Barren County Schools Co-Teaching 30-60-90 Plan Goal: After 2-5 years of full implementation, Co-teaching will assist schools and our district in reducing the number of students who perform at novice performance level to help close achievement gaps 180 Day Goal: Full implementation/continuous training/each school meeting novice reduction goal. In the first 30 days, we will know we are successful when: All staff are aware that co-teaching will be a focus area Awareness focuses on different models of co-teaching The people who will be leading the effort will be identified. The measures/evidence we will use are: Instructional Rounds using co-teaching checklist Universal Screener, RTI, School Report Card Data Analyses Agendas for PLC’s and monthly meetings Minutes from Meetings First 30 days action strategies: Develop Problem of Practice Set dates for Instructional rounds and assign staff PP Establish mission and vision for implementation of co-teaching Examine non-negotiables for success o Common Planning time for coaches and teaching teams o Dedicated Internal Coach(school level) for each team o Dedicated External Coach (district level) for each team o PD for Co-teaching teams Establish roles and responsibilities of each team member Develop communication plan Determine what tools will be needed Set a date for analysis and next steps 1 Who is on point? By When? DOSE/Consultant/ School Psychologists DOSE/Consultant/ Day 30 School Psychologists/ Principals How Communicated? Personal invitation (email, face-to-face, call for volunteers) Staff meeting Barren County Schools Co-Teaching 30-60-90 Plan Communicate the mission and vision for implementation for the school year to the staff through ECE improvement plans Complete the Needs Assessment ECE staff/teachers Day 30 Complete instructional rounds in each co-teaching classroom using CoTeaching Checklist If we are not successful, we will: Analyze all data; Make changes to plan. Act on changes. Email, staff meeting, written copies In 60 days, we will know we are successful when: Our district understands the results of the Needs Assessment/Diagnostic, and we are able to create a plan with action steps that effectively address the needs. The measures/evidence we will use are: Implementation Plan for co-teaching that contains measureable objectives 60 days action strategies: Who is on point? By When? How Communicated? Analyze the results of the Needs Assessment. Answer the following questions: ECE Staff Day 45 Email to staff, staff meetings What question(s) are you trying to answer with the data and information provided to you? What does the data/information tell you? What does the data/information not tell you? What were the areas of strength you noted? What were areas in need of improvement? Create a co-teaching plan that addresses the following: Identify and connect with resources for co-teaching using a variety of coteaching models with fidelity o Continuous Classroom Improvement o Co-Teaching Best Practices 2 ECE Staff Day 60 Meetings with Principals Barren County Schools Co-Teaching 30-60-90 Plan o Student Supports o Instructional Strategies and Best Practices Selection of Internal Coaches and Co-Teaching Teams Identify opportunities for common planning for coaches and teams Measureable objectives, strategies, and activities If we are not successful, we will: Analyze all data; Make changes to plan. Act on changes. In 90 days, we will know we are successful when: Our district understands our co-teaching plan and has begun the implementation of the plan. The measures/evidence we will use are: Plus/delta feedback from staff about co-teaching Baseline Implementation Check (using co-teaching checklist), Student Performance Data (Progress monitoring, Universal Screener, School Report Card) 90 days action strategies: Communicate the final plan to all stakeholder groups. Examples are as follows: Staff meetings Ongoing staff training Plan for and begin Implementation Checks Engage in PLCs at all coaching levels ECE Website resources Administrative team will monitor the effectiveness of implementation of the CT4GC plan by using data collection on the following: Progress Monitoring data Classroom implementation Check data PLC/Training feedback 3 Who is on point? ECE Staff/School staff By When? Day 90 How Communicated? Email to staff, staff meetings, website, ECE Staff/School Admin Day 90 Email to staff, staff meetings Barren County Schools Co-Teaching 30-60-90 Plan Continuous assessment of the co-teaching plan Team creates plus/delta of initial implementation of the plan Staff/Students create plus/delta of initial implementation of the plan ECE Staff/Teachers Day 90 School reporting method (e.g., Infinite Campus, plus/deltas, etc.) If we are not successful, we will: Analyze all data; Make changes to plan. Act on changes. Projected Next Steps: Continuous assessment of the co-teaching plan through evaluating all data and utilizing continuous improvement cycles to make needed changes and act on those changes. 4