Mission *

St. Joseph Secondary School
Learning Plan
Mission *
The staff and students of St. Joseph believe our school community is grounded in the Gospel messages of Jesus. He is the reason for all that we do and all
that we are in our school. We believe all students can achieve success. We believe that all members of our community deserve to feel safe, included and
welcome in our school. We believe that all the members of our school family (staff, students, parents, guardians and our Parish priests) deserve to have an
active voice and be heard as we continue to build a school community which provides excellence in Catholic education.
Latin - Carpe Diem (Seize the Day!)
Scriptural - Be not afraid ... Come follow Me!
Catholic Focus
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St. Joseph Secondary School
Learning Plan
St. Joseph’s Catholic Focus
The St. Joseph Secondary School community believes that the Catholic faith, as expressed through Gospel values, is the driving force in the school’s
community of learners, which includes five key groups: students; the parish, home and community; teachers and support staff; administrators and supervisory
officers; and trustees. St. Joseph strives to be a Christ-centered school community in which all may work and learn in a supportive, inclusive, meaningful, and
respectful environment. Within the context of an authentic Catholic learning community, St. Joseph Secondary School strives “…to provide students with the
opportunity to realize their potential and develop into highly skilled, knowledgeable, caring citizens who contribute to society" (Ontario's Equity and Inclusive
Education Strategy, 2009). St. Joe's is further committed to:
deepening the understanding, appreciation and practice of the Catholic Christian lifestyle, with Jesus Christ as role model;
aligning a school-wide approach to Catholicity, whereby all educational practices are implemented through a Catholic lens;
developing graduates who are fully alive in Christ, “not only in terms of knowledge and skills, but necessarily in terms of values, attitudes and actions
informed by reason and faith” (Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations, 2011);
encouraging unique approaches to support system priorities and the principal strands of faith education: prayer and liturgy; sacramentality; morality
and justice; and scripture and Church.
As a diverse educational community responding to God’s call, St. Joseph Secondary School fosters and nourishes an inclusive atmosphere rooted in tradition
and scripture. St. Joe's is committed to the guiding principles of Learning for All: K-12 (2013) and to Dufferin-Peel’s Equity and Inclusive Education Policy
(developed in accordance with the provincial Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy), while:
being authentic witnesses to our Catholic faith;
being responsible stewards of God’s grace in the world;
respecting human dignity;
modeling all learners after Jesus, as ministers of compassion and service.
To strengthen its Catholic identity, St. Joseph Secondary School will continue to develop opportunities for faith formation of students and staff, together with
an educational program which strives to integrate Dufferin-Peel's fundamental beliefs and values into all of its endeavours. This year, the St. Joseph school
community will be "Opening Doors of Mercy" and as a community we will strive to be people who serve the Lord and each other with: Faithfulness, Humility,
Compassion, Justice, and Joy.
Core Principles
Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Joseph Secondary School
The Catholic School Learning Plan (CSLP) has been aligned with the Catholic Board Learning Plan (CBLP) to address the Board’s five core principles:
Catholicity; Learning Environment; Community Engagement; Parish-Home-School; and Physical Environment.
St. Joseph's response to Dufferin-Peel's core principles, as outlined in the Strategic System Plan 2010 - 2015 and the additional core principles in the New
Strategic Plan focus for 2014 – 2019, is as follows:
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St. Joseph Secondary School
Learning Plan
1. How does the school community model, celebrate and nourish gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centered programs and services?
Members of the St. Joseph school community centre themselves in Jesus Christ and His gospels, using them to guide and inform our choices and
actions. Examples of how gospel values are infused into the life of the school are:
Continually revised Next Generation academic programming centered upon the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations
Increased implementation of inquiry and problem based instructional strategies.
A culture of inquiry is fostered at all levels of the school organization to support school improvement and enhanced student achievement for all
Student discipline guided by the Catholic Code of Conduct and Supporting Bias-Free Progressive Discipline in Schools (2013)
Liturgies and celebrations of the Holy Eucharist
Chaplain led program of faith formation, "Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy," for members of staff
AM and PM Prayer and Reflection over the Public Address (PA) system
Catholic Community, Culture and Caring Action Team (CCCCAT)
Anti-bullying and anti-discrimination awareness, initiatives and clubs
Faith Ambassadors Program (Adult and Student)
Chaplaincy Team - Living in Faith Everyday (L.I.F.E.)
St. Joseph Culture Shock multicultural showcase
Jags Understanding Multicultural Perspectives (J.U.M.P.) Program assists newcomers from diverse cultures
Compassionate Care Program designed to support students who are suffering the loss of a loved one
Financial Assistance Program to support students in financial need
Grade 9 Girls' Night In
March Madness - Guys' Night In (for Grades 9 and 10 boys)
Health Action Team (H.A.T) includes our Dog Therapy, Healthy Food and Beverage, Just Move Physical Activity and JAG FITT spinning room
Alternative, E-Learning, Cooperative and Experiential Programs to support differentiated student success needs
Jag Success Program for Grade 9 students with diverse learning needs
Partnership with Outward Bound to support students in Jag Success, PATH, Advanced Placement, physical education and FNMI programs
Anti-Bullying/Anti-Discrimination Week initiatives including various guest speakers
Safe Schools Online Reporting Tool
Catholic School Council
Link Crew Ambassadors - Grade 9 transition program
Grade 9 Spirit Day
School Climate survey and Catholic Graduate Exit survey
P.A.C. - Principal's Advisory Committee
School-wide and Department-wide Virtues program
Art Ministry continues to portray monthly virtues in banner art
Marketplace Ministry continues to support Catholic charities
Grade level retreats and assemblies with emphasis placed on the Virtues
Visual and Performing Arts and other specialty programs select projects that reflect gospel values and support liturgical celebrations
Initiatives to integrate students in Planning for Independence Program, such as Be a Buddy program, Green Team and Talent shows
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St. Joseph Secondary School
Learning Plan
Catholic Education Week and St. Joseph Feast Day celebrations
Participation in several community outreach and social justice activities
As a proud recipient of the Premier’s Award for Accepting Schools in 2012-13 and 2013-14, we will continue to provide our school community with
a voice to ensure that students feel safe, welcome and accepted at St. Joseph S. S.
Learning Environment
1. Please summarize the school’s most recent EQAO Grade 9 mathematics assessment performance.
Grade 9 Academic Mathematics in 2014 - 2015 is 94% (an decrease of 5% from 2013 - 2014)
Grade 9 Applied Mathematics in 2014 - 2015 is 27% (an increase of 13% from 2013 - 2014)
Sustaining and increasing these results serves as a key goal for 2015 - 2016.
2. Please summarize the school’s most recent Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) performance.
OSSLT results for First-Time Eligible Students in 2014 - 2015 is 86% (a decrease of 1% from 2013 - 2014)
Sustaining and Increasing these results serves as a key goal for 2015 - 2016.
3. Describe how the school community supports and provides opportunities for life-long learning.
For staff - active participation in Professional Learning Community and Teams, Subject Councils, Staff Meetings and numerous professional
development opportunities.
For staff and students - Two successful SHSM programs in Transportation and Business (Entrepreneurship)
For students - every department organizes several field trips and experiential learning opportunities
For staff and students - numerous guest speakers whose messages align with school goals
For students - full participation in Take Our Kids to Work Day
For all - annual "Alumni Link" brings back grads to discuss post-secondary experiences
For students - full use of “My Blueprint” for Individual Pathways Planning (IPP)
4. Outline ways the school demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all learners.
School-wide emphasis placed on engaging and developing the skills of Next Generation Learners
Staff and students participate in on-going activities which serve to address the well-being needs of students
Staff members participate actively in many Professional Learning Community/Team theory of action/inquiry projects to enhance instructional practices
Commitment to Ministry of Education and Dufferin-Peel's goals for improvement in mathematics education
Continued implementation of differentiated instructional practices to support students' diverse learning needs.
Continued development of Regional Pre-AP and Advanced Placement programming
Continued emphasis on providing effective descriptive feedback to support increased student achievement.
Continued development of the implementation of learning goals and success criteria
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St. Joseph Secondary School
Learning Plan
Continued support for balanced assessment for, as and of learning
Continued innovations (for example, use assistive technologies) in accommodating the learning needs of students with Individual Education Plans
School-wide emphasis on providing effective special provisions for students with English Language Learning needs
PATH students and peer tutors will continue to provide assistance in support of student achievement
Departments will continue to develop teacher moderation tools to ensure equity in program and instructional practices
Community Engagement
1. How does your school community ensure that the Catholic School Council reflects the diverse Catholic community?
Annual submission for Parent Reaching Out Grant (granted maximum amount for last three years) reflects goals of Catholic Community (Newcomer
resource, parenting speakers)
Regular attendance of administration, student council and teacher representatives at School Council meetings
Frequent presence of Chaplaincy Leader at monthly meetings
School council meeting dates are publicized
2. In what ways does the school team build and sustain community partnerships and collaboratives (e.g., collaborative relationships, Success By 6 Peel)?
Maintain strong communication with neighbourhood businesses
School website and Twitter reflect connections in our community and promote our programs
Involvement of community businesses and post-secondary institutions in SHSM for Transportation and Business
Work with Peel Public Health on Healthy School Initiatives and Immunization
Student volunteers and school outreach to Leisure World Seniors Residence and other community agencies
Continue to have a close relationship with our School Board Trustee by keeping lines of communication open and by inviting attendance at various
events at the school throughout the year
1. Comment on how the school promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student success.
Early warning reports and “Good News" postcards sent home
Christmas baskets for Parish families
ShareLife activities including large-scale fundraising event on Feast Day of St. Joseph
Knight’s Table service
Parish involvement in Pastoral Planning
Follow-up meetings between Chaplaincy team and Parish team to discuss detailed activities and events for year
Two school pilgrimages to St. Joseph's Parish for a school-wide Mass each year
Grade 9 pilgrimage to Mass on Grade 9 Spirit Day
Involvement of Parish team in staff celebrations, graduation festivities, athletics, visual and performing arts, etc.
Family of Schools celebrations such as Advent Retreat and Year End Mass and BBQ at St. Joseph's Parish
Annual Feast Day celebration of St. Joseph the Worker on May 1
Catholic Education Week activities and initiatives
Blessings of new programs and renovations by Parish Priest
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St. Joseph Secondary School
Learning Plan
Physical Environment
1. What activities does the school engage in that models and promote good stewardship of resources?
ECOSchools Certification 2014 and 2015 - Gold Level
Construction of recycling bins by Tech department and painted by the Art department
Decreased use of plastic bottles
Green Room (paper-free course in Grade 12)
Recycling program run by students in the Planning for Independence Program
Development of programs by the Green Team to "Green" the school
2. Outline the ways the school demonstrates financial responsibility.
Transparency in aligning resources to school priorities
Input from departments regarding budget requests
SHSM and Pathway budgets used appropriately
Adherence to all policies re: Monerix, transcript charges, fundraising, fees for learning materials, etc. as per Board GAP policy guidelines
Financial support for students in need through school-generated funds for athletics and extra-curricular activities
Continue to build upon the successful Personal Electronic Device pilot from Inclusion of Digital Citizenship programs for students in each grade
Provision of professional development and collaborative opportunities for staff in the use of the Desire2Learn and Office 365 platforms to support
student achievement
Provision of professional development and collaboration opportunities for staff to implement use of digital applications for presentations, assessment,
research and inquiry
Development of a responsible technology plan which includes equitable access to resources for students and enhances student achievement
Sacredness of Our Environment
Continue to support a school-wide program of stewardship and sustainability
Work toward attaining ECOSchools Platinum certification
Continue to develop our Peace Garden
Increase the number of water fountains equipped to refill reusable water bottles to reduce the volume of plastic water bottles in the school
Utilize PaperCut software to monitor and support reduction in paper usage
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St. Joseph Secondary School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.01 - By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students indicating that they feel cared for by an adult in the school, as demonstrated by the
CCCC School Climate Survey results.
Action Plans
Board-wide School Climate Survey
Grade 12 Exit Survey
In-house School Climate Survey
Link Crew Ambassador Transition Team
Safe Schools Online Reporting Tool
Safe Space QSA
1.02 - By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students who are likely to report bullying, as demonstrated by the CCCC School Climate
Survey results.
Action Plans
Board-wide School Climate Survey
Grade 12 Exit Survey
In-house School Climate Survey
Link Crew Ambassador Transition Team
Safe Schools Online Reporting Tool
Safe Space QSA
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 - By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of educators agreeing that they are confident to implement/refine practices addressed
through professional learning opportunities.
Action Plans
School-wide implementation of a collaborative inquiry model.
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St. Joseph Secondary School
Learning Plan
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 - By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students, per applicable cohort, successfully completing their respective secondary
program requirements or transition into the community.
Action Plans
Creating Pathways to Success
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 - By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students reporting to be motivated to learn and able to articulate strategies
supporting their learning.
Action Plans
Enhancing Well-Being in our Learning Community
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.01 - By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students achieving a level 3 or 4 on the EQAO Academic and Applied Mathematics
Action Plans
Increasing numeracy development of students.
5.02 - By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students successfully completing the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test.
Action Plans
Fostering 21st Century Literacies
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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