8/2/2012 Hybrid linac-MR for Real-time Tumor tracking and RT B.Gino Fallone Dept. of Medical Physics, Cross Cancer Institute & University of Alberta, Edmonton Canada Linac-MR.ca OUTLINE: 1/2 Need for Real-time MR-guided RT Design issues: Advantage of bi-planar MR Avoid irradiation of MRI Avoid eddy currents when Linac rotates wrt MRI Allows perpendicular and parallel configuration OUTLINE: 2/2 Proof of Concept:Cross Cancer Institute Tumour Tracking (4/s, auto-contouring, prediction for MLC action, etc) Auto-contouring Prediction for MLC deadtime Advantage of Parallel Configuration Simplification of Magnetic Shielding Improved Internal Patient Dosimetry Avoid electron return artifacts Improved penumbra INSIGNIFICANT Increase in surface skin dose Site: 0.5 T bi-planar MR (60 cm gap) - 6 MV linac 1 8/2/2012 Real-time tracking & Adaptive RT • Minimize PTV margin in dynamic target 10~20 mm CTV CTV Critical Structure Critical Structure PTV State of the art Real-time MR guided RT Bi-Planar linac –MR CCI 6 MV medical linear accelerator (linac). Low-field biplanar MR imager. CCI Concept Design Advantages 4. Source of Linac RF is away from the MRI avoiding RF interference 5. RF & magnetic shielding avoids mutual interferences MRI pole Linac beam stop 1. Unobstructed Beam 2. Linac is stationary wrt MRI avoiding MR field distortions 3. Field strength avoids distortion of dose distribution, susceptibility artifacts MRI pole 2 8/2/2012 Rotating Biplanar Options PERPENDICULAR TRANSVERSE PARALLEL LONGITUDINAL IN-LINE C. Kirkby, B. Murray, S. Rathee, B.G. Fallone. Lung dosimetry in a linac-MRI radiotherapy unit with longitudinal magneticfield, Med. Phys. 37(9), 4722-4732 (2010). Rotating Biplanar Options longitudinal, parallel, inline transverse, perpendicular C. Kirkby, B. Murray, S. Rathee, B.G. Fallone. Lung dosimetry in a linac-MRI radiotherapy unit with longitudinal magneticfield, Med. Phys. 37(9), 4722-4732 (2010). DEC, 8, 2008 CT- IMAGE acrylic rectangular cube, 15.95 x 15.95 x 25.4 mm with holes of diameters 2.52 mm, 3.45 mm and 4.78 mm. immersed in a 10 mM solution of CuSO4 within a plastic container 22.5 mm inner diameter. MR- IMAGE Taken without Linac Irradiation Inside an inductively tuned solenoid RF coil with an integrated pin-diode transmit/receive switch SNR: 80 gradient echo sequence, 90.0o, TE=14 ms, TR =300 ms, BandWDTH=10 kHz, slice = 7 mm, 128 x128, FOV 100 mm x 100 mm, 1 averages Each image was obtained in about 38 secs. Max Grad strength: 30 mT/m per channel Slew rate: 300 mT/m/ms MR-IMAGE Taken with Linac Irradiation SNR: 61 Fallone et al. First MR images obtained during megavoltage photon irradiation from a prototype integrated linac-MR system, Med Phys, 36(6), 2084- 2088 (2009). 3 8/2/2012 SAME SNR WITH/WITHOUT LINAC IRRADIATION May, 2009 Lamey, Burke, Rathee, Fallone, SU-FF-J-84, AAPM 2009. RF Shielding k-space data of the first (left) and second (right) phantoms taken during linac pulsing while the RF shielding was insufficient. The data illustrate clear ‘lines’ in the k-space from the RF interference picked up by the MRI coil. Lamey, Burke, Blosser, Rathee, DeZanche, Fallone, Radiofrequency shielding for a linac-MRI system, Phys. Med. Biol., 55(4), pp. 995-1006(2010). RF in Magnetic Fields Millenium MLC Motor Lamey, Yun, Burke, Rathee, Fallone, Radiofrequency noise from an MLC: a feasibility study of the use of MLCs for linac-MR systems, Phys. Med. Biol., 55(4), pp..981-994 (2010). One leaf moving 4 8/2/2012 MR Images with MLC at 70 cm from Isocentre UNSHIELDED STATIONARY MOVING (13 leafs) Lamey et al, COMP, Vancouver, BC, July 21-24, 2009 MR Images with MLC at 70 cm from Isocentre STATIONARY MOVING (13 leafs) M. Lamey*, J. Yun*, B. Burke*, S. Rathee, B.G. Fallone, Radiofrequency noise from an MLC: a feasibility study of the use of MLCs for linac-MR systems, Phys. Med. Biol., 55(4), pp.981994 (2010). Tumour Tracking Concept: Cross Cancer Institute Yun, Mackenzie, Rathee, Fallone, COMP, Vancouver, BC, July 21-24, 2009 5 8/2/2012 Summary of lung tumour motion studies Upto 15 mm AP Upto 50 mm SI Upto 10 mm LR -Speed of lung tumour motion : 4~94 mm/s -Up to 20% volume change & 50 degrees rotation Intra-fractional tumour tracking scheme On-line MLC conformation Intra-fractional MR imaging Motion prediction Autocontouring Current tumour position (i.e. centroid) AUTO-CONTOURING 6 8/2/2012 Auto-contouring algorithm ROI Pre-treatment image Motion Range Performed by an Expert user before treatment - ROI: single image containing least motion artifacts (ex. end of exhale period) - Motion Range: superimpose pre-treatment images for a few breathing cycles Auto-contouring algorithm Approx tumour position : ROI Crosscorrelation Motion Range Max correlation: Tumor position Contour tumor : Tumor Position Contour Auto- contouring: Evaluation Experiment • Lung Phantom is driven in by programmable 1-D motor. •Optical Encoder independently records position of tumour for comparison •Realistic tumour movement (inf-sup) as determined through Cyberknife patient data 7 8/2/2012 MR Lung Phantom Lung Motion Phantom Imaging at 3 T Relaxations times and proton densities corresponding to 0.2 and 0.5 T Noise added to obtain SNR/CNR for 0.2 and 0.5 T Evaluation of auto-contouring Phantom study Scan lung tumour motion phantom in 3T MRI w/ dynamic bSSFP (~ 4 fps) Process images to approximate lung tumour images at 0.2/0.5T Compare auto-contoured shape and its centroid to reference ones In-vivo study Scan NSCLC patient in 3T MRI for 3 min (~ 4 fps) Degrade images to simulate 0.2 ~ 1.5 T images Compare auto-contoured shape and its centroid to reference ones. 8 8/2/2012 Auto-contouring – in-vivo study Manual contouring 3T bSSFP, ~4 fps Auto-contouring 0.5T equiv.bSSFP Auto-contouring results Phantom study – 2 tumour shapes, 4 motion patterns (600 images each) 0.2T 0.5T RMSE (mm) < 0.92 < 0.55 Dice’s coeff. > 0.93 > 0.96 In-vivo study – 1 patient, 650 images 0.2T ± 1.15 0.84 ± 0.06 ∆ d (mm) in 2D 1.71 Dice’s coeff. Auto-contouring 0.5T 1.38 0.86 ± 0.69 ± 0.03 takes < 5 ms/image (Intel i7, 32 bit Windows7, Labview) Real Time Dynamic Scans (~4 fps) 3T CNR ~ 48 Estimated 0.5T CNR ~ 8 (Reduce by Factor of 6, Conservative Estimate) 9 8/2/2012 Auto-contouring (3 T images) Original image Auto-contoured image Auto-contouring (Est. 0.5 T images) Original image Auto-contoured image Auto-contouring (Est. 0.2 T images) Original image Auto-contoured image 10 8/2/2012 Centroid Positions RMSE = 0.5mm Summary of Tracking Measurements CNR 13.2 at 0.5 T for bSSFP (~ 4 fps) CNR 5.6 at 0.2 T for bSSFP ( ~ 4 fps) our auto-contouring algorithm obtained good quality contours of spherical tumours with CNR ≥ 2.5 Conventional dynamic lung imaging sequences provide sufficient tumour-tissue CNR and temporal resolution for real time MR lung tumour tracking at 0.2T and for 0.5 T J. Yun, E. Yip, K. Wachowicz, S. Rathee, M. Mackenzie, D. Robinson, B.G. Fallone, Evaluation of a lung tumor auto-contouring algorithm for intra-fractional tumor tracking using low-field MRI A phantom study,, Medical Physics, 39(3), pp. 1481-1494(2012). PREDICTION 11 8/2/2012 Motion Prediction Sources of system delay Detection of tumour position Signal acquisition Beam delivery Image Image MLC reconstruction processing motion Total system delay Motion prediction is required to compensate for the tumour motion during the system delay Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) A mathematical model inspired by biological NN structure Number of studies used ANN in breathing motion prediction in Medical Physics Comparative studies stated superior performance of ANN in breathing motion prediction over other methods (linear filter, Kalman filter, etc) Human neuron vs. Neuron model Human neuron Neuron model Single neuron Single neuron Neural networks Neural networks 12 8/2/2012 Linear neuron i1 i2 w11 … w31 Output w21 in i1 w1 i2 w2 … w3 Output ∑ inwn in Nonlinear neuron i1 i2 w1 … w3 Output w2 in i1 w1 i2 w2 … w3 Output t=∑ inwn in Feedforward neural networks Forward phase i1 i2 … in Input layer (Previous positions) 1w 11 1w 21 1w 31 1w 12 1w 22 1w 32 1w 13 1w 23 1w 33 3w 11 2w 21 2w 31 2w 12 2w 22 3w 11 3w 21 Output 2w 32 Hidden layer Output layer (Future position) 13 8/2/2012 Learning (i.e. weight updating) i1 i2 w11 … w31 output w21 Error = Desired output – Actual output in Cost function: C = ∑ Error 2 1. Find ∆wij that could minimize C (least mean square, steepest gradient, etc) 2. Update each w : wnew = wold+∆w ANN structure in our study i1 i2 Output … w1 w2 w3 in Output layer Input layer (Previous positions) • (Future position) Hidden layer non-linear neurons, sigmoid func.f(x) = • freedom to choose 1 or 2 hidden layers • 1 1 + e-x no limitation selecting # neurons in each layer Challenges in motion prediction in MRI based tumour tracking 1.Determining the best ANN structure for each patient . - ANN performance depends on its structure - Large variations in lung tumor motions in each patient 2. Imaging rate of MRI (typically 3 - 4 fps) - MLC is triggered at same rate: 3 – 4 Hz 14 8/2/2012 Optimization of ANN structure • Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Stochastic optimization technique inspired by social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling <source: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/3410, http://old.kookje.co.kr/news2006/asp/center.asp> Optimization of ANN structure • Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) : Min [ RMSE (measured position – predicted position) ] of a training pattern 1st iteration (updated locations) Start with 7 particles (7 ANN structures) End (best particle) Solution to tracking failures • Multiple ANNs & predictions More frequent MLC motion triggering (ex. 1 ANN vs. 7 ANN, imaging at 3.6 fps, predict 280 ms future) 1 ANN predicts a single tumour position at 560 ms 280 ms MLC motion based on previous 2 positions 280ms 1 ANN: P(0 ms) P(280) triggered every 280 ms P(560) P’(560) P(t) : tumour position at t (trained (ms) detected 7 ANNs separately) predict seven tumour positions from each MR image at 560 800 ms (3.6 fps = every 280 ms) 7 ANN: P(0 ms) P(280) P’(560) P(560) 40 ms MLC motion triggered P’(800) every 40 ms 15 8/2/2012 Evaluation of ANN performance using patient data • Cyberknife system used to produce 3D estimated tumour positions at 25Hz • 29 lung cancer patients data (≥ 3 fractions of treatment per patient) was used. • RMSE is calculated between original & predicted tumor positions in SI directions of lung tumour motion Motion prediction Our Algorithm’s Prediction-- 1D sup-inf tumour position in 280 ms advance Tested on 3D tumour motion by Cyberknife: (Suh et al. PMB, 53,36-23-40(2008) : Original data : Prediction : Error (mm) 12 Position (mm) 12 10 Position (mm) 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 0 -2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 -4 60 Time (s) 2 0 -2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 -4 55 60 Time (s) 12 Position (mm) 10 Position (mm) 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 0 -4 55 8 6 4 2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Time (s) 0 -2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 -4 50 55 Time (s) J.Yun, M. Mackenzie, S. Rathee, D. Robinson, B.G. Fallone, An artificial neural network (ANN) based lung tumor motion predictor for intra-fractional MR tumor tracking, Medical Physics, 39(7), pp. 4423-4433 (2012). On-line MLC PREDICTION CCI –linac-MR Prototype 16 8/2/2012 On-line MLC conformation Control MLC on-line to conform to the tumour shape at predicted position Varian 52-leaf MLC (5 mm width, ~ 1 cm/s speed) Lead screws 26 servo motors (motor + encoder) 26 Leaves On-line MLC conformation Tracking software Desired leaf positions While loop 1. Motor on/off FPGA card 2. Direction Electronics MLC Encoder output (current leaf positions) FPGA : Field Programmable Gate Array Demonstration of intra-fractional tracking 17 8/2/2012 Experimental Set-Up RF shielding MRI (0.2 T) Phantom Linac 10 MLC leaf (5 leaf each side, each motor has encoder) Shaft Encoder Motor Intra-fractional tracking scheme Beam on while tracking MR imaging at 4 fps (250 ms) MLC Conformation Target shape + its future position MR image of moving target Target auto-contouring Motion prediction Target shape Determine centroid Centroid (current target position) -10 MLC leaves (5 in each side) are used for tracking - Encoder readings from phantom & MLC motors every 50 ms - 2 minutes Beam-On (200 MUs delivered) MR compatible motion phantom Gafchromic film Assembled phantom Polystyrene case Target (porcelain gel + 12 mM CuSO4) MR image during tracknig Phantom moving direction - Phantom motion follows pre-defined 1-D motion pattern during tracking - To register films to each other, the edges of the phantom (indicated by red dots) are manually marked. 18 8/2/2012 Phantom motion patterns used for tracking 2 cm 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Time(s) - 2 cm Sine pattern (period: 6.7 s, amp: 4 cm, max. speed : 1.8 cm/s) Modified cosine pattern (simulating diaphragm motion during breathing) (period: 5.1 s, amp: 4 cm, max: speed : 3.1 cm/s) Demonstration of intra-fractional tracking - For each motion pattern, moving target was irradiated for 2 minutes as follow: 1. Without tracking (MLC conformed to initial target position during irradiation) 2. With tracking + without motion prediction 3. With tracking + with motion prediction Sine pattern - without tracking Moving target without tracking Film profiles (while lines) Dose (cGy) Non-moving target 300 250 200 150 Non-moving Moving w/o tracking 100 50 0 Well defined edges 1 Blurred edges 51 101 151 201 251 301 pixel number Encoder reading Phantom motion pattern vs. MLC motion pattern (recorded every 50 ms) 1 0.5 0 0 : Phantom 2 encoder reading 4 6 : MLC 8 Time(s) motor encoder readings (averaged) 19 8/2/2012 Sine pattern - tracking without prediction Moving target tracking w/o prediction Film profiles (while lines) Dose (cGy) Non-moving target 300 250 200 150 Non-moving Moving w/o prediction 100 50 0 Well defined edges 1 Blurred edges 51 101 151 201 251 pixel number Encoder reading Phantom motion pattern vs. MLC motion pattern (recorded every 50 ms) 1 275 ms system delay 0.5 0 0 2 : Phantom 4 encoder reading 6 : MLC Time(s) 10 8 motor encoder readings (averaged) Sine pattern - tracking with prediction Non-moving target Moving target tracking with prediction Film profiles (while lines) Dose (cGy) 300 250 200 150 Non-moving Moving with prediction 100 50 0 Well defined edges 1 Well defined edges 51 101 151 201 251 pixel number Encoder reading Phantom motion pattern vs. MLC motion pattern (recorded every 50 ms) Time(s) : Phantom encoder reading : MLC motor encoder readings (averaged) Sine pattern - penumbra comparisons Dose (cGy) 300 250 200 Non-moving Moving w/o tracking Tracking w/o prediction Tracking w/ prediction 150 100 50 0 1 51 101 151 201 251 pixel 301 number - Physical target dimension : 60 mm 50 % profile Non-moving 62.9 mm 20/80 % profile (avg. both side) 6.5 mm Moving without tracking 63.5 mm 33.0 mm Tracking without prediction 62.4 mm 11.5 mm Tracking with prediction 62.0 mm 7.3 mm 20 8/2/2012 Modified cosine pattern - without tracking Moving target without tracking Non-moving target Film profiles (while lines) Dose (cGy) 300 250 200 150 Non-moving Moving w/o tracking 100 50 0 Well defined edges 1 Blurred edges 51 101 151 201 251 301 pixel number Encoder reading Phantom motion pattern vs. MLC motion pattern (recorded every 50 ms) 1 0.5 0 0 : Phantom 2 4 encoder reading 6 : MLC Time(s) 8 motor encoder readings (averaged) Modified cosine pattern - tracking without prediction Moving target Non-moving target tracking w/o prediction Film profiles (while lines) Dose (cGy) 300 250 200 150 Non-moving Moving w/o prediction 100 50 0 Well defined edges 1 Blurred edges 51 101 151 201 251 pixel number Encoder reading Phantom motion pattern vs. MLC motion pattern (recorded every 50 ms) 1 340 ms system delay 0.5 0 0 : Phantom 2 4 encoder reading 6 : MLC 8 10 Time(s) motor encoder readings (averaged) Modified cosine pattern - tracking with prediction Moving target Non-moving target tracking with prediction Film profiles (while lines) Dose (cGy) 300 250 200 150 Non-moving Moving with prediction 100 50 0 Well defined edges 1 Well defined edges 51 101 151 201 251 pixel number Phantom motion pattern vs. MLC motion pattern (recorded every 50 ms) Encoder reading 1 0.5 0 0 : Phantom 2 4 encoder reading 6 : MLC 8 10Time(s) motor encoder readings (averaged) 21 8/2/2012 Dose (cGy) Modified cosine pattern - penumbra comparisons 300 250 200 150 Non-moving Moving w/o tracking Tracking w/o prediction Tracking w/ prediction 100 50 0 1 51 101 151 201 251 301number pixel - Physical target dimension : 60 mm 50 % profile Non-moving 62.6 mm 20/80 % profile (avg. both side) 6.6 mm Moving without tracking 63.6 mm 34.1 mm Tracking without prediction 61.9 mm 15.8 mm Tracking with prediction 62.2 mm 8.6 mm Advantages: Rotating Bi-planar Design PERPENDICULAR TRANSVERSE PARALLEL LONGITUDINAL IN-LINE C. Kirkby, B. Murray, S. Rathee, B.G. Fallone. Lung dosimetry in a linac-MRI radiotherapy unit with longitudinal magneticfield, Med. Phys. 37(9), 4722-4732 (2010). MAJOR ADVANTAGES Parallel, longitudinal, inline 1) SIMPLIFIED MAGNETIC SHIELDING 2) IMPROVED INTERNAL PATIENT DOSIMETRY 22 8/2/2012 Dosimetric Validation Achieved 40x40 cm2 20x20 cm2 10x10 cm2 5x5 cm2 Beam Loss Transverse Magnetic Field Effects: Beam Loss Longitudinal Magnetic shielding • Transverse magnetic fields: – 20% beam loss at ~ 4 G (homogeneous field) • Longitudinal magnetic fields: – 20% beam loss at ~ 120 G (homogeneous field) • 0.5 T open MRI – No magnetic shielding required • Given a 20% beam loss constraint J. St.Aubin*, S. Steciw, B.G. Fallone, Effect of transverse magnetic fields on a simulated in-line 6 MV linac, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 55(16), pp. 4861-4869(2010). J. St-Aubin*, S. Steciw, D-M Santos, B.G. Fallone, Effect of longitudinal magnetic fields on a simulated 6 MV linac, Medical Physics, 37(9), pp. 4916-4923 (2010). D-M Santos, J. St-Aubin, B.G. Fallone, S. Steciw, Magnetic shielding investigation for a 6 MV in-line linac within the parallel configuration of a linac-MR system, Medical Physics 39(2): 788-797 (2012) 23 8/2/2012 MAJOR ADVANTAGES Parallel, longitudinal, inline 1) SIMPLIFIED MAGNETIC SHIELDING 2) IMPROVED INTERNAL PATIENT DOSIMETRY Perpendicular vs. Parallel In the parallel configuration, the effect of the magnetic field is to somewhat collimate the shower of secondary electrons, thereby reducing the beam penumbra and focusing the dose depositing by a given beam. Dosimetry at AP Axial and Sagittal (0.5 ) 24 8/2/2012 5 field Lung Plan Eclipse TPS Relative Difference (0.2 T) Relative Difference (0.5 T) 25 8/2/2012 1.5 T FC geometry Cylindrical MRs Parallel Configuration: Lower penumbra C. Kirkby, B. Murray, S. Rathee, B.G. Fallone. Lung dosimetry in a linac-MRI radiotherapy unit with longitudinal magneticfield, Med. Phys. 37(9), 4722-4732 (2010). Parallel Configuration: PTV-Dose increase per Bo POTENTIALLY USED TO DECREASE DOSE TO NORMAL TISSUE WITH SAME DOSE TO PTV 26 8/2/2012 Surface Dose: Longitudinal Schematic diagram of the longitudinal linac-MR system with the isocenter at 126 cm. The CAX magnetic field maps of our realistic 3-D models versus a 1-D model ENTRANCE SURFACE SKIN DOSE 10 x10 cm2 photon beam ; Phantom surface at 21.5 cm air gap ENTRY SURFACE DOSE AIR GAP between surface and pole piece 27 8/2/2012 EXIT SURFACE DOSE CAX 10 x10 cm2 photon beam; phantom surface at 136 cm from source Parallel- Perpendicular 0.5 T MR – 6 MV linac longitudinal, parallel, inline transverse, perpendicular Areas of Active Research Dosimetry in a Magnetic Field Earth’s Magnetic Field -Homogeneity of the Rotating MR Field Magnetic Susceptibility Effects - Subject Rotation wrt magnet Optimization: MR imagimg affected by Linac RF Noise Optimization: Magnetic Shielding of the Linac from the MR Optimization of Magnet Shape, Size and Configuration Shielding the MR from the Linac MR Simulation for Radiation Treatment Planning Real-Time MR-based Tumour Tracking Fast Pulse Sequence Development at Low Field Image Characteristics & hyperpolarized gas for lungs at low field Pre-commercialization Studies 28 8/2/2012 The TEAM B.G. Fallone, B. Murray, S. Rathee E.Blosser, S. Steciw, K. Wiechowicz, N. deZanche, C. Field C. Kirkby, M. Mackenzie, D. Robinson, B. Warkentin B. Burke, J. St-Aubin, A. Ghila, D. Santos, E. Yip, D. Baillie, J. Yun, M. Reynolds, T. Tadic R. Pearcey, R. Urtasan (Radiation Oncologists Leads) Acknowledgement FUNDED by Alberta Cancer Foundation Alberta Cancer Board – Alberta Health Services Western Economic Diversification, Canada Alberta Advanced Education & Technology Alberta Innovates Natural Science & Engineering , Canada (NSERC) Canadian Institutes Health Research(CIHR) (ART)2 linac-MR.ca 29