Barren County Schools Co-Teaching 30-60-90 Plan

Barren County Schools
Co-Teaching 30-60-90 Plan
Goal: After 2-5 years of full implementation, Co-teaching will assist schools and our district in reducing the number of students who perform at
novice performance level to help close achievement gaps
180 Day Goal: Full implementation/continuous training/each school meeting novice reduction goal.
In the first 30 days, we will know we are successful when:
 All staff are aware that co-teaching will be a focus area
 Awareness focuses on different models of co-teaching
 The people who will be leading the effort will be identified.
The measures/evidence we will use are:
 Instructional Rounds using co-teaching checklist
 Universal Screener, RTI, School Report Card Data Analyses
 Agendas for PLC’s and monthly meetings
 Minutes from Meetings
First 30 days action strategies:
Develop Problem of Practice
Set dates for Instructional rounds and assign staff
Establish mission and vision for implementation of co-teaching
 Examine non-negotiables for success
o Common Planning time for coaches and teaching teams
o Dedicated Internal Coach(school level) for each team
o Dedicated External Coach (district level) for each team
o PD for Co-teaching teams
 Establish roles and responsibilities of each team member
 Develop communication plan
 Determine what tools will be needed
 Set a date for analysis and next steps
Who is on point? By When?
DOSE/Consultant/ Day 30
How Communicated?
Personal invitation
(email, face-to-face,
call for volunteers)
Staff meeting
Barren County Schools
Co-Teaching 30-60-90 Plan
Communicate the mission and vision for implementation for the school year
to the staff through ECE improvement plans
Complete the Needs Assessment
ECE staff/teachers Day 30
 Complete instructional rounds in each co-teaching classroom using CoTeaching Checklist
If we are not successful, we will:
 Analyze all data; Make changes to plan. Act on changes.
Email, staff meeting,
written copies
In 60 days, we will know we are successful when:
Our district understands the results of the Needs Assessment/Diagnostic, and we are able to create a plan with action steps that effectively
address the needs.
The measures/evidence we will use are:
 Implementation Plan for co-teaching that contains measureable objectives
60 days action strategies:
Who is on point? By When? How Communicated?
Analyze the results of the Needs Assessment. Answer the following questions:
ECE Staff
Day 45
Email to staff, staff
 What question(s) are you trying to answer with the data and information
provided to you?
 What does the data/information tell you?
 What does the data/information not tell you?
 What were the areas of strength you noted?
 What were areas in need of improvement?
Create a co-teaching plan that addresses the following:
 Identify and connect with resources for co-teaching using a variety of coteaching models with fidelity
o Continuous Classroom Improvement
o Co-Teaching Best Practices
ECE Staff
Day 60
Meetings with
Barren County Schools
Co-Teaching 30-60-90 Plan
o Student Supports
o Instructional Strategies and Best Practices
 Selection of Internal Coaches and Co-Teaching Teams
 Identify opportunities for common planning for coaches and teams
 Measureable objectives, strategies, and activities
If we are not successful, we will:
 Analyze all data; Make changes to plan. Act on changes.
In 90 days, we will know we are successful when:
Our district understands our co-teaching plan and has begun the implementation of the plan.
The measures/evidence we will use are:
 Plus/delta feedback from staff about co-teaching
 Baseline Implementation Check (using co-teaching checklist), Student Performance Data (Progress monitoring, Universal Screener,
School Report Card)
90 days action strategies:
Communicate the final plan to all stakeholder groups. Examples are as follows:
 Staff meetings
 Ongoing staff training
 Plan for and begin Implementation Checks
 Engage in PLCs at all coaching levels
 ECE Website resources
Administrative team will monitor the effectiveness of implementation of the CT4GC
plan by using data collection on the following:
 Progress Monitoring data
 Classroom implementation Check data
 PLC/Training feedback
Who is on point?
ECE Staff/School
By When?
Day 90
How Communicated?
Email to staff, staff
meetings, website,
ECE Staff/School
Day 90
Email to staff, staff
Barren County Schools
Co-Teaching 30-60-90 Plan
Continuous assessment of the co-teaching plan
 Team creates plus/delta of initial implementation of the plan
 Staff/Students create plus/delta of initial implementation of the plan
Day 90
School reporting
method (e.g., Infinite
Campus, plus/deltas,
If we are not successful, we will:
 Analyze all data; Make changes to plan. Act on changes.
Projected Next Steps:
Continuous assessment of the co-teaching plan through evaluating all data and utilizing continuous improvement cycles to make needed
changes and act on those changes.