345 Blind Line, Orangeville, ON L9W 4X1
(P) 519-942-5980
(F) 519-942-3849
A Children’s Prayer for Easter
Time for joy and time for giving
Time for remembering love while living
Take this message Easter Day
Show kindness, care at home and play
It’s in our very acts of giving
Easter’s joy makes life worth living
Children round the globe now hear
Keep Easter in your heart all year.
May joy and love spread land to land
Linked heart to heart and hand to hand!
L. Quick
A. Wasyliw
Superintendent BECDM
L. Storey
F. Di Cosola
It is incredible to think that March is already here! We are so blessed at
St. Benedict to have such an active school community that supports the
many events we have at our school.
While we have many activities occuring around the school, it is important
to remember and appreciate that our main goal is the full educational
development of children, in a spiritual, physical and academic, sense. In
particular teachers are focusing on guided practice in literacy and
numeracy to improve student understanding and thereby their success.
In addition, we are truly blessed with so many talented staff who
generously go above and beyond to provide athletic and artistic
experiences for students outside of the regular day.
As we move through the remainder of the year, we all work towards
maintaining a healthy balance as we provide educational opportunities for
the students.
L. Quick
St. Timothy Catholic Church
Fr. S Lee Lung
Catholic School Advisory
Chair: L. Bolzon
Parent Engagement Evening – Fostering Your Child’s
The parent engagement evening originally schedule
for Thursday March 3rd is being rescheduled to
Wednesday March 30th, 2016 from 7:00 p.m. – 8:00
p.m. More information will be forthcoming.
Holiday Homework
Homework is generally work not completed in class or
reinforcement of concepts taught in class. It is an
integral part of what occurs in the classroom.
Therefore, without the initial lesson/activity in the
classroom, teachers cannot provide homework which
would address the same skills and concepts. Often
when parents take holidays other than during regularly
scheduled holiday times, we are requested to provide
home-work which would cover the same material as
the students may miss. As a courtesy, worksheets may
be provided to reinforce some concepts, however, it
may be better to take full advantage of what can be
learned on the trip and have students read material
related to what they will see, write a journal about
their activies and calculate the exchange of currency,
or create a budget for the trip. These are real
situations which can be exploited for their learning
potential. Work missed because of absence is the
responsibility of the student. If a student is having
some difficulty demonstrating the expectations of the
grade level, one may want to be cautious on how much
school time is missed and its possible effect on the
academic success of the student.
Public Speaking Competition
On Tuesday February 2 students from Grades 1 – 8
participated in our annual Public Speaking Contest. On
that day, nominees from every class from Grades 1
through 8 presented facts
and opinions on a variety
We heard about
Rinaldo, Walt Disney, Family
Trips, Brothers, Sisters,
Albert Einstein, Lies, Dreams and so much more!!
Congratulations to the following students who both
informed and entertained the crowds:
Primary - Isabella A., Rylan B., Lauren C., Mia C.,
Mackenzee C., Dylan D., Luke F., Ian L. Kees M., Julian
M., Austin P., Paige R. and Keira S.
Calendar of Events
3 RF Hall Drama Presentation
4 Live Free Day
7 Author David Carroll
9 Earth Rangers 1:15pm
9 BECDM Hockey Tournament
10 BECDM Hockey Tournament
11 Tour For Humanity (Grades 6 – 8)
14-18 March Break – no school
24 Stations of the Cross (1:30 p.m)
25 Good Friday – no school
28 Easter Monday – no school
29 Agricultural Society Presentation to Gr.
31 Grad Photos
Junior - Sydney B., Scottie B., Sophia C., Kyrah C.,
Adrianne M., Ella P., Kylie R., Cassidy S., Kaitlyn S.,
Jonas T., Mariana V., Alex W.
Intermediate - Isabella F. Kimberly G., Micah M.,
Annamae T., Abbey W.
Congratulations to the following students who placed
in the top 3:
Primary - 1st Place – Dylan D., 2nd Place – Mackenzee
C., 3rd Place – Lauren C.
Junior - 1st Place – Kyrah C., 2nd Place - Kaitlyn S., 3rd
Place – Adrianne M.
Intermediate - 1st Place – Sarah M., 2nd Place – David
M., 3rd Place – Chase R.
First Place contestants went to present their speeches
at the Royal Canadian Legion Competition on Sunday,
February 14th. Congratulations everyone!
Jr Boys Basketball
The Junior Boys Basketball Team – Isaiah A., Liam B.,
Blake B., Jaden C., Brayden C., Daniel E., Ethan H., and
Roy V. - played in the mini tournament on February
19th. The boys played with determination and
sportsmanship and did a great job representing St.
Benedict. Way to go! Thank you to the coach, Ms.
Childhood Anxiety
On February 17th our Catholic School Council hosted a
parent engagement evening on Childhood Anxiety
delivered by Cheryl Schneider. Ms. Schneider provided
parents with relevant and practical information for
parents on helping and supporting children with
anxiety. As adults we can do this by not reinforcing our
children’s fears and by showing them that they will be
supported as they work through their concerns. As our
children meet their fears we have to try, as parents,
not to rescue them – we want our children to develop
resilience and self-confidence. Thank you to Ms.
Schneider and Mrs. Hinsperger for a very informative
Jr Girls Basketball
Our Junior Girls Basketball team did a great job at the
mini tournament on February 19th.
Members of the team included:
Emily A., Kylie C., Khatelyn G.,
Rachel J., Vethusha K., Adrianne M.,
Isabella M., Olivia M., Selena P.,
Olivia S., Cassidy S., and Channell W.
Special thank you to Mrs. Merrick
for coaching.
The girls demonstrated great
sportsmanship and resolve throughout the
Hockey News
Excellent news for our Intermediate Hockey Team!
The students played well and
demonstrated great sportsmanship
at the All Saints tournament in early
February and came in third! Way to
go! Members of the team include:
Colm B., Josh P., Cole T., Jake M.,
Jake D., Michael K., Katrina A., Justin
O., Ian C., Jaden C., Ethan H., Shane H., Connor R.,
Logan L. Thank you to the coach, Mr. King.
Junior Hockey
Congratulations to all the players on our Junior Hockey
Team who represent the school at the tournament in
Mississauga. In each of the games the players
demonstrated great skill and sportsmanship. The
members of the team included: Jaden C., Ian C., Luc C.,
Nolan H., David K., Russell K., Kaitlyn K., Adrian M.,
James N., Jackson P., John T., Alexander V., and Trent
W. Thank you to Ms. Carson for coaching.
Indoor Shoes
With the wet weather still ahead of us, it is important
that students have a pair of indoor shoes to wear at
school. Indoor shoes help to keep the floors of our
school dry and clean. Slippers are not appropriate
footwear for school as students may slip.
Girls Government
We are very excited that our Grade 8 girls are being
given a opportunity to work with our local MPP Sylvia
Jones on a program called “Girls Government”. This
program encourages girls to be engaged politically, and
to develop a lasting interest in politics and the
confidence to advocate for themselves and issues
important to them. All Grade 8 girls will be involved in
this 5-part program, working directly with our local
MPP Sylvia Jones to discuss the democratic process, as
well as important issues to research and debate.
Placements for September 2016
Soon we will begin work on next year’s class lists. If
you feel there are any learning needs that you think
we need to consider in making up classes (please note
this does not include requests for specific teachers),
please include this information in a letter to the
Letters must be signed and submitted to the Principal
prior to April 1st, 2016.
While your request cannot be guaranteed, we will
consider your concerns and reasons along with all
other factors. Educational reasons are factored into
the decisions made by school administration,
classroom teachers and resource staff.
As always, class placements are tentative until the
end of the second week of September when our
staffing is confirmed.
Students are reminded not to bring valuables, items of
importance or money to school. The school does not
accept responsibility for the above. Treasures, with a
monetary value or sentimental value, should not be
brought to school. Student clothing and play items
should be clearly marked with the child’s name.
Kindergarten Bussing for 2016-2017
On Tuesday August 30th, STWDSTS will be holding their
annual young rider orientation day for all kindergarten
children. The intent of the day is to introduce children
to school buses in an informal setting prior to the first
day of school. The program will start at 9:00 a.m. and
run until 12:00 p.m. Information on how to register
will be available in May, 2016.
Snow Safety
We have reminded students repeatedly that snow
stays on the ground. Despite these reminders we have
incidents where students get hurt from ice in the snow
that is thrown. We ask that parents help us to
reinforce this message – it is greatly appreciated.
Virtue of the Month: Kindness
A kind person …
 Says nice things about others so they feel
good about themselves
 Stands up for people who are picked on or
need help
 Refuses to join others who are insulting,
intimidating, mean, or hurtful
 Watches and looks for ways to help those
in need
Raven of the Month – February 2016
The Virtue of Respect
Mckayla C.
Mrs. Gareau/Mrs. Atzori
Aiden M.
Mr. Merry
Jacinta F.
Mrs. Marini/Mrs. McNairn
Kyrah C.
Mr. Serafini
Breanne D.
Mrs. Stevens
Abby B.
Ms. LaVieille
Keira S.
Mrs. Gallant
Emily A.
Mrs. Longstreet
Scott M.
Mrs. Evans
Sebastian O.
Ms. Carson
Martin K.
Mrs. Strain
Emma V.
Mr. King
Marisa C.
Mrs. Merrick
Tyler M.
Mrs. Harasiewicz
Selena P.
Mrs. Sousa
Emma W.
Ms. Weir
Norbert F.
Mrs. Desbottes