EAST CREDIT PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW Total Enrolment Versus Capacity 5000 Actual Projected 4500 Enrolment 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year Total Total OTG Historic and Projected Enrolment 900 Actual Projected 800 700 Enrolment 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year Our Lady of Good Voyage St. Bernadette St. Dunstan St. Gertrude St. Gregory St. Herbert St. Raymond St. Valentine For more information, please visit www.dpcdsb.org - Click on Pupil Accommodation Review EAST CREDIT PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW SCHOOL INFORMATION PROFILE (SIP) FACILITY PROFILE INSTRUCTIONAL PROFILE SCHOOL NAME STAFFING ‐ Teaching DATE OF CONSTRUCTION STAFFING ‐ Non‐Teaching BUILDING AREA ‐ GFA (m2) STAFFING ‐ Support Staff CHILD CARE STAFFING ‐ Itinerate Staff SCHOOL CAPACITY (OTG) STAFFING ‐ Administrative Staff SCHOOL ORGANIZATION PORTABLES RCMS AND PORTAPAKS PROGRAM OFFERINGS AND SPECIALIZED SERVICES INSTRUCTIONAL CLASSROOM SPACES EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES & SPECIAL EVENTS SPECIALIZED CLASSROOM SPACES STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT ‐ EQAO APPROPRIATE EXISTING SPACE CURRENT ENROLMENT OUTDOOR PLAY AREA AND GREEN SPACE PREVIOUS FIVE‐YEAR ENROLMENT FACILITY CONDITION TEN‐YEAR ENROLMENT PROJECTIONS ACCESSIBILITY TEN‐YEAR HISTORY OF MAJOR FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTED FIVE‐YEAR FACILITY RENEWAL NEEDS FINANCIAL TRANSPORTATION OTHER SCHOOL USE PROFILE CURRENT NON‐SCHOOL PROGRAMS CO‐LOCATED WITHIN SCHOOL COMMUNITY USE OF SCHOOL (Permits After Hours) BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS LEASE TERMS AT THE SCHOOL CURRENT COMMUNITY PLANNING PARTNERSHIPS RENT BEING COLLECTED FOR ABOVE USES OPERATING AT FULL COST RECOVERY For more information, please visit www.dpcdsb.org, Click on Pupil Accommodation Review What RATIONALE was used to develop these options? Reduce overall capacity by 1400‐1600 pupil places Increase and maximize overall utilization by 20% or higher Retain schools that are central to the catchment area Maintain Catholic presence within the East Credit Review Area Retain newer schools that have lower maintenance costs Increase utilization minimizing need for portables or an addition at receiving school Keeping school communities together when possible Taking into consideration major roads as boundary lines For more information, please visit www.dpcdsb.org, Click on Pupil Accommodation Review EAST CREDIT PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW STATUS QUO OTG O.L. Good Voyage 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 280 192 69% 178 64% 174 62% 175 63% 171 61% 170 61% 165 59% 165 59% 170 61% 167 60% 171 61% 487 215 44% 205 42% 201 41% 196 40% 198 41% 200 41% 201 41% 203 42% 206 42% 215 44% 217 45% 484 312 64% 316 65% 331 68% 350 72% 346 71% 358 74% 365 75% 373 77% 370 76% 373 77% 369 76% 752 367 279 646 86% 361 309 670 89% 347 309 656 87% 336 303 639 85% 334 304 638 85% 326 303 629 84% 312 301 613 82% 314 302 616 82% 315 302 617 82% 322 302 624 83% 322 302 624 83% 556 323 58% 309 56% 285 51% 283 51% 277 50% 270 49% 266 48% 271 49% 275 49% 280 50% 280 50% 533 264 50% 247 46% 237 44% 230 43% 227 43% 230 43% 232 44% 237 44% 239 45% 239 45% 242 45% 651 447 69% 388 60% 368 57% 348 53% 321 49% 297 46% 275 42% 252 39% 241 37% 231 35% 232 36% 651 377 58% 388 60% 394 61% 403 62% 416 64% 419 64% 429 66% 432 66% 443 68% 454 70% 449 69% 4394 2776 1618 63% 2701 1693 61% 2646 1748 60% 2624 1770 60% 2594 1800 59% 2573 1821 59% 2546 1848 58% 2549 1845 58% 2561 1833 58% 2583 1811 59% 2584 1810 59% Utilization St Bernadette Utilization St Dunstan Utilization St Gertrude St Gertrude FI Total St Gertrude Utilization St Gregory Utilization St Herbert Utilization St Raymond Utilization St Valentine Utilization Total Surplus Spaces Existing Utilization For more information, please visit www.dpcdsb.org - Click on Pupil Accommodation Review EAST CREDIT PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW Option 1 - PREFERRED Close Our Lady of Good Voyage, St Dunstan and St Gertrude OTG St Bernadette 487 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 215 205 215 44% 205 42% 201 160 361 74% 196 170 366 75% 198 167 365 75% 200 173 373 77% 201 178 379 78% 203 181 384 79% 206 178 384 79% 215 181 396 81% 217 179 396 81% 323 309 323 58% 309 56% 285 309 594 107% 283 303 586 105% 277 304 581 104% 270 303 573 103% 266 301 567 102% 271 302 573 103% 275 302 577 104% 280 302 582 105% 280 302 582 105% 264 247 264 50% 247 46% 237 171 408 77% 230 180 410 77% 227 179 406 76% 230 185 415 78% 232 187 419 79% 237 192 429 80% 239 192 431 81% 239 192 431 81% 242 190 432 81% 447 388 447 69% 388 60% 368 174 542 83% 348 175 523 80% 321 171 492 76% 297 170 467 72% 275 165 440 68% 252 165 417 64% 241 170 411 63% 231 167 398 61% 232 171 403 62% 377 388 377 58% 388 60% 394 347 741 114% 403 336 739 114% 416 334 750 115% 419 326 745 114% 429 312 741 114% 432 314 746 115% 443 315 758 116% 454 322 776 119% 449 322 771 118% 2646 232 60% 92% 32% 2624 254 60% 91% 31% 2594 284 59% 90% 31% 2573 305 59% 89% 31% 2546 332 58% 88% 31% 2549 329 58% 89% 31% 2561 317 58% 89% 31% 2583 295 59% 90% 31% 2584 294 59% 90% 31% South St Dunstan St Bernadette Utilization St Gregory FI St Gregory Utilization 556 St Herbert 533 North St Dunstan St Herbert Utilization St Raymond OLGV St Raymond Utilization 651 St Valentine St Gertrude St Valentine Utilization 651 Total 2878 Surplus Spaces Existing Utilization Proposed Utilization Increased Utilization 63% 61% For more information, please visit www.dpcdsb.org - Click on Pupil Accommodation Review EAST CREDIT PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW Option 2 Close Our Lady of Good Voyage, St Dunstan and St Valentine OTG St Bernadette 487 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 215 205 215 44% 205 42% 201 160 361 74% 196 170 366 75% 198 167 365 75% 200 173 373 77% 201 178 379 78% 203 181 384 79% 206 178 384 79% 215 181 396 81% 217 179 396 81% 264 247 264 50% 247 46% 237 171 144 552 104% 230 180 145 555 104% 227 179 148 554 104% 230 185 150 565 106% 232 187 153 572 107% 237 192 155 584 110% 239 192 158 589 111% 239 192 161 592 111% 242 190 159 591 111% 367 361 367 49% 361 48% 347 309 656 87% 336 303 639 85% 334 304 638 85% 326 303 629 84% 312 301 613 82% 314 302 616 82% 315 302 617 82% 322 302 624 83% 322 302 624 83% 323 309 323 58% 309 56% 285 250 535 96% 283 258 541 97% 277 268 545 98% 270 269 539 97% 266 276 542 97% 271 277 548 99% 275 285 560 101% 280 293 573 103% 280 290 570 103% 447 388 447 69% 388 60% 368 174 542 83% 348 175 523 80% 321 171 492 76% 297 170 467 72% 275 165 440 68% 252 165 417 64% 241 170 411 63% 231 167 398 61% 232 171 403 62% 2646 333 60% 89% 29% 2624 355 60% 88% 28% 2594 385 59% 87% 28% 2573 406 59% 86% 28% 2546 433 58% 85% 28% 2549 430 58% 86% 28% 2561 418 58% 86% 28% 2583 396 59% 87% 28% 2584 395 59% 87% 28% South St Dunstan St Bernadette Utilization St Herbert 533 North St Dunstan South St Valentine St Herbert Utilization St Gertrude FI St Gertrude Utilization 752 St Gregory 556 North St Valentine St Gregory Utilization St Raymond OLGV St Raymond Utilization 651 Total 2979 Surplus Spaces Existing Utilization Proposed Utilization Increased Utilization 63% 61% For more information, please visit www.dpcdsb.org - Click on Pupil Accommodation Review EAST CREDIT PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW Option 3 Close St Dunstan, St Gregory and St Herbert OTG OLGV 280 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 192 178 192 69% 178 64% 174 171 345 123% 175 180 355 127% 171 179 350 125% 170 185 355 127% 165 187 352 126% 165 192 357 128% 170 192 362 129% 167 192 359 128% 171 190 361 129% 215 205 215 44% 205 42% 201 160 141 502 103% 196 170 133 499 102% 198 167 134 499 102% 200 173 134 507 104% 201 178 134 513 105% 203 181 138 522 107% 206 178 139 523 107% 215 181 138 534 110% 217 179 140 536 110% 367 361 367 49% 361 48% 347 309 656 87% 336 303 639 85% 334 304 638 85% 326 303 629 84% 312 301 613 82% 314 302 616 82% 315 302 617 82% 322 302 624 83% 322 302 624 83% 447 388 447 69% 388 60% 368 285 653 100% 348 283 631 97% 321 277 598 92% 297 270 567 87% 275 266 541 83% 252 271 523 80% 241 275 516 79% 231 280 511 78% 232 280 512 79% 377 388 377 58% 388 60% 394 96 490 75% 403 97 500 77% 416 93 509 78% 419 96 515 79% 429 98 527 81% 432 99 531 82% 443 100 543 83% 454 101 555 85% 449 102 551 85% 2646 175 60% 94% 34% 2624 197 60% 93% 33% 2594 227 59% 92% 33% 2573 248 59% 91% 33% 2546 275 58% 90% 32% 2549 272 58% 90% 32% 2561 260 58% 91% 32% 2583 238 59% 92% 33% 2584 237 59% 92% 33% North St Dunstan OLGV Utilization St Bernadette 487 South St Dunstan West St Herbert St Bernadette Utilization St Gertrude FI St Gertrude Utilization 752 St Raymond St Gregory St Raymond Utilization 651 St Valentine 651 East St Herbert St Valentine Utilization Total 2821 Surplus Spaces Existing Utilization Proposed Utilization Increased Utilization 63% 61% For more information, please visit www.dpcdsb.org - Click on Pupil Accommodation Review EAST CREDIT PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW OPTION 1 - PREFERRED HW Y 4 01 Legend ER ST. GREGORY Existing Boundaries T RIV n ST. RAYMOND ST. VALENTINE 4 ! ½ ¹ DW St. Gertrude St. Gregory St. Herbert St. Raymond St. Valentine Proposed Boundaries 1 St. Bernadette 2 St. Herbert ! ! ! ! BRISTOL R St. Dunstan MCLAUGHLIN RD ! 3 St. Bernadette MAVIS RD RD W TERRY FOX WAY BRITANNIA CREDITVIEW RD CR E DI Our Lady of Good Voyage ST. HERBERT 2 ! 3 St. Raymond 4 St. Valentine ½ ¹ AVE W EGLINTON ST. BERNADETTE ! 1 HW Y 4 03 St. Joseph SS For more information, visit www.dpcdsb.org click on Pupil Accommodation Review 0 0.225 0.45 Kilometres 0.9 Ü October 2015, LF EAST CREDIT PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW OPTION 2 HWY 4 01 RIV ER ST. GREGORY Legend 2 ! Existing Boundaries ST. RAYMOND St. Bernadette St. Dunstan St. Gertrude St. Gregory St. Herbert St. Raymond ½ ¹ DW BRISTOL R ST. GERTRUDE n St. Valentine Proposed Boundaries St. Bernadette ! 1 2 ! ST. HERBERT 3 ! ! 3 ! 4 AVE W EGLINTON ½ ¹ St. Gregory St. Herbert St. Raymond St. Joseph SS ST. BERNADETTE 1 ! CREDITVIEW RD ! 4 Our Lady of Good Voyage MAVIS RD TERRY FOX WAY D CRE IT RD W BRITANNIA 403 HWY For more information, visit www.dpcdsb.org click on Pupil Accommodation Review 0 0.25 0.5 Kilometres 1 Ü October 2015, LF EAST CREDIT PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW OPTION 3 HWY 401 IT RIVE R Legend Existing Boundaries D CRE RD W BRITANNIA Our Lady of Good Voyage St. Bernadette 1 ! St. Dunstan St. Gertrude ST. RAYMOND 3 ! St. Herbert 4 ! CREDITVIEW RD St. Gregory ST. VALENTINE ½ ¹ R BRISTOL DW St. Raymond MAVIS RD OUR LADY OF GOOD VOYAGE ST.GERTRUDE n St. Valentine Proposed Boundaries 1 ! 2 ! 3 ! 4 ! ½ ¹ St. Bernadette St. Raymond St. Valentine St. Joseph SS ST. BERNADETTE 2 ! N AVE W EGLINTO Our Lady of Good Voyage 03 HWY 4 For more information, visit www.dpcdsb.org click on Pupil Accommodation Review 0 0.25 0.5 Ü Kilometres 1 October 2015, LF EAST CREDIT PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW STATUS QUO HW Y 4 01 ER ST. GREGORY Existing Boundaries ST. VALENTINE 8 ! ½ ¹ ST. HERBERT 6 ! ST. GERTRUDE 4 ! DW BRISTOL R 1 ! 7 ! CR CREDITVIEW RD ST. RAYMOND Legend MCLAUGHLIN RD ! 1 TERRY FOX WAY OUR LADY OF GOOD VOYAGE MAVIS RD RD W BRITANNIA 2 ! 3 ! 4 ! E DI T RIV 5 ! 5 ! 6 ! 7 ! 8 ! ½ ¹ ST. DUNSTAN Our Lady of Good Voyage St. Bernadette St. Dunstan St. Gertrude St. Gregory St. Herbert St. Raymond St. Valentine St. Joseph SS ! 3 ST. BERNADETTE 2 ! AVE W EGLINTON HW Y 4 03 For more information, visit www.dpcdsb.org click on Pupil Accommodation Review 0 0.25 0.5 Kilometres 1 Ü