Social Studies, Chapter 3, Lesson 1 Outline

Social Studies, Chapter 3, Lesson 1 Outline
I. Traveling Asia’s Silk Road
A. The Silk Road
1. Paper____________________, ____________________, and
____________________were new to Marco Polo and unknown
in____________________, where he came from.
2. ____________________was a trading city in what is
3. The Polos were____________________and their goal was to bring
back valuable trade goods from____________________. When they
reached____________________, they became guests of
____________________, the emperor.
4. An emperor is the____________________of an
5. The Chinese had great wealth because hundreds of years earlier, they
had learned to weave____________________cloth. It was said that
silk became worth its weight in____________________.
6. The Chinese developed other valuable trade goods such as
7. ____________________wanted the spices to____________________
food and to improve its____________________.
8. The major trade route between China and other lands was known as
9. ____________________and trade____________________ were not
all that traveled the Silk Road. ____________________,
____________________, and ____________________also traveled
the Silk Road.
10. Marco Polo’s journey made the____________________and
the____________________want to know more about each other.
B. Chinese Sailors
1. In about 1400, China began to build an enormous
2. The fleet’s mission was to____________________Chinese trade and to
show Chinese____________________.
3. A Chinese invention, the____________________
____________________, made it possible for sailors to determine
their____________________far out at sea.
4. The fleet sailed under the command of____________________
____________________. He and his fleet set sail in 1405. Over the
next 28 years, they made____________________voyages of
5. The fleet reached far-off lands
a. the spice-rich____________________
b. ____________________
c. the____________________
d. ____________________
e. the____________________
f. the east coast of____________________
6. Wherever the ships stopped, the____________________grew for
Chinese ____________________goods.