Evaluation Plan for Wisconsin’s Educator Effectiveness System

Evaluation Plan for Wisconsin’s Educator
Effectiveness System
Prepared for the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
● Josef Dvorak
● Daniel Marlin
● Christa Pugh
● Nels Rude
● Mai Choua Thao
Source: http://mashable.com/2012/07/23/technology-in-the-classroom/
Background on Educator Evaluation Systems
● Emerging evaluation systems
● Multidimensional evaluation
● Value-added modeling (VAM)
and other evidence-based
● Professional development
● Summative & formative feedback
Source: http://twiniversity.com/2013/12/what-teachers-really-want-for-christmas/
Wisconsin’s Educator Effectiveness System
● Statewide implementation in 2014
● System goal: “Provide a performance based evaluation that
leads to improved student learning by supporting continuous
improvement of educator practice.”
● Project goals:
● Identify recommendations for evaluating the Wisconsin
Educator Effectiveness (EE) System
● Inform creation of Request for Proposal (RFP)
Logic Model
● State selection criteria
● Contacted all states with a statewide evaluation system
● Found documentation from 15 states
● Highlighted common
and novel practices
● Four broad topics
of research
Recommendations: Research Questions
● Implementation:
How was the evaluation system enacted in each site?
● Educator perceptions:
What were teachers’ and administrators’ perceptions
of teacher evaluation and the classroom observation
rubrics being implemented?
● Burdens of reform:
What is being done in your school and/or school
district to ensure the optimal implementation of the
new teacher evaluation system?
Source: http://www.c2mclean.com/smarter-students/elementary-school-students/
Recommendations: Research Questions
● Changes to educator behavior:
To what extent did participants perceive that initial implementation of the new
teacher effectiveness measures resulted in teachers increasingly reflecting about
their practice?
● Metric and process fidelity:
Do the evaluations produce ratings that are appropriate, valid, and reliable?
● Student outcomes:
What is the impact on student outcomes?
Recommendations: Metrics
● Implementation
● Perceptions
The number of formal classroom observations was adequate to
assess my performance.
● Resources
I am confident that my district will provide me with the
opportunities and resources to achieve system goals.
● Quantitative measures
Number of teachers evaluated, median number of
observations per teacher
● Educator outcomes
Whether teachers changed their educational
practices or increased collaboration
● Student outcomes
Value-added modeling
Source: http://3forward.com/sales-leaders-blog/tips-for-sales-managers-raising-sales-effectiveness/
Recommendations: Data Collection
● Qualitative
● Surveys
● Focus groups
● Interviews
● Quantitative
● Stratified sampling
Source: http://www.employeesurveys.com/
Recommendations: Data Analysis
● Aggregate and publish survey, focus group, and
interview data
● Statistical methods
● Interrupted time-series
Source: http:/Moksony_Ferenc_Statistical_Methods_for_Program_Evaluation/ch07.html
For further information:
Contact the La Follette School’s publications office at
608-263-7657 or publications@lafollette.wisc.edu
Or see
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