Mission *


St. Lucy Catholic Elementary School

Learning Plan

Mission *

The St. Lucy Catholic School Community, together with the family and parish, embraces the uniqueness and diversity of each student. Committed to providing a safe, caring, healthy, inclusive and welcoming Catholic learning community where the pursuit of student well-being, academic excellence, lifelong learning and spiritual growth, are fostered within each person to meet the challenges of the future.


"Enlightened through the Eyes of Faith"

Catholic Focus


St. Lucy Catholic Elementary School, which is located at 25 Kanata Road, opened on September 5, 2006 and was blessed on May 31, 2007. The school currently has 506 students.

St. Lucy lived in the fourth century in Sicily. Her name means “light” in Latin and is related to the word “lucid,” which means “radiant, clear and understandable.” Our patron saint is a favorite for many around the world. In Sweden her feast day of December 13 signifies the shortest days of the year in the middle of winter. The Swedes celebrate this change of season with a Festival of Light. In other European countries young girls walk through their neighbourhood holding candles and singing carols. Being the patron saint of the visually impaired, since the opening day liturgy, the imagery associated with sight, blindness, shared vision, needs and the optics of tolerance and recognizing differences in people has become a common thread in our school's fabric.

The St. Lucy Catholic School Community together with the Guardian Angel's Parish embraces the uniqueness and diversity of each student. We are committed to providing a safe, caring, healthy and inclusive community where the pursuit of student well-being, academic excellence, lifelong learning and spiritual growth is fostered and enlightened within each person, "through the eyes of faith".

Core Principles

Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Lucy Catholic Elementary School

The Catholic School Learning Plan (CSLP) has been aligned with the Catholic Board Learning Plan to address the board’s five shared priorities of Creating

Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading; Building Collaborative Practices through Inquiry; Enhancing Transitional Practices; Knowing the

Learner through Assessment; and Responding Through Effective Instruction. The Catholic School Learning Plan is also aligned with the Catholic Board

Strategic Plan.


The St. Lucy school community models, celebrates and nourishes gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centred programs and services through:

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St. Lucy Catholic Elementary School

Learning Plan

• Virtue assemblies, houses, displays, and liturgies

• Evidence of a sacred space in each classroom and in front foyer

• Liturgies, Masses and Sacramental Celebrations

• Gospel readings, prayers and reflections over the announcements every day and ongoing in classrooms

• Social Justice Initiatives occurring throughout the year with staff and students (Terry Fox, ShareLife, Food Drives, etc.)

• Student Retreats (Confirmation)

• Celebration of the Sacraments

• Bullying Prevention Program in partnership with Peel Police and Peel Health

• Healthy Living activities in partnership with Peel Health, School Council and the CCCCATeam

• Environmental focus and participation in Eco School initiative

• Further opportunities for Youth Ambassadors through the Citizenship Club

• Strong relationship with Guardian Angels parish and Father Jan

• Welcoming newcomers and providing assistance to families through the School Social Worker and Child and Youth Worker

• Engage parents through volunteer programs at the school


Summary of St. Lucy's most recent EQAO assessment performance:


• Primary Reading: 76%

• Primary Writing: 76%

• Primary Mathematics: 61%


• Junior Reading: 73%

• Junior Writing: 67%

• Junior Mathematics: 37%

Observations regarding school progress in EQAO:

Reading at both the primary and junior have increased significantly. There has also been an 11% increase in junior mathematics. Writing and primary mathematics have decreased slightly. Reading and writing will continue to be an areas of foci for all divisions with a strong emphasis on mathematics in order to improve student well-being and achievement.

The St. Lucy Catholic School Learning Plan focuses on improvement in reading, writing and mathematics through the use of Guided Reading, Guided Writing and Guided Practice. A focus on the collaborative inquiry process to teaching and learning will foster greater student voice, create conditions for learning, and increase student engagement in and understanding of the learning process. Professional development sessions throughout the school year to further understanding of teaching and learning in mathematics continue to be a prime focus in order to move students forward in the area of mathematics. Staff are committed to improving student understanding of and achievement in numeracy through the use of a variety strategies which are not limited to the three-part lesson, use of manipulatives and accountable talk.

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St. Lucy Catholic Elementary School

Learning Plan

School community supports and provides opportunities for life-long learning:

• Math Help Hotline

• Transition Planning for Grade 8 to Grade 9

• Use of profiles K - 6 and My BluePrint (Grades 7 - 8) to support students in identifying interests that will inform future learning pathways and eventual career planning

• Co-op student placements from secondary school

• Eco School re-certification to promote environmental stewardship

• Teachers are lifelong learners, acting as role models by attending in-services, PODS, courses and workshops

• Special Education model values and promotes inclusion of all

• EQAO after school tutoring program

• Welcome to Kindergarten evenings

• School Council Evening presentations

• Promote and support Summer Literacy camp and intermediate summer school programs

Commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement:

• Several primary and junior classes involved in the professional development networks with a focus on the 3 Part lesson and assessment

• Differentiated Instruction is occurring in all classrooms

• SMART Board technology and I-Pads are used to enhance program delivery

• Common grade level planning time is implemented

• Monthly staff meeting focus on professional development

• Integration meetings to plan next steps for students

• EQAO Tutoring Program

• Two hour morning literacy block and one hour numeracy block are in place

• Professional learning materials to support school priorities

• Collaboration with Special Assignment Teacher, Reading Recovery and Early Literacy Teacher

• Reading Recovery Program is in place

• Common Guided Reading Program for all primary students


Catholic School Councils:

• Parents are strongly encouraged to join in the partnership of their child’s education

• School Council meetings occur monthly and are open to all parents and guardians within the St. Lucy community

• Volunteers are encouraged to participate in the life of the school

• PRO Grant initiatives allow for parent participation in activities organized by School Council

• Events are planned that encourage parent participation and build community (i.e. movie nights)

Community partnerships and collaboratives:

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St. Lucy Catholic Elementary School

Learning Plan

• Peel Police programs: Anti-Bullying, Cyber bullying, RAID

• Students attend the Peel Safety Village

• Brampton Clean City and Recycling – Bulb planting, Litterless lunches etc.

• Junior Achievement Program for grade 7 & 8 students

• Fire Department visits and education programs

• Region of Peel Health Department working collaboratively with staff and students on the CCCCATeam

• Brampton Northwest Connects

• Cassie Campbell Recreation Centre– Chillin’ after school program

• PLASP program

• Earth Rangers Presentation

• MADD program for the intermediate students


St. Lucy promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student success by:

• Providing announcements for the Parish

• Making available Parish bulletin in school office

• Sharing of Parish information via the school newsletter

• Encouraging parents to be part of sacramental preparation

• Participating in the St. Lucy Feast Day celebrations, Advent and Lenten masses

• Collaboratively creating and sharing the Pastoral plan with the parish priest and the Guardian Angel’s parish

• Celebrating regular masses throughout the school year

• Financial support to Share Life, Guardian Angel's Parish (Building Fund)


St. Lucy engages in modeling and promoting good stewardship of resources by:

• School “Green Team”/recycling program

• Celebration of Earth Day and Earth Hour

• Encouraging Litterless Lunches

• Bulb planting in fall

• Monitoring electricity and water consumption

• Participation in Healthy School initiatives


St. Lucy demonstrates financial responsibility by:

• Aligning School budget to school goals and student learning as per the Catholic School Learning Plan

• Maintaining a balanced budget

• Adhering to all guidelines and policies and using tracking mechanisms to ensure compliance with all Board protocols

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St. Lucy Catholic Elementary School

Learning Plan

• Annual Budgets reviewed monthly

• Fundraising activities are determined in consultation with the Catholic School Council and are reported upon as per Board protocols

• Charitable donations to community and outreach program as appropriate

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St. Lucy Catholic Elementary School

Learning Plan

Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading


1.0 By the end of 2016, there will be a decrease in the proportion of students indicating that they have felt not accepted by other students, as demonstrated by the CCCC Climate Survey results.

Action Plans

Sustain a Catholic Community of Culture and Caring Action Team (CCCCAT)

1.0 If we are more intentional in creating respectful conditions for well-being, learning and leading in a positive climate (e.g., creating a healthy social space by inviting the voice of all learners and active listening; a healthy spiritual space by identifying needs and practicing virtues), then all learners will feel safe, included, supported and welcomed.

Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry


2.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support collaborative inquiry and applied knowledge gained through professional learning opportunities and networking, as demonstrated by the Catholic Board Learning Plan professional learning feedback.

Action Plans

2.0 If we continue to embrace collaborative inquiry as a process for learning, then all learners will be actively engaged as collaborative contributors in building and mobilizing knowledge.

Enhancing Transitional Practices


3.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students who have demonstrated improvement on the learning skill and work habit of selfregulation as evidenced through report card data.

Action Plans

Use of Accountable Talk in Mathematics

3.0 By the end of the three years, there will be an increase in the successful practices that support transitional practices.

Action Plans

3.0 If we continue to intentionally collaborate to provide transitional practices that support learner well-being and development, then learners will progress in their journey of self- discovery and self-direction toward vocation.

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St. Lucy Catholic Elementary School

Learning Plan

Knowing the Learner through Assessment


4.0 By 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support knowing the learner through assessment.

Action Plans

4.0 If we continue to intentionally focus on assessment for and as learning, then all learners will use metacognitive strategies to analyze, articulate and responsibly act on their own reflective thinking and learning.

Responding through Effective Instruction


5.0 By 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support effective instruction as evidenced by an increase in the proportion of students achieving a level 3 or 4 on the EQAO assessment.

Action Plans

5.0 If we continue designing effective lessons, making use of collaborative work (three-part lesson, guided practice/guided reading) in flexible groupings, then learners will effectively communicate their critical and creative thinking to develop and apply processes, skills and strategies across disciplines.

By the end of 2016, student well - being and achievement in the area of reading will increase.

Action Plans

If we continue to provide students having difficulties in literacy with the Empower Reading and Reading Recovery program then learners will begin to use reading strategies to decode text and improve fluency.

Outcome Timeframe




Not Assigned

Action Plan Priority




Not Assigned

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