Mission *

St. Marcellinus Secondary School
Learning Plan
Mission *
St. Marcellinus Secondary School is a community built on the teachings of our Catholic faith that encourages all the members of its community to strive for
personal and spiritual success while living the Gospel values.
We value the whole student, nurturing the vitality and strength of mind, body and spirit.
We advocate for social justice and equality.
We excel in academia, the arts, technology and sport.
We embrace the Holy Spirit and celebrate the teachings of the Gospel.
Let Every Spirit Soar!
Catholic Focus
St. Marcellinus Catholic Focus
At St. Marcellinus Secondary School we are a community that is rooted in Christ. Our school promotes a strong Catholic message and stresses the spiritual,
intellectual and moral development of the total person. We uphold family values and commit to working with parents, parish and the local community. We
are called the Spirit. With the Grace of our Lord, the Holy Spirit will be the guiding light as we strive to bring our students closer to Jesus.
Let it be known that, at St. Marcellinus Secondary School, Christ is the reason for our school. He is the unseen but ever present teacher in our classrooms.
He is the model for our staff and the inspiration for our students.
Core Principles
St. Marcellinus' Response to the Duffererin- Peel Five Core Principles
St. Marcellinus models, celebrates and nourishes gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ- centred programs and services in the following
- Christ as our model teacher
- Catholic Code of Conduct
- Daily prayer and reflections
- Chaplaincy Team
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St. Marcellinus Secondary School
Learning Plan
- Homeroom retreats
- Visible signs of Catholicity: Chapel, Stained glass window, crucifixes, banners, etc
- Sacred space in classrooms
- Footsteps and display case (religion mural)
- Family Faith Night/ Food Drives/ Guatemala-Wells of Hope/ Local Shelter assist/ Christmas baskets
- Take Your Shirt Off Your Back Day
- March for Life
- Liturgies
- Music Ministry
- Spirit Soccer Sensation
- PIP lunch program
- Thanksgiving Food Drive
- Opening prayer prior to Friday Night Lights Football
Learning Environment
EQAO Grade 9 mathematics assessment performance.
- Grade 9 Academic Mathematics: 96%
- Grade 9 Applied Mathematics: 67%
Observations regarding school progress in grade 9 EQAO: scores in Appied Math EQAO are 7% higher than the board; and Academic Math EQAO are 8%
higher than the board.
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) performance.
- OSSLT results for First- Time Eligible Students: 89%
- Observations regarding school progress on the school OSSLT: scores have remained consistent to +/- 1 within the last 5 years; 5% higher than the board.
St. Marcellinus supports and provide opportunities for life- long learning by:
- Exposing students to authentic learning experiences i.e. competitions, athletics, social justice, community outreach
- Exposure to the arts, music and technology
- Healthy active living outside course curriculum
- Leadership opportunities
-PIP integration activities
-Staff Professional Development
-Conference Funding
- Faith Development Days
- Masters of Religious Education program partnership with Dufferin Peel and St. Michaels' College
- Guest speakers
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St. Marcellinus Secondary School
Learning Plan
St. Marcellinus demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well- being of all learners by engaging in the
- Safe Schools
- Differentiated Instruction
-English Language Learners
-Student Success Team
-Academic Resource Department
- Credit recovery/ credit rescue
- Co- op programs
- SHSM programs
- Technology in the classroom - PowerPoint lessons, GLX/SPARKS, field trips, Gizmos, SMART Boards etc.
- Automated phone system to inform parents of upcoming assessment periods
- Literacy/Numeracy supports/ Literacy Course (OLC)
- Spirit TV
- Academic Awards-" X Awards"
- Extra help programs after school
- Daily, After School Math Tutoring
-Wellness Conference
Community Engagement
How the St. Marcellinus community ensures that the Catholic School Council reflects the diverse Catholic community by:
- Regular school council meetings
- School council representatives informative share community events through emails and school website
-Special events inclusive of community members
- Increased number of diverse staff
- Foster a positive relationship
- Family Faith Night
-Stain glass projection
The St. Marcellinus school team builds and sustains community partnerships through:
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St. Marcellinus Secondary School
Learning Plan
- Co-operative education program
- community events: athletics, Friday Night Lights, feeder school visits/info sharing, parish involvement
- Kicking for a Cure
- Inside Ride
- Charity game with Peel Police
- Multicultural Night
- Arts Fest
- Hosting community Track and Field, Soccer, Football Metrobowl, Special Events Athletics
Parish- Home- School
St. Marcellinus promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student success through:
- Retreats
- Family Faith Night
- Parent- Teacher Interviews
- Awards Night
- Commencement/ Graduation
- Vocation Day and Mission Trips
- Dr. Simone’s Canadian Food for Children
- Homeroom masses, school liturgies, sacramental awareness
Physical Environment
Good stewardship of resources is modelled by the following:
- Link crew
- Greenhouse
- Sweater Day
- Using Public Library
- Eco Silver Certification: recycling program, tree planning, environmental clean up, energy conservation
- Memorial Garden
- Geography- tree planting
St. Marcellinus demonstrates financial responsibility in the following areas:
- Dept’l budgets, vice-principal pre-approval
- paper-cut budgets
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St. Marcellinus Secondary School
Learning Plan
- Print at board office
- energy reduction and saving
- Athletic Fees
- Purchasing second- hand texts
- Using school website to deliver information
- D2L software technology as an extension to the classroom
- e-books in the library
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St. Marcellinus Secondary School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1) By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support well-being. Evidence of growth determined by the CCCC School Climate
Survey, staff, Safe School Reports.
Action Plans
1) If we implement the Spirit Way then students will feel safe, included and connected in the St. Marcellinus school community. SEF 2.5 Staff, students
and school community promote and sustain student well-being and positive student behavior in a safe and healthy learning environment.
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2) By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support collaborative inquiry.
Action Plans
2) If we continue to embrace collaborative inquiry as a process of learning through our school working teams then all learners with be actively engaged
as collaborative contributors. SEF 2.4 Job embedded and inquiry-based professional learning builds capacity, informs instructional practice and
contributes to a culture of learning. We encourage collaborative inquiry within a department using a co learning stance.
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3) By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support transitional practices.
Action Plans
3) If we continue to intentionally engage collaboratively in transitional practices to support learner well-being and development, then learners will
progress in their journey of self-discovery and self-direction towards vocation. SEF 5.3 Students, parents, families and educators understand the full
range of pathways, programs, options and supports that are available.
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4) By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practice that support knowing the learner through assessment.
Action Plans
4) If we focus on differentiated practices then all learners will be more inspired through a program reflective of learner strengths and voice. SEF 1.6
Assessment of learning provides relevant and meaningful evidence to evaluate the quality of student achievement at or near the end of a cycle of learning
and to determine next steps.
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St. Marcellinus Secondary School
Learning Plan
Responding through Effective Instruction
5) By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practice that support effective instruction. Evidence of growth will include achievement data.
Action Plans
5) If we continue designing effective lessons, making use of collaborative work in flexible groupings, then learners will effectively communicate their
critical and creative thinking to develop and apply processes, skills and strategies across disciplines. SEF 4.2 A clear emphasis on high levels of
achievement of literacy and numeracy is evident throughout the school.
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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