Mission *

St. Bonaventure Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
Mission *
Mission Statement
We are a Catholic school, and our mission is based on the Good News of Jesus Christ.
We believe that by providing children with a forum to develop their faith and to increase their knowledge of the Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations, they
will be able to foster future Christian communities.
Students are the focus of our school.
We challenge them to achieve excellence in everything they do- spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally and physically.
We welcome and value the involvement of family, Church and community so every student will become a valued and contributing member of society.
We believe we must foster an atmosphere of mutual respect to help children grow in self-esteem and self-confidence.
We believe that a supportive, nurturing Catholic environment will help children to grow into positive role models for other members of the community.
Together we grow in respect for self, others, authority and property.
We are St. Bonaventure Catholic School.
"When you pray, the voice of the heart must be heard.”
Catholic Focus
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St. Bonaventure Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
In September of 2007 St. Bonaventure Catholic Elementary School opened its doors for the first time. Fr. Jan Gogolewski, the Pastor of Guardian Angels
Parish, led the school community in prayer and on May15th, 2008 where he presided over a formal Blessing of the school. St. Bonaventure is located at 35
McCrimmon Drive in Brampton. The school has a population of 513 students of diverse backgrounds.
St. Bonaventure was a Franciscan who valued service to others, inclusiveness, the pursuit of knowledge and the devotion to God. The students of St.
Bonaventure have embraced his values through their involvement in various social justice initiatives such as the Parish Angel Christmas Campaign, food
drives, Share Life activities and gift cards for needy families at Christmas, Operation Christmas Child and our Mitten tree. Our Advent and Lenten liturgies
are student led and are attended by our parent community. Our Virtues program recognizes the virtues in action in our community practiced by both students
and staff.
The school has grown into a vibrant community that truly reflects the school’s motto,”The voice of the heart must be heard in all we do.”
Core Principles
The St. Bonaventure school community models, celebrates and nourishes gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centred
programs and services through:
Virtues education/assemblies
Celebration of Masses and the Sacraments
Prayers and reflections in our daily announcements, school activities and events i.e. Rosary Apostolates visit all classrooms
Student-led masses, liturgies and assemblies
Sacred spaces in classrooms and common areas
Social justice initiatives such as Building a School in Haiti, ShareLife projects, Food Drives for the Knights’ Table and Guardian Angels Parish, Sick
Kids, United Way , and the Terry Fox Run, and Month with a Mission for Dr. Simone's Warehouse .
Good rapport with Guardian Angels Parish and support their initiatives, such as the Building Fund
Safe Schools Committee with student and parent representation for Certification
ECO Schools - working to achieve Gold Status
SWAG - Students with a Goal i.e. Day of Pink
Environmental Club, Games Club, Cooking Club, Ballroom Dancing, Lego Club, and the Drawing Club
St. Bonaventure School's 2014-2015 EQAO Scores (Primary Division):
Reading 78%
Writing 73%
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St. Bonaventure Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
Math 63%
Our grade 3 students demonstrated a significant increase in their Reading scores. Our Writing and Mathematics scores are down from last year. Our Catholic
School Learning Plan continues to emphasize the importance of literacy across the curriculum through an emphasis on Guided Reading and Guided Writing.
Our Primary division will collaborate throughout the school year to share and discuss best practices in the areas of instruction and assessment to move
students forward and enhance the fundamental skills gained in earlier years. Mathematics instruction will be a direct focus in the Primary division this school
year, using mental math strategies and the Three Part math lesson to help consolidate learning. Classroom teachers will be provided in-service opportunities
through various avenues to explore ways to improve teaching and learning in numeracy. Further a school-wide emphasis on mathematics instruction will
provide opportunities for professional dialogue in this area with an aim to improve student achievement in mathematics across all grade levels. Teaching and
learning will emphasize the mathematical processes to ensure a deeper understanding of mathematics and to improve student self-efficacy in numeracy.
St. Bonaventure School's 2014-2015 EQAO Scores (Junior Division):
Reading 90%
Writing 88%
Math 59%
Our grade 6 students demonstrated an increase in their Reading and Writing scores from last year. Our Mathematics scores are down from last year. Our
Catholic School Learning Plan continues to emphasize the importance of literacy across the curriculum through an emphasis on Guided Reading and Guided
Writing. Our Junior division will collaborate throughout the school year to share and discuss best practices in the areas of instruction and assessment to move
students forward and enhance the fundamental skills gained in earlier years. Mathematics instruction will be a direct focus in the Junior division this school
year, using mental math strategies and the Three Part math lesson to help consolidate learning. Classroom teachers will be provided in-service opportunities
through various avenues to explore ways to improve teaching and learning in numeracy. Further a school-wide emphasis on mathematics instruction will
provide opportunities for professional dialogue in this area with an aim to improve student achievement in mathematics across all grade levels. Teaching and
learning will emphasize the mathematical processes to ensure a deeper understanding of mathematics and to improve student self-efficacy in numeracy.
The school community of St. Bonaventure supports and promotes opportunities for life long learning such as:
Transitional planning from grade 8 to grade 9 using the My Blueprint tool.
Eco-school promoting environmental stewardship.
Teachers and administrators learning together at in services, workshops.
Special Education model values and supports inclusivity.
Participating in the Math Congress and Twenty First Century Learning
School community is involved in Social Justice initiatives.
Promote healthy eating.
Offer a variety of clubs that promote inclusion and positive relationships.
Partnerships with community members such as Peel Health, Parks and Recreation, Peel Police.
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St. Bonaventure Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
At St. Bonaventure we are committed to improving student achievement through the following:
Professional Development at monthly Staff meetings and Division meetings.
Emphasis on Co-teaching and Co-learning in mathematics.
Intervention programs such as Empower, Leveled Literacy.
Grade teachers are encouraged to plan and moderate marking together.
Math manipulatives are purchased for grades K to 8.
EQAO Tutor after school program for grades 3 and 6.
Smart Board technology
Catholic School Council
At St. Bonaventure the School Council is active in the following ways:
At St. Bonaventure the School Council meets monthly.
Open invitation to all parents and guardians to attend the Council.
Invite speakers to the meetings.
Support Parish Initiatives.
Organize parent engagement nights
Provide Mass cards for students who have lost a parent.
The Council is a visible presence at school functions such as , Open House, fundraising initiatives, sacramental celebrations and the Spring Variety
Subsidize students i.e. Field trips, Overnight trips.
Support classes in the sacramental years - First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, Confirmation
Purchased rainy day games for grades K to 8.
Replenished our gym equipment.
Community Partnerships
At St. Bonaventure we have formed positive partnerships with many community partners.
Cassie Campbell Recreation Centre . i.e. After School program
Brampton Northwest Connects
Region of Peel i.e. PALS, Healthy Eating
Fire Department and Peel Police - Education programs.
Brampton Clean City and Recycling - Local Park Cleanup, Recycling presentations.
St. Bonaventure promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student success by:
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St. Bonaventure Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
Collaborating with the parish to prepare the students for the sacraments.
Parish announcements are published in the monthly Newsletters and on the school website.
Celebrating masses throughout the school year.
School Confessions.
Supporting the Guardian Angels Parish Building Fund.
St. Bonaventure engages in modeling and promoting good stewardship of resources by:
School Recycling program
Student Eco team - the Enviro Sharks.
Encourage Litter less lunches and reusable water containers, Walk to School Wednesdays, Lights-Out Lunch
Monitor the electricity consumption in the school.
Reduce the amount of photocopying.
Participation in Brampton Clean City school programs.
Planting trees.
St. Bonaventure school demonstrates financial responsibility by:
Adhering to all the guidelines and polices to ensure compliance with the Board protocols.
Aligning the budget to the goals outlined in the School learning plan.
Review the Annual Budget monthly.
Fundraising activities are determined in consultation with the Catholic School Council.
Social Justice and Community fundraising.
Students are encouraged to be responsible stewards of all school learning materials.
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St. Bonaventure Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By the end of three years there will be an increase in successful practices that support well-being. There will be an increase in the number of students who
indicate that they feel accepted by students in school as demonstrated by the CCCC School Climate Survey results. There will be a increase in the number of
students indicating that they are likely to report incidents at school, as demonstrated by the CCCC School Climate Survey results.
Action Plans
All members of the school community will engage in practices that will build and sustain a safe and accepting learning environment.
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By the end of three years, there will be an increase in successful practices that support collaborative inquiry. There will be an increase in the number of
students who have demonstrated improvement on the learning skill and work habit of collaboration. There will be an increase in the number of educators who
intend to continue to develop knowledge gained through professional learning opportunities in collaoration with others.
Action Plans
Teachers will support student learning through explicit teaching of concepts, processes and skills within inquiry.
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By the end of three years, there will be an increase in successful practices that support transitional practices. There will be an increase in the proportion of
students, per applicable cohort, successfully completing their respective secondary programs requirements.
Action Plans
Students, parents and staff have access to to necessary information to make informed decisions at key transitional stages (e.g., home to school, division
to division, elementary to secondary)
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By the end of three years there will be an increase in successful practices that support knowing the learner through assessment. There will be an increase in
the number of teachers who have increased their understanding of assessment for and as learning, as a result of professional learning opportunities. There will
be an increase in the number of students who are able to articulate strategies supporting their learning.
Action Plans
If we continue to focus on assessment for and as learning then all learners will use metacognative strategies to analyze, articulate and responsibly act on
their own reflective thinking and learning.
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St. Bonaventure Catholic Elementary School
Learning Plan
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By the end of three years, there will be an increase in the proportion of students improving their EQAO achievement level between assessment years. There
will be an increase in the proportion of students achieving a level 3 or 4 on the EQAO assessments. There will be an increase in the number of educators who
intend to apply the knowledge gained through professional learning opportunities.
Action Plans
If teachers incorporate mental math strategies and games, knowledge building circles, and exit tickets in mathematics, consistently, students will
increase their fluency with mathematical concepts across all strands. Using the Three Part Math lesson, we will continue to create an environment where
all students can think in mathematical terms, and can answer or explain the "why".
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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