November 2015 Edition Principal

November 2015
Mrs. S. Donaghue
Vice- Principal
Ms. L. Ragozzino
Head Secretary
Mrs. M. Franke
Assistant Secretary
Ms. D. McBeth
Mr. David Amaral
905 890-1221
Ms. S. Hobin
Bus. :( 905)890-1221
Cell: (905)301-1210
St. Francis of Assisi Church
2473 Thornlodge Dr.
Mississauga, ON L5K 1K5
Father Bernard Vellozo
School Council Chairs
Mrs. S. Perrotta
Mrs. O. Steele
2480 Thornlodge Drive
Mississauga, ON
L5K 1K5
Telephone: 905-822-3183
Fax: 905-822-7540
For us as Catholics and Canadians, November
is a significant month of remembrance. All
Saints Day, All Souls Day and Remembrance
Day invite us to be mindful of all those who we
know that have sacrificed for us. May God
forever give them rest and may we continue to
live our lives through our good words and
actions. As we continue to grow as a Faith
community, let us pray for one another that God
may give us strength to be Peace Keepers and
Makers and role models for our children.
After the first two months of school, the positive
environment of the St. Francis of Assisi School
community continues to thrive. Many students
have been involved in sports (volleyball and
cross-country), ballroom dancing and Primary,
Festival and Liturgical choirs.
A special thank you to the many parents who
organized the fundraising and the highly
enjoyable Halloween Dance-a-Thon. The
students and teachers had a lot of fun. A
special thank-you to Mr. Simunec for being a
fabulous DJ for the event.
Our Remembrance Day Service will be held on
Tuesday November 11th at 10:55am in the
school gymnasium. Parents are welcome to join
us in honouring those people who have given
their lives so that our families could live in peace
and freedom.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Donaghue & Ms. Ragozzino
St. Francis of Assisi is now on Twitter!
For the latest school news and information,
follow us @DPAssisi
God our Father, your Son Jesus gave up His
life to free us from the power of sin and death.
He showed us that the greatest love is in giving
up one’s life for others.
This month, we remember those who fought
and died for our freedom. We ask you to bless
and console them together with their families.
Help us to understand the sacrifices they
made in leaving their loved ones to face the
horrors of war. May we never forget their
May your Holy Spirit give us the courage to
resist evil in all its forms and show us how to
be peacemakers through prayer and action,
lest we forget those who fought, suffered and
died that we might have the freedom and
peace we enjoy today. We ask this through
Jesus Christ, our Lord.
This month we will celebrate the virtue of
conscience. God has given us the ability to
know the right and decent way to act and
then to act that way. We trust that the
common Spirit we share inspires us and
guides us to make good decisions if we allow
our conscience to be well-formed.
A person of conscience allows prayer and
scripture to influence
person For
the latest board news and information,
feels good
it, can see how his or her
us @DPCDSBSchools.
actions may hurt others, admits his or her
wrong-doing and feels badly, says ‘sorry’ and
tries to make up for mistakes and keeps
In the spirit of thanksgiving, we thank all of the St.
Francis of Assisi families who contributed to our Knights
of Columbus Food Drive. It was a tremendous success.
Once again, we thank you for your unwavering
Head lice are always present in the community. By checking
your child’s head once a week for head lice, you will catch it
early and treat it before it has a chance to spread. Should
you suspect that your child(ren) have head lice, please notify
the school.
Remember, an infestation of lice is not a reflection on the
cleanliness of your child. In fact, students with appropriate
hygiene habits are as susceptible to lice as any other group.
A reminder to all to refrain from sharing hats at any time, but
especially during the winter months.
The treatment for pediculosis is simple. Specially medicated
shampoo or cream rise is available from your pharmacist.
Carefully follow the manufacturer’s directions and remove all
nits from the hair.
Any infected student will need to be checked before re-entry
to class.
Thank you in advance for your co-operation.
Peel Health ( is available
to provide advice to parents, school staff and students about
treatment and prevention. They can be contacted at (905)
We would appreciate the cooperation of the entire school community
by NOT sending any lunches or snacks that contain peanuts/nut
products. We want St. Francis to be a safe environment for all
students. Thank you for your assistance with this initiative.
We are heading into the flu season. Being parents ourselves, we are
only too aware of the work pressure you experience when providing
care at home for a child who is ill.
Nevertheless, aside from being the best course of action for your
child, keeping your sick child at home may also serve to limit the
spread of influenza in the community of school children and staff.
Below, you will find just such advice coming from the Health
Stay home! Don’t drag yourself into work or school. You’ll only
infect your colleagues or classmates
Stay away from people who are elderly, chronically ill, or have
respiratory problems
Helpful Hint: We have noticed that some parents have included a
moist towelette in their child’s lunch to enable them to clean their
hands before eating. We encourage all our students to wash their
hands before sitting down to eat their lunch and snacks. Clean
hands help prevent the spread of flu and colds.
Recess Breaks serve a special purpose in the school routine and
except in unusual cases, students are not excused from going
outside. Students who have the flu, heavy coughs or colds should be
kept at home, for they are too contagious with the cold germ to be
sitting in the classroom with other students.
Dec. 3 FROMAdvent
@ 9:30am
Dec. 17
FDK Christmas Concert @ 9:30am
Dec. 18
SFA Movie Day @ Courtney Park
The cold fall winds are blowing and winter is just around the corner.
Please continue to remind and encourage your child(ren) to dress
appropriately for the weather with warm hats, mittens, coats and
boots. During outdoor recess, all students will be on the playground.
ECO News
This year’s Toonie Tuesday will be on November 17th, 2015.
According to the Eden Community Food Bank, 17% of Peel
Region residents live in poverty. The support of the schools
is a crucial part of our community efforts to raise much-need
funds to continue to provide healthy and nutritious food to
local hungry families who come for food assistance. The
funds raised through Toonie Tuesday help to purchase food
that does not typically get donated through food drives such
as milk, fresh fruits and vegetables and meat. This fresh food,
along with all the non-perishable food items, is designed to
meet the food needs for the whole family for 7-10 days which
means, in part, healthy breakfasts for kids to get a good start
to the school day and nutritious lunches that they can take to
For additional information, please feel free to visit the website
The SFA Eco Team is looking forward to a fabulous, green year. If
any parent wishes to be a part of the ECO Team, please contact
the office or Mrs. Thibault. Also, any donations towards making St.
Francis of Assisi a greener school are always welcome. Plants,
pots, seeds, "green" ideas... we are grateful for everything. Thank
you on behalf of the ECO Team and our planet.
Liturgical Choir
The Liturgical Choir is preparing to sing with the Primary Choir at
our upcoming Remembrance Day celebration on November 11th.
Festival Choir
The Festival Choir is practicing its Christmas repertoire in
preparation for the Christmas season. Stay tuned for upcoming
opportunities to enjoy 3-part harmony!
Beginning during the month of October, volunteers from St.
Francis of Assisi Church have begun visiting classes in
grade JK/SK to grade 8, to teach student how to pray the
rosary. They will continue visiting classes on a monthly
basis, ending their sessions with the Crowning of Mary
celebration in May.
'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these
brothers of mine, you did for me.' Matthew 25:40
If you and/or your company would like to support a family in
need this Christmas please contact Mrs. Franke at the
school (905) 822-3183. All donations are greatly
The Red Maple Book Club will be getting started shortly. This book
club is for students in grades 7 and 8, and offers ten fiction titles
for students to read and vote on in the spring. Avid readers are
encouraged to sign up!
Grade 7 to 10 math students at Dufferin-Peel now have access to
20 hours a week of free, online math tutoring to help them improve
and succeed in math. Check out Homework Help where certified
Ontario teachers are available Sunday to Thursday, 5:30 p.m. to
9:30 p.m., for one-on-one confidential help. Dufferin-Peel is one
of 60 English-language boards taking part in this pilot project
funded by the Ministry of Education.
Effective October 7th on most Wednesdays we will be operating
a Homework/Study Club in the Library from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. for
students in grade 3 – 8. The purpose of this club is:
To allow children time to complete regular classroom work
To read in an environment conducive to reading
To use computers
To complete projects or group work
To get extra help from grade 8 or secondary school
As a discipline measure when parents and teachers are in
It is important that children are well-behaved, have parents sign
permission in their agenda, and that they have someone to pick
them up, if transportation is required, at 4:00 p.m. sharp. One
teacher, grade 8 and secondary students will be available if
children require assistance.
If you know of a secondary school student who has time on
Wednesdays and would like to earn their service hours, please
have them contact the school.
On November 4th, Miss Fitzgerald's class will be volunteering
at Dr. Simone's warehouse in Toronto. They will be bringing
leftover Halloween candy and warm clothing to donate to the
poor, and will be volunteering in some capacity during their
Senior Kindergarten parent(s)/guardian(s), who wish to enroll their
child in a Grade 1 French Immersion class for September, 2016 are
invited to attend an information meeting at:
School: St. Margaret of Scotland, 2266 Council Ring Road
Mississauga, L5L 1C1 (905) 820-5115
Thursday November 12, 2015
Time: 7:00 p.m.
The above-mentioned meeting is for the following French Immersion
Centres: Divine Mercy, St. Elizabeth Seton and St. Margaret of
Full-Day Kindergarten Registration for 2016-2017
Registration for Full-Day Kindergarten for the 2015-16 school
year will take place at St. Francis of Assisi on the following
Monday, January 25, 2016
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Friday, January 29, 2016
7 p.m. - 9 p.m.*
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
* Snow Date:
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Our Family Advent Mass will be held at St. Francis of Assisi
Church, on Thurs. Dec. 3rd, 2015 at 9:30am. Please note this
on your calendars. It is a wonderful way to capture the “true
meaning” of Christmas with your family.
Parent evening to Support the Transition of Students with
Differing Abilities into Kindergarten meeting on Tuesday
January 12th, 2016 at the CEC, Room 301 from 7:00-8:30pm.
Snow date is Wednesday January 13th, 2016
For more information about registration and the Full-Day
Kindergarten program, call St. Francis of Assisi or visit
Congratulations to the following students who were
chosen for the September Virtue of Faith:
Mrs. Vasquez: Alexander G., Sofia F.
Mrs. Savoia: Gabrielle B., Augustine O.
Mrs. Gatto: Michael B.
Mrs. Turi: Mia P., Matteo S.
Ms. Harty: Williams A., Emeria D.
Mrs. Agathos: Carly B., Michael K.
Mrs. Hyland: Ryan D., Angelina Z.
Mrs. Male: Nadzieja M., Audry C.
Mrs. Wittemund: Ysabella H., Emmanuel K.
Mrs. Thibault: Jan C., Ella B.
Ms. Amoroso: Maya P., Babra A.
Ms. Ohinski: Noah B., Laura B.
Mrs. Siemons: Catherine A.
Mrs. Jaseliunas: Alexander B., Lauren M.
Mrs. Rubini: Matthew L., Catherine S.
Mrs. Ferens: Emily D., Noah S.
Mr. Nasato: Julian S., Juliana R.
Mr. Condotta: Jordon P., Sadie F.
Ms. Petrilli: Tessa P., Leah G.
Mr. Naughton: Jessica M., Camilla L.
Ms. Fitzgerald: Rachael E., Damian W.
Mrs. Belmonte: Shawn Y., Sophia N.
Mr. Simunec: Andrew A., Benjamin P.
Congratulations to the following students who were
chosen for the October Virtue of Empathy:
Mrs. Vasquez: Eric M., Fiona K.
Mrs. Savoia: Ava B., Drake M.
Mrs. Gatto: Conor B.
Mrs. Turi: Joshua J., Mia P.
Ms. Harty: Aislinn M., Conor K.
Mrs. Agathos: Shayne B., Jasmin G.
Mrs. Hyland: Andrea B., Leah N.
Mrs. Male: Emma A., Alessio P.
Mrs. Wittemund: Adam M., Amanda U.
Mrs. Thibault: Angela P., Owen K.
Ms. Amoroso: Niko L., Jacob S., Aiden D.
Ms. Ohinski: Owen B., Dominic M.
Mrs. Siemons: Cody Bell
Mrs. Jaseliunas: Jasmina M., Denzel J.
Mrs. Rubini: Ethan D., Areana O.
Mrs. Ferens: Charlotte D., Vivek A.
Mr. Nasato: Joshua S., Christopher V.
Mr. Condotta: Lucas M., Julianna M., Olla H.
Ms. Petrilli: Lindsay D., Camryn C.
Mr. Naughton: Caileigh L., Matthew S.
Ms. Fitzgerald: Sherylle A., Aiden L.
Mrs. Belmonte: Romnick D., Magdalena S.
Mr. Simunec: Maddie S., Katarina C.
Congratulations to all of our dedicated cross-country team runners
from Grades 4 – 8, on a very successful running season.
After several weeks of training, the students competed against
runners at our Family of Schools Meet on Tuesday October 20th at
Erindale Park. Twenty-three of our runners qualified at this meet
to attend the Board Meet, including the Grade 6 boys team, the
Grade 7 boys team, and the Grade 8 boys team. In addition, 8
additional students went on to compete individually at the Board
finals. In total, St. Francis won 3 Team Banners at the family meet.
On Monday October 26th, the team competed at the Board Finals
at Centennial Park in Etobicoke. It was another great day for St.
Francis, as the Grades 8 boys team won their division, bringing
home yet another board champions banner to SFA.
Special congratulations goes to Luke H., who placed seventh for
the Grade 7 Boys Division for the entire Board.
Once again, congratulations to ALL of our runners for their
dedication and perseverance this year.
Thank you to coaches Ms. Rubini, Ms. Ferens, Ms. Amoroso, Ms.
Halloween Spook-A-Thon 2015 Update
We are happy to announce that students have raised
$7,434.00 for this year’s Halloween Spook-A-Thon
fundraiser!!! All donations and pledges will help fund student
programs and resources in the school.
The Parent Council extends sincere thanks to all families for
their participation in the fundraiser and their generous
donations of prizes, grand prizes, gift cards and monetary
gifts. We couldn’t do it without you!!
A special thank you goes out to our in-house DJ, Mr.
Simunec! Thank you for wonderful DJing the students loved
all the great music you provided them with.
We would also like to thank the teachers and ERWs, Mrs.
Donaghue, Mrs. Ragozzino, Mr. Parkinson, Ms. McBeth and
Mrs. Franke for all their help throughout the fundraiser. Your
patience and support is very much appreciated.
A special thank you to all volunteers who helped decorate the
hall and gym!! Their creativity and commitment makes
Halloween memorable and so much fun for the students.
The results of the class contests are as follows:
Most Money Raised by Class goes to Mrs. Vasquez’s
class for raising $567.10.
Highest Class Participation prize goes to Mrs.
Wittemund’s class for a 70% participation.
3. The student that raised the most money was Sophia
McManus in Mrs. Jaseliunas’ class. She raised $185.00.
Congratulations Sophia!
The prize assembly took place on Monday November 2, 2015
where students could select to enter their tickets to the prize
of their choice. Congratulations to all the winners!
Nov. 4
Nov. 4
Nov. 4
Nov 6
Nov. 11
Nov. 16-20
Nov. 17
Nov. 17
Nov. 24
Nov. 19
Nov. 29
Dec. 2
Dec. 3
Dec. 3
Dec. 5
Dec. 17
Dec. 18
Dec. 21
Jan. 11
Jan. 12
Jan. 18
Jan. 25
Ms. Fitzgerald’s class to Dr. Simone warehouse
Grade 8 Tour Iona Day
Iona Parent Information Night
Picture Re-take Day
Remembrance Day Liturgy & Assembly
Bullying Awareness Week
Toonie Tuesday
Progress Reports sent home
6:30pm - School Council meeting
Parent-Teacher interview evening
Advent begins
Grade 8 Confirmation @ 7:00pm
9:30am - Advent mass
Grade 7 Hep B. & Grade 8 girls HPV
10:00am - Grade 2 Reconciliation
9:30-10:30am - FDK Christmas concert
SFA Movie Day
Christmas Holidays begin
Grade 7’s skiing @ Hockley Valley
6:30pm - School council meeting
P.A. Day – no school for students
Grade 7’s skiing @ Hockley Valley