Cardinal Leger Secondary School Learning Plan Mission * CARDINAL LÉGER'S MISSION STATEMENT The students and staff at Cardinal Léger Secondary School, celebrate spirituality and diversity through achieving, believing and community living in an inclusive Catholic environment. It is the mission of the school community at Cardinal Léger Catholic Secondary School to challenge students to: engage in life-long learning and the pursuit of excellence in reaching their full spiritual, academic, social, emotional and physical potential; acquire and demonstrate the required skills and attitudes that equip them for the future; grow in an understanding of Roman Catholic teachings and traditions and to incorporate these into their everyday life. It is the mission of the school community at Cardinal Léger Secondary School to provide an environment: where we grow and learn within the context of a cooperative, community team of the Family, School and Church; where the ideals of mutual trust, responsibility, equality and respect for all are encouraged and fostered. Motto Growing in Truth and Love Catholic Focus Cardinal Léger’s Catholic Focus Cardinal Leger Secondary School's theme for 2015-2016, “Opening Doors of Mercy” enables the Cardinal Leger community to have a common faith vision and plan of action. This is also the board theme for Catholic Education Week, May 2nd to May 6th, 2016. We believe that every member of our community is created in the image of God which allows us to appreciate the breadth and wonder of who we are and enables us to celebrate the dignity of each person as a child of God. We rejoice in the many images of God reflected in the faces we encounter each day. Our namesake Cardinal Paul Emile Leger ministered to “the faces of Jesus” as revealed in the poor and the unwanted of our society. His charisma challenges us to go beyond our comfort zone and, look for the joy of Christ in each of us, to open our heart to the sacredness that lies within each person, especially those on the margins. Filled with hope, and fervently depending on the grace of God we joyfully proclaim the Good News to all we meet. We proclaim and celebrate the Spirit in Hospitality, Understanding, Wisdom, Justice and Gratitude. It is our goal at Cardinal Leger Secondary School to deepen the understanding that we are created in the image of God through our faith story as revealed in Sacred Scripture and in the tradition of the Catholic Church and to proclaim joyfully this Good News with hope and courage. Through activities of a religious nature, Catholicity across the curriculum, and other pastoral and outreach activities students will be able to live out the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations allowing them to develop into: a Discerning Believer formed in the Catholic Faith Community; an Effective Communicator; a Reflective, Creative and Holistic Thinker; a Self-Directed, Responsible and Lifelong Learner; a Collaborative Contributor; a Caring Family Member; and a Responsible Citizen. Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:16 AM 1/11 Cardinal Leger Secondary School Learning Plan Our hope for Cardinal Leger Secondary School is: 1. That our prayer be founded on the belief that we are created in the image of God which calls us to live the Christian virtues of the gospel. We manifest this belief by incorporating the gospel virtues and responding to the precious grace filled moments in our daily lives. 2. That our teaching be underscored by the realization that the unique relationship that exists between humanity and God is what makes us sacred beings. This Good News is to be announced and proclaimed daily in our morning reflection and prayer, in classroom prayer, and in our 8:00 a.m. prayer and praying the rosary daily in chapel. 3. That we serve one another with an awareness that our giftedness is for the service of others, especially those pushed aside as insignificant in the world. By inviting others into our community, and by sharing our gifts and talents with others we can make everyone in our community feel valued and welcome. 4. That we provide outreach to the local and global community to promote justice in a world of greed and deceit. Classes will be invited to take part in projects of charity and social justice. We will make time during the day and throughout the school year for community outreach to places such as Knights Table and Canadian Food for Children. 5. That we take time to celebrate the Eucharist together as a community, in our school chapel every Wednesday morning at 7:45 a.m., and at St. Mary's Parish every Thursday morning at 9:00 a.m. with the Parish community and our students. 6. That we take time for special liturgical prayer as a community during the seasons of Advent, Lent and Easter. The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board believes that the Catholic faith, as expressed through Gospel values, is the driving force in the board’s community of learners, which includes five key groups: students; the parish, home and community; teachers and support staff; administrators and supervisory officers; and trustees. The board strives to be a Christ-centered system in which all may work and learn in a supportive, inclusive, meaningful, and respectful environment. Within the context of an authentic Catholic learning community, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School board strives “…to provide students with the opportunity to realize their potential and develop into highly skilled, knowledgeable, caring citizens who contribute to society.” The board is further committed to: • deepening the understanding, appreciation and practice of the Catholic Christian lifestyle, with Jesus as role model; • • aligning a system-wide approach to Catholicity, whereby all educational practices are implemented through a Catholic lens; developing graduates who are fully alive in Christ, “not only in terms of knowledge and skills, but in terms of values, attitudes and actions”; encouraging unique approaches to support system priorities and the principal strands of faith education: prayer and liturgy; sacramentality; morality and justice; and scripture and church. • Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:16 AM 2/11 Cardinal Leger Secondary School Learning Plan As a diverse educational community responding to God’s call, Dufferin-Peel fosters and nourishes an inclusive atmosphere rooted in tradition and scripture. The board continues to commit to the guiding principles of Learning for All: K-12 and to Dufferin-Peel’s Equity and Inclusive Education Policy (developed in accordance with the provincial Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy), while: • being authentic witnesses to our Catholic faith; • • • being responsible stewards of God’s grace in the world; respecting human dignity; modelling all learners after Jesus, as ministers of compassion and service. To strengthen its Catholic identity, Dufferin-Peel will continue to develop opportunities for faith formation of students and staff, together with an educational program which strives to integrate the board’s fundamental beliefs and values into all of its endeavours. Core Principles Catholicity Cardinal Leger celebrates and nourishes gospel values in teaching and learning. We celebrate and nourish Gospel values in all that we do and in our daily interactions with students, staff and community. Examples of how Gospel values are infused in the life of our school are: • Model by example • Catholic Code of Conduct • Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations • Daily prayer and reflections • Masses and Liturgies - liturgical calendar • Weekly Mass in School Chapel celebrated by a priest from St. Mary's Parish • Weekly Class Mass at St. Mary’s Parish to be celebrated with the community • Pastoral Team • Faith Ambassadors • Grade level Retreats • Salesian Retreats • Girls Night In/Boys Night In • Extra-curricular opportunities in Athletics & Arts • Catholic Community, Culture & Caring Action Team • Community Outreach: Food Drives, Knight’s Table, Dr. Simone's Canadian Food for Children, Natural Disaster Relief, Terry Fox Run, Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:16 AM 3/11 Cardinal Leger Secondary School Learning Plan Community Relief Efforts, Christmas Hampers and Syrian Refugee Fundraiser • Blood Donor Clinic • CPR Day • Breakfast of Champions • Catholic Education Week events • Sunrise Blessing/Sunset Blessing • March for Life • Spiritual Pilgrimage to Montreal • Mosaic Cross Visit and Prayer • Breakfast Club “Before the Bell” and Lunch Club • Student Leadership Opportunities – i.e. Diversity Conference, YMCA Leadership, Peer Mentors at St. Mary Elementary School, “Navig8”, Teen Mentors with Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Cardinal Leger Student Government • LINK Crew - model values of caring and belonging • Guest Speakers • Differentiated Instruction • School Council – keeping parents informed i.e. workshops for parents (drugs & alcohol) • Cyber bullying for all Grade 9 classes • Bullying Awareness • Hope247 Initiatives • RISINGStars Partnership and Activities • Students Against Intolerance Now Together (S.A.I.N.T.) • Multicultural Night • Mental Health and Wellness Strategy • FNMI Activities and Initiatives Learning Environment EQAO Grade 9 mathematics assessment performance. • Grade 9 Academic Mathematics: 87% • Grade 9 Applied Mathematics: 62% Observations regarding school progress in Grade 9 EQAO: We are pleased with our scores in the academic stream. Our school scores are up 4% from 2010-2011 and continue to be well above the provincial average. Although we acknowledge the significant work before us in developing math skills for all learners, we are very pleased with the increase in our applied stream. We have an increase of 2% in our applied level math that is an 8% increase over the last 5 years. Our school is 2% above the board average for the 20142015 school year. We continue to work on school- wide initiatives to incorporate mathematics across the curriculum. Students have an opportunity to work on after school practice in preparation for the EQAO Math test. Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:16 AM 4/11 Cardinal Leger Secondary School Learning Plan Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) performance. • OSSLT results for First-Time Eligible Students (FTE): 76% • OSSLT results for Previously Eligible Students (PE): 31% Observations regarding school progress on the OSSLT: We continue to work on school-wide initiatives towards student success in the OSSLT in all areas. We provide extra support for our English Language Learners who must also take the test by working with them individually on ESL adapted activities which highlight culturally relevant material to which they need to be exposed. Cardinal Leger offers after school literacy classes 4 days per week in both Semester 1 and Semester 2 this year. We have begun “Literacy Mondays” at Cardinal Leger, where all grade 10 students will have opportunities to practice for the OSSLT in all their classes. Opportunities for life-long learning. We will continue to encourage all students to be life-long learners by providing them with: • Authentic learning experiences i.e. competitions, athletics, social justice, community outreach • Exposure to the arts, music and technology • Provide our French language students the opportunity to participate in the Concours d'Art Oratoire (Public French Speaking contest) • Healthy active living opportunities outside course curriculum • Speakers who are examples of life-long learners • Leadership Opportunities • Information on post-secondary options Furthermore, we provide the following opportunities to our students: • Differentiated Instruction, High-Yield Instructional Strategies, Universal Design for Learning & Tiered Approach • TIPS and 3-part lesson for math • CLASS program (Alternative Education) • Credit Recovery/Credit Rescue • CO-OP & OYAP • Dual-Credit Program • Specialist High Skill Major (SHSM) • My Blueprint • LINK Crew & Other leadership opportunities • Eco-Club and Recycling Program • Knights Table • Dr. Simone’s Canadian Food For Children • Get-Ready Program Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:16 AM 5/11 Cardinal Leger Secondary School Learning Plan • RISINGStars Initiatives • After school remedial Literacy and Numeracy classes • Guest Speakers & other community members (i.e. NPU officers) We will continue to encourage all staff to be life-long learners by providing them with: • Leadership opportunities • Staff Professional Development • Conference Funding opportunities • Faith Development Days • Professional Learning Teams • Professional Development at Monthly Staff meetings • Release time for co-planning/co-teaching • Opportunity to join PLTs • Co-learning opportunities with Academic Consultants • Mental Health and Wellness Support Cardinal Leger demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all learners. We continue to provide our staff with professional development opportunities to ensure that they have the necessary skills to offer the best possible instruction to our students. In the school, many teachers share their expertise by participating on the following teams and initiatives: • Program Council Professional Learning Team (incorporating Assessment & Evaluation and Differentiated Instruction) • Literacy Team • Numeracy Team • Assessment and Evaluation/Differentiated Instruction Learning Team • Catholic Community, Culture & Caring Action Team • Catholic School Learning Team • Regular "At-Risk & Identified Student" Team Meetings • Transitions Team • Continuous review of data to provide supports in needed areas • Collaborative inquiry practices in the area of co-plan and co-teach In addition to classroom supports, students are offered supports and recognition through: • Experiential learning opportunities • Descriptive Feedback • Alternative Education Programs • Specialist High Skills Major • Co-op Programs • Skills Canada • Safe Schools Program • English Language Learner supports • Newcomer Program Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:16 AM 6/11 Cardinal Leger Secondary School Learning Plan • Settlement Worker • Academic Resource Department support • Student Success Initiatives, credit recovery, credit rescue • Homework Club • Accelerated Reader Program • Technology in the classroom • Use of school website for student access to missed work and updates for school community • Recognition/Awareness through social media - i.e. Twitter • Cardinal Leger Blog site replacing the Lancer Express newspaper • Literacy & Numeracy initiatives and supports • Academic Awards and Breakfast of Champions • Extra help programs through lunches and Student Success Initiatives • LINK Crew provides supports to the younger students in the areas of academics and non-academics • Interventions through our student success support team: Vice-Principal, Child and Youth Worker, Social Worker, Student Services and Student Success Teacher Community Engagement Cardinal Leger Secondary School ensures that its Catholic School Council reflect the diverse Catholic community by: All members of our community are invited to be part of our School Council. Parents on the School Council are very supportive of the school and actively participate in the many activities that take place both during the school day and after school. • Regular school council meetings • School council representatives share information re: school community events through emails and the school community receives information via auto dialer, school website and twitter • Representation of all parishes on school council • We support the diverse needs of the parents by providing workshops and resources • Website and auto-dialer to update and inform school community of upcoming assessment periods, interview night and other important events and opportunities at Cardinal Leger Cardinal Leger Secondary School builds and sustains community partnerships: • Cooperative Education Partners • Leger Feeder Schools’ Transition Committee • Multicultural Night, School Plays, Music Concerts, Community Outreach: Food Drives, Knight’s Table, Dr. Simone, Milk Bag Collection, Christmas Hampers, Dufferin Child and Family Services connections • Settlement Worker (assists families of our English Language Learners (ELL) • Post-Secondary Fair (colleges and universities in Ontario) • Blood Donor Clinic and CPR Day • Big Brothers/Big Sisters Teen Mentoring with feeder schools • YMCA Leadership • Santa Claus Parade • Brampton Library • Parent Information Nights, Curriculum Night, Grade 8 Parent Information, Grade 9 Orientation & BBQ/Open House, Teen Mentoring Program, and Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:16 AM 7/11 Cardinal Leger Secondary School Learning Plan SHSM Partners • Partnerships with PCC, Peel Health, Dr. Simone, Knight’s Table, Breakfast for Kids, City of Brampton – Park Clean-up, • New initiatives with Hope247 • Peel Health “Foundations for a Healthy School” • Activities and Initiatives with RISINGStars • Strong relationship with Peel Regional Police Neighbourhood Policing Unit • Rogers TV Peel • Partnerships with EcoSource and Good Food Brampton • Mentorship and Leadership programs: LINK Crew • Mental Health and Wellness Community Fair Parish-Home-School Cardinal Leger Secondary School promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student success: • The school community walks to St. Mary’s church to celebrate school masses with the Léger community parishioners on a weekly basis • Pastoral plan shared with parish community • St. Mary priests celebrate weekly masses in Cardinal Leger Chapel every Wednesday morning • Invite parish priests to school events • Support of EDGE and Life Teen youth groups (St. Mary and St. Anne’s parishes) • School council representatives from both parishes • Assist parish with fundraising • Christmas baskets for parish • Graduation ceremony • Grade 9 Orientation & BBQ • Awards night • Community workshops • Multicultural Night • Healthy initiative for cafeteria lunches • Blood donor clinics • Park clean-up • St. Mary’s Senior residents invitation to school events • School web-page/Twitter Updates • Cardinal Leger blog site replacing our school newspaper • NPU officers deliver various safety programs • Community partnerships – outreach i.e. Knight’s Table, Conquer Cancer, Ecosource and Canadian Food for Children Physical Environment Cardinal Leger Secondary School is engaged in the promotion of good stewardship of resources: Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:16 AM 8/11 Cardinal Leger Secondary School Learning Plan • Eco-School Certified • Park clean-up • Recycling program • Peace garden • Provide various environmental initiatives to students – i.e. Earth Day community clean-up • Join the city of Brampton on the “Park Clean-up Days” • Global crisis fundraising • Partnerships with organizations such as Ecosource, Good Food Brampton, and Sustain Ontario Cardinal Leger Secondary School continues to demonstrate financial responsibility: The school demonstrates financial accountability by ensuring that funds are collected and expensed by the school in compliance with all Board protocols. • Annual Department Budgets reviewed monthly • Annual Office Budget reviewed monthly • SGF reports • Purposeful spending • Clear outline of what Activity Fees are used for • Transparency in Activity Fee allocation • Social Justice and Community fundraising • Charitable donations to community and outreach program wherever possible • Prompt attention to health and safety reports and response to acts of vandalism • Student Assistance Program Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:16 AM 9/11 Cardinal Leger Secondary School Learning Plan Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading Outcomes 1. By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of Cardinal Leger students indicating that they feel accepted by students in the school, as demonstrated by the CCCC School Climate Survey results. Action Plans Continue to create opportunities for students to engage and achieve the expectations as outlined in the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations. Develop opportunities for students to meet one on one with school support workers in our school. Develop strategies to assist students who are feeling alienated, unsafe, bullied and excluded Provide opportunities for community based organizations to visit Cardinal Leger and educate students on community services available to address student needs. Provide opportunities for students to feel connected to our faith community. Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry Outcomes 2. By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of educators who intend to continue to develop knowledge gained through professional learning opportunities in collaboration with others, as demonstrated by CBLP professional learning feedback. Action Plans Create professional learning environments for educators to engage in professional dialogue. Develop PLTs that support cross curricular collaborative inquiry based learning Use school, board, and provincial student data to help assess educator and student need ,and inform practice Enhancing Transitional Practices Outcomes 3. By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students who have demonstrated improvement on the learning skill and work habit of selfregulation. Action Plans Continue with team approach to assist student with transitions from Grade 8 to Grade 9. Continue to assist students with transitions changing grades in high school, and levels. Assist students with transitions from secondary to post-secondary. Develop success criteria for all learning skills and work habits to help improve student success Engage learners in the classroom in order to increase credit accumulation and ultimately increase graduation rate. Engage students in the process of self-assessment Students and teachers will co-create and identify the success criteria necessary for student improvement Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:16 AM 10/11 Cardinal Leger Secondary School Learning Plan Knowing the Learner through Assessment Outcomes 4. By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of educators who increased their understanding of assessment for and as learning, as a result of professional learning opportunities, as demonstrated by CBLP professional learning feedback. Action Plans Develop opportunities for professional development at every staff meeting Encourage the use of student data to help support expected practices around assessment and evaluation Provide teachers with resources necessary to improve their understanding and working knowledge of assessment for and as learning Responding through Effective Instruction Outcomes 5. By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students improving their EQAO achievement level and/or successfully completing the OSSLT. Action Plans Continue the use of 3-Part lesson in math and extend to other curriculum areas Continue to use 21st Century learning strategies in numeracy and literacy Increase number of students involved in the afterschool literacy and numeracy modules Increase OSSLT scores through differentiated instruction and increased use of high yield instructional strategies. 6. By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of educators who feel more knowledgeable about the focus of professional learning opportunities, as demonstrated by CBLP professional learning feedback. Action Plans Increase accessibility and time for professional learning opportunities for teachers to engage in meaningful professional dialogue and effective classroom strategies. Outcome Timeframe Action Plan Priority Long-term High Medium-term Medium Short-term Low Not Assigned Not Assigned Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:13:16 AM 11/11