school community of St. Francis Xavier is committed to promoting excellence, respecting diversity, and
addressing of the education and development of the whole person.
At St. Francis Xavier School our commitment to academic excellence is a shared responsibility. As a Staff and School Council, we work hard bringing
together students, parents, teachers, the pastoral team, trustees and other partners to form a Catholic community in the service of the spiritual, intellectual,
physical and emotional needs of students in our care. We are committed to creating a community environment that stresses tolerance and acceptance of
others, devotion to our Catholic faith, and high academic standards. We provide a safe and comfortable learning environment where models of Gospel values
and Catholic doctrines, teachings and beliefs are an integral part of the daily life of our school.The school motto, “Together We Grow in Mind and Spirit”
reflects a holistic philosophy where religion and daily life are intertwined. All activities at St. Francis Xavier – academic and pastoral work, extracurricular
and intra-curricular, prayer and worship, administration and outreach – help to prepare our students for their lives as Catholics in the community.
Our students come to us with a variety of strengths and needs, with their Catholic faith as their common bond. Our prayer life, liturgical celebrations, the
sacraments, and our faith and values system form the foundation of our school program. At St. Francis Xavier, we are proud of our balanced religion,
academic, arts, technology and athletic program. We offer students a well-rounded and value-centered education to help them make good choices for the
future. The curriculum is broad, balanced and relevant to the needs and aspirations of all our students. A wide range of subjects and learning experiences are
offered to develop the skills, abilities and talents of individual students. Accordingly, appropriate assessment procedures are employed regularly to motivate
and encourage student success. To ensure coherence and wholeness, subjects are taught within the context of The Ontario Curriculum, Gospel values and
sound educational practices.
Core Principles
St. Francis Xavier Catholic School models, celebrates and nourishes gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centred programs and services:
Children’s Liturgical Choir singing at all Masses and celebrations
Each division prepares prayers, readings and music for each Mass
Whole School Faith Celebrations include Mases, Liturgies, Reconciliation, Remembrance Day, Ash Wednesday, Crowning of Mary, Living Rosary
and The Stations of the Cross
Class Prayer Tables as well as Display Cases highlight Faith, Liturgical seasons and Virtues
Sacramental Preparations include: instructions and retreats organized for grades two and eight
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St. Francis Xavier Elementary School
Learning Plan
Scheduled Pastoral visits to classes
Student Christian Leaders provide strong leadership in the social justice projects
Student Council takes on a leadership role
School Team meets regularly to plan with School Staff
The school’s most recent EQAO primary division (Grade 3) assessment performance.
Primary Reading: 65%
Primary Writing: 73%
Primary Mathematics: 57%
Observations regarding school progress in primary EQAO: Results indicate achievement in Reading, Writing and Math below the Board average. A focus on
Guided Reading and Writing with specific emphasis on decoding and comprehension strategies and writing conventions will assist the school in its goal to
improve scores. A continued focus on the 3- Part Math lesson and use of math manipulatives will support efforts to improve scores in mathematics. Efforts to
establish a collaborative culture among staff dedicated to co-learning, co-planning, co-teaching and moderated assessment should enhance teaching
strategies and student achievement. Increased capacity in the use of mobile technology, such as IPads and students' own devices, will support the goal of
increased student engagement and expand the variety of tools used for learning in the 21st century.
The school's most recent EQAO junior division (Grade 6) assessment performance
Junior Reading: 80%
Junior Writing: 84%
Junior Mathematics: 55%
Observations regarding school progress in Junior EQAO: The Junior EQAO scores in Reading, Writing and Math meet or exceed Board averages.
Implementing the 3-Part Math Lesson Model is a focus and should continue to encourage better problem solving skills and communication of learning. Use of
Assistive Technology and participation in co planning and co-teaching will continue to be, an integral part of analyzing student needs and tailoring teacher
practice to address proficiency in all math strands. Increased capacity in the use of mobile technology, such as IPads and students' own devices, will
support the goal of increased student engagement and expand the variety of tools used for learning in the 21st century.
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Elementary School supports life-long learning through the following initiatives:
Region of Peel Health – PALS Program (Playground Activity Leaders in Schools)
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St. Francis Xavier Elementary School
Learning Plan
Peel Region - Smart Start Program
Peel Region Police Program – (Bullying, Internet Safety, Cyber Bullying, RAID)
Share- Life Ice Hockey game teachers/parents vs. students
Parental participation at school Masses and Prayer Services
Curriculum updates at School Council Meetings
Outside Agencies ( OT, PT and Speech Therapy)
Parent All- Star Reading coaches
St. Francis Xavier School demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all learners through
the following initiatives:
Professional Learning Communities
SAT support for numeracy and literacy practice, planning and intervention
Use of common language (EQAO) from JK - 8
Jump Math Mentors through Big Brothers/Big Sisters
Divisional Meetings
Guided Practice across the curriculum facilitated by the Ministry of Education Literacy Numeracy Secretariat/Student Aachievement Officer Team
Collaborative Professional Learning Communities with neighboring schools
St. Francis Xavier Catholic School ensures that its Catholic School Council reflects the school's diverse Catholic community through the following initiatives:
Support parish activities (i.e. Share-Life)
Community events – community barbecue/open house evenings
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St. Francis Xavier Elementary School
Learning Plan
Welcome School Community to attend our faith Celebrations
Liaison between Parish Representative on Council with Parish Priest
Establish a collection of parent resources related to school needs
St. Francis Xavier School further maintains community partnerships with the following:
Share-Life fundraising
Food bank collections
Toy Drive for St. Vincent De Paul
Me To We Projects
Terry Fox Run
Support Brampton West Camp
Support Families within our community
Peel Police Cram-the-Cruiser Christmas food drive
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Peel
Peel Children's Centre
St. Francis Xavier Catholic School promotes the engagement and active participation of St. Mary's Parish and home as a fundamental component of student
success through the following engagements:
Student lead Morning Prayers
Liturgical Seasons and Saints’ Feast Days are highlighted during announcements
Prayer Tables in each classroom
Youth Christian Leaders
Living Rosary and Stations of the Cross celebrations
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St. Francis Xavier Elementary School
Learning Plan
Regular Pastoral visits and Mass celebrations at school
Interactions with students (counselling, reconciliation and an opportunity to learn from their choices)
Virtue Recognition Assemblies
St. Francis Xavier continues to maintain and improve the general plant to create a learning environment that is safe and accessible to all students and staff.
Ongoing assessment and planning to meet the technology needs of the school will incorporate the following:
Maintenance of current hardware inventory,
The extent of students subscribing to the Bring Your Own Device option,
Cost feasibility to enhance technology through school budget,
Analyses of available updated technology options to replace outdated hardware,
Matching technology options to best meet numeracy and literacy needs of students
St. Francis Xavier Elementary School models and promotes good stewardship of resources through:
Eco-School Certification (Gold)
Recycling programs
Energy saving
Earth Day
Clean City campaign
Daily classroom routines
Student Green Club
Financial responsibility is demonstrated by St. Francis Xavier School through:
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St. Francis Xavier Elementary School
Learning Plan
Continuous communication with staff as to current budget updates
Compliance with Board policy and protocols in relation to financial accountability and transparency
Alignment of budget for resources to support class programs
Regular School council treasurer updates
Inventories of math manipulatives
Update and enhance Literacy resources
Update and maintain Central Text room
Core Resources available for each student
Annual Budget reviewed monthly
Social Justice and Community fundraising
Charitable donations to community and outreach programs wherever possible
Prompt attention to health and safety reports and response to acts of vandalism
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St. Francis Xavier Elementary School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.1 By 2017, the proportion of St.Francis Xavier grade 7 students indicating they feel bullied at school will decrease compared to the CCCC School Climate
Survey baseline data (Spring 2013)
Action Plans
Analyze and summarize the CCCC student Climate Survey data of Spring 2015
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 LITERACY PILLAR: By June 2016, student performance will increase on each EQAO assessment of literacy.
Action Plans
Guided Reading /Guided Practice- During learning students receive ongoing descriptive feedback based on the success criteria co constructed by teacher
and students.
2.1 By June 2016 the percentage of primary students meeting the expected bench mark levels will increase through guided reading as an expected practice.
Action Plans
2.2 By June 2016 percentage of Junior students exceeding standard levels in CASI will increase in inferencing and summarizing as compared to baseline data
collected in October.
Action Plans
2.3 By June 2016 the percentage of Intermediate students exceeding standard levels will increase as compared to baseline data collected in October for
inferencing and summarizing.
Action Plans
Implement Guided Reading/Guided Practices.
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.1 By the end of June 2016, the students at St. Francis Xavier achieving or exceeding the achievement standard for each grade will increase as compared to
Term 1 in Number Sense / Numeration.
Action Plans
Teachers to employ differentiated instruction and high-yield strategies for all students.
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St. Francis Xavier Elementary School
Learning Plan
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
5.2 EQAO results in math will increase as a result of authentic tasks supported by effective questioning that guides critical thinking within the context of Guided
Practice and 3 Part Math.
Action Plans
Responding through Effective Instruction
4.4 Students will solve math problems more successfully with the inclusion of student voice, co-creation of learning goals, opportunities for planned, purposeful
accountable talk, demonstration of metacognition skills and descriptive feedback.
Action Plans
Establish Collaborative Inquiry/Theory of Action
Establish Collaborative Inquiry/Theory of Action
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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