Volume 6, Issue 2 CASA TRIP TO THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC CP 24’S PATRICIA JAGGERNAUTH CELEBRATES BLACK HISTORY MONTH WITH CA CA COMMUNITY MISSION BANK CA GR.9 CONCERT BAND WINS GOLD! CARA-CARDINAL 2015 THE TRADITION CONTINUES... Volume 6 Issue 2 By Mr. Compagnon Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School 10 Castle Oaks Crossing Brampton, On. L6P 3A2 905-913-2989 www.dpcdsb.org/ambro Principal: Mr. Compagnon Vice-Principals: Ms. Burazin Mr. Ramalho Head Secretary: Mrs. D’Agostino Chaplaincy Leader: Mr. Minardi Lead Hand: Mr. Mazzatelli Trustee: Wards 8 and 10 Mr. Shawn Xavier Parent Council Chair: Ms. Anna Aidoo Superintendent: Ms. Denise Oude-Reimerink Pastor St. Patrick’s Parish: Pastor Father Vito Marziliano Often in our society, people say they half way through their semester two prefer to coast to the finish. In educa- courses, it is important they realize tion, whether you are a student or a that there is still over 65% of each staff member, we don’t coast to the course’s evaluation still to be deterfinish – we sprint through the finish mined. Each student, whether they line!!!!! are scratching and clawing for a Even though the calendar says April, passing grade or striving for a personthe feel in the school says the end is al best, needs to maintain their effort near. Staff and students are planning through these remaining few months. graduation and prom, Guidance In other words… Each and every stucounselors are visiting our feeder dent needs to sprint through the finish line, regardless of schools to prepare “Education is, and contheir circumstance!!!! our future grade nines for their transi- tinues to be, a partner- Education is, and tion to Cardinal Am- ship between the school continues to be, a brozic, and the ad- staff, the student them- partnership between ministrative team is the school staff, the selves and the student’s planning for the student themselves and family and the student’s par2015-2016 school parents year. As the flowers members.” ents and family memoutside are sproutbers. The entire staff ing from the ground, we are already of Cardinal Ambrozic are fully comreviewing our staffing complement for mitted to maximizing this partnership September 2015 and preparing to by working closely with you and your build next year’s timetable. child throughout the remainder of the Certainly this time of year doesn’t just year, with the hopes of ensuring that prompt staff to work extra-hard… but each and every student maximizes the students are also feeling the pres- their overall potential. sure. As our students find themselves By Mr. Minardi “Peel individuals required to local families i.e. food, clothing, and families experi- school supplies, basic daily needs (toiletries), encing poverty unused furniture, etc. Working together in costruggle because of operation with all our local elementary schools limited access to and our staff here at Cardinal Ambrozic, we income, supports are proactively addressing and serving the and resources. Pov- daily requests for existing and new families in erty is the area, single parent a b o u t "Christ has no body homes and young families i n with children, in ensuring on earth but yours. come, that we foster hope for the but also about the inability for in- Yours are the Hands needy and poor in our lodividuals and families to live inde- and the Feet with cal schools and communipendently, focus on wellness and ty by providing the daily which he goes about be involved in community the necessities of life, but doing good". life.” (Peel Poverty Reduction more importantly, fostering Strategy 2012-15) friendship and much need- St. Teresa of Avila ed relationships that conIn order to respond to our call as Catholic ed- tinue not only during larger annual drives but ucators and students, we are responding to to do so daily. Our hope is that all community the daily needs/ requests of local families living members be assisted if in need and that if anybelow the poverty line in our local schools and one wishes to assist us with much needed docommunity (elementary and secondary). This nations, we will gladly accept them in order to involves the organization, set-up and distribu- have them distributed to the most needy and tion network of a Community Bank Mission in vulnerable in our community. our school that addresses the daily necessities By Mrs. Venier Our CA family reached out and welcomed seniors from Villa Amica in December. Students, staff and seniors spent the day together by enjoying some music from our school band, watching a dance performance by our school’s dance class, eating lunch made by our Hospitality students, praying and sharing stories. It was a memorable experience for all involved. D= By Ms. Crescenzi So far, semester two is a lively one in the CA Library! We are busier than ever with staff and students coming to read, work collaboratively, research, use the computers and study. Our collection continues to grow with newly added magazines, fiction, non-fiction, eBooks and graphic works based on new releases, requests and curriculum links. CURIO is being welcomed into classrooms as teachers are using it to stream CBC documentaries, television and radio programming. have come to select a CPT novel. All titles, for each grade and theme, are available on our online bookshelf using Shelfari. We are proud to display imaginative student work from the Art department. Many visit throughout the day to check out these colourful and inspiring pieces! The Ambrozic Book Club is busy…reading! Club members are reading the White Pine selections from the 2015 Forest of Reading Program. We meet the first Wednesday “Our collection continues to of every month and new grow with newly added members are always welcome! magazines, fiction, non- In March, author Eric Walters, known across Canada for his young adult literature, visited Ambrozic. Walters presented a detailed book talk to our Grade 9 and 10 English and fiction and graphic works grade 11 Writers Craft stu- based on new releases, redents. He spoke to them quests and curriculum links.” about how his personal travels around the world and how this helps to develop his stories. We received great feedback from students for inviting Walters…“I liked how Eric Walters wasn’t afraid to say what he believed in”. We have been working with Moderns, Social Science, Religion and Science classes teaching them MLA, APA and researching techniques. April has been a busy month with CPT book talks, as all English students By Ms. Crescenzi, Mrs. Lindsay and Mrs. Venier This year Ambrozic is aiming to achieve Platinum Status in the Ontario E c o -S c ho ol s Program. We have achieved a Gold Status for the past three years and are excited to move Ambrozic to the next level! The Green Society is organizing eco-activities such as National Sweater Day, The Spring Clean Up, Composting, Blue Day and Earth Hour. Mrs. Costello’s PIP students continue to collect C.A.’s recycling every Wednesday! We are also happy to welcome our NEW Green Society mascot, G1. G1 visits classes to let our students know about upcoming eco-events and reminds our students to continue to recycle. Let’s Go Green C.A! On January 8th, we competed our Initial EcoReview, here are the results: Energy Conservation: Lights turned off when not required: 82% Computer monitors turned off when not re quired: 96% Printers, photocopiers, and other electronic equipment are on standby when not in use and turned off at the end of the day: 100% Space around vents on walls, ceilings, or window sills is kept free of obstruction: 100% Classroom blinds are closed: 70% Waste Minimization: Continue to encourage students to properly sort waste and recyclable materials in the classrooms, hallways and café. Continue to encourage students to use G.O.O.S. paper By Mrs. Rizzo In the words of St. Teresa of Avila, We are God’s hands. On Saturday January 24, 2015, the Cardinal Ambrozic Social Justice Awareness group traveled to Consuelo in the Dominican Republic. Having visited the area in 2013, it was evident that there was a great need for English Literacy among the children of Consuelo. By improving their literacy skills, these children will have greater career opportunities and will not have to rely on working in the harsh conditions found on the plantations. Thus, our project El Libro came to “By improving their literacy light. Our students, Matteo P. (Grade 10); David A., Julia B., Pri- skills, these children will ya B., Angelina D., Adrienne E., have greater career opNikolas F., Vanessa F. (Grade 11); portunities and will not and Phylicia T. (Grade 12), along have to rely on working in with four teachers, witnessed the social issues that plague our the harsh conditions found brothers and sisters in the devel- on the plantations.” oping world. They brought with them books, medical supplies and toiletries for the schools and families in and around Consuelo. We thank our school community and St. Patrick’s Parish for their generosity and support while on this journey. By Gianluca G., Student They all felt a common sense of accomplishment and joy in having been able to participate on the trip. They were able to demonstrate acts of love, kindness, generosity and compassion by giving back to the Dominican people who find themselves impoverished. As a final tribute, students shared poetry to commemorate Black History Month and together the River Hawks concluded Black History Month with applause and cheers from the audience in appreciation for those students who travelled to help others in need. Let us all remember the words of a great leadA special thanks was given to the students who er, “Education is the most powerful weapon spoke on behalf of the Dominican Republic trip, which you can use to change Mr. Frasson, Ms. Laxton, Mr. the world”, Nelson Mandela. “Let us all remember Selvam, the school band and Every year during the month of the words of a great choir who entertained the crowd February students at Cardinal leader, ”Education is throughout the event. Gratitude Ambrozic Catholic Secondary goes out to Ms. Jones, Ms. Zoffrathe most powerful School reflect upon historical nieri, Mr. Gibson and Mr. Dovigo weapon which you can events involving the black and the AV Club for visuals community that have brought use to change the world” throughout the presentation. The positive change in the world Cardinal Ambrozic school commuNelson Mandela we live in today. During mornnity continues to impress with its ing announcements students ongoing commitment in carrying are asked to reflect on iconic black figures that on the Black History legacy by continuing to have revolutionized society through their many bring positive change within not only the school accomplishments. community but also society that surrounds them. Congratulations River Hawks for your On Thursday February 26th and Friday February continued outstanding involvement in celebrat27th, the school concluded its celebration of ing Black History Month. Back History Month by bringing the River Hawk community together in a heart-warming assemCP 24’s Patricia Jaggernauth presented to our CA student body in celebration of Black History Month. bly. With the help of the organizing committee, Ms. Zoffranieri, Ms. Jones, Mr. Gibson, Ms. Kitto, Ms. Laxton, Ms. Schirk and Ms. Taylor-Baptiste, both students and staff gathered to listen to accounts from fellow students regarding their personal experiences on their journey through the Bateyes in the Dominican Republic. Students discussed their experiences and the relationships they developed with those less fortunate. By Mr. O’Toole and Ms. Abbruscato The Leadership Program at Ambrozic has been ance in Your Life. They worked with our Planactively involved in student life since last Au- ning for Independence students and particigust. Our large “Link Crew” trained for and pated with them in the Arts Olympics at St. presented the Grade 9 OriThomas Aquinas in Deentation Day on Wed. Au- “They worked with our Planning for In- cember. They were also gust 27, 2014. 275 Grade 9 dependence students and participated placed in 14 Grade 9 or students attended and were 10 classrooms as “Peer with them in the Arts Olympics at St. treated to a big welcome Tutors” for the semester, assembly as well as small Thomas Aquinas…” doing everything from group break-out sessions and school tours. Link Crew also put on the very community building to teaching lessons and one-on-one tutoring. The Peer Tutors presented successful Grade 9 Retreat at Boyd Park. “BOYS NITE” on Feb. 12, and look forward to Our Grade 11 Leadership Students took over working again with the Planning for Independfrom there, doing classroom visits to the grade ence students in presenting at our Easter Litur9’s doing activities like Goal Setting and Bal- gy. By Ms. Paguandas Ambrozic French students attended The Cinéfranco International Youth French Film Festival at the Hot Docs theatre in Toronto on Monday, February 23rd. Such an exciting opportunity to immerse our students in French culture! And the French language! Vive le français! Image: http://2015.cinefranco.com/en/ By Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board ALLEGATION OF SEXUAL ABUSE REGARDING THE LATE FR. JAMES (JIM) ROTH, OSFS Information regarding an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor related to the late Fr. James (Jim) Roth, OSFS, is posted on the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board’s main webpage at www.dpcdsb.org. Additional information, including where to report abuse or suspected abuse, is also posted on the website of Father Roth’s religious order, the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, at www.tdprovince.org and the Archdiocese of Toronto at www.archtoronto.org . Please consult these sources as appropriate. By Ms. Ramalho As we move into March, CA’s four varsity dance teams are busy preparing for competition season. Our school’s Bhangra, Hip Hop, Jazz and Latin dance teams will all be competing at both the Kiwanis High School Dance Competition on Thursday April 9th at The University of Toronto and Dancers for Cancer Competition on Wednesday April 25th in Georgetown. CA’s varsity Hip Hop team was also accepted to compete at the prestigious, BYOB - Bring Your Own Beat Competition on Saturday April 18th in Toronto. This year CA’s dance teams will also be participating in the inaugural, DufferinPeel Dance for a Cause Showcase. This event features five different high schools from Dufferin-Peel and will be held at The Rose Theatre on Wednesday June 3rd at 7pm. Each participating school will be performing dances inspired by the Catholic Virtues. “Good luck to all 40 of our varsity dancers this competition season!” By Ms. Lindsay On April 24th, 2015 ten grade 11 and 12 Law students will be representing Cardinal Ambrozic in The Ontario Bar Associations Annual Mock Trial Competition. This competition is highly revered and it has representation from high schools all across Ontario. The top team from this divisional competition will move on and compete in front of real Ontario Superior Court Judges at the Ontario Superior Court in Toronto in May. The competition recreates the dramatic centre of the Canadian justice system by allowing students to play roles in trial, including prosecutor, defense counsel and witness. Such a "hands-on" learning activity provides students with the opportunity to learn the basic facts about court room procedures, rules of evidence and various legal concepts inherent in a criminal trial including "innocent until proven guilty". By Ms. Vinante-Marino Students were invited to experience A DAY ON BAY with the Junior Economic Club of Canada on Tuesday, February 17th, 2015. The day was filled with engaging presentations from President and CEO of the Economic Club of Canada to other celebrities of the financial world. Students began their day at the TSX Broadcast Centre, in Toronto’s Financial District and learned all about the TSX from ex-trader, Megan Daly. Students continued to gain valuable knowledge from STUDENT CORNER: DAY ON BAY... Today I learned… “...how your health and wealth is connected….how to prepare for an interview…hear different people talk about different things.” Nikkole C. “…saving now at a young age will have a major impact in my future.” -Cheyenne C. “…different pathways in business and finance….the professional designation CPA (certified professional accountant)” Prabhsimran S. “…how to land a job professionally…what to wear, how to speak, and a lot of things about jobs.” -Justice A. “…what kind of education I need to get into business…how many opportunities are available…”—Kiranjeet G. “…a lot about stocks…how they work and how to understand them. I like that they explained how to invest …because that information could really benefit me in the future.” Gurkaran S “...controlling money and budgeting and I liked learning about the speakers’ experience in the Business world.” -Valentina O. “...I now know how the stock market works and how to save money.” -Jigargit experts about making smart financial decisions involving budgeting, investments, trading and insurance. Students participated in fun polling activities and game simulations resulting in winning numerous prizes, including cash—very fitting for a day in the Financial District! In addition, students learned how to prepare for interviews, dress for success, and came to understand the importance of balanced wellness. Overall, Cardinal Ambrozic students had a very PROFITABLE day! By Mr. Attanasio As semester 2 rolls out, there are several important dates that will involve students in mathematics 1. Grade 12 students will be writing the Waterloo Euclid Math Contest April 15th, 2015 2. Grade 9, 10 and 11 students will be writing the Waterloo Math Contest April 16th, 2015 3. Several grade 7 and 8 students will be involved in the Regional Ontario Mathematic Olympics Trials April 16th, 2015 4. Our grade 9 students will be writing EQAO Mathematics Assessment in Early June 5. EQAO Support will be offered in April or May for grade 9 students. These support sessions will run after school Throughout semester 2, the Mathematics and Business Department invite students to attend Math Aid from 3 to 4 PM every Tuesday to Thursday in room 224. Math Aid offers students assistance to a specific problem or question where students can work with their peers or ask the on duty teacher for some help. Math Aid is not a tutoring service and is not a substitute for daily practice and review. By Adrianna L., Student event, and students who participated in the past describe it as an enjoyable and educational experiAre you a Cardinal Ambrozic student who is inter- ence. ested in the dramatic arts? Do you want to step out of your comfort zone and build your confidence? The students, with the assistance and direction of a Do you want to be in a club where it’s okay to be Rose Theater director, along with teachers Mr. Spina who you are and where no one judges you for be- and Ms. Borrelli, will be putting together a 1920s version of the Shakespearean play Twelfth Night. The ing you? Well the Drama Club is the club for you! students will be performing at the Rose Theater with The Drama Club is a club where students are given other schools in May. Along with the main perforthe ability to develop their theatrical talent. It allows mance, the event also includes a whole day of acand assists them to live up to their full potential in tivities such as sound-check and dress rehearsal. It is the dramatic arts through the use of constructive definitely an experience not to miss and we hope criticism, learning new techniques, and exposure to to see you there! the process of creating and properly preparing for a theatrical production. It also allows you to meet If you want to help backstage and “behind the scenes”, or have always dreamed about performnew friends and have fun in the process! ing in front of an audience, then stop by our reRecently, the Drama Club has been in preparation hearsals in the Lecture Hall every Tuesday after of an event called Shake it Up Shakespeare, an school. The Drama Club is always looking for new event held by Brampton’s very own Rose Theater. It members, no experience necessary! So come on is Cardinal Ambrozic’s third year participating in this out and join us for an unforgettable experience! “O had I followed the arts!” (1.3.94) Twelfth Night. By Mrs. Grossi-Sperandio Despite a two and a half hour return to school, inclement weather could not put a damper on the English Media and Communication Technologies trip to downtown Toronto. On Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015, Mrs. Grossi-Sperandio and Mr. Dovigo's respective “A media-literate classes attended two day was had by photo exhibits at Ryerson University folall!” lowed by a tour of Bell Media. Ryerson's first exhibit offered a historical overview of the role of photography in defining beauty and glamour, while the second exhibit challenged the portrayal of women in anti-glamour portraits. The day culminated with a behind the scenes tour of the CP24, Business Network, E Talk, Marilyn Denis and The Social studio sets. A media literate day was had by all!! Image: hopefulandinspired.wordpress.com320 By Mrs. Grossi-Sperandio On Thursday, March 5th, 2015, students, parents and teachers joined together at the Bolton Landmark Theatre to celebrate Cardinal Ambrozic's video submissions in the Young Reels Festival. Congratulations to all the students who participated in this year's film festival. We look forward to seeing more great things on the big screen from these aspiring directors, producers and screenwriters in the future. The Director’s Club continues to meet every Monday in room 229. All are welcome! THE NOT SO GODFATHER FOODFIGHT—Directed by Aryman B. and Raymond P. Image: http://www.caledon.library.on.ca/teens/YoungReels.aspx IT’S NOT THAT EASY—Directed by Natasha V., Victoria G., and Nicole M.. By Mr. Frasson On Wednesday, February 18th our Grade 9 Concert Band participated in the Golden Horseshoe Music Festival at Redeemer College. They performed exceptionally and were rewarded with a Gold Standing. Their performance was also recognized with an invitation to the National Music Festival. Congratulations to all who performed!! SPRING CONCERT 2015 Come out and listen to our award winning music program on Thursday May 14th. Our annual Spring Concert promises to be a Fantastic evening. We will be showcasing a variety of popular music. The following ensembles will be performing: Grade 9 Concert Band, Senior Concert Band, Guitar Ensemble and Choir. Spring Concert Thursday, May 14th By Mrs. Venier Cardinal Ambrozic’s grades 11 and 12 first semester’s fashion students created extraordinary clothing collections that embraced environmental and social responsibility. Inspired by Wii’s Just Dance video game, students captured the essence of their chosen Just Dance video while using environmentally friendly materials. Students worked in teams to design and construct cohesive collections; masterfully applying the elements and principles of fashion design. marketing and design/ construction procedures & techniques. The culmination of the collections was a shining example of the hard work, perseverance, and high level of skills that our fashion students put forth. The student-run fashion show was coordinated by a team of passionate students; Cheyenne M., Creative Director, Shequana W., Gr. 11 Coordinator, and Corina C., Grade 12 Coordinator. They were integral to the show’s success. The project supported curriculum theory on fast fashion, social/environmental issues, By Mrs. Venier The CA Fashion Program is proud to announce that some of its fashion students are moving on to study fashion at the post-secondary level. The prestigious, highly competitive, and industry respected Ryerson University’s School of Fashion, has already accepted some of our talented, soon-to-begraduates….A heart-felt congratulations goes out to these future fashion innovators. By Mrs. Iarusci Hello Cardinal Ambrozic students, parents and staff!...The Art Department has been buzzing with excitement since the start of the new semester. We began with an amazing art show at the Beaux-Arts Brampton Gallery where our students show-cased modern sculptures, abstract paintings and large pencil portraits. Also, Liane W. was selected as one of the top ten finalists for the Peel Region Art and Essay Contest and was recognized by many dignitaries at a reception held at the Mississauga Convention Center. Finally, our grade nine students visited the Royal Ontario Museum with a special focus on the artefacts and the everyday lives of people in Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. We are blessed with many talents at this great school. By Ms. Paguandas Our annual multicultural evening was held on March 11, 2015. Due to the organizational efforts of our committed Pavilions, the celebration of our diverse Cardinal Ambrozic community was a resounding success! Our guests enjoyed cultural dance performances AND a delicious array of treats and munchies from each of our pavilions! We also had our first danceparty in Cardinal Avenue!!! A sincere thank-you to YOU, our CaraCardinal family, for supporting our initiative … see you in 2016!