M0084 – Sistem Informasi dalam Manajemen Multiple Choice – Individual Assignment

M0084 – Sistem Informasi dalam Manajemen
Multiple Choice – Individual Assignment
Pertemuan – 17
Marketing Information Systems
1. In marketing terminology, _______ deals with the means of physically moving the
product to the customer through a channel of distribution.
a. product
b. promotion
c. price
d. place
2. In marketing terminology, ________ consists of all the elements relating to what the
customer pays for the product.
a. product
b. promotion
c. price
d. place
3. Which of the following is a type of marketing information that flows from the
environment into the firm?
a. promotion
b. internal marketing information
c. marketing communications
d. marketing intelligence
4. The promotion subsystem functions on the _______ side of an MKIS.
a. output
b. input
c. decision
d. office automation
5. ________ is a study of the firm's sales activity in terms of what products are being
a. Marketing analysis
b. Contract negotiation
c. Marketing intelligence
d. Sales Analysis
6. _________ is the data that the firm collects.
a. Secondary data
b. Sales data
c. Marketing data
d. Primary data
7. A(n) ________ involves asking a number of people the same questions by personal
interview, telephone, or mail.
a. in-depth interview
b. observation
c. controlled experiment
d. survey
8. A framework called the _____________ guides the manager in developing strategies
and tactics for each ingredient in the marketing mix and then integrates them into an
overall marketing plan.
b. SLC
c. product life cycle
d. marketing life cycle
9. Information that flows in the direction opposite to the material flow is called
____________ information.
a. feedforward
b. marketing
c. feedback
d. EDI
10. Firms that base their pricing on product costs are using ______ pricing.
a. cost-based
b. expense-based
c. demand-based
d. executive-based
11. ________ is the integrated-mix model receiving the most publicity.
12. ________ refers to a wide range of ethical activities that may be used to gather
information about competitors.
a. Marketing intelligence
b. Industrial espionage
c. Competitive scoping
d. Market penetration
13. Many firms have a _______, which performs a screening function and uses
evaluation models to compute scores for new product candidates.
a. new product committee
b. screening group
c. steering committee
d. new product officer team
14. In ________ pricing, product price is made to be compatible with the value placed by
the customer.
a. cost-based
b. expense-based
c. demand-based
d. executive-based
15. In which of the following categories did Li, McLeod, and Rogers discover
mathematical model usage increased between the years of 1980 and 1990?
a. Production deletion.
b. Operating budget.
c. New product evaluation.
d. Routing deliveries.