Loyola Catholic Secondary School Learning Plan Mission * LOYOLA’S MISSION STATEMENT The Students and Staff at Loyola Catholic Secondary School foster personal academic excellence in a socially supportive environment. We celebrate spirituality and diversity through achieving, believing and community living in an inclusive Catholic environment. It is the mission of the school community at Loyola Catholic Secondary School to instill in our students the love of God and neighbour and the desire to acquire skills, knowledge, attitudes and values which will allow them to become independent, responsible, productive and contributing members of a rapidly changing multicultural society. We, the staff, promote a commitment to life-long learning, family and social responsibility, environmental awareness, and social, cultural and gender equity. Motto Glory to God is People Fully Alive. Catholic Focus Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:19 AM 1/11 Loyola Catholic Secondary School Learning Plan The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board believes that the Catholic faith, as expressed through Gospel values, is the driving force in the board’s community of learners, which includes five key groups: students; the parish, home and community; teachers and support staff; administrators and supervisory officers; and trustees. The board strives to be a Christ-centered system in which all may work and learn in a supportive, inclusive, meaningful, and respectful environment. Within the context of an authentic Catholic learning community, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School board strives “… to provide students with the opportunity to realize their potential and develop into highly skilled, knowledgeable, caring citizens who contribute to society.” As a diverse educational community responding to God’s call, Dufferin-Peel fosters and nourishes an inclusive atmosphere rooted in tradition and scripture. The board continues to commit to the guiding principles of Learning for All: K-12 and to Dufferin-Peel’s Equity and Inclusive Education Policy. For 36 years Loyola Catholic Secondary School has been a guiding light in Catholic education in the area of Educational Excellence infused with the Gospel values. Our prayer life, liturgical celebrations, the sacraments and our faith has been the foundation for our students to develop both spiritually and academically. The virtues of faith, empathy, conscience, hope, self-control, respect, kindness, love, acceptance and fairness are taught to our students which result in both high levels of student achievement and good citizens who learn to view life through the Catholic perspective. We are called to be selfless and ensure that we respect the dignity, values and needs of all as exemplified by Jesus. Equally important is the need to work with all members of the community. As a staff and school council, we work hard bringing all stakeholders together to form a Catholic community in the service of developing the spiritual, intellectual, physical and emotional needs of all students in our care. Our Catholicity gives us our uniqueness. Collectively, we must ensure that we continue to discover viable modes of making Catholic values and practices visible and an integral part of our everyday life. We believe that: - everyone is made in the image and likeness of God - every child has an intrinsic worth - every child can learn - everyone is called to serve and share their talents with the school community Core Principles CATHOLICITY 1. How does the school community model, celebrate and nourish gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christcentered programs and services? Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:19 AM 2/11 Loyola Catholic Secondary School Learning Plan We model Gospel values in all that we do and in our daily interactions with students, staff and community. Examples of how Gospel values are infused in the life of our school are: - Model by example - Catholic Code of Conduct - Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations - Daily morning and afternoon prayers and reflections that are engaging and meaningful - Liturgies - liturgical calendar - School-wide masses - On-going access to the school chapel - Faith filled music professing our faith - TERT Response - Virtues Program - Each month a department will be assigned a virtue and will involve their students and staff to represent, personify and demonstrate the virtue to the rest of the school. - Sacred spaces are established within every classroom and within strategic locations in the school. - Pastoral Team - Faith Ambassadors - Grade level Retreats - specific to the needs of each grade - Girls Night In/Boys Night In - Extra-curricular opportunities in Athletics, Arts, Horticulture & Landscape, HOPE - Catholic Community, Culture & Caring Action Team - Community Outreach: Food Drives, Dr. Simone's, Terry Fox Run, Carmel Heights Retirement Residence and Christmas Hampers. The school community supports over 15 charitable organizations every year, thus teaching our students the meaning of charity and compassion. - Blood Donor Clinic - Catholic Education Week events - Breakfast Club - Student Leadership Opportunities – i.e. Leadership Camp, Rising Stars, Navig8, LINK Crew, Diversity Conference, etc. - Guest Speakers - School Council - keeping parents informed, i.e. workshops for parents on relevant school issues - CultureFest - School-parish relationships LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Loyola supports the needs of all learners by offering a variety of programs, i.e. SHSM in Landscape and Horticulture and Sports Management and Performance; Experience Success Program; Extended French; English Language Learners; Planning For Independence Program; Alternative Education; and Co-operative Education. Loyola's commitment to the continuous improvement in student achievement: - By offering academic support through Academic Resource, ESL Resource and Student Success Resource - Staff participation in a variety of professional development opportunities in high yield strategies i.e., Learning Goals & Success Criteria, Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:19 AM 3/11 Loyola Catholic Secondary School Learning Plan Differentiated Instruction and Assessment, 3-Part Lesson Plan, Use of Manipulatives, Math Processes; Boys Literacy. 1. Please summarize the school's most recent EQAO Grade 9 mathematics assessment performance. - Grade 9 Academic Mathematics: 88% - Grade 9 Applied Mathematics: 45% Observations regarding school progress in Grade 9 EQAO: - Although our scores from last year have dropped by 1% at the Academic level and 26% at the Applied level our teaching staff managed to move student achievement at the Applied level significantly from level 1 to level 2. Many "gaps" in math skills were identified early in each semester. Our Academic scores continue to surpass the provincial standards. - EQAO preparation on a regular basis through units of study and the use of EQAO work booklets - EQAO related activities are implemented regularly in assessments throughout the Grade 9 math courses 2. Please summarize the school’s most recent Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) performance. - OSSLT results for First-Time Eligible Students (FTE):91% - OSSLT results for Previously Eligible Students (PE): 77% Observations regarding school progress on the OSSLT: - We continue to work on school-wide initiatives towards student success in the OSSLT in all areas. - The Academic Resource Department supports all Grade 10 students with an IEP for the OSSLT requirements. The Academic Resource Department has workshops before the OSSLT date for Grade 10 students to reinforce the reading and writing formats. Grade 10 students writing the OSSLT using assistive technology also participate in workshops before the OSSLT. Students have found these workshops beneficial to supporting their overall comprehension of the OSSLT components. On the test date the Academic Resource Department supports the Grade 10 students with an IEP by providing alternative rooms for additional time, rooms equipped with computers for students to use and computers for students to use assistive technology. Some senior students with an IEP are also supported by ARD before and on the OSSLT date. Overall these strategies assist our students in the successful completion of the Literacy test. - We provide extra support for our English Language Learners who must also take the test by working with them individually on ESL adapted activities which highlight culturally relevant material to which they need to be exposed. Credit Accumulation (%): Grade 9 (8 or more credits): 92% Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:19 AM 4/11 Loyola Catholic Secondary School Learning Plan Grade 10 (16 or more credits): 90% Grade 11 (22 or more credits): 96% 3. Describe how the school community supports and provides opportunities for life-long learning. We will continue to encourage all students to be life-long learners by providing them with: - Authentic learning experiences i.e. competitions, athletics, social justice, community outreach - Exposure to the arts, music, sports and technology - Provide our French language students the opportunity to participate in the Concours d'Art Oratoire (Public French Speaking contest) - Healthy active living opportunities outside course curriculum - Motivational speakers who are examples of life-long learners - Leadership Opportunities - Apprenticeship/College/University Information Night Furthermore, we provide the following opportunities to our students: - Differentiated Instruction, High-Yield Instructional Strategies, Universal Design for Learning & Tiered Approach - TIPS & 3-part lesson for math - P.U.S.H program (Alternative Education) - Credit Rescue/Credit Recovery - CO-OP & OYAP - Dual-Credit Program - Specialist High Skill Major (SHSM) - Horticulture & Landscaping and Sports Management and Performance - LINK Crew & Other leadership opportunities (i.e. leadership camp, integrated leadership opportunities in various courses) - Recycling Program - Get-Ready Program - After school remedial Literacy & Numeracy classes - Guest Speakers & other community members (i.e. NPU officers) - ESL, ARD and SST Resource periods to assist all learners - Breakfast Club We will continue to encourage all staff to be life-long learners by providing them with: - Leadership opportunities - Professional Learning Teams - Planning Days by department - Staff Professional Development - Conference Funding opportunities - Faith Development Days 4. Outline ways the school demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:19 AM 5/11 Loyola Catholic Secondary School Learning Plan well-being of all learners. We continue to provide our staff with professional development opportunities to ensure that they have the necessary skills to offer the best possible instruction to our students. In the school, many teachers share their expertise by participating on the following teams and initiatives: - Program Council Professional Learning Team (incorporating Learning Goals & Success Criteria, Descriptive Feedback, Assessment & Evaluation and Differentiated Instruction) - Literacy Team - Numeracy Team - Catholic Community, Culture & Caring Action Team (pastoral plan) - Regular "At-Risk & Identified Student" TEAM Meetings, IPRC's - Transitions Team - Subject Councils - Review of school data to come up with interventions and strategies for student success - Continuous review of data to provide supports in needed areas In addition to classroom supports, students are offered supports and recognition through: - Experiential learning opportunities - Positive Feedback - Alternative Education Programs - SHSM - Co-op Programs - Safe Schools Program - ELL supports - Newcomer Program - Settlement Worker - ARD support - Student Success Initiatives, credit rescue, credit recovery - Breakfast Program - Power Hour Club - Accelerated Reader Program - Technology in the classroom - Use of school website for student access to missed work and updates for school community - Recognition/Awareness through social media - i.e. Twitter - Website and auto-dialer to update and inform school community of upcoming assessment periods and interview nights - Literacy & Numeracy initiatives and supports - Academic Awards Breakfast - Athletic Awards - Extra help programs through lunches and SSI - LINK Crew provides supports to the younger students in the areas of academics and non-academics Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:19 AM 6/11 Loyola Catholic Secondary School Learning Plan - Interventions through our student success support team: Student Services, CYW, SW, Psychologist and SST COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 1. How does your school community ensure that Catholic School Councils reflect the diverse Catholic community? All members of our community are invited to be part of our School Council. Parents on the School Council are very supportive of the school and actively participate in the many activities that take place both during the school day and after school. - Regular school council meetings - School council representatives share information re: school community events through emails and the school community receives information re. via auto dialer, school website and social media - Representation of parish on school council - School council reflects Loyola's diverse Catholic community through its membership and presentations that focus on increasing understanding of the evolving demographics of the community - Positive, collaborative and collegial partnership between Administration and School Council - School trustee is visible, accessible and supportive to our school community and frequently attends numerous school events, i.e. graduation, awards celebrations, sports events, drama and musical performances. 2. In what ways does the school team build and sustain community partnerships and collaboratives (e.g., collaborative relationships, Success By 6 Peel)? - Positive partnerships with NPU officers that include their participation in a variety of Loyola activities and events to foster a safe, caring and inclusive learning environment (i.e. charity events) - Developing and sustaining a number of community partnerships that enhance the experiential learning component associated with Cooperative Education, Horticulture and Landscape SHSM and Sports Management and Performance SHSM - Loyola Feeder Schools’ Transition Committee - School Plays, Music Concerts, Community Outreach, CultureFest - Food Drives - Settlement Worker (assists families of our English Language Learners (ELL)) - Blood Donor Clinic - Parent Information Nights, Curriculum Night, Grade 8 Parent Information, Grade 9 Orientation & BBQ/Open House, Post-Secondary Fair - Rising Stars - Alternative Education Opportunities (PUSH Program) PARISH-HOME-SCHOOL 1. Comment on how the school promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student success. Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:19 AM 7/11 Loyola Catholic Secondary School Learning Plan - St. Ignatius Loyola Parish Church is an essential part of Loyola's school community, as we enjoy frequent school visits by the priest. Loyola partners with the parish on the Share Life Initiative. Invite parish priest to school and school-related events Parish school council representation All school masses and liturgical celebrations take place in our new chapel Pastoral Plan shared with parish community Provide parish with school newsletter Assist parish with fundraising Christmas baskets Dr. Simone Community workshops CultureFest NPU officer charity games and activities with students and staff School web-page/Twitter Updates/Parish website link NPU officers deliver various safety programs PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT 1. What activities does the school engage in that models and promote good stewardship of resources? Loyola engages in activities that model and promote good stewardship: - Recycling program - Community Clean-up Projects - Tree Planting through Landscaping Technology - Recycling Electronics Initiative - Eco School (Green School) - Staff focus on reducing paper usage in the classroom - Provide environmental initiatives to students - i.e. Earth Day-community clean-up - Partnerships with the City of Mississauga in regards to our sports field - Global crisis fundraising 2. Outline the ways the school demonstrates financial responsibility. - Annual Department Budgets reviewed Annual Office Budget reviewed Purposeful spending Clear outline of the use of Student Activity Fees Transparency regarding fees collected from students Social Justice and community fundraising Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:19 AM 8/11 Loyola Catholic Secondary School Learning Plan - Charitable donations to community and outreach programs wherever possible - All academic programs and extra-curricular activities adhere to the fiscal responsibility of the Loyola community Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:19 AM 9/11 Loyola Catholic Secondary School Learning Plan Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading Outcomes 1. By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students that feel safe at school as evidenced by the CCCC School Climate Survey results. Action Plans Safe Schools Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry Outcomes 2. By the end of June 2016 there will be an increase in the proportion of staff implementing the practice of using descriptive feedback as a means of providing students with information about their own learning, improving student achievement as demonstrated in "Learning Walks", teacher performance appraisals, class pilot projects and the provincial report card. Action Plans Descriptive Feedback Enhancing Transitional Practices Outcomes 3. By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students, per applicable cohort, successfully completing their respective secondary program requirements or transitions in the community. Action Plans Transitions Knowing the Learner through Assessment Outcomes 4. By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of educators who have increased their understanding of assessment for, as and of learning. Teachers will be asked to focus on posing Essential Questions encouraging higher order thinking and improving student achievement. Action Plans Assessment & Evaluation Implement effective instructional practice - Effective Questioning to Elicit Information to Guide Instruction with a focus on Essential Questions promoting higher order thinking. Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:19 AM 10/11 Loyola Catholic Secondary School Learning Plan Responding through Effective Instruction Outcomes 5.1 By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in student performance on the OSSLT by all students, including at-risk, identified and previously eligible. Action Plans Effective Instruction - Literacy 5.2 By the end of 2016, students will increase their understanding of the literacy within Mathematics courses which will improve their overall literacy skills and ensure an increase in the number of students (applied and academic) who successfully complete the Grade 9 Math EQAO. Action Plans Effective Instruction - Numeracy Outcome Timeframe Action Plan Priority Long-term High Medium-term Medium Short-term Low Not Assigned Not Assigned Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:19 AM 11/11