Writing and Reviewing Papers for Medical Physics William R. Hendee, Editor Penny Slattery, Journal Manager Andrew Karellas, Deputy Editor David Rogers, Deputy Editor Jeff Williamson, Incoming Editor AAPM Gross Revenue Citation Impact Factors Free articles on Medical Physics website Medical Physics Letters 50th Anniversary Papers Vision 20/20 Papers Point/Counterpoint Editor’s Picks Award Papers Review Papers Special Focus Papers Editorials PhD Abstracts Books and Publications Open Access Articles in Medical Physics Medical Physics is a hybrid Gold OA journal Authors select to have their manuscript OA Fee is $2,500.00 Reviewers do not know if manuscript is to be OA When OA article is published, a FREE icon appears next to article title in TOC Types of Articles in Medical Physics Research articles Vision 20/20 articles Review articles (on-line only) Task group reports (on-line only) Technical reports Technical notes Medical Physics Letter Types of Articles in Medical Physics Special reports Correspondence Point-counterpoint debates Editorials PhD abstracts (on-line only) Errata Book reports Categories of Papers in Medical Physics ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS CORRESPONDENCE EDITORIAL INFRARED AND MICROWAVE IMAGING MAGNETIC RESONANCE PHYSICS Categories of Papers in Medical Physics MEDICAL PHYSICS LETTER NUCLEAR MEDICINE PHYSICS OPTICAL PHYSICS POINT/COUNTERPOINT RADIATION BIOLOGY RADIATION IMAGING PHYSICS RADIATION MEASUREMENT PHYSICS Categories of Papers in Medical Physics RADIATION PROTECTION PHYSICS RADIATION THERAPY PHYSICS TASK GROUP REPORT THERMOTHERAPY PHYSICS TISSUE MEASUREMENTS ULTRASOUND PHYSICS VISION 20/20 Types of Authors First author Co-authors Corresponding author Senior author Multimedia Submissions EPAPS – Electronic Physics Auxiliary Publication Service, repository for supplemental information http://www.aip.org/pubservs/epaps.html Multi-media http://www.aip.org/epaps/epaps_multimedia.html Movie files Audio files Animated .gifs 3D renderings Preparing a Manuscript for Medical Physics Medical Physics on-line submission site http://medphys.peerx-press.org/cgi-bin/main.plex AIP Style Guide http://www.aip.org/pubservs/style/4thed/toc.html http://www.aip.org/pubservs/authserv.html Editorial Process Overview Authors submit manuscript Journal Manager checks manuscript format/compliance Editor assigns associate editor Associate editor assigns referees Referees submit reviews to associate editor Associate editor makes recommendation to editor Editor makes decision Decision communicated to authors Process may repeat through several iterations Manuscript Validation by the Journal Manager Initial QC Check for cover letter, manuscript file with title page and structured abstract included If revision, look for point-by-point response Manuscript file as Word or Tex document, single column, double spaced Tables and figures included in article where mentioned For revision, figures also listed in separate figure files and numbered correctly References Should be assigned consecutive numbers Should then be listed in the same order on a separate sheet Titles of articles, complete lists of authors, and inclusive pagination must be included A list of standard abbreviations for journal names appears in the AIP Style Manual Line Numbering Your Article File Reviewers have requested that authors insert line numbering Done for ease of reviewing Authors can use in their point-by-point response Guidelines for line numbering can be found at http://www.medphys.org/NewInstructions.asp Common Manuscript Deficiencies Incorrect grammar Illogical composition Obscure writing Verbose writing Deviation from AIP Style Manual Poor illustrations Mathematical errors Common Manuscript Deficiencies Over-reaching of results Inadequate literature review Plagiarism and self-plagiarism Multiplication of papers Separation of supplemental material Helpful Hints for PeerX-Press For technical help, email pxphelp@aip.org Approve converted files Run Spell Check Check figure numbers Address cover letter to correct Editor Include correct email address Check and double check the presentation of the files Authors’ Response to Reviews Courteous and fair Accept or challenge Annotated response Rapid response (3 month deadline) Decision appeal Excess Page Fees Charged if published article exceeds 10 journal pages Cost is $200.00 per page To approximate article length, divide double spaced, single column text pages by three, and total number of figures by four If cannot pay excess page fee, do not exceed 10 journal pages Criteria for Associate Editors and Referees Expertise in topic of manuscript Publication experience Maturity in field No conflicts of interest Responsive to previous requests Timely responsiveness Thorough and courteous reviews Guidelines for Referees Comments to authors and to editor General and specific comments and recommendations Critical and impersonal evaluation Original, unpublished work Accuracy, originality and completeness Clarity and succinctness of writing Grammatical and compositional errors Guidelines for Referees (continued) Quality and necessity of illustrations/tables Comprehensiveness of literature review Paper and reference format Relevance of title and structured abstract Appropriateness of subject Negative comments What Follows the Decision Process Notification Acceptance letter Manuscript is put in production queue Copy-editing Galley Proofs Author Sign-off Publication in Journal Accelerated On line publication Appearance in Print