Chapter 4 Social Studies Review cards

Chapter 4
Social Studies Review cards
1. Cut out the cards along the solid lines.
2. Use the following list of words to match each
vocabulary word, person or place with its correct
definition. Write the word on the back of the card.
3. Use the blank ones to create your own study cards.
4. Use the cards to STUDY!!!
Peter Stuyvestant
Armegott Printz
Johan Printz
New Sweden
Log cabins
beaver fur
Lush forests
and sparkling waters
-Henry Hudson
-Etienne Brule
-Cornelius Hendrickson
- New Netherlands
- Asia
-freedom and
better opportunities
Work together
Products to trade with the
Native Americans
Good Fortune
The ability to fight off
Descriptions of what
explorers saw
Governor of New Netherland
The young courageous
daughter of Johan Printz who
stayed in New Sweden after
the Dutch invaded
Records of what explorers
saw (maps, and written
Descriptions of what
explorers saw
Discovered the Delaware Bay
while sailing on the Half
The Dutch captain who
explored the Delaware and
Schuylkill Rivers
Governor of New Sweden
Explored the Susquehanna
River and the first to find land
in PA.
Material Europeans used to
make hats
Places where explorers
recorded their observations
The place European settlers
were looking for a quick water
route to.
The activity the colonists
worked together with the
Native Americans
What Europeans hoped to
find in PA
The colony located along the
Delaware River governed by
Johan Printz
Homes the Swedish settlers
first built
What the first explorers saw
in PA
The Dutch colony that took
over New Sweden in 1655.