Know Your Impact Great Teachers = Great Results

Know Your Impact
Great Teachers = Great Results
Know Your Impact
The successes of Barren County Schools have been influenced by
leading educational researchers and practitioners.
John Hattie and Visible Learning
Charlotte Danielson and Framework for Teaching
Harry & Rosemary Wong and The 1st Days of School
The Impact of Highly Effective &
Successful Teachers
Dr. John Hattie’s studies find that:
▪ Teachers’ beliefs and commitments influence student achievement.
▪ Teachers do make a difference in overcoming factors like poor
socioeconomic status, lack of parental involvement, apathy, etc.
▪ Statistically, the difference in a high-effect teacher and a low-effect
teacher is about 0.25 which means that a student in a high impact
classroom learns about a year more than his peers in lower-effect
The Impact of Highly Effective &
Successful Teachers
Dr. Hattie’s research identifies FIVE major dimensions of excellent teachers:
▪ Expert teachers identify the most important ways to organize and use the
content they teach.
▪ Expert teachers create an optimal classroom climate for learning.
▪ Expert teachers monitor learning and provide feedback.
▪ Expert teachers believe all students can reach success criteria.
▪ Expert teachers influence a wide range of student outcomes not solely
limited to test scores.
Framework for Teaching
Kentucky adopted of the Framework Teaching, developed by Charlotte
Danielson, for the support student achievement and professional bestpractice through the following four domains:
– Planning and Preparation
– Classroom Environment
– Instruction
– Professional Responsibilities
“Teaching is very complex work, it's a thinking person's job and
you cannot follow a cookbook." - Charlotte Danielson
Setting the stage from the 1st Day
Harry & Rosemary Wong are leading experts on establishing a classroom that
is organized and structured for student learning:
▪ Unless you have your classroom organized for success, nothing you do is
going to make any difference. You have to be organized and ready.
▪ “If students know what they are to learn, you greatly increase the chances
that the students will learn.”
“We firmly believe that teaching is the noblest of all professions—
you have the power to change your students' lives. But you have
to convince your students that they can achieve. That's half the
battle. The other half is to convince yourself that you can make a
difference.” - Harry & Rosemary Wong
How To Be An Effective
You Are Treated as You Are Dressed
“As you are dressed so shall
you be perceived; and as
you are perceived, so shall
you be treated.”
Dress for Respect
▪ Clothing may not
make a person, but
it can be a
contributing factor
in unmaking a
▪ Research reveals
that the clothing
worn by teachers
affects the work,
attitude, and
discipline of
You dress for 4 main reasons
▪ Respect
▪ Credibility
▪ Acceptance
▪ Authority
Your respect begins with your appearance.
5 significant concepts that enhance
positive expectations
▪ Address a student by
▪ Say “Please,” Please
▪ I really appreciate what
you did, “Thank You”
▪ A smile
In a study reviewing 11,000 pieces of research that
spanned 50 years, three researchers determined that
there are 28 factors that influence student learning.
What was the number 1 most important factor governing
student learning?
Classroom Management
▪ Classroom management skills are of primary importance
in determining teaching success.
▪ The number one factor governing student learning is
classroom management.
▪ The first day of school is the most important day of the
school year. Effective classroom management practices
must begin on the first day of school.
What is Classroom Management?
▪ Classroom Management refers to all the things that a
teacher does to organize students, space, time, and
materials so that instruction in content and student
learning can take place.
▪ E:\Procedures.pdf
▪ Research indicates that the amount of time that
students spend actively engaged in learning activities is
directly linked to their academic achievement.
▪ Teacher effectiveness is directly linked to their classroom
management skills.
What is the most important thing a
teacher can provide a classroom the
first week of school?
What Is A Secure Classroom?
▪ No surprises
▪ No Yelling (this is NEVER appropriate)
▪ Everyone knows what is going on (agenda is
on the board and discussed at the beginning
of each class)
▪ Specific procedures and routines for all
A Well-Managed Classroom
•High level of student •Students are working •Teacher is working
involvement with
(probably behind
•Clear student
•Students know that
•Teacher says, “ Read
assignments and tests Chapter 3 and do the
are based on
questions at the end.”
•Relatively little
•Teacher has
•Teacher makes up
wasted time,
discipline plan
rules and punishes
confusion, or
•Teacher starts class
according to their
•Teacher has agenda •Teacher takes roll
on board
•Work-oriented but
pleasant climate
•Teacher has routines.
•Teacher knows how
to bring class to
attention with out
•Teacher knows how
to praise
•Teacher tells but
does not rehears
•Teacher yells and
flicks light switch
•No praise
The Successful Classroom
▪ The work is ready
▪ The desks, books,
papers, assignments
are ready when the bell
▪ There is a positive
▪ The teacher has a
warm positive attitude
and has positive
expectations that all
students will succeed.
The Role of Differentiation in
instruction means
tailoring instruction
to meet individual
This includes:
• Content
• Processes
• Products
• Learning
• Ongoing
• Flexible
Students Learning the English Language
You will hear…
Who they really are....
▪ ESL – English as a
Second Language
▪ Exceptional
▪ LEP – Limited
English Proficient
▪ ELL – English
Language Learner
▪ Students who do not
let the language
barrier prevent them
from learning.
Special Education
You will hear…
Who they really are….
• SLD – Specific Learning
• OHI – Other Health
• MMD – Mild Mental
• DD – Developmental
• Exceptional
• Students who do
not let various
barriers prevent
them from learning.
RTI=Response to Intervention
▪ For students who:
▪ -are at/below the 20th %ile according to Universal Screener
▪ -are above the 20th %ile but are still having extreme difficulty in the classroom
▪ Areas: reading, math, writing, behavior
▪ Tier 1—All students in the regular classroom
▪ Tier 2—for qualifying students—smaller group instruction with a research-based
program OR strategy
▪ Tier 3—for students not making adequate progress in Tier 2. Instructional groups must
be smaller than Tier 2 and program/time must be more intensive than Tier 2.
▪ NEW this year: Classroom teachers will be writing specific
goals for students in RTI.
Differentiating and Danielson…
▪ Domain 1: Planning and Preparation – Content
Knowledge, Knowledge of Students, Instructional
Outcomes, Knowledge of Resources, Coherent Instruction,
Designing Student Assessments
▪ Domain 2: The Classroom Environment –
Environment of Respect and Rapport, Establish a Culture for
Learning, Manage Classroom Procedures, Manage Student
Behavior, Organize Physical Space
Differentiating and Danielson…
▪ Domain 3: Instruction – Communicating with Students,
Questioning and Discussion Techniques, Engaging Students,
Using Assessment in Instruction, Demonstrating Flexibility
and Responsiveness
▪ Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities–
Reflection, Maintain Accurate Records, Communicate with
Families, Participate in a Professional Community, Grow and
Develop Professionally, Show Professionalism
▪ “We should not
▪“Whether you
only use the brains
think you can,
we have, but all
or think you
that we can
can’t – you’re
~Woodrow Wilson
~Henry Ford
Advise for the
Days & 1 Year