Accessibility Customer Service Standards

Customer Service Standards
Customer Service Standards – Accessibility
he Dufferin-Peel Catholic School Board is committed to increasing the accessibility for persons
with disabilities who study, visit or work in our facilities. We strive to meet the needs of all
members of the community in a respectful manner. We will do this by proactively consulting
with, and responding to, individuals with disabilities in order to identify and remove recognized and
unrecognized barriers.
With respect to our staff members, who interact with, and provide customer service to members of the
community which include person(s) with disabilities, every effort is made to ensure that the person’s
disability is taken into consideration and adequate and practical care taken which best upholds the
Board’s standard of excellence and commitment to service.
What are Disabilities?
There are many definitions of disability. Disability includes disabilities of differing severity, visible as well
as non-visible. Under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA), disability is
categorized as:
 any degree of physical disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement that is caused by
bodily injury, birth defect or illness,
 a condition of mental impairment or a developmental disability,
 a learning disability, or a dysfunction in one or more of the processes involved in understanding
or using symbols or spoken language,
 a mental disorder, or
 an injury or disability for which benefits were claimed or received under the insurance plan
established under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997; (“handicap”)
It is important that each individual is treated with dignity and respect and their needs are recognized.
Our goal is to provide services in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of persons with
Tips for interacting with persons with disabilities
 Ask, “How can I be of help?”
 Listen attentively and determine the customer’s needs or concerns. Don’t assume based on
ability alone;
 Communicate clearly and patiently to ensure shared understanding on both ends is determined;
 Respond directly to the specific issue or provide appropriate accommodations or references .
Depending on the situation and the persons’ needs, there are a variety of ways to make communication
more accessible. These include:
 Making the original communication more accessible;
 Changing the usual method of communication and/or medium;
 Using assistive devices or services.
Service Animals
 Service animals include guide dogs, hearing alert animals that help calm anxiety or alert their
owner and animals trained to alert an individual to oncoming seizures;
 Allow service animals, except in areas where prohibited by law (e.g. health and safety reasons);
 Offer an alternative method of assistance if the animal is prohibited.
Support Persons
A support person can be a personal support worker, a volunteer, a family member or friend of the
person with the disability. A support person may offer physical assistance, personal care, interpretation,
note taking or other services.
 Allow access to a support person,;
 Ask if it is not clear who the support person is;
 Speak directly with the person with a disability, not the support person;
 Plan for support persons; reserve space for them where possible.
A person who is deafblind may have some degree of both hearing and vision loss. Many people who are
deafblind will be accompanied by an intervenor, a professional support person who helps with
 Speak directly to your customer, not to the intervenor.
 A customer who is deafblind is likely to explain to you how to communicate with them, perhaps
with an assistance card or note.
Hearing loss
People who have hearing loss may be hard of hearing. These are terms used to describe different levels
of hearing and/or the way a person’s hearing was diminished or lost.
 Attract the customer’s attention before speaking. Try a gentle touch on the shoulder or wave of
your hand.
 If your customer uses a hearing aid, reduce background noise or move to a quieter area.
 If necessary, ask if another method of communicating would be easier (for example, using a pen
and paper).
Mental Health Disabilities
Mental health disabilities can cause changes in a person’s thinking, emotional state and behaviour and
can disrupt the person’s ability to work. These changes may also affect the way the person interacts
with others. With most mental health problems, the symptoms are not static and can improve or
worsen over time. These disabilities are often invisible.
 Ask the best way you can help.
 Be patient and respectful. A person with a mental health disability may have difficulty
Assistive Devices
Examples: wheelchairs, canes, hearing aids, listening devices (FM systems), laptops with screen-reading
The assistive device is an extension of the person’s personal space – touch only if asked to, and do not
move it out of the person’s reach.
Ask the person how you may best help them.
Customer Feedback Process
In accordance with the AODA(Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act), the Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board has established a customer feedback process for receiving and responding to
customer concerns/questions/inquiries about the way the board provides services to people with
disabilities. The process encompasses both internal and external customers; so essentially it is available
to anyone who accesses board/school facilities, products or services. Included but not limited to board
customers would be staff, students, parents/guardians, ratepayers, permit holders/users, suppliers,
vendors, general public.
All concerns related to accessibility to services for people with disabilities should be directed to the
Office of the Principal-Equity, Diversity and Inclusive Education to the attention of Michelle Coutinho.
This Office is part of the Communications & Community Relations Department.
Contact information for
Michelle Coutinho
(905) 890-0708, ext. 24405
Michelle Coutinho, Principal Equity, Diversity & Inclusive
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District
School Board
All inquiries will be reviewed and responded to,
at least on an acknowledgement basis, within
two(2) business days of receipt by the Office of
the Principal, Equity, Diversity and Inclusive
Final response/action taken will be based on the
nature of the issue.
Response will be provided by means of the
preferred choice of the customer where possible
and practical, eg., in person, by telephone, in
writing via regular mail or email, on an analog
audio cassette or digital audio CD, in large print text documents, in Braille, or by another method agreed
upon by the customer and the Principal, Equity, Diversity & Inclusive Education.
Inquiries and responses will be tracked to ensure we provide the best possible service to customers.
Anticipated inquiries may be related, but not restricted to the following:
 Access to facilities for persons in wheelchairs;
 Access to board or school documents for persons with hearing or sight-related disabilities;
 Access to assistive devices;
 Use of service animals or support persons;
 Training on accessible customer services;
 Planned/temporary disruptions to services/facilities.
We anticipate that developments in the area of accessible customer service standards will be ongoing
and new or revised information will be updated, posted and shared on an ongoing basis.
For further information, please contact Michelle Coutinho, Principal of Equity, Diversity and Inclusive
Education as noted above.
Staff who receives the
concern or inquiry
acknowledges the issue
and forwards details to
Principal of Equity,
Diversity and Inclusive
Education (EDI)
Customer presents
concern or inquiry about
accessibility to school or
board facilities, products
or services.
Customer Service Feedback
Process Wheel
Principal of EDI provides
final response to the
Principal of EDI addresses
the customer concern
and responds directly or
forwards to appropriate
department for